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Convincing Lina: A Bachelor of Shell Cove Novel (The Bachelors of Shell Cove Romance Book 2)

Page 21

by Siera London

  “Don’t come any closer. I’m with Gideon now. We are getting married.”

  “Marrying Gideon?” Her mother’s voice filled the room.

  “Three months ago it was Jace Harper,” Troy said matter of factly. Her breath froze in her lungs as her eyes widened in shock. How could he know about her private life?

  “Believe me Candy. I know every detail of your life.”

  “Yet, I know nothing of yours. I never knew the real you.”

  “You know me better than anyone. I gave you as much as I could. Trust me.”

  “Trust you? How dare you come to my home asking me to give you my trust? I trusted you once. I trusted you with the very heart of me. I gave you everything a woman could give a man.”

  “And I gave you the same, Candy. It was my baby that grew in your belly. I love you. That will never change. I have always taken care of you.” He should not have mentioned the baby. The foundation tilted on the wall of hurt he helped to build in her heart. She couldn’t stop the tears gathering in her eyes.

  “How can you say that? You weren’t there when the baby left me. You weren’t there when I needed you to hold everything together. I saved myself. I built my life without you. What have you done? Nothing, but cause me pain.”

  “Don’t cry, Candy. We lost the baby. You never lost me.”

  “I never had you Troy. Can’t you see that?” God, he was as lost as she was.

  “That is not true. You own me.”

  “Loyalty is not love, Troy. You’re loyal to my father’s memory. You helped my mother provide for me.” She should have known her mother couldn’t afford their lifestyle without assistance. She’d been blinded to the truth.

  “Lina, I stayed away to keep you safe. Being with me put you and the baby in danger.”

  “How? Why did you stay away so long?”

  “I needed time to build my own alliances and establish a network separate from my family’s connections.”

  “What do you want from me Troy?”

  “I want us. We had a family together. Me, you, and a baby. We could have that again.”

  “I can’t do that. I have a life that doesn’t include you, Troy. How did you know all these details about my life?” Lina turned to her mother. How had she been so blind?

  “I told you that I never left you. You are mine and nothing, no one will change that, ever.”

  “I spent years of my life with you and I never knew the real you.”

  “You can get to know me, Candy.”

  “I’m the daughter of a corrupt cop that was killed most likely by the same people after me.”

  “Your father was not corrupt and I can prove it,” Troy’s voice echoed off the walls.

  “What?” Her mother’s voice echoed her own.

  “Someone inside the Shell Cove Police department set Lincoln up to take the fall. If he hadn’t died in that raid, he would still be working to salvage his reputation.” Her mother sobs filled the room.

  “I knew it was a lie. I knew in my heart,” her mom cried out.

  “Lincoln could never betray us, Lina.” Her mother smiled at her through tears. So why didn’t Troy look pleased.

  “Knowing this information puts you in danger, doesn’t it?”

  “I think someone in the department leaked my connection to both of you.” Lina said.

  “Oh my goodness, this is going to get worse.” Lina blinked several times, trying to contain her rising panic.

  “Lina I can keep you safe. Come away with me. We can build a life together.”

  “No, that’s not possible. I am in love with Gideon. I’ll be his wife in four days.”

  “You are not getting married.” That was her mother’s voice.

  “Gideon asked me to marry him and I said yes.”

  “Lina this isn’t a good time…” Troy said. Who did he think he was? He had no power over her decisions?

  “Neither one of you is going to tell me who and when to marry. Gideon and I love each other. We make one another happy.”

  “I made you happy once and I can keep you safe.”

  “What we had was a lie. And Gideon is more than capable of keeping me safe.” Though Gideon fought what came natural to him. The Marine was the essence of who he was. The psychiatrist persona took work, and wasn’t his second nature.

  “You think that straight laced shrink can protect you better than I can.” Troy demanded.

  “I do.” She believed in Gideon, trusted him. She’d come to rely on him. The thought should terrify her, but it didn’t.

