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Atlantean's Quest Volume 1

Page 23

by Jordan Summers

  Ares’s chest squeezed when he heard the first round of gunfire. He’d moved ahead in an attempt to out pace the group. Now, he raced back through the trees, hoping he wasn’t too late, his thoughts automatically reaching for Jac. Branches scratched at his skin, leaving red welts behind. Terror flooded his mind. Ares wasn’t sure whether it was from her or himself.

  His hand gripped liana after liana. Iguanas scurried down the bark of palms, tree frogs leapt for their lives, while macaws and blue heron took flight. Ares sent out an energy pulse warning predators of his impending approach. Rage the likes of which he’d never felt, exploded inside. If the red devil took his mate away, there would be no safe place on the planet for the bastard to hide.

  Ares arrived at the scene of the massacre, just as Jac staggered to shore and collapsed. His heart dropped to his knees. She lived. Her eyes bulged with fright as she coughed up lungs full of water. He watched as she forced herself to kneel, and then stand, her limbs trembling with exertion. His gaze scanned over every inch of her creamy skin, searching for any sign of injury. Her clothes clung to her, stained with blood. She turned and stared—transfixed at the far shore.

  Biting back a curse, Ares vowed again to get the red-haired demon.

  Excited shouts from the other side of the river drew Jac’s attention as she gasped and sputtered for breath. The bastards were celebrating the massacre. Rage boiled inside of her like a cauldron, and Jac bit the inside of her mouth so hard it bled. She spit the coppery tasting substance onto the grass and ran her trembling hands through her short hair.

  One of her guides floated face-down in the water, his lifeless body now subject to the whim of the lapping waves. Jac swallowed, fighting the rising bile in her throat.

  Rumsinger wouldn’t be allowed to get away with this. He’d gone from bastard to murderer in a matter of seconds, even though Jac hadn’t seen him raise a weapon or fire a single shot. Coward. She knew beyond a doubt he’d ordered the attack. Her heart clenched as she thought of poor Rachel. If he was capable of this, what had he done to her defenseless friend? Tears threatened to spill as the reality of the situation set in. Jac blinked them back. She didn’t have time to cry. She needed a plan. Her resolve hardened into a black, seething ball of hate. If Rumsinger wanted war, she’d damn well give it to him.

  * * * * *

  Chapter Three

  Jac settled her backpack and glanced up at the sky. It would be dark soon. She’d have to find shelter. She threw one last glance over her shoulder, watching the Professor’s men slip back into the trees. She didn’t know if the professor would start looking for her or if he’d leave her for the jungle to take. Either way, she wasn’t waiting around to find out. Vines and shrubs crunched beneath her soggy boots.

  She blew out a heavy breath. The air on this side of the shore seemed overly perfumed. Orchids grew wild, clinging to the sides of trees, snaking their way toward the sunlight. Huge harpy eagles sat perched high in the branches, watching, their size intimidating enough for Jac to recall the scene from the Wizard of Oz where the monkeys carried Dorothy away.

  She trembled.

  This was the jungle, not Oz. Jac continued hiking until the fading light made it impossible to see her next step. The hair on her arms raised and a shiver tingled over her spine. Jac glanced over her shoulder again. She’d had the distinct impression she was being followed, so she had kept moving long after she’d reached the point of exhaustion. She found a tree that was easy to scale because of its many branches, and proceeded to climb. It wouldn’t keep her away from all the predators, but she should be safe from most.

  Finding the widest branch, Jac settled in for the night, her eyes peeled on the jungle floor. She dug through her pack for the bit of jerky buried at the bottom and greedily ate the dried salty meat, washing it down with bottled water. Tomorrow she’d search for tracks, maybe make her way back to base camp to regroup.

  Ares watched Jac drift off to sleep from a nearby branch. He’d been following her since the horrible scene at the shore, ducking behind trees when she happened to glance over her shoulder. She’d been well aware of his presence and had done a good job of zigzagging her way through the underbrush, mixing her trail enough to confuse an inexperienced tracker. He smiled, his heart swelling with admiration.

