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Convincing Lina: A Bachelor of Shell Cove Novel (The Bachelors of Shell Cove Romance Book 2)

Page 9

by Siera London

  Chapter 9

  Wednesday was a breeze compared to the Monday she and Gideon had experienced. The last patient left Gideon’s office twenty minutes ago, but the man remained behind closed doors in his office. There was a part of her that wanted to wait until he came out of his office. She wanted to see him. Technically, she was still true to the man fast. But the past seventy-two hours had changed the nature of their relationship forever. He was a friend. He watched over her, supported her, and held her hand when she didn’t know that’s what she needed. Their relationship had a foundation other than physical intimacy. She wanted to share herself with Gideon, but she knew he would still be there for her if she didn’t. It was liberating to know she did have a choice. He wouldn’t walk away because she hadn’t slept with him. Her inner naughty nurse whispered, take him, every time Lina glanced in his direction.

  She completed her nursing entry for the last group therapy session, logged off the computer, and grabbed her purse. A bottle of chilled white wine was calling her name.

  “Lina.” Her heart rate increased at the sound of his voice. “What adventures do you have planned for tonight?”

  “A little bit of this, maybe a lot of that.”

  “How about,” he stepped closer, “you give me a do-over for last night?”

  “I had a nice time watching Empire with you.” Empire’s Cookie Lyons was Lina’s favorite television heroine. The way she loved her family, with fire and ice, serving up a hefty dose of either one depending on the latest family drama.

  You treat Cookie right, the warmth of her love covered a person better than a mink blanket. But, if you became a threat that same love and passion would encase you in ice. She smiled up at him. “The urgent call to the hospital altered our Empire marathon plans.” Every time she looked up into his eyes she blushed, though no one could see it. She felt small standing next to Gideon, dainty even. Curvy girls wanted a man that could toss them up in the air and catch them without wearing a back harness. She liked the way she felt about herself when she was with him.

  “Me, too.” Trying not to be presumptuous, she refrained from saying anything else. She learned her lesson about assumptions where men were involved. After Jace, the next man she welcomed into her life would have to carve his feelings on a stone tablet, in blood.

  “Do you have plans for tonight?”

  “And if I did?”

  “Do they include me?” Heck yeah, her plans could be all about him.


  “How do I transition from a possibility to a definitely?”

  “You could just ask.”

  “Miss Lina James, can I take you out tonight?”

  “You sure can, but I have to meet a friend at my house within the hour. I’ll text you when we’re done. Spencer is fast. We should be done in no time.”

  “He’s fast at what?”

  “My new mattress will be delivered tonight, and the old one has to be out of my bedroom before the delivery service arrives.”

  “Change of plans. I’ll follow you home. Where did you park?”

  “Gideon, it’s cool. Spencer is a murse, so no worries.”

  “I don’t care that he’s a male nurse or that he’s officially in the Girls’ club. To be frank, that’s a dynamic I prefer not to explore. He could be the last eunuch and he would not set his eyes on your bedroom.”

  “I don’t like what you are implying, Gideon. Spencer is my friend and a pediatric nurse. Spencer is the Mellow Yellow of the male species. He would never do anything to jeopardize our friendship.”

  “I know RN Hayeswood is a good friend to you and Ava. He’s a standup guy. I know several of the single, female nurses consider him their resident handyman. But you have me. To my way of thinking, you can call on me for everything you need.”

  “Be reasonable. You and Spencer can work faster together,” she huffed.

  “In my neck of the woods…” She interrupted before he could start with his country caveman moral code.

  “Oh my goosebumps, for someone who does not talk about his past, you are quite fond of the woods.” Gideon captured her in a narrowed glance.

  “As long as I have breath in this here body, I don’t care if Spencer built your house with his bare hands, he’s not setting one foot in your bedroom.” It was eighty degrees outside and Lina could swear she saw his breath. He was livid. Time to wave the white flag. Bottom line the mattress would be moved.

