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Finding Gracie's Rainbow

Page 8

by Deborah A. Price

  “I’ll try.” Gracie walked back to her office thinking about what Kim had told her about Michelle.


  Jackson already knew that Bea would be at Kim’s and drove over there a little after seven. He was shocked to see Gracie still there and looked her over before she knew he was standing there.

  Gracie laughed at him when she saw him. “Do you think that it will meet with Steven’s approval?”

  “I don’t know about Steven, but it meets with mine.” Jackson looked around for Bea as to take his attention away from Gracie. The dress she was wearing managed to set off her eyes and her hair. “Steven is running a little late, isn’t he?”

  “Maybe he canceled and I’m off the hook.” Gracie looked very serious. “What do you know about Billy?”

  “Billy?” Jackson saw Kim come into the room. “Billy is a bore, unless he has a couple of drinks. Do you have a longer dress?”

  “Why?” Gracie picked up a bottle of Tylenol. “I have a feeling that I’m going to need this tonight.”

  “Billy is very fresh with the ladies.” Jackson saw the headlights shine on the wall. “There’s your ride. Have fun.” He watched her leave before looking over at Kim. “What is your brother thinking?”

  Kim frowned. “What did you say about Billy? How fresh does he get with the ladies?”

  “Let’s just say that his hands don’t stay in his own lap. Gracie might be a little ticked when she comes to pick up Bea.” Jackson went off to look for Bea.

  “Uncle Jackson!” Bea ran over to him and hugged him before he showed her the movie he had picked up for that night.

  “Hannah Montana?” Sammie glanced over at them. “Couldn’t find a date, Jackson?”

  “I have a date with Princess Bea, smarty pants. You can join us if you want.” Jackson smiled as he walked with Bea down into the living room.

  Sammie sat down next to Kim and whispered into her mother’s ear. “I was wrong. I think Jackson has a crush on Bea.”

  “No, you were right.” Kim watched Jackson with Bea. “He has always been Bea’s father figure, and Gracie has let him.” She hugged her daughter. “Imagine what her life would be like without his influence.”

  Sammie looked over at them as she tried to imagine her life without Robert. “Aunt Gracie is smart.”


  Gracie was growing irritated when she felt Billy’s hand on her leg. She kicked him as it started traveling upward. Looking over at Paige, she excused herself politely. “I need to freshen up. Would you care to join me?”

  Paige caught the look Gracie sent her and after excusing herself from the table and followed her into the bathroom. “What’s up?”

  “Your friend Billy has roving hands, and I’ve had enough. That is what's up.” Gracie was leaning against the sink as she talked. “Jackson warned me that he was fresh, but I think Billy graduated to repulsive.”

  “I’m so sorry.” Paige looked at her. “Are you ready to leave then?”

  “You can bet your last dollar. You can tell Steven that this so-called date is officially over.” Gracie walk out of the bathroom and left the restaurant as Paige went back to their table.

  “Steven, Gracie has come down with a serious headache.” Paige stood beside Steven as he continued to sit there. She whispered in his ears, and he stood up apologizing to Billy for cutting their evening short. Gracie was standing beside one of the benches as they came out.

  “Why didn’t you tell me what was going on?” Steven asked watching Billy come out the door. He walked them quickly to the car, frowning as he heard Billy call out to them.

  Gracie continued to walk to the car with Paige as Steven had turned to Billy. “Gracie really isn't feeling well. I need to get her home.”

  “I need a moment with her before she goes.” Billy walked past Steven and walked to where Gracie was standing next to the car.

  Steven balled up his fists as he watched Billy run a hand up Gracie’s arm bending down to kiss her. Gracie pushed him away and slapped him in the face when he tried to kiss her again before Steven could grab him.

  Steven walked him to his car, “Good bye, Billy.”

  “I could press charges on your sister for slapping me.”

  “And she could press sexual harassment charges against you.” Steven watched as Billy turned on him. “You don’t want a piece of this, Billy. Not after I found out about what your hands were doing under the table. Just go.”

