Signed, SEALed, Delivered (Trident Brotherhood Book 1)

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Signed, SEALed, Delivered (Trident Brotherhood Book 1) Page 10

by Cayce Poponea

  "Well, Kennedy, besides your inability to filter and condense what you have to say, is there anything else you would like me to know? Boyfriend, children, husband?"

  "No, I'm single, I know there’s someone out there for me, I just have to be patient and not get in a hurry. I know when the time is right, he’ll be there waiting for me, as well." Silently, I hoped he would be as handsome as the soldier in the photo behind her. As strong and kind as the man I had most likely scared away. Ella assured me she would contact me either way regarding the position. I thanked her and quietly exited the building.

  I made it to the parking space where I had left my Porsche. I hated this car, so much money spent on a name instead of something practical. Claudia Forrester didn't need a large event to spend astonishing amounts of money on things she wanted, this car was a prime example. With all of my money tied up in Jason's half of the shop, I would be selling this car and using the money left over to supplement my income. I wouldn't rely on the maturity of my trust fund to support me. I had a suspicion once my father got wind of my involvement with Jason's venture; my assets would be frozen as well.

  Once inside the confines of the car, surrounded by almost complete silence and the smell of fine leather, I took the steering wheel in my hands and lowered my forehead to it. "Please, God, make my other half with a good heart like Zach’s. I don't care if he is short and has bad breath, just make him a good man." With a kiss to my fingertip to send the prayer to God's ears, I pressed the button to start the car.

  Pulling out of the parking space, I waved to Hercules who had ventured out into the paddock, silently hoping to see him again. Driving into traffic, I chose to keep the radio off, needing the silence to reflect on my interview. I had plans to meet Jason and Savannah for lunch, and was behind schedule, but Jason would understand. Traffic was heavy, as the rain had just finished, however as I grew closer to my destination, someone was pulling out of a parking space directly in front of me. Giving the customary 'thank you' wave, I pulled into the space.

  Savannah was a breath of fresh air for Jason, different from Hannah in so many ways. He smiled more and laughed all the time. It was good to see him like this and I prayed it would continue. As I approached the table, I could see Jason talking on the phone. I also knew it wasn't his phone since it was covered in crystals and a bright pink bow. His eyes were camouflaged behind sunglasses, but his face was happy. Savannah was dancing in her chair to music only she could hear, swirling inside her head. I approached and was about to pull out my chair when Jason announced my arrival to whomever he was speaking to. I smiled as I turned my attention to Savannah, allowing him to conclude his conversation in peace.

  "Oh, hey, how was the interview? I just know you got the job. Oh, and you look really nice. I told you that skirt would fit you and still look professional. Don't you just love garlic fries? I am so glad Jason ordered them also, that way we’ll both have garlic breath."

  As much as I enjoyed Savannah's company, she was quite excitable and quick to talk. Jason was trying to get my attention when my cell phone began to ring.


  "Kennedy? It's Ella Hart, I'm calling to officially offer you the position. I was serious when I said Hercules isn't normally as welcoming as he was today. I need someone who the horse's trust and he showed me today you’re his choice. Your honesty today was refreshing and frankly, I could use some entertainment on a daily basis. Come in on Monday and let's get you started."

  I thanked her several times and then hung up the phone. The feeling of being employed by the one place I wanted to work was the cream of my day. Jason finished his call and he and Savannah looked at me with anticipation.

  "I got the job." I blurted out, not wanting to wait a single second to share my joy. Savannah jumped out of her seat and for the first time in my life I let all of my emotions emote from me. I hugged her back with the same exuberance. I didn't care if one of mother’s friends happened by; my plans of being my own person were about to come to fruition. Jason shared joy along with me. It seems Savannah was correct in assuming her brother would be fine going into a blind partnership. Savannah began to rattle on about curtains and pillows.

  "Wait a minute, Sweetheart. I know you're excited and all, but this is your brother’s shop as much as it is mine." Savannah waved him off as she proceeded to eat her fries. "Zach is so easy going and has such a good heart. Don't get me wrong, since he joined the military and has done all the things he has, he is a tough guy as well. He just doesn't get upset about things like decorations." Jason placed his hand over hers, as she raised it to place another handful of fries into her mouth.

  "No, babe, I was referring to having my sister decorate it."

