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The Sheikh's Reunion Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs 4)

Page 7

by Cara Albany

  He went inside, hearing the footsteps of his brothers behind him. He sat down on the huge cream sofa in the center of the room. Tazim and Malik sat across from him on a similarly large, ornately patterned sofa. The fans above their heads turned lazily, creating a welcome coolness. Rafiq knew he needed cooling down after the self inflicted torment he'd just been through upstairs with Mia. He wondered how he was going to explain Mia to his brothers. He was sure the opportunity would present itself.

  "Why the sudden trip to London, Rafiq?" Tazim asked.

  Rafiq waved a dismissive hand. "Brad asked me to go there. It was short notice. I thought there was something serious." Rafiq shrugged. "Turns out it's a minor problem that needs ironing out." Rafiq tried as hard as he could to make his visit sound inconsequential.

  Rafiq saw Malik glance at Tazim. He didn't look convinced by Rafiq's casual tone. He could tell they wanted to know more, but the last thing he wanted to talk about was Sayid and Naima.

  Rafiq tried to change the subject. "Tell me about the party," he said to Malik. His brother had celebrated his birthday, and Rafiq had hated being called away at such short notice, since it had meant missing the excitement. If there was one thing Malik knew how to do, it was how to throw a memorable party.

  Malik smiled. "You missed a wild celebration. Didn't he, Taz?" Malik asked his brother.

  Tazim's dark brows set into a censorious frown. "Too much this time, Malik. You really need to settle down."

  Malik groaned. "Just because you're older than me doesn't mean you have to give up on the good life altogether."

  Tazim had always been the serious middle brother, always eager to reign in the younger Malik and his wild ways. It was a game they had played since they'd been boys. Rafiq figured that particular game would never stop. Sibling rivalry was something Rafiq understood, but being the eldest he'd always felt the pressure of assuming the responsibility that came with seniority.

  Rafiq grinned. "If it was anything like last year's party, I'm not sure I want to know," he said.

  Malik fixed Rafiq with a wolfish grin. "Oh, it was worse than you could possibly think," he stated. He looked like the cat who'd got the cream, Rafiq thought. Malik had a reputation. Come to think of it, all three brothers had reputations of one sort or another. Whenever the Al Kharif brothers went on the town in Qazhar, tongues began to wag and women got excited.

  Rafiq guessed the fact that the three brothers had benefited from the handsome, strong features they'd inherited from their father, had something to do with it. They each shared the even features, powerful physique and dark, brooding looks that ensured they were always the focus of attention in Qazhar society.

  Age wise, the three of them were in their twenties, with Rafiq the oldest and Malik the youngest. Rafiq knew that Malik wasn't in any hurry to settle down. What was he talking about! None of them were were eager to succumb to the fate of their recently married cousins. Although, if the stories were to be believed, all three of his cousins were indescribably happy. What was wrong with that?

  Rafiq and his brothers also had the good fortune of inheriting the wisdom of their mother and an ability to see the world through other peoples eyes. It was a sensitivity that caused continual problems for the three men. Frequently, Rafiq had told himself, life would have been so much simpler if they could each let loose their innate unrestrained, masculine natures. But, their mother had taught them well and, as Rafiq had gotten older, he realized that their mother's upbringing had become one of the true strengths of the Al Kharif brothers.

  Rafiq laughed. "Don't bother giving me the details. I can just imagine what it was like," he said with a low groan.

  Malik lifted a brow."You sure? Things have been quiet on the dating side for you. People were asking for you."

  Rafiq frowned. "Who?"

  Malik counted on his fingers, naming various women who Rafiq had known to varying degrees of intimacy during the last couple of years. Each name caused Rafiq to flinch involuntarily.

  He groaned. "Enough of that."

  "And Naima was there with Sayid," Tazim announced.

  Rafiq tightened his lips and nodded. He looked at Tazim. "Really?" Rafiq paused, deliberating about whether he should ask for more information. He could see an uneasy expression on Tazim's face.

  Best to know the truth, Rafiq said to himself. "And how was Naima? Boisterous as usual, I suppose," he said sharply.

  "The newlyweds looked happy, I guess," Tazim said. "Naima was pretty serious, actually."

