Book Read Free

When Clubs Collide

Page 14

by Jacqueline Sinclair

  “Who’s with me?”

  “I am.” Malibu shouts out.

  “Good, you’ve got some prospects to train. Get ready, ‘cause their as green as green gets. I need you to make sure their prepared and understand what it is they’ve signed up for. Don’t need no pussy ass cry baby to have our backs.

  “Got it boss.”

  “Let the collision begin.” I say

  About the Authors

  Liberty Parker

  I have been an avid reader for most of my life. When I was younger I use to sit and fill spiral notebooks full of stories for my grandmother. As I got older I took the jobs needed for raising my boys as a single mom until I met my now amazing husband. I have stopped working in the last three years and started promoting authors, then I blogged and reviewed for authors, which lead me down the path to writing and creating characters and stories. I love creating behind the scenes with my writing getting to use my imagination and write the story as it comes to me.I am loving the people I am meeting and the support system I have found.


  Author Page

  Libert’s Luscious Ladies support team

  Vera Quinn

  I am an avid reader that loves just about any kind of book. Love my family, my state, and my country. When I’m not writing you will find me outside spending time with family, camping, fishing or working on race cars. I have been married for twenty-one years to the love of my life.





  Friend or Foe

  Ariel Marie


  Jacqueline M Sinclair

  Chapter One

  Despite being 5 o’clock in the afternoon, the temperature was dropping and a thin veil of fog settled over the ground in true North Carolina fashion. A storm was brewing, but Morgan knew her brother would insist on someone driving her home after dinner with the Demons, so she didn’t bother turning around for a jacket.

  Instead, she found the mouth of the trail and entered into the woods with her mind already on the upcoming months. It would be three more weeks before she could move into her apartment, and another week before she’d start her first year of medical school. Her stomach did a little flip with her calculations. Not because she was nervous, but because she felt she needed to prepare herself for her studies. Hank had invested far too much into her for her to fail.

  He was also the reason she hadn’t been able to refuse a visit. Having two years left of high school when their parents died, Hank had stepped up and did the best he could by her. She owed him one visit before she immersed herself in white coats and clinical rotations.

  Arriving at the river, she turned and followed it upstream a few yards to a shallow pool of water. Ages ago, someone had placed stepping-stones across the six-foot span, and the rocks were spaced so that one could cross without having to jump from one to another. She landed on a bed of rocks on the other side and glanced around. The fog was thicker there, due to the heat being absorbed by the solid sheet of rock near the tree line, about twenty feet away.

  She’d grown up there, spending more than a few summer days stretched out on the rocks in the sun, but it suddenly seemed too eerie and unwelcoming. Morgan changed directions and made a beeline for the entrance to the next trail. It split about a hundred yards in; one way would take her straight to the Demons’ clubhouse, while the other would take her to the ancient neighborhood store. That’s where she headed.

  For the first time, she began to feel a chill, as the damp fog settled into her clothes. She walked faster and clutched her hands to her chest to ward off the cold. The feeling of uneasiness mounted in her chest, and she was almost at the split when she heard it. She stopped short, her body rigid and alert. She’d spent enough time in the woods growing up to know that sound hadn’t been made by a tiny animal. She would have sworn that she’d heard the deep rumble of a dog growling.

  The hair on her arms stood up and goose bumps raced along her skin as she stood frozen. She dared to move her head to take in her shrouded surroundings, listening. Nothing. She glanced around, taking in one lone sapling that swayed back and forth a few feet from her. She looked up at the canopy of trees, and not a single leaf shuddered in the air.

  Morgan bolted and ran, coming up on the divide in the trail quicker than she realized. She shifted left too late. Her feet lost traction on the wet leaves, causing her to land hard on her side. She groaned at the surge of pain that shot through her arm, but it wasn’t enough to drown out the distinct sounds of the heavy pounding of footsteps behind her. Suddenly, the sound disappeared.

  Had she imagined it? She stood while cradling her throbbing left arm against her stomach. She looked around, but could only see a white sheet of invisibility now. She took a step. Nothing. She took another. Not a sound.

  She breathed a sigh of relief. She’d freaked herself out for no reason. Berating herself for being so childish, she shook it off and continued on toward the store, humming softly to keep her imagination in check.

  He landed in the middle of the path from nowhere.

  She let loose a scream.

  • • •

  The chilled air rushed past his face, while the sun provided warmth. It was perfect for a long road trip on the Harley. The only thing that was missing was his brothers riding alongside him. But this wasn’t a joy ride. This was a fucking scouting mission. Anton “Ant” Hessel was ordered to take this trip by his alpha. But Ant wouldn’t complain since he had a beautiful day to ride, and it was just getting better. A few days away from Black Hollow, Ohio, was just what Ant needed. The highway had just cleared up and there was no one in the way, which was perfect for him to test this baby out.

  The roar of the engine shattered the silence as he flew down the heavily wooded highway, expertly navigating the road. He was born for speed. The animal in him loved being on the bike with the open road, and the feeling of the air whipping through his hair. Speed was something of an aphrodisiac for a wolf shifter.

