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When Clubs Collide

Page 18

by Jacqueline Sinclair

  He quickly looked around and found the other wolf lying on the ground, dead. Its open eyes were locked in a death stare. Ant narrowed his eyes on the shooter.


  He stared at her for a moment, his breaths coming rapidly as he tried to calm his pounding heart. Filled with adrenaline from the fight, his wolf was ready for the next one. A strong howl rippled through the air, catching his attention.


  Ant threw his head back and responded with a howl of his own. The sound of his pack filled the air as they too answered the call of the alpha. He glanced back at Morgan, and found her staring at him with wide eyes. He growled and motioned for her to go. This time, he was serious about her leaving, and took a step toward her.

  “Okay, got it. I’m going,” she snapped, holding her hands up. She turned and began jogging away. He stood and watched to make sure she got away safely, but she paused and turned to him. “Oh, and you’re welcome!” she shouted before she turned back and took off running toward her brother’s club. His wolf grinned at her spunk.

  His mate was perfect.

  He turned and took off into the woods, headed toward his pack. It was time to finish kicking some rogue asses.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Morgan was so distracted by what she’d just seen and heard, that she found herself well beyond the trail for the compound.

  With a growing sense of urgency, she spun around and headed back the way she came. Finally, the weathered fence came into view. The excitement and sense of alarm had morphed into dread at having to face Hank. No way could she have been gone this long without him not noticing.

  With a resigned sigh, she scaled the fence and dropped to the other side. A massive hand wrapped around her upper arm and snatched her up the moment her feet hit solid ground. “Your brother is fucking pissed.”

  Morgan snatched her arm free and glared at Storm. “I’m here.”

  “Not while all hell had broken loose around here. You best go find him.”

  Morgan’s sense of dread amped up a notch. She’d expected it, but it didn’t make the pending confrontation any easier to stomach. Giving Storm a salute with her middle finger, she watched as shock registered on his face at little Miss Pollyanna Morgan being defiant, and headed toward the clubhouse.

  Hank could wait.

  Pushing through the horde of people who were milling around, Morgan ignored the stares and looks of scorn and headed to the pit.

  Brushing past a Demon she didn’t remember having met, she stomped down the stairs, followed by the giant who must have been curious about her intentions.

  Mark’s eyes locked on hers as soon as she reached the last step. Morgan wasn’t fazed by the smirk that lined his face. She grabbed the bars and returned his glare. “You lose,” she hissed.

  His features registered surprise at her words.

  “It’s over,” she gloated. “Your friends are dead, and you’re next.”

  She wished she could feel something besides rage, but this person was not the boy whose hand shook on their first date, or who had taken her to prom.

  Mark paled, his features crumbled in disbelief. “Morgan,” he cried out, stepping closer to the bars. “I’m sorry.”

  Morgan took an instinctive step back and slammed into an unmoving wall. She spun around and found Ant staring down at her. She knew that he was keeping a secret from her, and she had her suspicions, but she needed to hear the words. But at that moment, she couldn’t care less and leapt into his arms. Her lips instinctively found his as her hands pressed into the sweaty bare skin of his back. He gave her a tight squeeze and sat her on her feet. “We need to talk,” he growled, but he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close. He glared at Mark.

  “I’ll be back for you.”

  • • •

  Ant held back a growl as he pulled Morgan close to him. He refused to let her out of his sight. Demitri and Zamari were negotiating with Hank to release Morgan’s ex-boyfriend to them. The rogue would be punished by Lycan law.

  “The men we were after will no longer bother anyone in this town again,” Demitri promised.

  “Yeah? And how do we know that?” Hank asked as he scratched his jaw and sat back in the office chair. The human studied Demitri and Zamari as he waited for an answer. Ant watched the other Demons in the room. The one named Colt, and one he didn’t catch the name of, stood behind Hank.

  “We have certain ways of dealing with men that hunt on the innocent,” Demitri replied from his position in the chair across from Hank. “I give you my word that you’ll never see hide nor hair of them again.”

  Ant let out a sarcastic chuckle as he leaned back against the wall. No, the rogues would no longer give anyone in Pulleytown trouble. He tightened his arm around Morgan as she leaned into him. His wolf was satisfied that she had made it back to the Demons’ clubhouse unharmed. Once she had ran away, it made it easier for him to concentrate on the battle. The Lycan Order had defeated all the rogues. Since they had defied Lycan law, the battle had ended with them all losing their lives, leaving only the one named Mark.

  Hank’s eyes flashed to them for a brief second. His eyes narrowed on Ant and how close he and Morgan were to each other, but Ant wasn’t worried. He didn’t have to explain anything to the human. He and Morgan needed to have an important conversation first, and figure out their relationship before they discussed it with others. He knew that there were questions rumbling around in that beautiful brain of hers. Somehow, he would have to tell her of his wolf, and after this afternoon, he was confident that she would be able to handle the news. He had seen the acceptance in her eyes after the fear disappeared.

  “Fine. Take the son of a bitch. If I see him around here again, I promise I’ll put him six feet under.” Hank stood and offered his hand to Demitri. “I have to admit, you boys sure know how to whip ass. Much respect to you.”