  "Really?" Rafiq asked. He dared not press Tazim any further lest he raise suspicions.

  "She looked like she had something on her mind, if you ask me," Tazim said.

  Rafiq nodded. It made sense that Tazim would notice Naima's unease, if indeed that was what it was. Rafiq's brother had always had an ability to sense if someone was troubled about something. Perhaps it came from his involvement in administering Qazhar's various healthcare facilities. Tazim had strong empathy for others. It kept his wilder streak well and truly in check.

  "I have to speak with Sayid," Rafiq stated. "And soon."

  "What about?" Malik asked.

  Rafiq shook his head. "I can't go into it, right now."

  Rafiq saw Malik and Tazim exchange glances.

  Suddenly, Rafiq heard footsteps from outside in the hallway. Someone was coming downstairs, and Rafiq could take a guess who it might be.

  A second later, Mia swept into the room, dressed casually. She'd changed into a light blue cotton dress that hugged her curves. Two thin shoulders straps were all that covered her exposed shoulders and visible hint of ample cleavage. The sight of that made Rafiq's throat tighten suddenly.

  What was she doing here? He felt an abrupt concern as he saw his two brothers gaze in astonishment at Mia's appearance.

  She clearly looked startled by the presence of the additional two men. Mia halted in her tracks and looked at Rafiq. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt," she said starting to turn and make her way back out.

  Rafiq stood upright and strode across to Mia. "No. Don't leave. You're not interrupting anything, Mia," he said taking her arm gently.

  When Rafiq turned he almost let out a despairing cry when he saw the expressions of disbelief on the faces of Tazim and Malik. Both men looked genuinely stunned at the appearance of the beautiful, young blonde woman with the sweet accent.

  Rafiq saw Malik's mouth open, preparing to say something, but Rafiq blurted out: "Mia, may I introduce you to my brothers."

  Mia looked as startled as Tazim and Malik. Rafiq felt her resist his gentle tug, as he tried to persuade her to follow him to the sofa. Rafiq met Mia's incredulous stare. He saw her reach a hand up and cover the expanse of bare skin at her shoulders. She knew how exposed she looked, and had suddenly become self-conscious. It reminded Rafiq that Mia probably felt very much out of place here. It was his duty to try and make her feel at home. No matter what it took.

  Rafiq took another step, and felt Mia's arm slip from his grasp.

  Malik stood and came toward them. "Rafiq. You didn't tell us you had a guest. And such a beautiful one, at that," he said. Malik sounded genuinely taken aback by Mia's beauty. All that did was trigger a surge of emotion within Rafiq, one that was nothing more than the desire to protect, the need to draw a line in the territory.

  Rafiq moved, placing himself closer to Mia, and between her and Malik.

  Malik glanced at Rafiq and reached around the obstruction caused by his brother, extending a hand and smiling broadly. "I'm Malik, Rafiq's brother. And you are?"

  "Mia," she said shaking Malik's hand. Rafiq stared down at the two hands and felt a stab of irritation jab at him.

  Malik tugged Mia's hand upwards, as if he were about to plant a kiss on the back of Mia's fingers, but Rafiq was having none of that. Rafiq reached an arm around Mia's back propelling her toward the advancing Tazim, forcing Malik to release his grip on Mia's hand. Malik's brows furrowed and Rafiq felt a momentary rush of victory. Rafiq grinned
at Malik and took a step toward Tazim.

  Tazim bowed courteously and Rafiq inwardly thanked his brother for showing at least a modicum of restraint.

  Mia bowed her head slightly in response to Tazim's gesture. Mia glanced at Rafiq, and he was pleased to see a faint smile creasing her full lips.

  "My brother has told me about you all," Mia said. "Not much, but enough," she said with a smile. Mia quirked an amused brow at them. "I do believe I'll have to watch my step." She glanced at Rafiq.

  Was she talking to him? Had that been some sort of warning? Surely she wasn't asking Rafiq to simply back away, leave her alone to do her job so that she could leave.

  "I can't believe Brad would talk about us behind our backs," Malik said with a grin.

  "It's not what you think," Rafiq said to Malik. "Although I have told him about some your escapades. Let's say he was shocked," Rafiq said shaking his head and smiling.

