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Tales From Christmas Town

Page 10

by Betty Hanawa, Roni Adams, Allie Standifer

  She thrilled to the feel of the unleashed power in his embrace. His muscles were bunched and he seemed to be trying to hold himself in check, but was rapidly losing control. Chrissy slid to her back and Nick followed her. He moved over her and settled between her legs. She wrapped her arms around his waist and arched up toward him. He kissed her with a passion she'd only read about in books. Her body was a mess of tingling nerve endings when he nibbled at her neck. Shivers of desire danced up her spine when he kissed her lower, closing over one nipple. It felt so good! She loved it when he feasted on her breasts, she could lie like this forever and let him do whatever he wanted as long as he didn't stop.

  When his hand explored the flat planes of her stomach and moved lower her legs seemed to spread open for him on their own. His fingers stroked her moist center and the nerve endings that were already overly sensitive exploded. She jerked against him.

  "Ohhh,” she whimpered. Her voice wasn't one she recognized. “Mmm, Nicky."

  She arched up again trying to kiss him or touch him. Her hand reached to touch him once more, but he moved away from her. Before she realized his intent, his warm breath was between her legs and sensations she'd never felt before rocked through her. A burst of adrenalin mixed with incredible pleasure washed over here and she felt as high as when she flew on the back of a reindeer. Stopping him never entered her mind, and she bucked against his mouth as he kissed her, lavished her, and drove her wild.

  "Oh Nicky, oh my, oh don't, ohhhhhhh,” she cried out. Chrissy's head thrashed on the pillow and she was unable to focus on anything except what was happening to her. As the pressure climbed, she grabbed hold of the sheets, bunching them in her fists. Nick lifted her hips higher against him. The sensations coursing through her body were too much and then she felt her entire being tense and coil as if she were a spring. Nick slid one finger inside her as his mouth continued its magic. With a sharp cry, she exploded in a lightshow of sensations so powerful her body jerked and bucked all on its own. The world tipped and turned and she felt as if she was free falling through space.

  Nick caressed her. He soothed her with his hands, and murmured gently against her. When the tremors slowed, he kissed his way up her body, pausing to nuzzle her breast. He reached her lips, but it was too much of an effort to open her eyes and look at him. This was what she'd been missing out on all this time?

  Nick brushed the damp hair off her forehead. “You ok?"

  She was fine, more than fine, but she was also embarrassed at how loudly she'd expressed her pleasure. Cautiously she lifted her eyelids to look at him. Nick looked incredibly pleased with himself. She knew he felt some type of male pleasure at her responses. She slipped her arms around his back and then lower to cup his bare butt cheeks. “Yes."

  It was time for his pleasure to be as vocal as hers. She placed her hand on his bare hip and shoved him to the side of her so she could reach between them.

  He closed his eyes and moaned when she wrapped her hand around him. As she stroked him, he lowered his head and took her breast in his mouth, teasing the hard peak. She shivered at the sensations zipping through her once more, but was intent on turning the tables on him. He'd been way too proud of himself. This time it was going to be her with the cat that ate the canary look on her face. She went completely on instinct, letting his body's response lead her in the right direction. Pushing him down until he lay on his back, she loomed over him. Her aching breasts brushed his chest and it felt good. She did it again and he reached for her taking both breasts in his hands. He stroked her with his thumbs making her head spin.

  "Mmmm,” she moaned looking down at his hands on her body.

  She loved watching him touch her. His dark skin against hers was a turn-on. He lifted both breasts and buried his face in them. When his mouth closed over her nipple again, she gave in and let the sensations wash over her. He pulled her closer so he could feast on first one and then the other, and she forgot she had been going to make him crazy.

  "I don't know why, but I can't stop tasting you,” he said pulling her nipple into his mouth again. “They're like gum drops."

  Gum drops! They weren't that small. Chrissy pulled away, before the pleasure pulled her under.

