Phantammeron Book One
Page 18
Index of Names
A - 'essence, Great Spirit, heart, one, all' (Ah), the One Cosmic Spirit, essence of all things, creator of the Spirit Divine, father to the Essence Eternal
Abra - 'spirit-hill, heart-of-the-earth', the sacred Hill of Abra, earthen mound in the center of Phantavra on which resides the Gardens of Abrea, the One Tree, and the Sacred Pool
Abrea - 'spirit-garden, flowering-heart', encircling gardens that lay about the Hill of Abra in central Phantavra. Also, a general term for heart of Phantaia. See Riabra
Adda - 'spirit-island', the river isle of Avalyr, once an ancient hill from a prior world, much like Abra. Also, alternate name for the world of Anatar that came later
Afa - great ash tree, one of the seven Chieftain Trees of Phantaia
Agapor - son of the Twilight Mist, father of An
Alcu - great elder tree, one of the seven Chieftain Trees of Phantaia
Alum - great fir tree, one of the five Maiden Trees of Phantaia
Am - 'seed-of-the-forest, wood-spirit, father, male, golden', first seed sown by the One Tree in Phantaia
Ama - 'son-of-the-seed, heart-of-the-forest, father-like, boy, golden-one', guardian of Phantaia, born of Am of the One Tree, first child and son of the Sacred Seed
Amandyas - 'father-sky, heart-of-the-heavens', the shining gold and silver, star-filled heavens
Amladem - 'golden-roof', the daylight heavens created by the golden light of the One Tree above Phantaia
An - 'queen-of-the-seas, water-spirit, mother, female, silver', daughter of the Dreaming Seas, mother of An, weaver of the fates of the children of Phantaia upon the Loom of Time
Ana - 'daughter-of-the-ocean, heart-of-the-sea, mother-like, girl, silver-one', daughter of An, mother of Ava and Ara, keeper of the Sacred Pool
Anadelling - 'queen-of-mounds', golden hill that lay upon the isle of Adda
Anakra - Dreamtime of the Great Mother of which there were two ages: Anakra I (story of An and her child in Book One) and Anakra II (story of Ana and her children in Book Two)
Anissa - 'fallen-mother, witch-queen', Queen of the Cromwich, her witch-sisters from the Lands of Midnight, daughter of the Endless Night
Anling - great alder tree, one of the five Maiden Trees of Phantaia
Annafar - 'flower-mound', the grassy flowering hilltop of Abra
Atar - 'river-daughter, heart-of-the-world', child of the Secret Spring and the Twilight Mist that lived in the river of Avalyr
Avalumlea - 'rowans-of-light', sacred groves of rowan trees that grow within the farthest fringes of Phantavra. Includes the outer ring of rowan trees that form its gates
Avalyr - 'river-of-light', the encircling River of Time that flows from Abrea to the Dreaming Seas, fed by the Sacred Pool in Abrea
Avara - 'twilight glow, shining mist, of-light-and-dark', the purple lights and fogs given to the Twilight Mist by the Essence Eternal
Avaras - 'land-of-twilight, lightless realms, Lands of Darkness', the darker evil woods of Phantaia that encircle the brighter inner realms of Avra and Phantavra
Avra - 'half-lit land', the misty forests that lie just beyond the fringes of Phantavra, and that stand between Avalumlea and darker Avaras
Avredd - 'half-lit underworld, Lands of the Afterlife', the three ethereal planes of the dead beneath the Dreaming seas, ruled by the Immortal Clay, their Lord
Breddunar - 'forest-secrets', the hidden tree-knowledge of the living trees of Phantaia, given to Ana by Ama
Breddwynn - 'White Forest', the encircling groves of white elderwood trees that guard the inner realms of Abrea and which make up the Ringwood
Celebreava - 'shining-spirit-of-the-tree, pale-one', the spirit of light bound to the One Tree, his secret name, father of Ama
Connewe - 'witch-hazels, Overlords of Avaras', the thirteen possessed witch-hazel trees of Avaras that ruled over the dark trees in that land
Corridors of Darkness - the towering black hallways that led through the underworld beneath the Lands of Midnight, connecting that realm to the haunted Halls of Time
Cromwich - 'witch-coven', the witch-sisters of Anissa that were summoned to the Lands of Midnight from the dark waters of the world
Dreaming Seas - the mother-seas made by the Twilight Mist, mother to An
Durn - great oak tree, one of the seven Chieftain Trees of Phantaia
Durnach - 'strong-grove, oak-clan', the black oak groves and tree-children of Durn which stood before Avaras
Ebrandeer - 'unicorn, great-horned deer', the white unicorn form of Ama, his secret name. See Phanyan
Emptiness - twin and evil brother to the Nothingness, devourer of the flesh of the world, child of the Evil One, born of the spirit of the Insatiable Hunger of Hatred
Endless Night – first-born son of the Essence Eternal, a Primordial One, Lord of the Lands of Midnight, and bearer of the Wings of Night
Ephram - 'evil-thinkers, Seven Hazels of Evil Thought', the seven most powerful witch-hazels of the thirteen Connewe of Avaras
Esnes - great black willow tree, one of the seven Chieftain Trees of Phantaia
Essence Eternal - the Great Father, Spirit Divine in living form, the Creator
Evil One - the dark queen and mother to the Emptiness and Nothingness, destroyed in an earlier world