  “I’ll grab my stuff.”

  “Thank you very much for allowing me to help. I’m looking forward to seeing your new purchase. Text Spencer and tell him not to come. I’d hate for you to see how much of a mountain man I can be.”

  “Why is that?” Snagging her around the waist, he pulled her in close.

  “I want to see my future resting place.” Her lips parted and a soft moan escaped. His crotch instantly hardened against her pelvis.

  “Come on sweetness, let’s get outta here. I want to have the mattress in the living room before the delivery truck arrives.” She grinned at him.

  “What’s funny?”

  “Nothing, it’s just when you aren’t thinking about it that accent of yours makes itself known.”

  “Actually, the family that raised me never owned any animals.”

  “You were adopted?”

  “Yeah, I was.”

  “Wow, Gideon. I had no idea.” Lina volunteered at Second Chance House and saw how difficult it was for kids to get placed.

  “How old were you?”

  “Seven.” Without another word he grabbed her hand, leading the way out of the clinic.

  It was after five on Thursday evening when Lina turned off the car ignition in the parking lot behind Second Chance House. Once upon a time, it had been a single story home for pregnant teenagers, but the program had expand to a multi-building complex with services for women and children ranging in age from seven to twenty-two.

  Gideon didn’t understand her need to work with the young women at Second Chance. Volunteering a few hours a day, twice a week was her chosen form of therapy. The end of the week was the busy days for client intakes. Staff members were spread thin with admission forms, room assignments, and crisis situations. Volunteers like Lina, augmented the counselors seven days a week.

  Though Gideon talked with his patient’s about the importance of maintaining healthy connections and the role that a supportive family played in the healing process she noticed he didn’t apply the same rules to himself.

  Lina grabbed her purse and exited the car. She took the ramp leading to the Maternal Infant wings of the facility. She was about to enter when her phone rang. The picture of Gideon she’d taken on the beach was visible on the screen along with his telephone number. He was still in the office.

  “Hey, you,” she said into the receiver.

  “Where are you? You left without stopping by my office.” His voice sounded strained.

  “Did you forget?” She laughed, “It’s my night to volunteer at Second Chance.”

  “I didn’t forget, but I didn’t think you would leave me without saying goodbye.” Wow. He sounded as if she had abandoned him.

  “I should be done here, by eight o’clock.” She made her voice light, hoping it would cheer him up.

  “Where are you volunteering tonight?”

  “The usual, with the pregnant mothers.” He was silent on the other end of the phone.

  “I thought the center had a mental health unit?” Unease skirted down her spine. She hadn’t pressed him when he refused to discuss his nightmares. Why did he feel the need to question where she volunteered her time?

  “They do, but I want to work with mothers-to-be.” She heard his sigh through the phone.

  “You volunteering tomorrow night, too?”

  “Yep,” was her only reply.

  “Alright, sweetness. I’ll see you at work in the morning.

  She heard the hospital’s announcement system blare to life in the background.

bsp; “Duty calls.”

  His deep chuckle hit her ear. Her stomach did a familiar dip.

  “Have fun and call me when you’re headed home. If I don’t hear from you I’ll be at your condo with an overnight bag.”

  “You got it and I should get inside. Tonight is one of our busiest nights.”

  “Do you have plans for Saturday?” She smiled. That was the Gideon she knew. Always thinking ahead.


  “Pen and ink me in for the entire day.” Her heart rate soared at the thought of spending an entire day with Gideon.

  “I’ll pencil you in,” she teased him.

  “You have jokes.”

  “What can you possibly plan that would take up the entire day?” She grinned into the receiver, knowing he liked to be challenged.

  “Oh, I’ll think of something.” Lina knew what he planned, he’d exceed her expectations.

  Gideon had to be out of his mind to suggest a Saturday morning at the beach. He could barely conceal his erection with her fully clothed in the office, now he had the cooler separating them as they lazed on the beach in far less clothing. With her silhouetted curves on display, if he got any harder, the ice pack to the groin would be in his treatment plan.

