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Dyke Darrel the Railroad Detective; Or, The Crime of the Midnight Express

Page 31

by A. Frank Pinkerton


  Don Garcia was sitting in his study, regarding with some anxiety LuizFalcam, who, tall and handsome, stood before him.

  "You wish to ask me something, is it not so? Well, speak out, and besure if it is in my power I will grant it."

  "I hardly like to ask. It is, I know, daring. I am but a captain, andyou are one of the wealthiest men in India; yet I love your daughter,and that is what I wished to tell you," earnestly.

  Don Garcia smiled indulgently, and he gazed kindly at the youngfellow's flushed face.

  "I told you I would give you what you wished, and I will not break myword. I could safely trust Lianor to you. No other man I know has wonso large a place in my esteem. But I dare not speak until I know whatmy daughter thinks. She will answer for herself touching so delicate asubject. Tell Donna Lianor to come here," he said to Toki.

  After what seemed an anxious age to poor Luiz, Lianor entered, leaninglightly on Savitre, somewhat astonished.

  "Lianor, may I speak before Savitre?" the don asked gravely.

  "Of course, papa. I have no secrets from her."

  "My child," drawing her nearer to him, "Luiz Falcam has asked yourhand in marriage; what answer shall I give him?"

  Lianor blushed divinely, and her dark eyes shyly drooped before theeager glance from those loving blue ones fixed upon her.

  "He saved my life, father. I will give it gladly to him," shemurmured.

  "You love him, child?"

  "Dearly. I shall be proud and happy to become the wife of Luiz,"gaining courage.

  "You have my answer, Falcam. May you be content always. I give her toyou with pleasure."

  In spite of the don's presence and Savitre's, Luiz could not refrainfrom drawing the girl into his arms and pressing fervent kisses on hersmooth brow, and soft cheeks.

  "You shall never repent your choice, darling," he said tenderly. "Icannot give you wealth, but a true heart and a brave hand are solelyyours, now and till death!"

  "I know, Luiz dear, and to me that gift is more precious than thecostliest jewels," the girl whispered fondly.

  Their happiness was not without its clouds; Luiz was compelled toleave his betrothed to guard a fort some distance away.

  "I will return soon, dearest," he said lovingly, holding the tremblinggirl in his strong arms, "and then your father has promised ourmarriage shall take place."

  "And you will not run into danger, for my sake?" Lianor pleaded,winding her white arms round his neck. "Think how desolate I should bewithout you!"

  Don Garcia, having a great liking for the young man, saw him go withsome regret.

  "Don't stay away longer than you can help," he said kindly. "God keepyou, my boy."

  So Luiz parted from his love, and returned to Diu, carrying in hisheart a cherished memory of Lianor, and a tiny miniature of her in hisbreast-pocket.

  When he arrived at the governor's palace, he went directly to ManuelTonza, to inform him of his departure.

  The governor, a tall, dark-looking man of more than thirty, bore onhis fine features a look of haughty sternness, mingled with somecruelty.

  He glanced coldly at the young captain, and listened in silence to hisexplanations; but, as Luiz drew from his breast a sealed packet, givenhim by Don Garcia, Lianor's miniature fell with a crash to the ground,the jeweled case flying open.

  Manuel picked it up from the floor with sudden swiftness, and gazedadmiringly at the pictured face.

  "Who is this?" he asked abruptly.

  "Lianor de Sa, Don Garcia's daughter.

  "Lianor de Sa, and so beautiful as this!" the governor mutteredinaudibly. "I forgot she had grown from a child to a woman; I must seeher. How comes 'it, though, her miniature is in his hands? Surely theycould not have betrothed her to a captain!"

  With a gesture of disdain he flung the miniature on the table, andtold Luiz his presence was no longer needed.

  Once alone, and a singular smile crossed the governor's face.

  "I must pay Don Garcia a visit. It is long since I saw him. I neverdreamt his little daughter had grown up so lovely. Thank Heaven, I amrich! My jewels and wealth might tempt a queen! I need not fearrefusal from a viceroy's daughter."

  Full of complacent contentment, Tonza made hasty preparations forleaving Diu, and that same evening saw him a welcome guest of DonGarcia.

  He was charmed with Lianor.

  In spite of himself, a deep passionate love wakened in his heart forher, and he determined to win her for his wife.