  "It's my turn to see how you taste,” she said, kissing his chest and working her way down his body until she his erection come into view. “Can I lick your candy cane?” she asked, all wide-eyed and innocent. Before he could answer she lowered her mouth.

  He groaned harshly and bucked his hips up against her. It was more than obvious he was enjoying this as much as she had. She ran her hands up and down him, suckled, licked and thrilled to the sounds he made as she explored every inch of his hardness. His fingers tangled in her hair as she focused on her task.

  "Hmmmm,” she murmured and drew her tongue along the length of him as if he truly were a candy cane. The image of the peppermint treat in her head guided her movements and she was so caught up in what she was doing, she was stunned when he suddenly pulled her away. Before she realized his intent he had her underneath him once more.

  Nick's breath came in short quick gasps, and she watched him struggle to open a tiny square package. Of course, a condom! She'd never even given that a thought. Did he bring one with him? Was he that sure of her? Should she feel bad about that? As he spread her thighs and looked down at her, it really didn't matter why he brought it, she was just relieved one of them had protection with them. His eyes held the question and she smiled her answer. Nick bent and kissed her hard as he entered her. She tried to stop the wince at the burning sensation, but couldn't quite hold it in. He jerked his head up and stared at her in shock.

  "Ahh Chrissy,” his eyes looked at her with ... was that pity? Damn it. He wasn't going to stop now when she was this close to knowing everything. He slipped out of her.

  "No. Don't stop.” She reached for him and pulled his face back to hers, kissing him hard. She smoothed her hands down his back and urged his hips back into position.

  "Damn,” he murmured harshly against her mouth. His fingers found her once more and manipulated and toyed until she was half crazy, but Chrissy didn't want another orgasm like that, she wanted him inside her.

  "Please, Nick."

  He began to enter her, slowly, but she wanted more and she lifted her hips in invitation and pressed him harder against her. She didn't think anything could feel as good as what he'd done to her earlier, but somehow the weight of him on her, him filling her took everything to another level of pleasure. Her hips danced against him in a rhythm she didn't even know she knew.

  He kissed her and pumped faster. When her world started to explode again, she clung to his back, digging her fingers into his skin. She cried out her climax hoarsely as her body shook and shuddered. Nick thrust deep and hard and his body tensed and then jerked as he growled against her throat. Chrissy felt as if she were on an out of control sled heading for the bottom of the hill. It went faster and faster until she hit a large soft snow bank that stopped her fall.

  Long moments passed before Nick whispered. “I can't believe you didn't tell me you never did that before.” He lifted his head.

  She put her fingers over his lips. “I'm glad it was with you."

  He kissed her gently and then edged off her. She watched him wrap the used condom in a tissue from her nightstand. Then he pulled the coverlet over both of them and pulled her back into his arms. Draped across his chest, Chrissy looked out the patio where her door still stood open. How many people had walked by on the beach below and heard them? She giggled.

  "What are you laughing about?” he asked.

  She splayed her hands across his chest, weaving her fingers in the fine hairs. “I was thinking we should have shut the patio door."

  Nick kissed her temple, smoothed his hand over her hair and chuckled. “Next time, let's spread a blanket right out there on the floor."

  "Hmm, that sounds nice. In the dark, with the stars overhead, wouldn't that be nice?"

  Nick di
dn't answer, but his hand continued to stroke her bare back. More long moments passed and he didn't say anything else. What should she do next? Did they take a nap? Or should she get up and take a shower and be casual about what just happened? What was the protocol for afternoon sex with someone you only knew a short while? Finally, when he didn't seem inclined to be making any type of move, she sat up and brushed back her hair. Nick's eyes clung to her bare breasts and she wished again she were more voluptuous like her sisters.

  "It's just about dinner time, how about I go to my room, take a shower, get changed and we'll go out?” he asked.

  Her face must have showed how disappointed she was at the idea of him leaving. He cupped her cheek and sat up and kissed her. “Or I could shower here."