  “I’m going home.” Lina glanced around the room, ensuring she left nothing behind.

  “I’ll stop by later this evening.” Came Troy’s quick reply.

  “About the condo, you can have it. I don’t care what you do with it. Gideon and I are building a new home for our family.” Lina grabbed her things to go, but her mother’s hand on her arm stopped her.

  “Baby, please don’t go. I am scared to death that something is going to happen to you. Let Troy help.” Her mother said, as she stood.

  “No. I know you trust Troy, Momma. You two have a long standing relationship that I haven’t been privy to.”

  “Lina try to understand why I didn’t tell you about the connection between your father and Troy.” Her mother’s eyes pleaded with her.

  “I never asked Troy for help. You let me believe we were taking care of ourselves, but it was a lie. I’m just some charity case to Troy. I understand why you chose to keep your secret, but I don’t agree. How do you feel about your decisions now, momma?” Lina left before her mother could answer.

  All she wanted was to be in Gideon’s arms. They could weather this storm together.

  Chapter 20

  Lord in heaven Gideon was furious. He stared at the woman on his door step. Her. Monica represented everything he despised about his past. Lies, broken promises, abandonment, rejection, loss and that was the short list.

  “Aren’t you going to invite me in, lover?”

  “There’s no love between us. I’ll call you when the house is available.” Stepping backward, he moved to close the door. Monica extended her hand, pressing against the door. He saw the furrows between her brows, heard her sigh of frustration, but he was unmoved. Master manipulation was Monica’s specialty.

  “Gideon…honestly, after all these years and you would leave me standing at the door?”

  “Faster than a New York minute.”

  “Let me come inside, I promise not to stay long.”

  “You’re not staying, at all. Leave me your new number.” She gave him a coy smile.

  “I would have given you my number if I thought you would return my calls.”

  “I wouldn’t call you if I was on fire, and the hydrant was spitting gasoline.” Lina’s snappy comebacks had rubbed off on him. He should’ve been with her, not here wasting time with Monica.

  “Darling that statement doesn’t sound like you. We weren’t all bad, together.” It pissed him off that she thought she knew him. They were strangers all those years ago, and he certainly didn’t want to know her now.

  “Leave your number, Monica. Ian will call you.” She touched his arm and he flinched.

  “Why are you giving me the house?” His connection to Monica would end the moment he walked away from this house. Now, he and Lina would build the home of their dreams. The home where their children would grow to adulthood, knowing they were loved and wanted. A vision of his life with Lina, flashed in his mind. Yes, that was all he wanted. And he finally had the love and acceptance he desperately wanted.

  “It’s what you asked for.” As if conjured by a force set against him, his Cadillac with Lina behind the wheel rounded the wall of verdant hedges that obscured the front portico. She didn’t take her eyes off him and Monica as she pulled the car to a stop. Lina approached them with a confident stride, an extra swing to her generous hips with each step-she was in full diva mode.

  Her eyes were radiant with love an
d trust as she reached the front door and stopped adjacent to Monica. She gazed from him, to Monica, then she regarded him with a frown.

  “Gideon, why are you standing guard at the door?” She asked before turning to Monica to introduce herself. “Hello, I’m Lina.”

  “Pleasure Lina, I’m Gideon’s wife, Mrs. Rice. You must be the…housekeeper?” Gideon’s brows slammed together at Monica’s comment.

  “Ex-wife,” Gideon interrupted immediately. But it was too late. A blank, yet deadly expression covered Lina’s face, then she smiled at Monica.

  “Actually, I’m Gideon’s fiancée,” Lina said sweetly. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  Oh hell, Lina was going to kill him once this was over.

  Her fiancé was another woman’s husband. Gideon said he would never let her fall. He hadn’t. She had fallen all by herself and hit her head on every step on the way down, before she face planted at the bottom.

  “Ex-wife.” Gideon’s voice was loud and abrasive. The neighbors on the next block had ringing ears, but his words were a whisper compared to the repetitious gong of I’m Gideon’s wife.