  He watched Billy drive off before getting into his own car. “Go ahead and let me have it, Gracie.”

  “I’m too angry with you.” Gracie sat in silence until they pulled up into Kim’s driveway. She ran into the house almost knocking Jackson down in the process.

  “Whoa, where’s the fire?” Jackson stopped her.

  “I just want to go home.” Gracie was mad enough to spit nails. “Where’s Bea?”

  “Sammie’s room,” Jackson studied her face and smiled. “I got it right, didn’t I?”

  “Yes, you did, and I don’t want to talk about it.” Gracie walked away from him.

  Kim had been sitting down watching the two of them talking. “Go get her back here, Jackson, and find out what happened to cause her to be so uptight.”

  Jackson walked down the hall to Sammie’s room and motioned for Gracie to come back out. “Kim wants to see you.”

  Gracie sat down in the living room and told them the whole story. “I slapped him. I actually slapped him.” Gracie laughed.

  “Wow!” Kim stood. “Steven will set you up with slum like that but won’t even consider Jackson.”

  Gracie looked over at Jackson and shrugged her shoulders. “Honestly, if I was Steven, I wouldn’t consider any of those guys my friends.” She smiled sweetly at Jackson. “You could give him lessons in kissing.”

  “I'm sorry you went through that.” Jackson yawned as he stood. “Are you calm now?”

  “I think so.” Gracie felt herself relaxing as Jackson started to the front door. She looked down at the puppy that had lain down at her feet. “Jackson?”

  “Huh?” Jackson turned back towards her and saw her pointing down at the puppy.

  “And please don’t forget to tell Bea that you’re leaving.” Gracie mumbled as his hand touched her leg. She frowned down at him as he looked up.

  Jackson stood with the puppy in his arms as they stared at each other. “I won’t sleep again tonight.” He whispered to her before he walked down the hall.

  Kim studied them and smiled as she stood and walked towards the kitchen. “I'm going to start Robert’s supper. Did you eat at the restaurant?”

  “I don’t think I did.” Gracie stood before Jackson came back into the room. “Good night, Jackson.”

  “Where is Kim?” Jackson placed the puppy on the floor.

  “Kitchen.” Gracie was hushed as Jackson kissed her. “This is getting to be a habit.” He pulled her closer to him, and she kissed him back before Robert walked into the house.

  “Wish I had a camera.” Robert watched as Gracie pulled back quickly and blushed. “Or a video camera,” Robert laughed as Jackson picked up the puppy. “Here's an even a better idea. Why don’t you two start dating?”

  “No!” Gracie snapped as Jackson looked over at her in astonishment.

  “No?” Jackson asked her. “At least two good reasons and Steven don't count.”

  “One, you haven’t asked and two, what happens to your relationship with Bea. . .” Gracie glared at Robert for even suggesting it. “I really need to go home now.”

  Robert looked over at Jackson. “Sorry, I didn’t expect that kind of reaction from her.”

  “Gracie, aren’t you forgetting a certain little girl?” Jackson wasn't amused when he saw the confusion on her face.

  “Bea!” Gracie called her. “Do you know now why I didn’t want to be your friend?”

  Bea walked into the room, dancing around as she saw Gracie waiting for her at the door. “Tell Kim that I'll see her later.”

bsp; Robert walked into the kitchen. “You’re right, Kim. Those two are very confusing people.”

  “What are you talking about?” Kim placed a plate in front of him as Sammie came into the room.

  “They were kissing when I walked in.” He smiled as he saw the look on Kim’s and Sammie’s face. “So I asked them why they just didn’t start dating. Gracie went off like a stick of dynamite.”

  “Oh, oh,” Kim sat down at the table with him. “That wasn’t a smart thing to do, Robert.”

  “I know that now, but I'm afraid the damage has been done.” He looked up when Jackson came into the room. “Are you alright?”

  “I’m fine.” Jackson told them both goodnight before he picked up the puppy again and left.

  “He looked hurt.” Sammie spoke up. “Maybe it is more than a crush.”

