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Cosmic Callisto Caprica & the Missing Rings of Saturn

Page 14

by Sophia Chester

  “I want to talk to you, Mimas. I know you’re being framed for this robbery.” Mimas’s eyes grew wide. They were filled to the brim with suspicion. “I have your receipt from the mail that you received this morning. It proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that you were home when the robbery occurred.”

  Mimas shook her head. “What do you want from me? Is this a trick?”

  I shook my head no. “I want to help you, Mimas, so you can get reunited with your daughter, Anthe.”

  Mimas’s nose flared open and she took three steps toward me. “Don’t you talk about my daughter! You don’t know her!” A massive amount of adrenaline was probably still racing through her veins. I needed her to calm down so I could talk to her.

  “To let you know that you can trust me, I’m going to give you these keys so you can take your handcuffs off.” I slid the keys across the floor toward Mimas. She ran her fingers over the keys and then looked back at me. I could tell that she was struggling with whether or not she should trust me. I’d done all that I could and said all that I could to get her to trust me. Mimas took the keys and I watched with glee as she used them to unlock the plastic cuffs.

  “How do you know me? And why do you want to help me? Aren’t you a security officer?”

  I smiled, then I walked over to Mimas and helped her get back up on her feet. “I have a lot I need to explain to you. This entire situation is pretty crazy. If you need me to stop in the middle of my explanation, please let me know.” We had a seat on the long piece of metal that lined the cell room. I took my time explaining everything. I told her all about myself. She couldn’t believe that I wasn’t a security officer, but a guest here on the Titan. She cried when I talked about Anthe, but she felt happy knowing that she was safe and in my hotel room. When I finally reached the end of my story, I reached down into my bra and I pulled out the sticky piece of paper that I pulled from out of her trash can. “This is the key to proving your innocence.”

  Mimas took the piece of paper from out of my hand. “I can’t believe that this tiny piece of paper is the very thing that will prove that I wasn’t lying and that I was in fact home during the robbery.” Mimas grabbed the side of her head. “How did you figure this out?”

  “Well, I remembered Anthe telling me how you got the mail that morning, how you signed off on the receipt, and I figured there’s no way they can deny such a strong piece of evidence. A piece of paper not only with your signature on it but a time stamp as well.”

  Mimas placed her elbow on her knee and she leaned away from me. “I never would have thought that I could use this to prove that I was innocent. You’re really something; it’s like you’re a little detective or something like that.” Mimas chuckled.

  I dipped my head down. She actually said “detective.” Maybe, just maybe, I was wrong. Maybe I could do this; maybe I shouldn’t have doubted myself or my abilities. Maybe this was a sign that I could be a detective if I wanted to be and that I didn’t have to go back to school and change my major. “But what are you going to do now? We’re both locked up back here and the security workers know who you are.” It was true. Granted, we knocked both the guards out and were no longer in handcuffs, but it wasn’t like we could both walk out of this place. I got up, placed my hands behind my back, and started to pace back and forth from the cell entrance and then back to where I was sitting.

  “Are you okay?” Mimas asked. I shook my head yes. I just needed to think and I felt like if I got my body moving, that would help me a bit. Who could I pass all of the information that I’d accumulated? The security staff on this ship seemed pretty content with placing the blame on Mimas or any other Martian woman who fit the basic description of the person they were looking for. Obviously, they were out of the question. I could release this info to the press on the ship and I could expose the security officers and let people see all of the terrible things that they were doing to the Martian women here, but was that really enough? I needed something or someone who had enough say or pull to bring what was happening here on this ship to a stop, so that a proper investigation could take place. But who on this ship would hear me out; who was also close to the situation and actually had enough power to change the situation?

  “I can’t imagine how Princess Rhea feels right now, knowing that her rings have been stolen,” Mimas said. Oh my God, that was it, or she was it—the princess! She was the only person who could bring this illegal investigation and practices that were happening on this ship to a stop. The head of security would have to listen to her and she could change everything! She was the person I needed to speak with! An actual fair investigation could take place and Mimas could be reunited with her daughter. And Wendy, along with the rest of the Martian women, would have to be set free as well. Poor Wendy; I was sure she was worried sick about me.