  “I can see my husband still prefers to compartmentalize his life.” Bruised, broken, and betrayed, she would not crumble. Her emotional damn was in the red zone, rupture was unavoidable, but not yet. A final gesture for the woman who’d risked her heart and lost. One last performance before the curtain fell.

  She moved closer to Gideon, knowing he’d touch her. Predictably, his muscled forearm circled her waist, anchoring her to him. Swallowing the urge to push him away, she stood tall before casting her eyes down at Monica Rice. Doing her best Cookie Lyons impression, Lina plastered a smirk on her face and started her performance.

  “You are no surprise to me, boo-boo. I’m wondering why you are here.” A steel fist gripped her heart and squeezed. The longer she stood with Gideon at her back and Monica Rice at her front, the sensation intensified. So, this was what it felt like to die of a broken heart? She’d tried to save herself, but in reality she’d provided the hunter with the ammunition to deliver the mortal blow.

  “I came to see my house.” Like a tumbler in a lock the pieces fell into place.

  “Gideon, honey, you and Ian forgot to tell me…I’m sorry I’ve forgotten your name.”

  “It’s Mrs. Rice.”

  “Her name is Monica and she likes to be difficult. My ex-wife of five years decided to visit unannounced.” He was forthcoming with the information, after the fact. She felt Gideon squeeze her shoulder. She knew what he wanted. Reassurance. Solidarity. No way would she crumble in front of either one of these people. But she would crumble. She felt the pressure when Monica had announced herself, then the crack formed when Gideon confirmed, he was married to this woman. Pain and hurt thickly oozing through the fissures in her soul. Sucker punched again. There would be no recovery this time. She was done.

  “Monica, why don’t you start upstairs, while we tidy up the master suite?”

  “Honey, would you care to join me?” No this heifer didn’t.

  “I’m not your husband, just go already,” Gideon gave Monica a frustrated wave of his hand. As soon as Monica disappeared up the stairs Gideon took Lina in his arms.

  “Sweetness, I’m so proud of you.” He kissed her forehead. She laughed at the irony. She recalled a time she wanted to massage his kiss into her skin.

  “Funny, I don’t feel like I’ve reached a historical milestone or a major achievement.” She busied herself rearranging the personal items she had scattered around the chest of drawers. Gideon followed her into the bathroom.

  “Monica is here to cause trouble.”

  “What power does Monica have to cause you trouble, Gideon?”

  “I’m giving her the deed to the house, so we can build a life together.”

  “Oh, really?” She gave him her best “I’m bored” expression. Carting more lotions, potions and foolish notions toward the sink, she released her arms, and the pile fell onto the countertop in a messy heap.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m staging for my performance. What about you?” Came her casual reply.

  “Lina, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about Monica, but your tone is a little concerning.” Gideon was staring at her now.

  “I thought it the perfect blend of I don’t give a flip about what you think, what you do, or what you want.” He grabbed her arm, spinning her to face him. His warm cedar scent engulfed her, before his breath caressed her cheek.

  “We are getting married at the end of this week.” She heard his tale of the ring she wore on her finger replay in her head. The metal seemed to heat, burning her skin. She dug her nails into her palms stopping the sensation.

  “You sure about that? I mean, you’re already married.”

  “Divorced. And stop with the verbal jabs.”

  “Consider yourself blessed and very lucky that I haven’t punched in that lying mouth of yours.” She pushed past him. Reaching into the drawer that held her lingerie, she pulled out four silk scarves. She tied one to each bedpost, and then draped a black leather bustier over the mahogany trunk at the foot of the bed.

  “What the heck?” Turning to a wide-eyed Gideon, she smiled.

  “That ought to be enough, now let’s go check on your wife.”

  “Ex-wife.” He said through pursed lips.

  “Whatever,” she tossed over her shoulder. Lina called to the other woman. “Monica, we have plans for the evening…”

  “Of course,” came the terse reply. “I’ll check the other rooms, and then be on my way.”