  Chapter 6

  Gracie was busy packing the clothes that were out of season the next day when Steven and Paige came over. Steven looked around Bea’s bedroom as there were clothes all over the bed. “I heard you're moving into Jackson’s parents’ house.”

  “That’s right,” Gracie really wanted Steven to leave so she could get back to work. “It'll be cheaper than renting this apartment and Bea can keep her puppy.” She taped up one of the boxes. “With Mark in jail, I don’t have that extra income to help with the expenses.”

  “I didn’t think about that.” Steven looked concerned for all of a second before launching into the real reason he was there. “Friday night?”

  “You're kidding right?” Gracie stared at him in disbelief. “Three strikes and you’re out.”

  “Two strikes and one foul,” Steven corrected her as he smiled. “I don’t think that we could actually count Terry as a strike.”

  Paige looked at her husband. “Gee, Steven. I would have called him an ‘out’.” She laughed as her husband glared at her. “Where is Bea?”

  “Kim’s house,” Gracie answered as she started packing another box. “I never realized that child had all of these clothes.”

  “About Friday night?” Steven took a box and stacked it on top of another one.

  Gracie laid the tape down. “Only if you promise that it will be the last one.” She crossed her arms in front of her as she watched him, “Well?”

  “Okay, I promise.” He said as Gracie frowned while he crossed his fingers.

  “I'm very serious, Steven.” Gracie opened Bea’s dresser. Steven walked out of the bedroom before Gracie looked over at Paige. “He is lying.”

  “How can you tell?” Paige took one of the boxes over to her.

  “No eye contact,” Gracie placed Bea’s winter pajamas in the box. “That will do for this room for now. Actually, I think this is all the packing I'm doing for another week.”

  Gracie walked out of the room with Paige as Steven turned and glared at them. “Jackson just called your cell. I thought you said you two weren’t friends anymore.”

  “We made up.” Gracie took her cell phone from him. “For Bea, and I already told you that. You’re mad about this for what reason?”

  “I don’t want him around you.” Steven looked at her seriously.

  “You know what, Steven?” Gracie turned on him as anger started to take her over. “I’m twenty-seven years old and am well capable of choosing my own friends.” Gracie said in provocation. “Bea has a special relationship with Jackson, and I'm not taking that away from either of them.” Gracie walked to the door with her keys in hand. “That means I have to see Jackson, and we might as well be friends.” She opened the door. “I'm going to Kim’s”

  “And I'm going with her.” Paige was as infuriated as Gracie. “I might see you tonight.”

  Gracie glanced at Paige as Steven sulked out. “What are you doing?”

  “I have no intention of being around him while he's sulking, especially when I'm mad at him.” Paige walked out to Gracie’s car.

  They pulled up in Kim’s driveway and parked behind Jackson’s car. Jackson and Kim both looked up as they walked into the house. Kim laughed at the look on their faces. “What has Steven done now?”

  “How did you know?” Gracie asked as she looked around for Bea.

  “Paige came with you.” Kim hugged them and noticed that Gracie was tense.

  Gracie looked over at Jackson as she answered her sister's question. “He got upset because somebody called my cell phone.” Gracie chuckled. "Just so you know, Jackson, he tried to forbid me from being around you.”

  “He did?” Jackson thought Gracie was joking.

  “It’s not funny, Jackson.” Gracie walked into the kitchen to fix herself a glass of water, walking back in time to hear Paige tell the full story.

  “What is his problem with me all of sudden?” Jackson stood angrily and walked around the room.

  Gracie laughed at him as she watched. “I know that you can figure that out for yourself.”

  Jackson couldn't help but to focus on Gracie’s lips. “I guess I could if I had a reminder.”

  “That doesn’t need to happen again.” Gracie said as she looked at him seriously. “And I'm very serious about that.” She sat down next to Paige remembering how she had reacted to Jackson yesterday at the house.

  Paige elbowed her. “Why not?”

  “Yeah, why not?” Jackson stopped in front of her before walking to the door because he heard a car door. “Were you expecting Steven to show up here?” He watched as Paige shook her head.