  They arrived at his favorite fishing hole on the Palmdale River at eight o’clock. The Palmdale was a four mile brackish tributary off the Saint Diasus River. Palm trees leaned into the water with the wear of by-gone decades, swaying in the soft breeze. The afternoon sun hung low in the sky, partially obscured by clouds. An overcast sky kept the salty air cool and light. Lina had managed to hook two medium sized whiting to add to his five smallmouth bass. They sprawled out on oversized beach towels underneath a low-lying canopy of palm trees. The beach was cozy, large for a small gathering, but they had this area to themselves.

  “Thanks for inviting me to hang out with you, Gideon.” She thought he was hanging out with her, like one of the fellas.

  “Is that what I did?”

  A family of harlequin ducks quacked in cadence for her answer.

  “You got me out of the house on Saturday morning to stand on a pier casting a fishing line. I promise you, only a personal invitation would have worked.”

  “Hold the applause until the end of the day. This is only the first, one-third of the day. This picnic on the beach with my promise to cook dinner later had nothing to do with you accepting my offer?”

  The wide brimmed sun hat shielded her eyes from view, but he saw her smile widen.

  “Is it considered blackmail if I benefit from the deal?”

  “No, sweetness, it’s called a well-played hand.” Calling her everyday wasn’t enough anymore, he needed to be in her presence.

  “I’ve lived here all my life and never noticed this private oasis. How did you find this place?” The worry lines, she tried hard to hide during the work week had disappeared. This was the woman he met last fall, the one who ignited a fire in his gut with one look.

  “I’m a bit of a nature boy at heart. I like to scout out my location and learn the area.”

  “Spoken like a country boy Marine.” He stilled. He was not that person anymore, the sooner she realized that the better.

  “I can hear you thinking too hard, Gideon. Relax, you are a big time psychiatrist now, but I like my country boy Marine.”

  “Is that how you see me?” He asked, frustration clear in his voice.

  “I see you, the boy from small town West Virginia, the brave Marine, and the edgy psychiatrist.”

  “And your verdict?”

  “You’re alright,” she said, perched up on her left elbow.

  “That sounds marginal, at best.” He reached over placing an innocent kiss to her shoulder.

  “I stopped grading on a curve. Too many losers made the cut.” Her voice was strained, but light. “Does a refined psychiatrist have anything to drink in the cooler besides cheap beer?” With the heat radiating from his groin, he’d be lucky if he avoided a two degree burn.

  “You hurt my heart, sweetness. A man has to drink a beer while fishing. It’s the American way,” he grinned down at her. She wore a sheer black beach drape, with a drawstring waist. Those gorgeous legs were on display all morning. He had yet to see her full package for the sun and sea to drink in.

  Turning away he rolled up from the beach towel, he opened the lid and peered into the wicker basket packed with everything non-perishable he could find in the pantry.

  “There’s bottled water, sun brewed tea, and fresh squeezed lemonade.” He glanced back over his shoulder when she didn’t respond. At the sight that greeted him, the pressure in his groin increased enough to tent his trunks and the sand.

  The beach drape lay in a heap at Lina’s manicured toes. Both arms extended over her head in an ultra-feminine cat stretch elongating her curves and thrusting her ample chest heavenward. The one piece black and white tuxedo bathing suit she wore screamed take me here, take me now, and take me hard. It was a strapless number with black panels covering her breasts and abdomen. Solid white bands of material started down the side of her torso stopping at the high cut hipster. A faux white belt accented her smaller waistline. He shook his head, willing his hands to stay away from the breathtakingly, gorgeous woman who would serve as a hungry man’s feast.

  “Lina, is the fast over?”

  “Six days and counting,” she smiled.

  “You wanna cheat?” He asked with a smile, but he was serious with a capital S. He saw the pulse at her neck jump, just as her breathing increased.

  “I want…” she trailed off.