  He glanced down and let out a string of curses as the gas gauge registered only a fourth of a tank. He hadn’t realized that he had gone that long since the last pit stop. Not wanting to chance running out of gas on the backwoods highway of North Carolina, Ant began to pay attention to the signs as they flew by.

  Pulleytown, next exit.

  “Perfect,” he muttered, pushing his bike even faster. She jumped to the occasion, and the needle on the speedometer climbed up again, nearing ninety-five. This was just the town he was aiming for—what a coincidence. He came upon the exit, slowing the bike down as he approached a red stoplight. Seeing no one coming, he went ahead and turned right and followed the road until the gas station came into view.

  He pulled into the empty four-pump station, taking note of the male attendant behind the glass as he parked at the pump. Shutting the bike off, he whipped his leg over and dismounted. It felt good to stretch. He shouldn’t have pushed it so long between stops. He’d left this morning, and glancing down at his watch, he found that it was later than he’d thought.

  He’d made good time, but he needed to get something to drink. A long ride always left him a little parched. He strolled into the station, and with a nod to the attendant, he headed to the cooler.

  “Hello,” the attendant stammered nervously.

  Ant chuckled as the tiny human’s eyes widened at the size of him. As a wolf shifter, he was above average size for a human male. Topping out at six foot three and two hundred forty pounds of pure muscle, Ant was used to the reaction. It probably didn’t help that he was dressed in all black, with his leather cut on, either. He could give a rat’s ass what he looked like. If he looked menacing—good. Motherfuckers would leave him the hell alone.

  He quickly gathered a few drinks and snacks so that he could pay and get the hell out of the station. The fucking human’s hand shook as he gave him his change. His wolf snorted as the smell of fear permeated the air. Ant was tempted to sc
are the shit out of the human, but figured the damn guy would piss himself. So he left well alone, and headed back out to his bike. He loaded his purchases into his saddlebag and began pumping the gas.

  A noise off in the distance captured his wolf’s attention. Ant paused, trying to see if it came again. He didn’t know what it was but—

  There it was again.

  A small cry for help echoed off in the distance. He turned and slowly walked to the edge of the parking lot, leaving the pump as it filled his tank. The wind blew, and he tried to determine which direction it was coming from. With his wolf’s senses, not only did he hear the cry again, but also, he picked up on the scent of another shifter.

  Wolf shifters weren’t supposed to be in these parts of North Carolina. That was why he was sent down here. Lycan law stated that when settling in a new area, wolves would be expected to reach out to the alpha of the closest region. There was no communication to Ant’s alpha about this new group of shifters moving in. According to Demitri, his alpha, trouble was on its way to Pulleytown, and by the sound floating through the air, it was already here.

  Ant took off running in the direction. He sent up a prayer that he wasn’t too late.

  Chapter Two

  Ant’s wolf growl rumbled in his chest as he approached the heavily wooded area. He slowed down in an attempt to pick up on the trail of the shifter. He was down wind, and as the wind blew, he caught the scent again.

  Two shifters.

  Ant was ready for a fight and took off in the direction of the scent. His legs ate up the distance as he entered the woods. His wolf paced and snarled, ready for a fight. Ant would only have to give the word and his beast would break free, seeking blood. It had been a while since he was able to crack a skull or two.

  “No, please. Leave me be!” a female voice cried out.

  Ant’s wolf slammed into his chest at the thought of a woman being taken advantage of against her will. He rounded a bend as two burly men surrounded a small female. One of the men had long, dirty blond hair, pulled into a low ponytail, while the other had a fresh buzz cut. Ponytail pulled back and slapped her across the face, sending her body flying back a few feet from the force. She crumpled to the ground, at the base of a large oak tree, her body unmoving.

  “Get away from her,” Ant growled while shucking his leather cut off. These two motherfuckers weren’t worth shredding his vest if he shifted. He didn’t care about his jeans or T-shirt, but the vest symbolized his life, the Lycan Order.

  One glance at the female’s still form and he knew that these two had just signed their death warrants.

  “This is none of your business,” buzz warned as he walked toward Ant.

  “Yeah, get the fuck out of here,” ponytail ordered as he turned his back to Ant, headed toward the female.

  “It’s my business when you’re attacking innocent females,” Ant growled, pulling his arm back just as buzz reached him. Ant’s fist slammed into his jaw. The power of the punch knocked Buzz’s head back. Ant took advantage of the wolf’s shock and rammed his left fist into the rogue’s abdomen, knocking the air from him. Ant brought his right elbow down hard, slamming it into the base of the wolf’s neck. The rogue fell to the ground, unconscious.

  “I said get away from her,” Ant repeated. He had to fight his wolf to keep it from taking over.

  It wanted to burst forth, but Ant knew he could handle the second rogue with little effort. They could have at least tried, he thought to himself. He was disappointed that the first one went down so quick.

  Ponytail’s eyes widened at the sight of his buddy on the ground. Ant stalked the wolf with a low growl. He could feel his gums burn as his canines threatened to descend, but Ant fought the change.

  “Now, hold up.” Ponytail held his hands up. “Who the fuck are you?”