  First he wished to gain Don Garcia over to his side, so took an earlyopportunity of speaking to him on the subject.

  The viceroy listened in grave silence, and a look of regret stole intohis eyes.

  "I am sorry," he said gently. "Why have you come too late? My child isalready betrothed."

  "To whom?" hoarsely.

  "Luiz Falcam."

  "But he is only a captain, and poor! Surely you would not sacrificeyour child to him? Think what riches I could lay at her feet! As mywife, Lianor would be one of the most envied of women."

  "I know, and I wish now I had not been so hasty; but Luiz saved herlife, won my gratitude; then, as the price of his act, asked Lianor'shand. I was forced to consent, as I had said I would give him whateverhe asked," with a sigh.

  "A promise gained like that is not binding. It was taking an unfairadvantage of your gratitude."

  "I do not like to break my promise, but I will do what I can for you;I will ask Lianor, and if she cares for you more than for Luiz, sheshall wed you."

  "Thank you; and I will try hard to gain her love," Manuel answeredhopefully.

  When Lianor heard the subject of the conference between her father andTonza, her indignation was unbounded.

  "How can you act so dishonorably, papa?" she cried angrily, "afterbetrothing me to Luiz; now, because Tonza is rich and wishes to marryme, you would break your word."

  "But, my dear, think how different Manuel is to Falcam! He can giveyou a beautiful home, and jewels such as a queen might envy, while thecaptain can give you nothing."

  "He can give me a brave, loving heart, which is worth all the world tome! No; while Luiz lives I will be true to him. No other shall stealmy love from him," firmly.

  "Is that the answer I am to give Tonza?"

  "Yes. Thank him for the great honor he has done me; but, as I cannotmarry two men, I choose the one I love--who first won my hand andsaved my life."

  When Manuel heard her answer he was filled with rage and hate.

  "So--so," he muttered, a sinister look creeping over his face, "shewill not wed me while Falcam lives. But should he die--what then?"

  To Lianor he was always gentle, trying by soft words and many littleattentions to win her regard; a very difficult task. Since herfather's conversation, she shrank as much as possible from him, hopinghe would understand her studied coldness.

  "Savitre," she said one evening, as they were dressing for a ball,given in her honor, "that horrid man's attentions are becomingintolerable! He will not see how I detest him, and am bound by loveand promise to another. I wish Luiz was here; he has been away solong. I am tired of Tonza's persistence and papa's reproaches."

  "Never mind, dearest; all will be well when your brave lover returns.Perhaps he may be even now on the way. I am sure if he knew howterribly you were persecuted he would fly to you at once," Savitrewhispered softly.

  "I feel miserable--unhappy. Lalli, put away those robes and give me aplain black dress. During Luiz's absence I will put on mourning, soTonza can read the sorrow I feel in my heart."

  "But, dear, what will your father say?" Savitre asked anxiously.

  "He will be angry, I know. But it is partly his fault I am obliged toact thus."

  In a few minutes Lalli and Tolla had silently arrayed their youngmistress in trailing black robes, which clung softly to her beautifulform.

  No jewelry relieved the somberness of her dress; her dark hair, thickand long, fell like a veil over her shoulders, adding to them
ournfulness of her garb by its dusky waves.

  Below, in the handsome marble hall, stood Don Garcia and Tonza, bothwatching with suppressed impatience the richly-hung staircase leadingto Lianor's apartments.

  "It is late. I hope nothing has occurred," Manuel said anxiously,drawing the velvet curtain aside to gaze across the hall.

  Even as he did so, Lianor, leaning lightly on Satzavan's shoulder,appeared, her graceful head held proudly erect, an expression ofsupreme indifference on her face.

  Both men started with an exclamation of alarm--rage on Manuel's part.

  "What! In mourning, and for a ball?" Manuel gasped with risingpassion.

  "Lianor, what does this farce mean? Why have you disguised yourself?How dare you disobey me when I said so particularly I wished you toappear at your best? I have been too weakly indulgent with you, andnow you take advantage of my tenderness to disgrace me by showing myguests your foolish infatuation for a man to whom I now wish I hadnever promised your hand."

  Lianor lifted her reproachful eyes to his, her pale face, even whiterin contrast with her somber dress, full of resolute rebellion.

  "I am not ungrateful, papa, for your kindness, but I will never forgetthe promise I gave Luiz. My love is not to be bought for gold; I gaveit willingly to the man to whom you betrothed me, and, father, none ofour family have ever acted dishonorably; so I am sure you will not bethe first to break your word."