  "Clearly my reputation is at an all time low," Malik said.

  "What reputation?" Rafiq joked. Malik shook his head patiently.

  Rafiq looked at Mia and saw that she was glancing from brother to brother taking in the playful bantering.

  "Last time I checked, we all had reputations to live up to," Malik said.

  "Brad did tell me that one of you was a bit of a bad boy," Mia said.

  Malik gasped in mock incredulity.

  Tazim said. "I'm sure she's talking about you."

  Malik shook his head defiantly and grinned. "Never! I'll bet it's our older brother who's had all the bad press in London," he said with a smile.

  Rafiq felt his face color. Suddenly the sofa looked very welcome. Time to put a stop to this before things got out of hand. If Mia was going to find out anything about Rafiq it would be best to come from his own mouth, and not the idle gossip his brothers would undoubtedly unload.

  "Won't you join us, Mia," Rafiq said quickly and gesturing toward the sofa.

  Mia shook her head. "I don't want to intrude." Rafiq saw her glance at Tazim and Malik. "It was just a business question that occurred to me after you left my room."

  Rafiq's face flared with heat and he glanced urgently at Tazim and Malik. For their part they both had looks of mild astonishment written on their faces.

  "Mia's just settling in," he tried to explain. His eyes darted upwards. "Upstairs." He cleared his throat. "How is your room?" he asked awkwardly.

  Mia's brows furrowed and she looked puzzled. "Fine," she said apparently confused at Rafiq's discomfort.

  "About that question..." Mia started to say.

  Rafiq turned to her quickly and clasped his hands. "Perhaps we can discuss that later. Or I can come up to your room," he said, immediately regretting the words when he saw Mia's features darken.

  Rafiq tried to backtrack, glancing at his brothers who now looked as if this was the greatest spectacle on earth, to be savored for all its worth.

  "Tell you what," Rafiq said hurriedly. "I have an office in one the wings of the palace. Perhaps you can join me there when you're ready. We can go over things in more detail."

  Rafiq turned to his brothers. "Mia's visiting on business. She's only here for a short visit, isn't that right, Mia?" Rafiq said looking wide-eyed at Mia.

  Mia hesitated and glanced at the expectant faces of Tazim and Malik. "Why, yes. I'm just here to sort out a little situation that's come up. Nothing too complicated," she said.

  Rafiq could see she was wondering why he was being so cryptic with his brothers. But, she carried on with the pretense nevertheless. "I'll be heading back to London as soon as I've tied things up here," she said.

  "Mia came instead of Brad. He's sick, right now," Rafiq explained. Dawning comprehension appeared on his brothers' faces. They both nodded politely looking back and forth between Mia and Rafiq.

  He groaned inwardly. Rafiq had seen that look on their faces.

  They didn't believe a word of it!

  Rafiq reached out and placed his hand on Mia's back. "I have to attend to Mia, if you'll excuse me, guys," he said, immediately regretting his choice of words.

  Why was it that everything he said sounded so wrong, and yet, at the same time exactly what he wanted. Because, right now, the prospect of being alone with Mia was all he could think of, and he wasn't ashamed of it in the slightest. No matter what the looks his brothers were giving him.

  Mia gave Rafiq a sharp look. As if he'd received an electric shock, he removed his hand from her back.

  "I have a few things to attend to on my own," Mia said giving Rafiq a reproving look.

  Rafiq nodded. "Of course. I'll call for you in half an hour?"

  Mia shook her head. "No. I'll be back down in a while. I take it you'll be here?"

  Mia was making it absolutely clear she didn't want Rafiq anywhere near her room. He'd received the message loud and clear.

  Rafiq nodded. "Sure."

  They all exchanged a few more pleasantries and then Mia left.

  Once she had left the room there was a stunned silence in the room. Rafiq met the gaze of Tazim and Malik and shrugged.

  The sound of Mia's footsteps faded. The long silence was eventually broken by Malik. "You old rascal," he said grasping Rafiq's shoulder and shaking it good-naturedly.

  Rafiq saw Tazim shake his head, a broad grin stretching across his face. "She's beautiful," Tazim said.

  Malik's eyes widened. "She's not beautiful. She's incredible," he exclaimed. "That's Brad's sister?"

  Rafiq nodded.