  “Same to you. If you ever need anything, don’t hesitate to call us,” Demitri offered.

  Ant straightened as his alpha shook Morgan’s brother’s hand. A truce had officially been made between the two clubs. The Lycan Order and Demons were now allies. Demitri and Zamari turned and walked toward the door. Demitri nodded to Ant as he passed.

  Ant looked down at Morgan and his heart stuttered at the sight of her smile. He nodded his head to the door. It was time they had their talk. He pushed off the wall and grabbed her hand.

  “Now hold on, son. We need to have a chat,” Hank announced, which caused Ant and Morgan to pause. They turned back to Hank to find his eyes narrowed on them. “Do you want to explain what the hell is going on with you two? You making her your ol’ lady or something?”


  Ant pulled her under his arm to cut her off. He didn’t need her to speak on his behalf. He could hold his own with her brother just fine. He glanced down at her and found her glaring up at him with a slight pout. He itched to taste her lips again, but this time, it would be behind closed doors.

  “Let us figure it out first, and then you’ll be the first to know,” Ant announced dryly. His eyes met the biker’s and didn’t waver. What was growing between he and Morgan needing to be sorted out first.

  Hanks eyes flew to Morgan. Ant could see he didn’t appreciate losing control over his younger sister.

  “He’s right, Hank. Me and Anton need to talk this out,” she said.

  Not wanting to wait any longer, Ant pulled her toward the door, but she pulled back and released his hand. He turned to find her rushing toward her brother. Throwing herself into his arms, Hank hesitated for a brief second before he wrapped his arms around her.

  “Thank you, Hank. For everything.” Her muffled voice could be heard across the room. “I love you, you big oaf.”

  The tough biker’s face softened as he held his sister. Ant even felt a tug at his heart at the emotions being exchanged between the siblings.

  “I love you too.” Hank’s voice grew gruff as he let Morgan go. Ant glance
d at the other bikers in the room and found shock plastered across their faces as they stared at their president and his show of emotion.

  Morgan reached up and placed a small kiss to her brother’s cheek before she rushed back across the room and grabbed Ant’s hand. He nodded his head to Hank, out of respect, before they walked out the door.

  They quickly made their way through the clubhouse toward her temporary bedroom. Ant needed to go ahead and get a few things off his chest and clear the air between them. He practically dragged her through the door before he kicked it shut.

  A growl rumbled from his chest as his eyes met hers. He grabbed her by her neck and crushed her to him as he covered her mouth with his. She gasped, allowing his tongue entrance. He needed to have a taste of her, just a small one. Her hands gripped his leather cut as she melted into him. He could feel his cock grow hard. He needed her.

  Not now.

  They had a ton of shit to talk about, and sliding into her sweet pussy now would not be right. When he claimed her, she would know everything. There would be no secrets between them. For once in his life, Ant would have to think of someone else first.

  He pulled back and gently cradled her head in his large hands. His wolf whined, not wanting to let her go. He placed a chaste kiss upon her lips as she whimpered her protest.

  “We need to talk,” he murmured against her lips.

  She opened her dazed eyes and nodded before pulling back. She ran a shaky hand through her hair as she moved over to the bed. His eyes glanced at the bed and knew that it would be best for him to sit in the chair in the corner. Both of them on the bed would not end up with them talking.

  “I have questions,” she started.

  “I’m sure you do,” he murmured, settling into the chair. He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees as he met her eyes.

  “What is this between us?” she asked. She shook her head and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “It’s crazy. One minute I hate you, and the next, I want to jump your bones. What the hell is going on?”


  Ant knew that it was fate revealing herself to Morgan. A wolf always recognized his mate. For a human, it would be confusing for them. He didn’t want any secrets between them, so he would tell her the truth. There was no law that a human mate couldn’t know about shifters, and there sure as hell weren’t any laws stating that a shifter and human couldn’t mate.

  “This is going to sound corny, but it’s fate. We were meant for each other,” he murmured.

  Her eyes widened for a second. She looked away, then back to him. He braced for her next question. He knew what was coming.

  “Was that you in the woods? In the wolf—”

  “The wolf and I are one.” He nodded. His wolf paused and waited for her reaction. It wanted to know if she would reject them. Ant waited, as he too wanted to know. If she got up and ran out of the room, then he would have their answer.


  He cocked his head as he looked at her. A plethora of emotions passed across her face that he couldn’t read.

  “Just okay?” he asked as he shifted in the chair. He watched as she stood and walked over to him, studying him.

  “Is it like in the movies? Your wolf sees me as a mate and wants me forever?” she whispered as her eyes searched his.

  “Yeah, something like that.” He waited for her next reaction. Never in his life had he felt fear. What if she did reject him and his wolf? This was a new experience for him, and he didn’t like it. His wolf huffed in an attempt to puff out his chest to show that he was worthy of her and her love.

  “What about Anton the man? Does he see me as a mate and want me forever?”

  “Hell yeah,” he growled as he pulled her forward and onto his lap. He would be forever grateful for his alpha sending him to Pulleytown. This was one mission that was well worth it. Colliding with a club was worth finding his mate.


