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Billionaire's Black Runaway Love (BWWM Romance)

Page 8

by Ciara Cole

  There was an edge to his tone that made Emily want to laugh. “Excuse me, but I think I can handle myself – whatever comes my way.”

  “Maybe it’s not you I’m worried about. Just the fact that back there, each time I saw a guy giving you a side eye I took offence to, I wanted to punch him. Just for looking.”

  His eyes blazed into hers, and Emily couldn’t look away. Couldn’t tell him to mind his own business and that she wasn’t his woman, even though she thought it in her head. It was pretty hard making herself defy him. Her mind told her one thing, but her body wanted another.

  He must have seen something in her eyes because moments later, he’d grabbed her waist and had her spread half across his lap. Emily gasped aloud, instinctively wrapping her hands around his neck. Before she could react, he smashed his lips against hers.

  His tongue probed her lips in an instant, sending all sanity flying from her head. Emily’s fingers gripped his silky locks while she moaned as his hands roved hotly down her back, over her thigh before slipping in between her legs. Oh shit.

  His touch on her bare skin set her ablaze. Those pillow-soft, yet firm lips of his played their havoc, and Emily kissed Chace back eagerly. He thrust that sweet tongue in and out of her mouth, sinful and erotic as hell. His hand patted the soaked mound underneath her skirt. He applied the most titillating pressure right on her clit and even with the barrier of cotton, Emily felt the electric charge shoot right through her stomach.

  Moaning into his mouth, Emily was suddenly aware of Chace reaching his free hand underneath her arm to squeeze on her breast. That carnal, possessive caress blocked out all that was left of her coherence. It was the sudden thought of them having an audience – Lennox – that finally managed to get Emily back to her senses as she pushed Chace back.

  Lips swollen and protesting, Emily looked up to meet Chace’s gaze now dark with lust. She tried to right herself, but he held on tightly, keeping her pinned on his lap. The more she squirmed, trying to get free, the more she became aware of his undeniable hardness nudging her rump.

  “I’m never going to back away, Emily. Neither do I want to take things slow. I want you – everything about you. If you think that’s overwhelming, then imagine just how it makes me feel,” Chace growled. “I couldn’t think these past few days. Trying to function was a drag because you weren’t there.”


  “I’ll go all out if I have to. Woo you, drive you crazy…but letting go is not an option.”

  It was hard to think when Chace still had his hand trapped between her legs. His husky words swam in her head, while he moved his fingers closer to where she wanted them to be.

  “Well, Emily?” He’d slipped one finger into her dripping core, then pumped in and out at the most excruciating pace. Emily gasped again and again.

  “I…you…,” she panted, her nipples straining through her shirt while indescribable sensations flooded her humming center.

  “Just say yes.” His face nuzzled at her throat, while he tongued the erratic pulse there. “Yes to being with me, letting me be inside you. Giving you what you crave.”

  Every thrust and pull of that finger made her vision spark. Chace then bunched the fabric of the crotch, dragging it back and forth over her slit and the hot bead of her hooded clit.

  “I’m waiting, Emily.”

  God. He had his finger pumping nice and slow again, deep inside her wetness. His tongue now tickled at her ear, his warmth breath adding a tantalizing sensory factor to her seduction. Emily felt her walls helplessly quivering and clenching around that perfectly hitched finger. Something clicked and loaded inside her, sending her heart dropping to the base of her stomach. So close…

  “Oh, Chace,” she breathed, staring widely into his fathomless eyes.

  “Say it.”

  Emily knew she was moments from crashing face first into her very loud, very noticeable orgasm that would be observed by the outwardly ever-stoic Lennox. Chace stroked slickly within her giving, pulpy inner tissue and she made a last bid effort to stop him by clamping her inner thighs on his wrist, but she was too far gone. An instant later, she was giving him exactly what he wanted.

  “Yes! Yes, Chace. Ugh you’re evil,” she moaned. He chuckled and kissed her mouth, nibbling sensually on her bottom lip and groaning.