  He placed the drinks back in the cooler. The silence stretched between them. Lina sank her teeth into her lower lip and he released a groan. He couldn’t take any more. Reaching over he placed his hand on the exposed skin at her hip. As the coolness of his touch seeped into her hot skin, she hissed out a breath and his hold tightened.

  “Tell me you want to cheat,” her gaze dropped to his mouth. Her eyes darkened, and he knew she craved his touch. Wanted the same thing he did.

  “I can’t, Gideon.”

  He let his hands fall away from her body. Her eyes pleaded with him to understand.

  He understood her need to maintain control. She wanted to complete the fast, but heck, her man-fast had become his man-fast. He was ready to eat.

  “But, you want to cheat with me, right?” He didn’t know if it would help, but he needed some indication that he wasn’t going insane. Her only response was a barely perceptible nod. Breathing in the sea, he pushed his arousal back into the recesses of his mind. Much had been revealed today. She wanted him. That would have to be enough.

  “Lina, I’m not just hanging out with you.”

  “Say what’s on your mind, Gideon.”

  “Once this man-fast is over, I’m taking you home. We aren’t leaving the bedroom for days.”

  “Is that so?”

  “Yeah, it is.” He grabbed her and pulled her to stand. “Know that I’m going to feast on every inch of your body.” Her fingers gripped his, like she couldn’t let him go. He couldn’t look at her or he would lay her down, peel that suit from the smooth chocolate skin he dreamt of licking and love her all night long. “Let’s go for a swim.” She stiffened, but he gave her arm a tug. She fell in step behind him.

  They treaded into the water up to her waist, Gideon was pulled backward when Lina stopped moving.

  He turned, scooped her up into his arms. He waded into deeper water. She screeched louder than a little girl that had dropped her ice cream cone.

  “Gideon Rice, you put me down this instance.” She demanded. He laughed, placing a kiss on her cheek. She peered up at him, a glint of surprise in her eyes. He loved stealing kisses from her. “You keep wiggling and I might drop you.” Fear flashed in her eyes, she pressed closer to his chest.

  “Don’t do that,” she whispered. Her arms felt like she glued them around his neck.

  “Hey, sweetness,” he crooned, “you know I won’t let yo
u down.” A furrow formed between her brows before she averted her gaze.

  “Eyes on me, little warrior princess.” Her face was as still as a wax figure. He needed her to look at him. Why couldn’t she trust his word? Letting her leg slip from his hold he reached for her chin. Her back bowed out of the water as she jerked him forward, nearly throwing them both in the water.

  “Lina! Calm down.” Her legs wrapped around his waist in a wrestler’s hold. Between the reverse sleeper hold on his neck and her powerful legs compressing against his midsection, he was basically breathless.

  “Sweetness, loosen your hold.”

  “Not happening, mountain man.”

  “You love the water, but you can’t swim?”

  “Bingo, give the man a prize. We all have scars from childhood.” She tried to laugh though her voice shook.

  “My prize is wrapped around me just the way I like it.” Her breath hitched and her hold relaxed. He nuzzled her neck and smiled when she released a sigh.

  “Did I discover your sweet spot?” he teased.

  “One of many…Oh my Todd, I should not have said that out loud.”

  “You’re honest. I love that quality. What you see, is what you get.” He continued to nuzzle her neck. “And I love what I see.” Gideon lengthened his body in the water, forming a bed to cradle her body.

  “You say that now.”

  “I won’t change, Lina. I won’t let you fall.” To his point, he tilted his pelvis upward, pushing her bottom above the surface of the water. Just realizing she was afloat with him supporting her, she stiffened.

  “Don’t let go. I’ve got you. Trust me.” Tentatively, her muscles slowly went lax but she never broke eye contact. His gut tightened at the small victory in their relationship.

  “Say it, Lina.”

  “What do you want me to say?” This was her next lesson in trust.

  “Tell me you know that I will not let you fall.” She swallowed several times in succession before parting those full lips.


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