Book Read Free

Finding Thyme

Page 13

by TJ Hamilton

  “That was quick,” I say to Nick as he approaches.

  “Quick? Where have you been for the past hour?” He laughs.

  Hour? Shit I didn’t pay attention to any of it. I smile and decide to keep that to myself.

  “Job well done.” I wink at Nick.

  “I can’t wait to get you back home after the debrief,” he whispers.

  An involuntary giggle squeaks from my lips and makes him smile. Maybe I could marry him after all?


  “When was the last time you washed?” Nick holds his hand out to help me up from his Mercedes.

  Wow, he’s not mincing his words! I hold my arm up and sniff under it jovially. “I didn’t think I smelt that bad. Anyway, I could ask you the same thing. You haven’t even been home for over twenty-four hours! And by the way, next time you’re away for that long … a phone call wouldn’t go astray. I mean, you made me call my brother, but you can’t afford me the same respect?”

  As soon as I’ve finished my barrage, I purse my lips tight to prevent more words from coming out. What is wrong with me? I sound like someone’s girlfriend! I look up at him gauchely, expecting to find him making a run for it while he has the chance.

  Instead, Nick looks back at me with a sweet smile. “You’re right.” He pauses for a moment while he helps me steady myself. “Come on, I’m going to give you a sponge bath and rub your body all over until you feel brand new.”

  He pulls me to him and I feel his strong hands grip around me. With my body now strong enough to withstand his embrace, I fall comfortably into his arms. It feels like home. My mind quickly snaps back into reality … What? That’s it? No fight back? He said I’m right and now he wants to give me a sponge bath? Not that I don’t love that idea, but is that all he has to say? I almost want to pinch myself to make sure this isn’t a dream. I never thought guys like Nick were real. I thought it was only in fairy tales that big, strong, strapping men like Nick come and rescue the damsel. Never in a million years did I think my life would become the fairy tale. Girls like me don’t get a happy ever after. We’re not supposed to anyway. Sally didn’t get a happy ever after and if Joe Tench had it his way, neither would Miranda.

  I continue to remind myself that Tench may have bought my body, but he will never own my heart … that belongs to Nick Davis. I watch Nick’s beautiful full lips as they move while he talks, but I’m paying no attention at all to what he’s actually saying.

  “Oh … okay, Mia. So I finally do as you ask and get Charlie back into the country and you just smile? I was kind of expecting a different response.” Nick looks perturbed.

  I quickly realise that I’m staring at him again and snap myself out of my Nick-daze.

  “I’m sorry, my mind was elsewhere.”

  The elevator arrives on Nick’s floor and he waits like the gentleman that he is for me to leave first. “I noticed,” he says curtly.

  “Did you say something about Charlie?”

  “I was saying that you need to get some sleep because I’m coming with you to pick up Charlie from the airport tomorrow morning. His plane gets in at zero seven fifteen.”

  I stare straight into the eye of bewilderment. Charlie? Is coming back? And I get to pick him up from the airport? Nick is going to come to the airport with me?

  “Is Charlie part of all this too?” I wince at the thought.

  “No. Charlie has no idea who I am or what you do. You can’t tell him anything, remember?”

  “If you’re coming to the airport, what am I going to tell him about you when he meets you?” I continue following Nick towards his apartment door.

  He pauses at the door and turns back to me. “Tell him I’m your boyfriend, Nick Davis.” He smiles.

  Of course! Charlie only knows of Tom Smythe but he’s never heard of Nick Davis so he won’t know they’re the same person! The thrill of calling Nick my boyfriend to someone, no less to Charlie, makes me smile euphorically. I can’t believe my best friend is going to be home tomorrow morning. I’m going to have to run over my story with Nick before I see Charlie just to make sure I have the details right. Like how we met, where I’ve been for the past few months, why I ran from Tench, what I’m doing now.

  For now, I’m unexpectedly excited by the fact that my caring boyfriend is going to give me a sponge bath and rub me until I’m clean. I can’t seem to pull my mind from the thoughts of Nick’s hands all over my body as I follow him through the front door of his apartment.