  There was no sense in capturing her tonight. She’d been through too much. One more stressful incident and she might snap—but he didn’t think so. His mate was strong—a true warrior woman. She would not go down without a fight. His cock bucked under his loincloth as he thought about how much he would enjoy taming her.

  Ares tuned into Jac’s thoughts. Vengeance raged through her mind. His muscles tensed as he saw the vivid pictures of what she planned to do to the red-haired devil. A smile played at the corners of Ares’s mouth. Jac truly was perfect for him. It was too bad he could not allow her to follow through with her plans. The risk of harm was too great. So much so, that he would be remiss as a mate if he allowed her to pursue that deadly path.

  Eventually she’d come to understand.

  He pulled the bindings from the pouch attached to the side of his loincloth. The fabric looked flimsy at first glance, but the delicate green material was deceptively strong. Tomorrow he’d secure Jac and head back to the village. He ran the silky fabric through his fingertips. His skin heated as he imagined her wrists bound behind her back, the position shoving her small breasts out, exposing her nipples to his hungry gaze.

  In his mind’s eye, he could see the pink tips pebbling, seeking the warmth of his mouth as he laved each one. She tasted of the sweetest honey, the tangiest fruit. Her intoxicating scent had driven him mad with desire, and her woman’s center had nearly been the death of him. Ares imagined his tongue buried in her wet channel, her inner muscles gripping him as she experienced her release, the shimmering contractions sucking him deeper inside. At that moment they had become one. It had been all he could do to keep from spending himself in his loincloth.

  Ares growled deep in his throat.

  He longed to sample her again, touch the silk of her thighs, suckle from her berry- like nipples, caress her hidden nub, and consume the cream from her moist sheath. Ares groaned as his cock lengthened. He shoved the fabric back into the pouch and fisted his hands in frustration. The object of his desire lay perched a few vine swings away. He loosened the ties around his hips, allowing his long, thick shaft to spring free. Taking himself in hand he began to stroke.

  Ares pictured Jac’s pink mouth wrapped around the crown of his cock. His breathing hitched as he visualized his length sliding deeper into her warm, soft, moist recesses. He could almost feel her lips close around his girth as she began to suckle him. With one hand encircling him, she’d reach down with the other and carefully cup his sac as she increased her speed.

  He stroked faster, gritting his teeth against the spiraling sensations. Ares imagined gripping her short, blonde hair, guiding her movements, plunging his cock into her mouth. He imagined a deep purr escaping her throat, caressing his length in feminine appreciation. Ares groaned, as the vision pulled him over the edge. Muscles clenched in his abdomen as his seed spilled to the ground below. He had the strange urge to bellow, to make his presence known, but he couldn’t and wouldn’t. Not yet.

  He continued to aggressively milk his shaft. This would be the last time he’d waste his life giving fluids on the vegetation. The next time he came it would be buried deep inside of Jac, no blindfolds, no illusions, and no doubts about who claimed her. Ares wiped his hands on the loincloth and fastened his ties. Tomorrow they had a long day ahead of them. He’d need all of his strength and mental acuity if he expected to face Jac and win. He rested his arms behind his head, leaned against the trunk of the tree, and smiled in anticipation. Jac was the last thing Ares saw as he closed his eyes.

  * * * * *

  Jac awoke late in the day to the sensation of something slithering over her calf. Her eyes flew open in time to see a huge brown python making its way to a h
igher branch. It was using her leg for leverage. Jac’s heart skipped a beat. She sat perfectly still, praying the snake didn’t take note of her body warmth and have her for a snack. Her left hand twitched as she carefully reached for the pistol on her hip. It was difficult with her right palm digging painfully into the bark.

  Stay calm.

  There is a giant snake crawling over my leg.

  Stay calm.

  I’m going to be squeezed to death before I can fire off a round.

  Stay calm.

  It’s more afraid of you than you are of it.

  Its dry scaly skin brushed her calf and paused. Jac screamed, a blood curdling, fear of dying, grab you by the balls sound that was probably heard by every living being on the planet.

  So much for staying calm.