  Chapter Five

  The waves crashed into the beach sounding like the sounds from a nature CD. Chrissy couldn't believe that she was walking along the sand hand-in-hand with Nick when only two days ago, she'd been envious of the lovers she'd seen strolling by. She looked up into his face lit by the full moon. He was her lover. She had a lover! She grinned remembering all over again their afternoon and the shower they took together. As if they'd reached some predetermined spot, Nick stopped and took her in his arms. As she tipped her face up for his kiss, her heart thundered and she wondered if another moment in her life would ever again be this perfect. She knew it wouldn't. This was what she had. Tonight, tomorrow and the rest of her vacation, but that was it.

  The idea of never kissing Nick again, never making love with him again, made her cling to him. He groaned in his throat and wrapped her tighter in his arms, his hands cupping her rear end through her sundress and lifting her up against him. When neither could catch their breath, she broke away and raked her fingers through her wind blown hair.

  Nick caught her hand again, and pulled her down to sit with him on the beach. Chrissy drew her knees up and wrapped her arms around her legs, tucking her dress around her. Her bare feet dug into the still warm sand.

  "What's wrong?” he asked.

  Chrissy turned to look at him. Her heart leapt as she studied his strong angular features, his dark hair and even though the moon shadowed them she knew how brown his eyes were. He was so good looking. “Why do you hate Christmas as much as you do?"

  Nick furrowed his brow and leaned back on his elbows. “Does it matter?"

  She chewed her lip, wondering the exact same thing. Why was she pushing an issue that she knew was going to drive a wedge between them? Was that what she was trying to do? Push him away because she knew in a few days she'd have to let him go anyway?

  "I was just curious. I love the holiday so much; it just seems odd to me that someone would hate it as much as you do."

  Nick picked up a stone and tossed it in front of him. “I guess if I had to pinpoint it, I'd say I started hating it when I discovered that Santa was simply a myth that adults tell children to explain the abundance of gifts they get. I think some parents give their kids huge Christmas’ because they feel guilty for not giving their kids what they really need. Their time."

  He seemed to struggle with the words, and Chrissy kept quiet, not wanting to interrupt him.

  "I believed in Santa, like all kids, and when I found out he wasn't real, that it was a big lie, I felt like an idiot. I mean if you can't trust your parents not to lie to you, who can you trust? To this day I can't stand people who aren't honest and upfront about things."

  He looked at her and she hoped he couldn't see how red her face was. She could feel the warmth in her cheeks. Her stomach flipped over. “Do you really think it hurts kids to believe in Santa and all he stands for?"

  Once again he tossed a stone. She could tell by the rigid way he held himself that he wasn't comfortable with the conversation. He had no idea how important it was to her and she couldn't seem to stop pushing the issue.

  "Kids should know that their parents love them and believe in them. I don't think they need to have a pile of gifts under a tree to know they're loved."

  "Ok gifts aside though, don't you think it's great for kids to have something to believe in?"

  "The most important thing that kids can believe in is themselves. We need to teach kids that there is no magical figure out there that's going to make their dreams come true. They have to do that themselves through hard work. Give them self-confidence and the skills to get ahead. That's what we should be teaching them instead of ‘eat your peas or Santa's not coming.’”

  Chrissy wanted to reach out and touch him. It was becoming very obvious that Nick had, at some point, been deeply disappointed by Santa and he'd never gotten over it. It wasn't unusual, her family had run into this before. Sometimes they were able to make childhood dreams come true even decades later.

  Softly she asked, “Was there ever something you asked Santa for that he didn't bring you?"

  Nick jerked his head around and she knew by the look in his eyes she'd hit her mark, but he wasn't ready to admit it. “That's ridiculous. My parents bought me everything I asked for every year and then some. There's no big psychological reason behind my dislike of the Santa story, it's just something I personally think is ridiculous."

  She'd pushed enough. If she didn't want tonight to end badly she'd better back off. Smiling, she scooted closer to him and slipped her hand to his thigh. She leaned in towards his ear and heard his breathing hitch. “Do you believe in mistletoe?"