  Those thoughts are quickly sliced apart by my twin’s beaming grin when he greets us from the kitchen. The music is loud in the apartment and Simon stands apron clad by the oven, no doubt experimenting with whatever ingredients he could muster up in the house, a half drunk bottle of beer in his hand. He turns the oven dial down while The Black Keys sing “Howlin’ For You” on the stereo. I love that he listens to the same band as I do whenever I’m alone and in my groove. My brother’s animated grin is infectious and I feel myself mirroring his smile.

  “Nice apron, mate.” Nick mocks my brother’s attire.

  Simon walks to the fridge and grabs a beer and throws it towards Nick from under his arm. Nick catches it with effortless skill. I love watching them act like this together. Their mateship is what the Australian army is built on. My brother always told me that, and you only need to be around them to understand it.

  My life is almost complete. Tomorrow I will have all three important men in my life in one city together. Everything will truly be complete. Simon finishes the rest of his beer and takes the apron off. He walks to the end of the long bench that divides the kitchen and pours a glass of Pol Roger champagne.

  Handing me the glass, Simon smiles. “Enjoy your night together. I’m going out.”

  I scan over his immaculate clothes. He looks polished for once and the skull on his t-shirt is Alexander McQueen. It’s almost the same as my favourite t-shirt. I love that even though we don’t spend a lot of time together, we still have the same tastes in clothes and music. As I look down, however, I realise not all our tastes are the same.

  “I don’t know about your shoes, Simon.” I shake my head at his leather and suede camouflage sneakers.

  “Simo, you got the Valentinos I wanted! You bastard!” Nick interrupts my dress inspection.

  The whole conversation between these two tough men about fashion is aberrant. I turn to Nick, smile and pull him down towards me. The more he surprises me, the more I love him. I kiss him obtusely, regardless of the fact that this is the most physical contact I’ve ever had with a man in front of my twin brother. When my lips are against Nick’s, I don’t care about anything else other than him.

  I finally open my eyes and see him impulsively smile. Nick still holds me around my waist as we turn back around to my brother, who is looking around the room to avoid seeing us kiss.

  I’m still not satisfied with what my brother is up to and feel compelled to probe further. “So where are you going tonight then?”

  “I have a date.” He beams.

  “You have a date?” I repeat.

  “Yes. I have a date. Why is that so hard to believe? You’re not the only one who’s going to get lucky.”

  I feel Nick chuckle around me and flick a look up to him. I don’t want to think about my brother like that, nor do I want him thinking about me getting lucky with his mate.

  “I’ve got dinner in the oven for you two love birds so you don’t have to worry about a thing. Relax and enjoy yourselves for the night. I’ll see you tomorrow,” Simon calls out as he grabs his brown leather bomber jacket and slips out the front door. Nick and I stare at each other for a moment, wondering what just happened, before we both smile contently at each other.

  My brother’s culinary skills are as impressive as always. He used to cook for the two of us when our mother got sick. She was too drunk to feed herself by the time we needed to eat, so I’m not surprised that Simon is an accomplished home cook, even if it’s for sad reasons that he is.
br />   I finish our beautifully roasted lamb shoulder as quick as possible so that I can climb into Nick’s bed and have him all over me. He clears the plates from the long stainless steel dining table and returns with a glint of excitement in his eye. I want to jump out of my chair and into his arms but my ribs have a constant dull pain so I take Nick’s arm and use him to pull myself up.

  The butterfly that has been lying dormant for the past day has made its return and stretches its wings inside my stomach. The very thought of being with Nick excites me beyond explanation and I hope I never stop feeling this way. I walk slowly alongside Nick to his bedroom, still holding onto him for support.

  As we pass the doorway, Nick flicks a switch and three lamps come on and cast a beautiful soft light around the room. The dark carpet is velvety and welcoming underfoot and I finally notice how much everything in the room screams Nick. From the king-size bed with a black and white striped cover, to the black wire and glass-topped tulip coffee table next to the well-worn dark brown chesterfield armchair. It’s just how I imagined his taste to be and I can see Nick in all of it.