  “Are you okay?” Mimas asked. I ignored her because a million different thoughts were going through my mind and I felt like if I stopped to talk to her, I might lose my train of thought. I was pretty certain the princess’s ship was still probably hovering near the Titan. So if I wanted to talk to her, I was going to not only have to sneak out of here, but I needed to find a ride or a way to get to the princess’s ship. One step at a time, Cosmo. How could I get out of here undetected and without raising suspicions?

  My thoughts were interrupted by a low-sounding growl. I turned around. Mimas had her hand over the top of her stomach. “I’m sorry; I haven’t had anything to eat since this morning.”

  I sucked in a huge breath of air; a possible solution to my problem had just come to me and it sounded silly, but I thought it just might work. I started pacing again. “I was thinking about all of the evidence that I have and how it’s kind of pointless to show it to anyone here on this ship because chances are they won’t listen to me.” Mimas shook her head as I continued to walk back and forth. “So the thought came to me that the only person who could change this entire situation and stop the security officers from their illegal practices is Princess Rhea.” Mimas stopped shaking her head. Instead, she looked at me with great concern. Just wait until she heard my plan to get off of the ship; it was foolproof. “Earlier, when I was watching the footage on this floor I met Prometheus, the sandwich guy.” Mimas looked even more concerned than before, but that was okay. I continued telling her the rest of my plan. “You work here on this floor. I know you’ve seen his huge sandwich cart that, in my opinion, looks like it’s big enough to hold a whole person in there if he took out all of the trays that are inside of it.”

  Mimas held up her hands. “Okay, so let’s say you somehow convince Prometheus to come up here with his cart. How are you going to get off of the ship?”

  I already had that part figured out. “Remember how I told you that I knocked out this security officer out and I stole his uniform?” Mimas shook her head yes. “Well, when I changed my clothing, I did so behind the emergency escape staircase where the escape pods are kept. I’m going to use an escape pod to reach Princess Rhea’s ship.”

  Mimas started scratching her head. “I don’t know. A lot could go wrong.”

  “But it could actually work! I mean, come on; what have we got to lose here? If we don’t do something, you’re going to be convicted for something you didn’t do.” I watched as Mimas sat with her head in her hands, still trying to figure out if she wanted to help me or not. I needed her to trust me and to know that I was looking out for her best interest. If she didn’t trust me, Mimas could easily turn me in or not give me the information that I needed for my plan to work. Plus, I was relying on her to help convince Prometheus the sandwich guy to transport me from here to where the escape pods were held.

  She lifted her head up from out of her hands. “You’re right. I’ve got nothing to lose. Let’s do this.”

  I placed my hand on her shoulder. “First things first. I’m going to need you to give me the phone number for room service.”

  Jeb’s desk was located at the front near the entrance of the holding cells.
After I removed what seemed like an endless amount of trash from off Jeb’s desk, I managed to find his phone. I dialed the number that Mimas gave me. It rang three times before a woman with a perky-sounding voice picked up. “Hello. Room service.”

  I leaned up against Jeb’s desk. “Hi, I’m calling from the security room floor. A few of us are working a double shift and we can’t leave. I was wondering if you could send the sandwich guy up here with his cart and a few sandwiches please.”

  The woman replied, “Oh, that’s not problem at all. I’ll send him up here in a jiffy.”

  “That’s wonderful. Tell him to stop by the holding cells first before he visits the other hallways.”

  “Can do!” With that, the woman hung up.

  “Now while we wait for Prometheus, I need to take care of one little…well, two little things.” I pulled open all of the drawers on Jeb’s desk, hoping that I would find what I was looking for.

  “What do you need help with?” Mimas asked.