  “He was going home.” Paige answered before Jackson looked back out the door.

  “Well, he’s here.” He looked at Gracie and Paige. “Why don’t you ladies go check up on the girls? Kim, you can handle him better than anybody I know. . .”

  “I'll try to calm him down.” Kim watched as Jackson headed towards the back door. “Where are you going?”

  “Out back, I ain't looking for a fight.” Jackson shut the door softly behind him and started working on some of Kim’s fencing.

  Steven walked into the room and came face to face with Kim. “Where is everybody?” He looked around the room and spotted Paige’s purse.

  “Paige and Gracie are visiting with the girls.” Kim didn’t mention Jackson as she glanced back at her brother. “Who do you think you are, Steven?”

  “What are you talking about?” Steven sat down on the couch.

  Kim just shook her head at him as she remembered the way that Steven had reacted to Gracie while they had been children. “You pushed Gracie around from the time she could walk and never, I mean never, bothered to be a big brother to her- until now. Why are you interfering with her now?”

  “I'm not interfering. I'm simply protecting her.” Steven looked up when Kim laughed at him.

  “With the guys you have set her up with on your ‘blind dates', I get the feeling that you're punishing her.” Kim sat beside him. “And what about Jackson?”

  “I thought we were talking about Gracie.” He stood. “And just where is Jackson? I know he’s here.”

  “Jackson has always been there for her and Bea.” Kim looked over at him very determined to get to the bottom of what he was feeling. “You’ve told lies to all of us about Jackson. You tried very hard to turn us against him, and I want to know why.”

  “Always been there for them?” Steven walked to the window as he heard hammering. “Where was he when Mark was beating on her?”

  “Where were you?” Kim came back at him watching as he opened the back door to see Jackson. “And what are you about to do?”

  “Stay inside, Kim,” Steven walked out the door as Jackson looked up. “Are you mending fences now?”

  “It needed it.” Jackson stood up and looked at him angrily. “What do you want?”

  “I want to deck you, but that won’t solve anything.” Steven watched as Jackson smiled at him.

  “I ain't stopping you, but remember that I can fight back.” Jackson walked over to him. “You want me to stay away from Gracie. I've already heard it.” He saw Steven looking at the hamm
er. “It’s not going to happen.”

  “And just why not?” Steven asked as played with a piece of the fence.

  Jackson started walking to the house. “It’s not your decision, Steven. It’s Gracie's, and her mind is already made up.”

  “Are you trying to make her one of your conquests?” Steven watched as Jackson turned around to face him again.

  “I don’t have conquests, and if you had bothered to keep up with me, you would know that.” They stood at the backdoor, and Kim was hearing everything. “You know, Steven, I don’t even know how we became friends anymore because you're really a piece of art.”

  “And what is that supposed to mean?” Steven studied him.

  “I happen to love your sister, you jerk.” Jackson heard Steven groan. “And I love Bea. Of course, you can’t see that because you think that you know everything there is to know.”

  “You love Gracie?” Steven started to laugh at him. “When did this happen?”

  “A while back ago,” Jackson saw that Steven had grown angrier. “Still want to deck me?”

  Steven’s fist landed on Jackson’s face as Kim watched in horror, but Jackson took him down as they started to wrestle. Kim didn’t know what to do, so she walked away to let them fight it out.

  Kim smiled as she remembered what Jackson had said about Gracie. Walking back to where her sister was, she started to laugh.

  “What’s so funny?” Paige asked after Kim sat down.

  “They're fighting outside.” Kim saw the looks that passed between Paige and Gracie. “Steven came over looking for a fight, and he got one.”

  “Shouldn’t we try to break it up?” Gracie asked as she hugged Bea.

  “No.” Kim sat down on the bed. “Maybe Jackson will knock some sense into our brother.”

  “What exactly are they fighting over?’’ Gracie asked as Bea looked up at her with big brown eyes.

  “I won’t tell you.” Kim stood and walked around as she hoped there weren't going to be any broken bones. “I have called mom and dad over, and it's about time for Robert to come home from work.”


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