  I make my way around to the left side of the bed, now my claimed side, and sit on the edge. I watch out the window for a moment as a crowd of people form a semi-circle around a street performer near the entrance of the ferry terminal. Nick startles me by placing his hand on my shoulder.

  “Here, beautiful, I’ll put a towel down on the bed for you to lie on. I’ll be back in a moment,” he says. “I love you.” Nick kisses my forehead before leaving the room.

  I peel my clothes off and gently lie on the towel. The music echoing throughout the apartment changes from De La Soul singing about leaving a name and number to the haunting melody of “Laura” by Bat For Lashes. I’m surprised Nick even knows the British indie band. The song’s beautiful lyrics are like a calming ointment for my mind. Nick glides back into the room like a magnificent mirage, a steaming white ceramic bowl cupped firmly within his hands.

  The smell of the intoxicating aroma of the water hits me. A mixture of lavender, rose and chamomile swirls around in the rising steam. He puts the bowl on the opposite bedside table to mine, lights the Diptyque candle and flicks the light switch. The small shimmer of light from the fragrant candle completes the ambiance in the room.

  I hold my breath as the anticipation of the moment builds. My feeling of love for Nick alone makes it impossible to breathe. He literally takes my breath away.

  My eyes slowly adjust until the glow from the Harbour Bridge silhouettes him through the sheer curtains like a perfect apparition. I can’t take my eyes off him while he undresses himself and slides onto the bed next to me. I want to wrap myself around him but my body isn’t having any of it and sends out a jolt of pain the moment I forget that I’m actually still broken. Nick pours a silky oil into the water and squeezes the natural sea sponge from the water and then runs it across the bottom half of my taut stomach. Nick’s athletic fingers glide to one hipbone and he traces the sponge over my pelvic region to the opposite hip.

  I close my eyes and regulate my beating heart as much as possible. Nick squeezes the sponge into the hot water again. As he raises the sponge from the water, a swirl of the fragrance takes over my nostrils like pollen to a bee. I can’t help but be intoxicated by the entire moment. Nick’s eyes hold mine as he leans down and rubs the sponge across my breasts.

  My nipples harden under his gentle strokes and I can feel a pulse start down below. Nick dips the sponge into the water again and runs it down my neck and continues down the length of my body.

  The warm water trickles over the side of my body. Nick leans in to mimic the sponge with his tongue. The sponge softly drifts across my stomach and makes a slow decent to my inner thigh. I feel Nick’s tongue track the sponge’s path and the moment his tongue touches the tip of my clitoris I feel the pull seize me from within. He drives his tongue down into me and I try not to strain my body. Every inch of my healing body is in conflict with itself with each subtle moan. His tongue rolls over once again and I try not to spurt my pleasure all over him. He glides up and down the length of my opening, every layer down there buzzing uncontrollably as his tongue and lips slide past. His lips suck at my enlarged clit when they make their ascent upwards and I try not to move an inch.

  The need to tense is immense but I focus on every fibre within my body and force myself to remain still. He buries his face deep in between my legs and it feels so good that I just want to cry out. Nick’s eyes and lips make their way back up to my mouth seconds before I roll into the zenith of an orgasm.

  What a tease!

  I inhale his beautiful body as he hovers above me.

  “Now.” He pants between kisses. “I want you to lie really still and try not to tense your body at all. I am going to bury myself into you but you need to relax or else I’ll hurt you.”

  I nod slowly and stare, swimming laps in his eyes. He leans up onto his hands as if he’s about to do a push-up over me. I open my legs a little further so that he can enter me easily. Every inch of my body craves to feel him inside me. I love watching him look down at his enlarged member, drawing its way around my thighs. I watch his reaction as he slowly edges his way inside me. His long shaft is the only part of him that touches my body but through it I can feel every inch of excitement that enslaves him. He drifts in and out of me with long powerful strokes.

  A sensation takes over my body as I begin to get hot all over. I don’t know what to do with this feeling every time it starts to take over. Nick slides into me with a quick jolt and he hits a spot that no longer keeps me in any kind of control. A moan ripples from my lips and I release myself around his glorious member.