  "Do not be too sure of that, Lianor. I am more than half inclined tomake you accept Tonza, and forget your vows were ever plighted to thatpauper captain."

  "You could not be so hard, knowing how my happiness is bound up inhim. I will never, while Luiz lives, give my hand to another."

  "Thank you, Lianor; nor will Falcam let you," a deep voice broke insuddenly, and Luiz, his face flushed with mingled pleasure anddisgust, came toward her, followed by his bosom friend, Diniz Sampayo,a young and rich noble.

  Lianor threw herself into his arms with a glad cry, while Don Garciaand Manuel, full of rage, stole away, leaving the lovers alone.

  "My darling, then I heard truly when they said my own dear love wasbeing forced to wed another. Thank Heaven, I left Diu at once, andcame to you, as your father seems inclined to listen to Manuel'ssuit," Luiz said tenderly, bending to kiss the pale face.

  "I am so glad you have come, Luiz! I felt so lonely without you nearme, to give me hope and courage."

  "My poor little love! But why these robes, Lianor? I thought it was aday of festival at the palace?"

  "I know; but I was determined, during your absence, to keep Tonza frompaying me his odious attentions by putting on mourning. He could notfail to see where my thoughts were. Now you have returned, I willthrow them aside, and show them it is a time of rejoicing with me.Wait, Luiz."

  With a tender smile the young lover unclasped her slender form and lether glide swiftly away.

  But not long did he wait; soon the curtains were again lifted, andLianor, radiant as a bright star, in trailing robes of white and gold,diamonds flashing on her bare arms and round her delicate throat, cametowards him.

  "My queen, my own dear love! what should I do if they took you fromme?" passionately pressing her hands to his lips.

  "They will never do that, Luiz. I am determined not to allow Tonza towin my father over to his way of thinking."

  Manuel Tonza watched the happy lovers with bitterest hate gnawing athis heart, deadly schemes against his fortunate rival flitting throughhis subtle brain.

  Late that night, when the weary guests were parting, Tonza stolenoiselessly from the palace; and when he returned, in less than halfan hour, his face wore an expression of fiendish triumph and delight.

  He was even polite to Luiz, much to that young man's surprise, thoughhe doubted the sincerity of Manuel's words.

  Happy and content, after a tender adieu to Lianor, the captain leftthe viceroy's palace, to seek his own apartments.

  Not far had he gone, however, when a shadow stole silently behind him,and the next moment he felt himself suddenly grasped by powerful handsand flung to the ground.

  Almost stunned by the fall, he was yet able to see the dark facebending over him.

  From the shadows came another form, one he recognized. A gleamingpoignard was placed in the assassin's hand, which descended ere hecould break from that strong hold, and was buried deep in his heart.

  Guiltily two forms glided away in opposite directions, leaving Luiz,pale and cold, lying in a stream of blood--dead!

  * * * * *

  It was still early when Lianor awoke; but in spite of the drowsinessoverpowering her, she hastily rose, and calling her maids, bade themquickly arrange her toilet.

  "I am restless, and cannot stay longer indoors; I wish to be out inthe fresh air," she explained to Savitre, who entered soon after.

  Scarcely, however, had they arrived without the palace gates, thanDiniz Sampayo, his face pale and haggard, eyes full of fear andanguish, came hastily to her side.

  "Donna Lianor, return to your father's house; I have something to tellyou which I dare not breathe here--it is too horrible! Prepareyourself for a great shock, my poor child! I wish some one else hadbrought the awful tidings," he cried hoarsely.

  Lianor stood perfectly still, and her eyes grew wide and her faceblanched with awakened fear. Clasping her hands piteously together,she said:

  "Tell me now. I am brave--can bear anything! Is it Luiz? Is he ill--indanger? Oh, Diniz, for pity's sake tell me!"

  Diniz took the trembling hands in his, and quietly bidding the othersfollow, led her silently through the town, until they arrived at thehouse where Luiz had taken rooms with his friend.

  "Perhaps it is best you should see him. Poor Luiz! How can I break theawful truth to you? Your betrothed--the man you loved--is dead--murdered by a cowardly hand on his way home from your father'spalace!"

  Lianor grew deathly pale.