  “We’ll finish this…later,” he said, eyes gleaming with triumph. This was so unfair, Emily whined to herself. This time she managed to struggle of his lap, hastily pushing down her hem and looking any way but to the front where Lennox drove on efficiently. She didn’t even know where on earth they were headed, not recognizing the route.

  She was too busy thinking how the hell she was going to stay balanced on edge like this after Chace’s unforgiving teasing. Emily wished she could get her own back, if only she could figure out how. Then she hid a smile knowing that if this was a battlefield, she could manage a truce if Chace kept his promise about finishing what he started. No one knew his way around her secret buttons the way Chace did, the devil.

  He ruled her body with a blend of iron hand and velvet glove, but just the thought of never again having a taste of it made her heart sink completely.

  Was it love? Or just lust? Without the sex, Emily knew in her heart she cared for Chace. Being close to him felt the safest place she could ever know. Just hearing his voice or seeing his smile was a gift to the senses. She couldn’t say she had her feelings all mapped out. She could be crazy in love with Chace now, but that didn’t mean she’d feel the same the next week, right? Not like she thought this was to be the great romance of her life.

  Yet beneath all those disclaimers, Emily already had a feeling she was in too deep. So deep her emotions no longer possessed definition – and that was scarier than the normal labels of love and infatuation. When you needed someone so much you couldn’t imagine a world without them, then you were in big trouble. And there was no way out.

  Chapter 14

  Emily’s body ached, in that special way that started from her toes, making them curl sweetly, and then reached right up to her hair follicle.

  Each strand still recalled the way Chace had wrapped them tight in his hand, pulling with perfect timing just as he stroked in that deep-seated thrust from behind.

  She definitely could still feel the proof of every spot he’d touched, tasted, and entered with demanding passion. Simply thinking about it had her clit tingling, swelling with greedy enjoyment. Good Lord, this man. He’d done things to her and with her that she’d never have imagined. Fantasies were nothing next to this.

  Right then, with the sun barely peeking through the windows, Emily couldn’t help but feel satisfied and full as they rested side by side. She’d been claimed absolutely.

  With an internal shake of her head, Emily pushed aside any disappointment with herself. Aside from her needs of the flesh and her craving to be accepted, loved, and needed, there was simply that special high that Chace sent her to each time. So why fight it?

  Her eyes opened slowly, one after another. At once she was afforded a delightful contrast: a muscled, slightly tan forearm resting possessively across the warmer caramel glow of hers – light against dark, different yet so in harmony.

  Last night had been a whirl of events. Chace had them driven from the restaurant where she worked straight to his waiting private jet. When he informed her that their destination was mere 45 minutes away – Las Vegas – Emily didn’t bother to take time arguing. Chace said he’d have much preferred Hawaii – he wanted them as far from prying or stalking eyes even for just this once – but hadn’t wanted to strain Emily with the over five hour flight.

  Emily could understand that in the life of movie stars, billionaires, and corporate execs, it wouldn’t be too much of an excess traveling round in your personal plane. From what she came to discover, it sure had its perks.

  You could leave and arrive whenever, enjoy fine food and drink while having plenty of leg room to stretch, and of course, have a limo driv
e right up to your plane once you reached your destination.

  Emily took it all in stride, barely letting her awestruck emotions show. She caught a few of Chace’s indulgent smiles, and they kept an amicable atmosphere all through the brief shuttle. But the crackling underlay of burning chemistry never fizzled. If anything, it built up to a roaring inferno the moment they arrived at Chace’s Las Vegas condo.

  The sights and sounds of the all-night city would have to wait. Emily barely took anything in, not during the limo ride and certainly not from the picturesque windows of the ultra modern condo. Her sight, mind, and in fact all her senses remained trained on the man who didn’t even have to say a word, but had her short of breath, panties fraying as her secret folds twitched together endlessly in lust.

  The new day breaking upon them filtered misty diamond lights into the room done all in white…and Emily could swear she heard soft whispers in her ear, making her hopeful and almost forgetful of how dangerous it was to fall for a man like Chace Hammond.