  My body stays as still as possible while buzzing with an incredible pulse at the same time. Nick catches my eye for a moment before our tongues thrash against each other again. He buries into me, his entire length fondles the most inner parts of my body as I climax around him. I feel him swell but the look in his eye tells me that he’s holding off on his orgasm. I feel like I could just keep coming every time he enters into me. The friction around his base where our two bodies meet continues to shoot out a spasm of pleasure.

  The last of the pain in my ribs dissipates when Nick exhales and moans into my mouth. My legs widen involuntarily and I reach up and hold onto him as if I have no choice in whom my body wants to be with. The blue of Nick’s eyes pierce the pit of my soul and I release into another spate of orgasms.

  Any pain I was feeling before is now gone completely as I free myself all over him and give in to the last remnants of my fighting urges. Nick’s eyes remain fixed on mine and through them I see the fire building inside him. His movement becomes sharp as I feel him start to erupt inside me. My rapid breathing is now more apparent as our rhythm slows to a relaxed rock. I see Nick’s dimples appear in the soft light as he smiles down at me.

  “That was a little quicker than intended.” He grins. “I blame you totally.” He slowly pulls out of me and lies down beside me.

  “That was perfect.” I smile back.

  To be honest, I don’t think my body would be able to handle any more orgasms of that magnitude. My leg no longer feels broken but the pain in my ribs slowly reignites as I roll over and curl into Nick’s naked body. He holds me like a brace and there I fall asleep, wanting these feelings to never end.


  “Let’s go get your friend, beautiful,” Nick whispers into my ear.

  My eyes spring open and I see Nick smiling down at me. I smile the widest of smiles back at him like I’ve just been told I’ve won the lotto. I roll over and almost spring out of bed, even with the cast on my leg. It gives me a subtle hint of pain, reminding me that I’m still not a hundred percent healed as I stand. Nick laughs at me.

  “So Charlie was all you needed to get better?” I hear the slightest hint of jealousy in his playful words.

  I flex back to stretch out my ribs as much as I can tolerate. “You got that right,” I reply with a st
rained voice. “Do you think I could get this cast off already? It’s kinda just annoying me now.”

  Considering five days ago I was beaten to a pulp and operated on, I hope I don’t sound crazy.

  “Yeah sure. If we leave now I can get you to the agency medic before we need to be at the airport. Less explaining to do with Charlie too if you don’t have the cast on.” Nick is pleased with my request.

  “This rejuvenation chip is incredible. I almost feel like I could dance en-pointe around the room!”

  I rise up onto my right leg and bring my arms up into en couronne, in third position. Regrettably, this is too much for my ribs and I instantly double over from the stabbing pain. Nick launches out of bed and wraps his arms around me. I’m still not used to having someone want to protect me so much and I shrug him off and straighten back up.

  “I’m not a dying swan, Nick. I just tried to do more than my body is going to allow, that’s all. I really hate being broken, you know.”

  “You have more training in two days, so this time you’ll know to fight back.”

  Great! That’s all I need! Right when I was feeling better I have to face Harry the giant again.

  The sun radiating from the sparkling harbour outside looks convincing for shorts today. Unfortunately for me, I don’t think Nick packed much of a variety of my clothes.

  “Can we stop at my apartment so I can grab some shorts?”

  Nick pulls his head through the top of a white t-shirt with the word DEUS—for Deus Ex Machina retro motorcycles—across the front of it. It fits snug around his chest and highlights the roundness of it beautifully. The prominent biceps that jut out of the bottom of his t-shirt sleeves make me sigh with appreciation for this beautiful specimen of a man.

  “That won’t be necessary.” He winks.

  “What are you talking about now? Why is there always something with you?”

  “I like surprising you, that’s all. I’m addicted to that smile of yours. It gets me hard every time I see it!” He raises his brow and I try to hold back a smile but fail. “See. Feel.” Nick comes over to me and pushes my hand against the hardening bulge in his pants.


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