  He chuckled and she kissed his ear, running her tongue around the outer shell and down to the sensitive place below his neck. Her hand slid higher on his thigh. Nick moved quick and had her on her back before she realized his intent. She let out a brief cry of surprise as she hit the sand. He leaned over her. “I love everything about the mistletoe legend. But there isn't any for miles around.” He darted his eyes up and down the beach.

  Chrissy grinned. “There's lots of seaweed that might do as a substitute."

  Nick shook his head. “No, someone who is such an ardent believer in Christmas and all things Christmas needs the real thing."

  "So what should we do?"

  Nick leaned down and brushed his lips over hers. “I just happen to have some in my room."

  Chrissy wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned up for another kiss. “Thank goodness you came prepared."

  Nick kissed her hard and she opened her mouth under his. His hand slid down to cup her breast through the cotton of her dress. Chrissy's nipple hardened at his touch. The fire that blazed to life was like nothing she could ever have imagined. Restlessly, she wiggled under him wanting more, knowing they couldn't out here, but not ready to get up and break the spell that surrounded the moment.

  "Nick,” she breathed, as one hand slid up her skirt and caressed her inner thigh.

  "I know. But I can't help it. I've thought about this for a long time."

  She frowned. A long time? They'd only just met again day before yesterday. She opened her eyes to look at him. “What do you mean?"

  Nick's hand stilled. “What?"

  Chrissy pushed at him and he moved off her. She sat up, brushing at the sand. “You said you've thought about this for a long time."

  A red flush crept into his face. “Chrissy, when we met at that convention, I was blown away by you."

  She frowned. “We barely spoke; I can't believe I made much of an impression on you."

  "Well you did and even though I knew back then you were way out of my league, I was determined if I ever had the chance to meet you again, you'd remember me."

  Chrissy tipped her head and studied him. “You're not saying that you lost the weight and did the big makeover for me?” There was no way someone would do something like that. It was crazy. Was he crazy? She took a step back wondering if she should be worried that he was a stalker type of guy. That would be her luck, some crazed lunatic that was good in bed. “I mean you had no way of even knowing where I was or worked or anything."

  Nick reached out for her, but she took another step back. “I tried to find you. Trie
d to find any information on you and the best I could find was where you'd graduated, but then it was like you disappeared off the earth. I had no idea what your father's company was called, so, no I didn't track you down or anything like that."

  "So what are you saying?"

  Nick shoved his hands into his pants and stared out across the ocean before responding. “All I'm saying is that you were this beautiful sexy woman and I knew that the way I looked back then, I didn't have a snowball's chance in hell of ever being with someone like you. When I started losing the weight, I started working out. I didn't love it at first, but I kept seeing your face in my mind and it pushed me to keep going. When I finally was physically fit, I decided if I ever ran into you again I wouldn't pass up the opportunity."

  "The opportunity? What? The opportunity to sleep with me? This was all pre-planned?” Her illusions of this wonderfully romantic and spontaneous meeting suddenly seemed dirty and illicit to her. She crossed her arms over her chest feeling trampy in the sundress that an hour ago had seemed so sexy.

  "No! Not like you think. I saw you when you checked in. I managed to ‘run into’ you in the restaurant and invite you for a drink. But I didn't plan the rest. How was I to know if we'd even hit it off? I just wanted the opportunity to get to know you."

  Chrissy tilted her head. It still sounded like a set up to her. Nick wasn't the man she thought he was even an hour ago. What had he said to her about not liking people who lie or aren't what they seem? She studied him as he stared at her and she realized that he was waiting for her decision. Whatever she did next would set the course for the rest of their vacation. Did she really want to be alone the next week and a half? Wasn't it kind of flattering that he had been so infatuated with her, that he never forgot her? The images of their afternoon in bed swam before her eyes. Was she willing to toss away the rest of her holiday over this?


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