  She jumped up as the snake’s tail left her body. The swift action, coupled with the weight of the backpack, threw her off balance, and over the edge of the limb. The next thing Jac knew, she was falling.

  “Oh shi—i—t!”

  Wind whistled around her ears. Branches whooshed by her head as the ground rushed up to meet her face. At the last second, Jac closed her eyes and stuck her hands out to brace for impact. There was a loud whap and she jerked to a stop so forcefully that it knocked the air from her lungs and made the bone in her hip pop. Her eyes flew open. Her pack dangled around her head, blocking her view of the tree. Even though she couldn’t see, it felt as if something grasped her foot.

  Oh my God, the snake had her!

  Jac gasped for air, trying to catch her breath. Her arms flailed as she reached out and touched the earth. The ground smelled like greenery and dead leaves, musty and damp. She twisted in an attempt to free her leg. All she could see was her own blonde hair, bark, and leaves. Blood rushed to her head. She bent at the waist, ready to shoot the snake, when her foot slipped free. Jac dropped to the ground, landing on her butt and back with a thud.

  She lay there for a few seconds, willing air into her lungs before pushing herself to stand. Jac rubbed her bruised rear, her gaze automatically following the trunk of the tree up to the lower branches, scanning each one, until it locked onto a set of jade green eyes.

  The phantom.

  Jac forgot how to breathe. Heavily muscled, huge, and perched like a predator, her dark fantasy stood amongst the leaves. Silent. Waiting. Watching.

  Except he was no dream.

  Panic struck. Jac spun on her heels and bolted into the forest. She didn’t stop to think. Every fiber told her to get as far away from the man as possible. She sprinted across the ground, leaping over fallen branches, ducking under limbs, and around giant ferns. Twigs snapped and branches creaked as the warrior pursued her. Her heart pounded in her chest as she pushed herself to run faster.

  Jac heard a rush of wind and turned in time to see the dark hunter swinging from a vine, coming straight toward her. She dipped and rolled, evading his grasp. Jac heard what sounded like laughter tickle over her spine, but she didn’t stop. She whipped around trees, rushing as if the devil himself loomed behind.

  Because for all she knew—he was.

  * * * * *

  Jac arrived at the river after a few hours, grateful for her years of conditioning. She was about to run up shore when the black haired man stepped from the jungle, blocking her path. A wicked grin slashed his fiercely handsome face.

  Without thought, Jac dove into the water. She swam, her muscles straining against the current. She heard a splash and knew without looking he was behind her.

  Chasing, shadowing, hunting.

  Jac stroked harder, using every bit of experience at her disposal. The man pursuing her was strong and would easily overtake her in the water if she didn’t use her intelligence. She let herself be carried with the current, diving under the water every chance she got. She took a second to glance back. The man was still behind her, but further away. Her plan was working.

  She clamored to solid ground, clawing her way onto the shore through the mud. The afternoon sun faded fast. Jac didn’t stop to empty her shoes or wring out her clothes, instead she sprinted. The vegetation thickened to the point where she was pretty sure she could find a good hiding place. She pushed on until she caught sight of a tiny break in the leaves and then dove for it, pulling her trembling legs beneath her.

  The ground poked hard against her soaked body. Jac took a deep breath and held it. Damp and musky, the air pressed in, swamping her senses. The jungle was silent, as if it waited, listening. She let her breath out slowly, silently, and took another. Her ears strained to hear even the slightest noise, anything out of place.

  She had started to relax, when she heard the sound of air swooshing above her.

  The dark hunter was here.

  Jac bit her lip to keep from crying out. She could just make out his muscled form through the thick leaves. She watched his arms flex and his thick legs strain as he climbed the vine to rest on a limb above her hideout. It took everything she had to keep still.

  He wore a tanned hide loincloth and nothing across his wide bare chest. He hovered above her hiding place for what felt like an eternity, sunlight dappling his features. His blue-black hair hung straight to his trim waist in a blanket of ebony. Eyes the color of rare jade scoured the area meticulously. His expression was fierce, possessive—hungry…and oh so familiar.