  "Dead!" she repeated, clasping her hands despairingly to her throbbingbrow. "It cannot be true! My darling dead--murdered!"

  "My poor child, it is only too true! This morning he was found, andbrought home, stabbed through the heart!"

  "But who could have done it?" Savitre asked in a low, hushed whisper.

  "I wish I knew. But, alas! that is a mystery!"

  Lianor gazed helplessly from one to the other, then, breaking from herfriend's gentle hold, staggered forward.

  "Where are you going, Lianor?" Diniz asked, anxiously.

  "To him. I must see for myself the terrible truth."

  "Can you bear it?"

  "Yes--oh, yes!"

  Very tenderly Diniz took one of the trembling hands in his, and ledher toward a darkened chamber, where, on the blue-draped bed, lay thestill form of his young friend.

  A convulsive shudder shook Lianor's slender frame as she gazed onthose handsome features set in death's awful calm; the closed eyes,which would never look into her own again; the cold lips which wouldnever breathe loving words into her ear, or press her brow in fondaffection.

  She could not weep, as Savitre wept; tears refused to ease the burningpain at her heart. Only a low moan broke from her as she threw herselfsuddenly over that loved body.

  "My love--my darling! Why did I ever let you leave me? How can I livewithout you?"

  "Hush, Lianor! Come, you can do nothing here. But one thing I promiseyou, I will avenge his death at any cost! The murderer will be foundand punished--no matter who it is!" Diniz cried, earnestly.

  "Thank you; and if I can aid, rely on my help," Lianor murmured,bravely.

  Then, bending reverently to press a last kiss on the pallid brow, sheallowed Diniz to lead her from the room to her own home.

  In the hall they were met by Don Garcia, in a terrible state ofanxiety for his daughter.

  "Where have you been, Lianor? What is the matter? You look ill! Andwhat is that?" pointing to a vivid red stain which marred the whitepurity of her dress.

  A low, delirious laugh broke from the girl's p
ale lips, and,stretching out her arms, she waved Don Garcia back.

  "Do not touch me!" she cried, hoarsely. "He--my love, my darling--isdead! See, his life-blood stains my hands--my robe! Oh, heavens, thatI should have lived to know such agony!"

  She stopped; the outstretched arms fell inertly down, the gracefulhead drooped, and without one cry or moan, Lianor fell heavily to theground--unconscious.

  "Explain, Savitre--Sampayo, what means this strange raving? Who isdead?" Don Garcia said, fearfully.

  "It means that Luiz Falcam was found murdered this morning! Yourdaughter went to see him for the last time, and returns, overcome withgrief and sorrow."

  Without a word, but very white, the viceroy carried his child to herroom, and left her in the care of Savitre and her two attendants,while he went to find the particulars of Falcam's tragic end.

  For days and weeks Lianor kept to her rooms, seeing no one except herfather and Sampayo, whom she looked upon as the avenger of Luiz.

  Long and tenderly was her lover's memory sorrowed over, until the oncebeautiful girl was but a mere wraith.

  A few weeks later Don Garcia himself was taken ill, and one day,feeling slightly better, he sent for his daughter, to whom he wishedto speak on important business.

  He was not kept long waiting. Lianor soon appeared, looking like acrushed flower in her somber robes.

  "You wished to see me, papa?"

  "Yes, Lianor; but you can almost guess for what. You know how much Idesire to see you wedded to my friend; a man who loves you and willmake you happy. I shall not live long, of that I feel sure. ManuelTonza has waited patiently, and I think it is only right you give himhope. To-day you will accept his hand, and in another week, with myconsent, you will become his wife."

  Lianor reeled against the bed, and held firmly to the silken curtainsto prevent herself falling.

  "Do you mean this, father? His wife--when he murdered Luiz?"

  "What nonsense are you saying, child? Do not let me hear you speaklike this again. What motive could a wealthy man like Tonza have ingetting rid of one of his own employes? Grief has turned your brain.Cast aside those weird garments, and in three hours be ready toreceive your future husband."

  A low, gasping cry fell on his ears as he finished speaking, and heturned in time to see the slight figure sway to and fro, then fallheavily to the ground.

  But what use was her feeble strength against the powerful wills of twodetermined men?

  Ere the day was over, Lianor, with a heart full of bitter, despairinggrief for Luiz, was bound by a sacred promise to a man whom she knewto be both bad and selfish--whom she hated!


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