  “I figured we should do something about our sleepy little friends here. The last thing we need is for them to start screaming for help.” I was rummaging through the fourth and final drawer on Jeb’s deck. Tucked between a pack of unopened pens and some paper was a large roll of clear tape. I twirled the tape around my index finger. “Follow me.” I swiped the index card over the access slot to my cellblock. Jeb was still lying down on the floor. He was finally coming back to life after I had knocked him out. He rocked from side to side, all while letting out a few heavy breaths. I bent down and I poked Jeb’s soft fluffy cheeks. “Hey there, sleeping beauty. We’re going to put some lipstick on your pretty little lips. Now stay still for me.” I ripped the roll of tape open and I placed a strip over Jeb’s mouth. He tried to fight back, but Mimas held him down for me.

  Mimas took the roll of tape from me. “Is it all right if I take care of my guy myself?” she asked in a half whisper.

  “Yeah, sure.” I unlocked the cell door. “Mimas, did he, did he touch you? Are you okay?” I didn’t want all of the details. I just wanted to make sure that Mimas was okay. In a way, I almost felt bad for asking, but at the same time, I was really worried about her.

  Mimas balled her hand up into a fist and let out a few heavy breaths. “He tried to touch me, but he did more damage to my dress and hair than to me.”

  I placed my hand on her shoulder. “So you’re okay, then?”

  Mimas shook her head. “Yeah, I’m fine.”

  “Do you need any help?” I asked.

  “Nah, I’m okay. Without those cuffs on my hands, I can easily take care of things.” I watched as Mimas walked down the corridor and into her cell. She slammed the door behind her. Moments later, I heard what could only be described as a loud animalistic cry, followed by a desperate plea for help. The cry for help was obviously coming from the security officer who had been messing with Mimas earlier. For a split second, I almost felt sorry for him. It sounded like Mimas was giving him the beating of his life. I hoped she didn’t kill him; then they would actually have a reason to lock her up! I sat down on the edge of Jeb’s desk, staring at the front door because I knew that, at any second now, the sandwich guy would be coming through it. A thought that I had buried in the back of my mind bubbled up to the surface. What if Prometheus decides that he doesn’t want to help me? Who else could I ask to come up here and save me without arousing any suspicions? No one really. I was placing all of my confidence in him. Without him, I was stuck there. I also understood that what I was asking him to do was dangerous and he could lose his job or end up in a holding cell with me and Mimas. I ran my fingers over my face. I couldn’t think about that now. I was just going to try my best to remain positive about this whole situation and pray that he said yes.

  A light knock on the door broke my train of thought. “Hello, it’s the sandwich guy.” I jumped off the edge of Jeb’s desk and let the sandwich guy in. Prometheus gave me a small smile. “Hey there, little lady. Man, they are really working you overtime today.”

  I smiled. “Yes, yes, they are. I’ve literally been all over this ship today.” Good, he remembered me and he seemed to be in a pretty good mood. He pushed the heavy sandwich cart through the door and then he parked it next to Jeb’s desk. “Just stay right here. I have to let my friend know that you’re here. We’re both starving.” I ran down the hallway to Mimas’s cell, swiped the card key over the slot, and poked my head in through the door. “Mimas, come on; he’s here.” Mimas was crouched down in front of the security guard. I couldn’t see his face. I could only see him from the waist on down and he wasn’t moving at all. “Uhmmm, is he okay? He’s not moving.”

  Mimas let out a hearty laugh. “Oh, he’s fine. This poor guy is actually pretty fragile. I threw him around a little bit and I think I might have knocked him out.” What a relief; he wasn’t dead, just unconscious. I looked down at the security officer. Mimas had wrapped his head up with so much tape, all you could see was the tip of his little nose. Mimas tossed the used roll of tape to the side. She looked up at me and said, “Do you think Prometheus will listen to us? I mean, no offense, your plan is so crazy and farfetched.” Mimas began to shake her head. “Honestly, if I wasn’t personally involved in all of this, I would probably have a hard time believing you or in your plan.”

  I gave Mimas my hand and I helped her up. “He could very well say no, but we won’t know unless we try.” Mimas and I left the cell together.

  As we walked down the corridor leading to Jeb’s desk, I watched as Prometheus’s face changed from happy to incredibly confused. “Mimas, what are you doing here?” Prometheus asked.