Galdar - 'wood-magic, secreted', the secret enchantment used by the trees to hide parts of the forest of Phantaia
Glessa - 'tree-tears', the magical amber of Avalyr made of the sap of the Maiden Trees of Phantaia
Glorianna - 'hidden bloom, joy-of-my-heart', the beautiful blossoming hillsides of Abra and the Gardens of Abrea
Glourun - 'masked-by-darkness, hidden', the shadow-powers given to the Endless Night by the Essence Eternal
Great Beyond - the gray misty void that lies beyond the Realms of Oblivion and all worlds, prison of the Nothingness and Emptiness
Great Mother - ancient undying mother of the Seas of Eternity that washes all worlds clean, past, present, and future
Halls of Time - the endless gloomy hallways that stretch forever from the Lands of Midnight into infinity
Immortal Clay – fourth-born son of the Essence Eternal, a Primordial One and lord over the Lands of the Afterlife given him by the Essence Eternal
Iwu - great yew tree, one of the seven Chieftain Trees of Phantaia
Koredlum - 'black willows, Were-Trees', the seven black willow trees, dark sons of Esne that ruled the underworld of Phantaia
Kum - great hawthorn tree, one of the seven Chieftain Trees of Phantaia
Kurtavla - 'twilight-fruit, dragon-breath', the aged dark apple tree of Nemedd, the tree made of the breath and spirit of the twilight dragon that guards that realm
Lands of Midnight - the gloomy region between the Dreaming Seas and the Realms of Oblivion that is filled with the Corridors of Darkness and guarded by the Veils of Night
Lavanc - 'sea-creature, great-fish', the messenger, servant, and guardian of An and the Dreaming Seas
Lilu - 'laughing-waters', the silver streams which encircle Abrea, which are fed by the waters of the Sacred Pool upon its heights
Limitless Void – second-born son of the Essence Eternal, a Primordial One, Lord of the Realm of Oblivion, and bearer of the shining spirit-sword Vatavandr
Luffa - 'heart-of-the-pool, grail-of-the-waters, Sacred Heart', the secret receptacle that held the Sacred Waters carried by Ana
Lumlea - great rowan tree, one of the five Maiden Trees of Phantaia
Magra - 'storm-servant, Gray Ones', servants of the Emptiness, ruled by the Oversouls, their leaders
Maymee - 'alone-child'
Murgala - 'rose-of-darkness, Garden of the Black Roses', the ebony roses born of the tears of the Endless Night for his love of the Secret Spring
Nameless One - mother of Agapor, created by the Limitless Void
Nemedd - 'crystal-forest, Lands of Mist', mysterious realm of the Twilight Mist that lies hidden in the dark valleys beyond the Mountains of Heaven
bsp; Nothingness - twin and evil brother to the Emptiness, devourer of the spirits of the world, child of the Evil One, born of the spirit of the Unquenchable Thirst of Revenge
Olybana - 'bejeweled-waters', the bright sandy shoreline of Avalyr
phan - 'tree, bole'
Phanduan - 'forest-daughter', child of the Secret Spring, she who was given the Sacred Light
phanta - 'forest, wilderness'
Phantaia - 'Forest of Twilight, woodland-realm, paradise', the vast wilderness that exists beyond the Dreaming Seas, the forest-heaven of the Gods
Phantammeron - 'Book of the Forest', the mythical written history of the the Children of Shining (Fey) and their enchanted paradise, Phantaia
Phantavra - 'Forest of Light', the encircling woods and valleys that encompass the inner realms of Phantaia, from Abrea its heart to Avalumlea its outer lands
Phanyan - 'forest-guardian', the forest-name of Ama as the white, golden-horned unicorn. See Ebrandeer
Phea - great beech tree, one of the five Maiden Trees of Phantaia
Realms of Oblivion - the dark lands between the Lands of Midnight and the Great Beyond, ruled over by the Limitless Void
Riabra - 'queen-of-gardens'. See Abrea
Sacred Seed – fifth-born son of the Essence Eternal, a Primordial One and the seed that held the One Tree, the father-tree of Phantaia. See Celebreava
safni - 'first-tears, tiny-rain', tears shed by Ana into the pool of Abrea
Spirit Divine - a form of the One Cosmic Spirit that is contained in all living things, that which was given to the children of the world by the Essence Eternal
Twilight Mist – third-born son of the Essence Eternal, a Primordial One, creator of the Dreaming Seas, Lord over Nemedd and Phantaia
Unaranna - 'secret-place-of-love, hidden-in-the-heart', the secret spot where Ama took Ana in the Gardens of Abrea
Uyl - great apple tree, one of the seven Chieftain Trees of Phantaia
Vatar - 'flesh-of-the-earth, clay-made', the body that was made to house the spirit
Vatavandr - 'flesh-cleaver, spirit-sword', the shining sword given to the Limitless Void by the Essence Eternal, used to sever the spirit from the flesh
Veddu - great birch tree, one of the five Maiden Trees of Phantaia
Wendalia - 'not-world', the bottomless chasms within the Realms of Oblivions that lead past the Gates of Eventide to the Great Beyond
Wings of Night - the shining wings given to the Endless Night by the Essence Eternal to form the dark mantle of Heaven
Yana - 'Death', storm-servant of the Emptiness, the Faceless Form and Magra Oversoul, Queen of the Gray Ones summoned by Agapor to destroy Phantaia