  “Thanks,” Lina cooed, as she threw an arm around Gideon, placing a light kiss on his shoulder. “Woman to woman, you know how antsy a man can be when he has a special night at home planned.”

  Monica grimaced. “Yes, I suppose.” Monica walked past them, but stopped short of the master suite. “Gideon, you kept all the decor the way I like it.” Lina stiffened. That little jab would leave a bruise, she thought.

  “You can keep it. Lina and I are going to trash everything.”

  “Pity, it took us months to select the furnishings for each room.”

  “It’s not my style.” Came Gideon’s frank reply.

  “Yes, I can see for myself your tastes have changed,” she gave Lina a once over, distaste reflected in her eyes, before entering the bedroom. In under sixty seconds, the fast click of Monica’s heels exiting the bedroom drew their attention. With tight lips and a red face Monica stated, “I’ve seen more than enough.”

  My work here is done. Permanently.

  “Monica, let me see you to the door.” Pleased with her closing act performance. Lina added a bonus scene to her act. “Can I get your phone number, there’s a list of things I can tell you about the house, for example, the walls are tissue paper thin, and…” Monica held up a hand.

  “That’s not necessary, my attorney will contact Ian.”

  “You sure, boo boo?” She said with a plastered on smile


  “I appreciate you stopping by. Don’t we, honey?” Lina turned to Gideon.

  “Hell no.” He spat out.

  “Gideon, the language.” Lina closed the door and stood still. Maybe if she remained still, her world would stop spinning off its axis.

  “What was all that?” Gideon prodded.

  “It’s a woman thing, you wouldn’t understand.”

  “You are even more beautiful when you’re fighting alongside your man.” Her man? She didn’t know he was married. She didn’t know they had to leave his house.

  “I never imagined I’d have to fight, especially over the man I agreed to marry.” She slid his ring off her finger and held it out to him. Gideon stared at the ring. Horror and alarm clear in his stormy gray eyes. Eyes she had been foolish to trust.

  “You already have a wife.”

  “No, I don’t. I was married, but I never had a wife. Not in my heart the way you are, Lina.”

  “I don�
��t think your heart condition is legally binding. Take your ring.” She slipped the band off her finger, holding the small circle out to him.

  “I should’ve mentioned I’d been married before, but…put that ring back on your finger.” She didn’t argue. Sidestepping him, she placed the ring on the cocktail table and collapsed onto the couch. Gideon settled beside her on the couch.

  “Sweetness.” Even now after his betrayal, his voice made her insides tumble over themselves. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you I was divorced.”

  “I get it now. You don’t want a past.”

  “Because it doesn’t matter. I have you now.” Oh he had her. She’d delivered herself into his arms with a big, naive bow superglued to her forehead.

  “The drive back to Shell Cove. You were afraid Ian had mentioned Monica. That’s why you were quiet.”

  “My life with Monica is over.”

  “Apparently not, you have unsettled dealings with your wife.”

  “This house was the last link between us. I told Ian to give it to her.”

  “I’d rather not go all General Hospital with the two of you.”

  “This is the last of it. I gave her the house so you and I can move forward with our plans, Lina.”

  “Your plan, not mine. You told me what you wanted me to know, so I’d fit into the perfect plan you have for your life.”

  “You agreed to marry me, so that makes it our plan.”

  “What do you want from me Gideon?”

  Her question stopped him cold. Did she not know how he felt about her? Had she been hurt so many times, that she didn’t recognize love, his love?

  “I want you to love me.” Her eyes widened in shock.

  “Love me enough that you trust me to make this right. I am finishing this business with Monica once and for all. That’s why I told Ian to give her the house while we were in Waverly Falls.”

  “I agreed to marry the man I thought I knew. You aren’t him,” she added the eye and neck roll for emphasis.

  “You are no different from Jace or Troy. You told me what I wanted to hear, to get what you wanted from me. Well done, Doctor Rice. By far, you are the best I’ve ever encountered.”


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