  Mimas placed her hands on his shoulders. “There’s something that I need you to do for me.” She shook her head. “Well, not for me but for her. It’s a long story; please, just listen to what I have to say.” After Mimas let go of Prometheus’s shoulders, she started to tell him in great detail about everything she had been through. Just as she was talking about how I was found in her house and then I was arrested, Prometheus tossed one of his hands up. Mimas stopped talking. She looked over at me, most likely hoping that maybe I would chime in and start talking, but I decided not to. Instead, I decided to watch him and see what his next move would be.

  Prometheus looked over at me. “Okay, what exactly are you trying to achieve here and why do you need me?”

  I looked him in the eyes and said, “I don’t like how this situation is being handled on this ship. Clearly, Mimas is being used as a scapegoat.”

  “Okay, then how do you plan to fix this situation and what do you need me to do?”

  I tried to hold in all of my joy. I mean, he hadn’t said no yet, but it definitely sounded like he wanted to help us! “I feel like there’s only one person who has the power to change this situation and that’s Princess Rhea.”

  A puzzled look came across Prometheus’s face. “Alright, then, how do you plan on getting in contact with her?”

  “Well, this is my plan and this is where you come in. I want to hide in your sandwich cart because my cover has been blown and it’s not like I can walk out of here without being noticed. Then I want you to carry me to the part of the ship where the emergency escape pods are located.”

  “And what are you going to do? Get in one of the escape pods and drive yourself over to the princess’s ship, have tea with her, and convince her to stop everything that’s happening on this ship?” His voice was laced with sarcasm and I was starting to think that he was probably going to push his cart out of the door and leave the both of us here.

  “Yes, that’s my plan,” I said confidently. “I know it sounds a little crazy, but I think it might work. I mean, what other choice do we have here? If things keep going like this, they’re going to pin this whole thing on Mimas. If she goes to jail…”

  Prometheus turned around, then he reached down and removed the sliding door that was on the right side of his cart. “If you’re going to hide in here, I’m going to have to take all of this cra
p out.”

  Mimas started crying. “Thank you, Prometheus,” she whispered. I bent down and started to help Prometheus take out the rest of the sandwiches, along with the thin shelves that were attached to the inside of the cart. When Prometheus placed the last shelf down on the floor, I noticed that one of his hands was shaking.

  “Are you okay?”

  He looked at me. “Yeah. I’m a little bit nervous about doing this. I usually abide by the rules because I like my job. I want to keep it, but I want to quit at the same time. I like the people here, but I really don’t like them either.”

  I continued to listen to Prometheus. “I know that I’m lucky to have a position here.” Prometheus turned toward Mimas. “No offense; I’m not slinging a mop around. I just push around a cart and hand out food that’s already been prepared. But I have to be honest. The humans on this ship, I don’t trust them. I’ve heard the way they talk to you, Mimas. They’re always so nasty toward you just because you pick up trash and clean up behind everybody. Then those same people who treat you like garbage smile in my face and cheer when they see me. ‘The sandwich guy.’ Sometimes, I wonder after I’ve passed out all of my sandwiches and I’m no longer in the room, do they sit back, chew on their food, and talk about me like I’m some junkyard dog.” He paused for a moment, then he picked up the sliding door to his cart. “I hate it here so much. Do you know that I’ve been on this ship for two years and not one human has bothered to call me by my real name that’s on my nametag? Everyone calls me ‘the sandwich guy.’ I guess because that’s easier to say than my actual name.”

  He turned to me and said, “You were the first person to actually call me by my name and not butcher it or just give up and call me ‘the sandwich guy.’” He closed his eyes briefly. “That meant a lot to me. I’ve never meet a human who cared enough to say my name correctly, let alone go above and beyond for someone they don’t even know.” He shoved the sliding door back in place onto the sandwich cart. “I don’t know if this is going to work or not, but I want to help you.” Prometheus slid back the door to the sandwich cart. “I’m ready whenever you are, Cosmo.”


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