  The Lycan Order was ready to leave Pulleytown and go home, back to Black Hollow. But this time, Ant would be going home temporarily. With Morgan going off to medical school soon, he would be on the road a lot to visit her. Ant leaned up against his bike while his pack readied for the long ride home. Last night, they talked until the wee hours of the morning. They learned all about each other, discussed their budding relationship, and their future.

  “Be safe, okay?” Morgan pleaded with her large eyes. He grabbed her by the neck and gently covered her mouth in a soft kiss. He wanted her to know that there was no way in hell he would stay away from her long. He didn’t care who saw them. She was his, and he wanted to make sure everyone knew. The wolf in him wanted to put his mark on her, but it was too soon. He had much to teach her in the way of shifters.

  “Always,” he murmured against her lips.

  “I’ll miss you,” she admitted as she pulled back.

  “Really?” He cocked an eyebrow at her. He knew that they had gotten off on the wrong foot. She barked out a laugh and playfully punched him in the shoulder.

  “Ow!” She cupped her hand as she laughed. He grabbed her fist and placed a gentle kiss on her knuckles. “You’re all muscle. Is all of you—”

  “Remember, you must never speak of it around other humans,” he murmured, cutting her off as he brought her close to him. She jerked her head in a nod.

  “Lycan Order, let’s roll!” Demitri called out.

  Her eyes widened as the sounds of bikes roared to life around them. He hopped on his bike and pulled his shades out of his pocket and threw them on his face. He turned the key and his bike roared.

  “Call me anytime!” he bellowed out over the loud engines.

  She nodded and stood back, just as Hank came up to her side. They’d had a talk with him this morning. A truce had been made, not only between the Lycan Order and the Demons, but also between Ant and Hank. They both cared for Morgan and agreed to get along for her sake. Hank still did his brotherly duty to threaten to cut his balls off if he hurt Morgan. Ant could respect that.

  Lycans began pulling out of the compound and exiting onto the road. Ant shifted his bike and nodded again to Morgan. She waved as he pulled away, getting in line behind his pack. He refused to look back. If he did, he knew he wouldn’t be able to stay away from her and would turn his bike around. His wolf howled as they left their mate behind.

  It won’t be long, boy, he told his wolf. It calmed down a little, with the knowledge that they would see her again soon.

  Real soon…

  About the Authors

  Ariel Marie is an author who loves the paranormal, action and hot steamy romance. She combines all three in each and every one of her stories. For as long as she can remember, she has loved vampires, shifters and every creature you can think of. This even rolls over into her favorite movies! She love a good action packed thriller! Throw a touch of the supernatural world in it and she’s hooked!

  She grew up in Cleveland, Ohio where she currently resides with her husband and three beautiful children. Want to know more about her and her books?




  Jacqueline M Sinclair grew up in the rural southeast and is the youngest child of a large and rowdy family. Reading was an escape when there wasn’t much else around to do. She loves everything from classical literature to true crime and everything in between. With her two children grown and gone, she’s surrounded by a menagerie of adopted pets and a two-legged thief who refused to give her heart back after a night of karaoke.

  With a day job and a dream job, her writing is a steamy combination of real life and seeking to answer the age-old question of what would happen if...and then characters come along and completely derail the plan. Letting them have their say provides plenty of sleepless nights and an endless combination of coffee and wine, but she hopes you enjoy their stories.




  Korrupted Angels



  Kathleen Kelly

  A Kings of Korruption & Savage Angels Crossover Novella

  Chapter One


  “Get the fuck off me, bitch.” I scowl down at the scrawny ass woman on the floor and yank my zipper back up. She’s been begging to suck my dick all goddamn night, and is apparently dumb as a rock, because I’ve run out of ways to say no.

  The woman pokes out her lower lip and pouts up at me from under her clumpy looking eyelashes. “You sure, handsome? I have a neat little trick I can do with my tongue.”

  Fucking club whores. Part of me will never understand why these clubs insist on paying these women to stick around the clubhouse. I like sex as much as any man, but no way in hell I’m shoving my dick into the same hole three of my buddies have been dipping their own into that very same night.

  “Lucy,” a voice barks. “The man said no. Beat it.” I glance up to see Tease approaching, his scarred face aimed at the bitch on the floor. She lets out a huff and hobbles to her feet, her ankles wobbling in her too-tall heels. It takes her a moment to get her balance but when she finally walks away, it’s straight towards her next target. “Sorry ‘bout that,” he says, holding out a cold beer.

  I take it from him and twist off the cap, tossing it on top of the battered table in front of me. I like Tease. He’s a man of few words, like me, which is something that’s hard to find amongst most of the other chapters. People talk too fucking much and never actually say a goddamn thing. They just like the sound of their own voices. Myself, I like silence.

  “You stayin’ long?” he asks. It’s a good question, and one I don’t have an answer to just yet. I’ve been a Nomad member of the Kings of Korruption MC for almost ten years now, and not once have I found somewhere I’ve wanted to settle down. I like my freedom. I like riding long distances and the open road. I like being alone.


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