  Something inside of Jac sprang to life. Her nipples beaded painfully against the thin material of her t-shirt. She squeezed her legs together to stop the sudden ache. She may not know him, but her body certainly did. She fought the urge to spring from the bushes and throw herself, legs spread, onto the ground. This man was dangerous, anyone looking at him could see that. Hell, for all she knew he was one of Rumsinger’s trackers. He was certainly good enough. Except, it didn’t seem likely, but she couldn’t take the chance. She had enough problems dealing with the Professor. Jac certainly didn’t need Tarzan thrown into the mix, no matter how intriguing she found him to be.

  There was something thrilling about being chased, something primal. Jac had never been chased before—she’d always been the pursuer. The thought of this powerful man hunting her—actually kind of turned her on.

  I must be losing my mind.

  Jac knew she wasn’t, but it made her feel better to think it for a moment. She stayed hidden until the man moved on. She wasn’t sure how long she’d be able to avoid him, but for Rachel’s sake she’d have to try.

  Ares sensed the woman was still in the area. Her presence coated the branches, scented the plants, but he failed to detect her exact location. He’d kept her safe from predators while she traversed the waters. If he hadn’t, the caiman would’ve eaten her. And this was how she chose to repay him. Frustrated, he ran a hand through his hair. Never in all his years as a hunter had anyone been able to avoid capture while he pursued. He was an expert tracker--the best in his tribe. Adrenaline rushed through his veins, an excitement he hadn’t felt in years surged through him. His cock bucked beneath his loincloth as he scoured the ground. She was a challenge. A true challenge. A smile played at the corners of his mouth. Ares looked forward to their next encounter.

  He continued forward, until he was sure that all trace of her had ended. His prey had found a very good hiding place. Today she’d gotten away, but tomorrow… Ares started back toward the river, his movements unhindered by the growing darkness. The sun would be setting in a few hours.

  He picked some fruit from the trees, then found a wide branch to spend the night upon. He’d resume his search in the morning. Ares sent out another burst of energy, to ensure his mate’s safety against the night predators. Tomorrow would come soon enough.

  Jac found a hollowed out tree as the last rays of sunlight sunk below the horizon. Luckily mangoes and bananas were plentiful in the rainforest and she wouldn’t have to worry about starving. She settled in and ate her meal. She’d spend the night here and start out before dawn, hopefully avoiding the sexy beast following her.

  Exhausted, Jac fell aslee
p. The dream kept repeating itself, over and over—she fell from the branch, except this time Tarzan didn’t catch her before she hit the ground and broke her collarbone.

  The sensation continued, until the pain in her body was undeniable. Jac groped blindly at her arm and came into direct contact with a stick. She opened one eye. Donald Rumsinger stood in front of her with twig in hand. He was surrounded by several armed guides. The professor poked her again and she came fully awake. Her hand immediately went to her pistol. A flashlight followed her movements.

  “Tsk—tsk.” The smile he bestowed upon her was sickening. His thick lips split revealing yellow teeth. His ruddy complexion seemed flushed, almost anxious. But what disturbed her the most was the stare coming from his buggy brown eyes. There was no warmth, only hatred…and lust.

  Jac’s stomach rolled. She rose, stretching to her full height. The professor had to tilt his head up to look her in the face. “I’m flattered that you need an army to bring in little ol’ me.”

  “Ms. Ward, it’s nice to see you again. I so missed your biting wit.” His eyes wandered to her nipples, visible through her sweat soaked, bloodstained t-shirt.

  Jac glared at him and he took a step back. “Spare me the pleasantries, Rumsinger. Where’s Rachel?”

  The professor paled, but didn’t answer. Her eyes narrowed, as she fought rising anger. Had he killed her? Had she gotten away? She intended to find out what.

  “I don’t think you’re in the position to ask questions.” He pointed to the guns aimed at her.

  Jac’s voice lowered to a deadly growl. “I’m going to ask you again, where is Rachel?”

  “As you’ve seen today, the jungle is a very dangerous place, Ms. Ward. Anything can happen.” His eyes wandered up her legs, pausing at her crotch.


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