  “Don’t worry about who I am. The Lycan Order wants you and any other shifter in this area gone.” Ant continued to stalk toward the sorry excuse of a shifter.

  A rogue.

  A shifter with no loyalties to any pack. A shifter without loyalty was a dangerous shifter. The Lycan Order was one of the most powerful packs in the country. To the human eye, they were a motorcycle club. Humans were ignorant to the fact that they were not the only species living on this beautiful planet.

  The Lycan Order were brothers in arms, wolves loyal to their pack and their alpha, Demitri Arcos. Demitri gave an order. Get rid of the rogues in Pulleytown, and that was exactly what they would do.

  “You and what army is going to make us?” Ponytail grew a little braver. A small smile graced his lips as he taunted Ant.

  “Don’t need an army,” Ant replied, his eyes narrowed on the rogue.

  Ponytail must have seen the animal close in Ant’s eyes as he backed up and turned, running off into the woods. Ant’s wolf begged to give chase, but the human in him knew better. He had to check on the female. He turned and walked over to her still body. Her dark brown hair covered her face. He gently reached out and brushed it out of the way so he could see her face, and noticed a bruise was beginning to form. She was so tiny and delicate. His wolf growled low at the thought of the pain she went through. He ached to go over and beat the shit out of the unconscious wolf again, but knew it wouldn’t help her.

  He needed to find out where she belonged. Her body stirred and she released a groan.

  “Are you all right?” he asked, unsure of what to do. She mumbled something as she turned over on her back. Her eyes remained closed. “Where can I take you?”

  Her eyes opened, and the most beautiful brown orbs glanced at him. If he wasn’t already on his knees, he was certain that he would have fallen to them.


  His wolf slammed into his chest, trying to get to her. It couldn’t be, he thought. His hand shook as he reached up and moved her hair from her forehead.

  “The Demons,” she whispered before her eyes closed, and lost consciousness again.

  • • •

  Morgan had the distinct feeling of floating through the air. She forced her eyes open and swallowed down the nausea that built as the canopy of trees rolled by. She shut them and willed the bile to stay down. She felt her body rock and sway, realizing that she was being carried.

  Panic set in, but the last hit from that freak in the woods had rattled her down to her bones. Her head pulsated with a pain like she’d never experienced before. She ached all over, and struggled against whatever was holding her, but it was like trying to push a brick wall out of her way.

  “Almost there.”

  The voice wasn’t loud or menacing, but it was powerful enough that it resonated through her. It almost soothed her. But where the hell was there, and why was he taking her there? She lifted her head to see, but the images swirled in chaos. The whole world spun, while the pain in her head intensified. “Just hang on.”

  Anything else he might have said died out in the chorus of pissed off bikers. Curses surrounded them and overwhelmed what little solid ground she’d found. She squeezed her eyes shut as someone snatched her from the cradle she was in.

  “What the fuck happened?”

  Her brother. Thank god.

  “Hank!” The cry came out strangled and desperate.

  She’d barely hung on. Now that she was safe, what little defensives she had were gone, and she fell back into darkness.

  Chapter Three

  “Are you sure? ’Cause I’ll beat the fucker to his knees if you say the word.”

  “He’s still here?” Morgan struggled to sit up on the side of the small bed, with a palm to the side of her head to manage the pain.

  Hank shuffled from the window, pulled a chair up and sat close to her. “He said he didn’t have anything to do with it, and I don’t think he’d walk up into our clubhouse with you if he did. But something isn’t kosher with his story.”

  His voice lowered, even though she couldn’t make out anyone else in the room. It was dark outside, and she wondered how much of the evening she’d
spent passed out. Knocked out. Though it felt like she had a hangover from hell.

  “It was two other guys. At least two is all I saw.” Hank’s eyes studied her, and for a minute, she felt as if their father was in the room, giving her the third degree. Only Hank didn’t press an issue. If it was club business, he wouldn’t want her involved anyway. His scrutiny faded and concern filled his face. “What’s he saying?”

  “Not a whole lot,” Hank admitted. “Some things me and the brothers will have to deal with. You okay?”

  “My head is pounding.” He reached up and gently inspected the knot on the side of her head. “Vanessa managed to get some aspirin in you earlier. It’s probably about time for some more.”

  She moved to stand. “I can get it. I need to see him anyway, to thank him.”

  But the room spun, and she fell back to the bed.

  “Fuck!” Hank erupted. He picked her up and placed her in the middle of the bed. “Don’t get up. I’ll be back.”

  It wasn’t long before the echo of heavy boots grew louder in the hallway. Hank swung open the door and stepped aside. He entered the room as if he owned it. Her savior. His presence filled the room. Between him and Hank, it was almost suffocating.

  Her brother stepped forward and dropped two pills into her palm before passing her a cup of water from the nightstand.

  “I’ll be just down the hall,” Hank announced.

  He didn’t take his eyes off of her. When Hank left the room, he took a seat in the chair. Morgan watched him, but she couldn’t explain the feeling that she was left with as his green eyes sized her up. She wrapped her arms around herself and dug through her curiosity, and the feeling of uneasiness that he created. She wasn’t afraid, but he unnerved her in a way that she couldn’t explain. “What were they?”


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