  "Now I know why you ran off to London in such a hurry," Malik said.

  "It's not what you think," Rafiq said defensively. "Mia's here on urgent business."

  Malik quirked a brow. "Really? Why don't I believe you, Rafiq?"

  "You can believe what you like, Malik," Rafiq replied. "She's just here to sort something out and then she's leaving."

  "Yeah, right," Malik said grinning. "Sort something out? More like sort you out, Rafiq," Malik joked.

  Rafiq sighed heavily. "I can see I'm going to get nowhere with you two. Just remember, Mia is Brad's brother. Show the same respect you'd both show any other guest."

  Rafiq knew his brothers recognized the sudden change in his tone, and they knew that he was being serious. All joking aside, he had confidence they would behave with decency toward their very special guest.

  Rafiq knew neither of his brothers would press him for more information. They knew how to respect each other, knew the boundaries that had been established throughout their shared upbringing.

  Now, all Rafiq could think of was what was going to happen when Mia accompanied him to his office. He didn't know what she wanted to talk to him about, but whatever it was, it must have been serious otherwise she wouldn't have come downstairs so quickly after him leaving her room.

  The anticipation curled inside him as he realized he couldn't wait to have Mia alone once again.


  "So, that's it, then?" Rafiq asked Mia. "It comes down to that one transaction?"

  Mia nodded and sat back in the chair on the other side of his desk. She looked comfortable sitting across from Rafiq, as if the expanse of the large wooden desk would act as some kind of protection. Not that she needed any protection from Rafiq.

  They were in the study that Rafiq used whenever he was visiting his parents for anything longer than a day or two. The room was moderately sized compared to the palatial expanses of most of the rest of the palace. But, more importantly it had once been Rafiq own room as he had been growing up in the palace. Now, it was an office, albeit a sparsely furnished one. Rafiq didn't sleep here anymore. He had his own suite on the other wing of the palace. It was usually kept ready for him in case he had to stay over.

  Rafiq gazed down at the sheet of paper that Mia had laid in front of him. He saw the signature authorizing the transfer of a substantial sum from the investment account. The signature was Sayid's. No doubt about it. But, why had Sayid transferred such an amount without telling Rafiq? Usually all such tra
nsactions had to be subjected to a joint authorization.

  But, this one was different. And Rafiq didn't recognize the destination account. Something wasn't right, and Mia had found the evidence within a set of documents she had hastily grabbed on the way out to the airport in London.

  Mia's expression was serious as she gazed across the desk at Rafiq. "I think that's pretty conclusive," she said. "Although there will undoubtedly be corroborating documents in your head office in Qazhar City. I assume I'm right in saying that?" she asked.

  Rafiq nodded. "Yes. We can go there tomorrow, if you like."

  Mia stiffened in her seat. "I'd prefer to do that myself."

  Rafiq squinted at her. "I can come with you, if you like," he offered.

  Mia shook her head. "I don't think that's necessary. I'm sure the people in your office can help me find what I need. Especially if you give me permission."

  "You make all this sound so easy," Rafiq said.

  "It's simply business, Rafiq. Paper trails."

  "But, where will the trail lead?"

  Mia shrugged. "I don't know. But, once we have the documents that confirm what we suspect, we should consider speaking with Sayid."

  "And what do we suspect?" Rafiq asked.

  "That's what we'll find out tomorrow. Or rather, what I'll find out."

  "You insist on going alone?"

  "With your permission, of course"

  "You don't need my permission for anything."

  "Strictly speaking I don't, but it would be nice if you would be helpful."

  Rafiq stood and came around the side of the desk, taking up a position directly in front of the seated Mia. He gazed down at her, taking in the sight of her luscious curves, feeling a tension twist inside himself.

  For her part, Mia peered up at him, holding her gaze on him, defiantly meeting his eyes. Her blue eyes seemed to shimmer. There was a momentary challenge on her face, as if she knew what he was doing, as if she understood the move he had made and what that meant.

  "I want to be helpful to you, Mia," Rafiq murmured. He saw her eyes widen subtly, saw her bottom lip become suddenly fuller and more moist. He saw her swallow, but she still refused to shift in her chair, denying him the victory of seeing any kind of unease in her.


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