  She’d never expected this kind of feeling to find her, but it had. To have Chace stir awake beside her, slowly opening those piercing gray eyes and saying her name in that rough, silken rasp…It sent groves of thin metal spikes up and down her skin, suffusing her with a heat that had nothing to do with the brightening sun outside.

  Emily had had her share of being hurt and misled by love. Once before, this same man had caused her immense pain. But she’d been young and she’d found a way to pick up her pieces and stand strong. If such pain was to happen again now, she wasn’t sure she’d ever find her way back from the brink.

  Knowing all this, yet choosing to stay…did that make her most deluded female that ever lived?

  Ever since the first “yes” Emily had uttered in Chace’s Mercedes last night, there’d been a series of more yeses, more submission, more surrender.

  “I want more than moments. I want us to spend more time together,” he’d said huskily. It had been his prelude to a night-long sensual conquest. They were barely inside the house and he’d backed her up into the wall, cupping her face as he kissed her cheeks, nose, and temple.

  “More time?” Emily had squeaked because at that moment he’d popped open her blouse, sending buttons flying as he raked one hand down her front. He deftly freed one full breast from its lace cup and sprung a thumb over her dusky, hardened nipple.

  He trailed warm, feathery lips down her jawline. “I was so sure my life had no room for complications. I’ve been unapologetically selfish when it comes to having my way. I’m not perfect, and I’m much too set in my ways. But you…you make me want to break all my rules.”

  Emily let out a choked gasp, feeling Chace bend his head to trap her dark stiff bud in his mouth. He circled it with his tongue, wetting it with pleasure and then tugging hard with his teeth, inviting sweet pain that brought a rush of moisture to her core.

  “We could just keep things…simple,” Emily managed, while her head flung back in bliss from the sensation of Chace pulling and biting on her sensitive nub. She couldn’t wait for him to do the same for the other breast and then do it all again. Christ, he put her in heat.

  “If only it were that easy,” growled Chace in between lapping at her punished nipple to ease its throbbing pleasure. Her hot, trembling moan sent a shudder through them both. The next moment, it seemed she’d switched on a tiger in beast mode.

  Chace popped her nipple from his mouth, fisted a hand in her hair, and bent her over, hands reaching for her toes. Before she could think of protesting, he’d racked up her skirt to her waist then shoved her panties to her knees. His hand found the soaked V between her legs, making him grunt in approval. Emily heard him unbuckle his belt, unzip his fly, and free himself from his pants. Then she knew he was about to take her, like this, bent at the waist and her ass exposed, her dripping sex ready to be penetrated and owned the way only Chace could.

  She wanted it. Like this. No apologies, no pretext. With knees trembling, Emily waited in position, her stomach clenching in readiness for that first potent, spiking thrust.

  Chace did not disappoint. The feel of him, first nudging at her pulpy folds, then his hands spreading out and cupping her backside, opening her further for his prodigious thickness…Emily was lost. Chace drove in with hunger, power, and dominance.

  Emily moaned, jolted forward and having to keep her balance by holding on to her ankles. Her high heels ensured she was at that perfect angle for Chace to only slightly bend his knees and power into her again and again. His deep growls of pleasure made her weak, made her think of the picture she gave when he looked down and would see his engorged stem moving in and out of her dark flesh.

  That thought had her head spinning, just as her walls began to quiver from the insistent, unbroken pace that sent Chace to the very neck of her womb with each stroke. “Can’t…last,” Chace rasped. “Too close.”

  Emily was nearing the edge, too, she could feel it – could feel her vision whirring, stomach crunching. Soon, now, yes. Oh yes, she wanted to come so hard!

  So she did. She helplessly bucked her ass back against Chace, her sex doing that mad spasm dance she couldn’t control. Chace gripped her hips tight and roared, letting her know he was spilling come deep into her belly as he slammed against her bouncy rear.

  It had been hard and fast and just what they needed. Gently pulling her up straight, Chace drew out and turned her face to his, kissing her lips fiercely. Emily rejoiced, feeling his essence joining hers and spilling down her legs. He gathered her tightly in his arms, deepening the already ravenous kiss. No words could describe how fulfilling their passion had been, yet still kept their appetite for each other at its height, with only the edge slightly taken off.

  One large hard squeezed on her ass, and Chace growled deeply against her lips. He broke the kiss and Emily blinked her eyes open to find his gray gaze boring into hers, a fire in them so strong that it lit her up from end to end.

  It looked like that one week apart had had its effect on both of them. Their first coupling had been rugged and indelicate. And Emily couldn’t help but think it was best sex ever – until the next time, of course. With Chace it always only got better.

  Chace let her slip out of her panties, but he didn’t let her freshen up. Instead, he made her hand him her modest cotton whites which he placed in his trouser pocket. Then hitching her to his side, he took her round the condo before unearthing some wine from the cellar.

  Oh, so were they to bond over glasses of wine now? Have some engaging conversation while each second Emily was conscious of the fluids drying down her inner thighs? Maybe it was his little quirk, enjoying the thought of his stamp of ownership remaining on her while they went about with ordinary tasks.

  Tonight, and this whole trip, was on his terms. So Emily kept up the act of giving him complete authority. He was in charge here, while she merely wished to submit. For once, she was ready for everything that single word entailed.

  He poured them some wine and they nibbled on the gourmet sandwiches kept waiting in the fridge. Then he told her he’d want her to go home with him one weekend soon – his real family home in New York.

  Emily had frozen, not sure how to respond. Hell no? Let’s not get too ahead of ourselves?

  “What, is it ‘let’s meet the parents’ time already?” Emily asked on a guffaw. “You really need to chill, Chace. I’m not sure where you’re getting at, but I’m not about to play victim to your whims.”

  “Not a whim,” Chace said, idly twiddling the slender neck of his flute. “It’s customary for family to know the woman I’m with. Well technically, they already know you since we’ve dated before and you’ve even stayed over.”

  “I’m not about that,” Emily said firmly, while glaring at him.

  “Then what are you about? What does this mean to you? What do we mean to you, Emily?”

  Emily glared at Chace even harder. Damn his insufferable calmness.

  “It means what I want it to mean for as
long as I want it,” she said through a tight smile. “You might run the show, but how the curtain falls is going to be my call.”

  A small smile edged up the corner of Chace’s lips. “I don’t know about all that. All I know is I want you in my life. I want you to be comfortable and happy. I never want to think of you in danger or alone, with no one to take care of you. So why don’t you let me?”

  Emily huffed. She couldn’t believe this man. “I’m not going to be your toy.”

  “I wouldn’t ask you to.” Now Emily couldn’t tell if it was ice or fire in his gleaming eyes. “I know you don’t care about my money or name. You don’t need a man to keep you in jewels and high fashion. You’re old enough to know exactly what you want.”

  “What if what I want…only wants to hurt me?”

  Emily hadn’t for it to come out like that, but it had. Chace stilled, spearing her with his gaze. When he didn’t speak at first, Emily shook her head angrily and turned to walk away. Chace reached out an arm to wrap it round her waist and jerk her into him.

  They were chest to chest, Chace seated while Emily stood, her heels giving her the needed height to look him in the eye. Emily challenged him with her gaze, her lips set in defiance. There was no mistaking the anger in his every fiber, in the way his nostrils flared. Good. She needed him to show some emotion for once.

  Then he smiled. It was somewhat a thin, mirthless. “Each time we touch…when you look at me – I know you want me as much as I want you.”

  Wrong. I want you more, Emily thought helplessly. She closed her eyes and sighed. “Chace…”

  He kissed her before she could finish the word, claiming her lips with a desperation that surprised her, right before awakening a similar sensation in her loins. His hands spread possessively across her back, underneath her blouse, touching skin, leaving a trail of heat from his palms.

  He made her lose herself in him again, and Emily couldn’t hate him or fight it. Even when he lifted her up and she wrapped herself around him as she had many times before, she already knew he’d won. Whatever the battle, whichever the situation was, Chace would always win.


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