  I was happy for him and excited he wanted my input on the decor of his business, but I was stuck on the part where Savannah said her brother’s name was Zach and was in the military. How many men named Zach were from Georgia? Atlanta to be exact and in the military. It's safe to assume more than one exists; however I wondered if Savannah's Zach was my Zach.

  "Savannah, do you by chance have a picture of your brother?" Savannah was still so excited she scanned her phone and pulled up a photo. Handing it to me, I took a long look at the brown eyes that looked back at me. It was the same man I saw in the photos in Ella's office. I took a chance and moved to the next photo and found the same photo, which was framed on her shelf.

  "Savannah, how do you know Ella Hart?"



  I hadn't even pressed the end button on my phone when the alarms started to wail. Ignoring the pain in my arm, I grabbed my boots and stormed to my post. Even in the bright daylight, you could see the trail the missile left behind. All the training we did, training which most of my men complained was useless as the enemy never fired at us, took over and we returned fire. Our training and Reaper being a good ol’ boy from the Appalachian Mountains who grew up, "shooting for his dinner," giving him a perfect kill record.

  The colors, which lit up the already bright sky, would rival any Fourth of July fireworks display back home. Reaper said he joined the Navy to get out of the Mountains, to see the world on someone else's dime. He told me one night, while we were on patrol; he also left when he saw his best friend kiss the girl he’d thought was his. I wish I could say that was the first time I had heard that kind of story. If it wasn't a reason for leaving, it was the reason they wouldn't return home to the girl. Far too many women vowed to be patient and wait, but the true test of time proved to be too much and heart after heart was broken in the name of war.

  After making certain we could offer no help to the victims of the attack, we silently made our way back to our base. Each of us mulling over the fact an organization could do something so evil to its own people. With my gear secured, I plopped down on my bed and opened my mail. I needed to escape the images that have permanently scarred my memories. Kennedy's email was dated nearly a week ago, causing my breath to hitch and my heart to speed up just a little.

  To: Michaels. Zach, L.T.

  From: HorseWhisper


  Subject: How are you?

  Dear Zach,

  I have such exciting news! Jason was able to secure the shop for his tattoo business. He had me go with him after signing the contracts. He wanted me to look at the set up and help him get a feel for where to go with what is there. I was overwhelmed with ideas. I can picture the different rooms and how to make the business appealing for both male and female clients. He has met the most wonderful, yet excitable, young woman. He is completely taken with her, however he is worried what will happen when she realizes who our mother is. I won't leave you hanging on my last statement; my mother is what one would term a social climber. She spends every waking moment trying to find a new edge in the hunt for her next "new best friend." I also won't admit who the ultimate prize in this quest of hers is, on the off chance you know her.

  In more pleasant news, I have an interview with the one place I
want to work for. Not to say I haven't had many, many interviews, trust me when I say I have sat through so many meetings, completely set up by my mother's "friends," to keep her network functioning.

  However, seeing Jason tossing caution, and his trust fund, to the wind has inspired me to cut ties with my parents. My mother purchased this ridiculous convertible for me, but I need something much more practical. I've done a search with the DMV and have happily found the car is indeed registered to me. Once I have secured gainful employment, I plan to march over to a dealership and trade the overpriced convertible for a more sensible mode of transportation.

  I've been scouring the newspapers for an apartment to rent and although the money my parents have placed in a trust for me would offer me a lifestyle, which would be ideal, it would also be dull. I want to work for the food I place on my table and complain when my alarm goes off before the sun comes up, but rejoice when a client is brought to tears after they take those first steps. I don't want social status or society chairs for organizations that are more about who the president is rather than the people they help. I want to live and be a productive member of the community. I want to walk down the street, instead of riding in the back of a limo. To shop in second hand stores instead of media enhanced mall fronts. I want to know who my neighbors are instead of reading about them in the society pages. To have cookouts and dinner parties with my friends and coworkers. To marry for love and not because he works for my father.

  I'm sorry...I know this sounds like the ramblings of a twelve year old, but this is how I feel. I know I shouldn't bring you into my American tragedy, but I feel as if I could tell you anything and you would cheer for me, encouraging me instead of laughing at me and telling me to go shopping with daddy's black card. I can't imagine what a day is like for you. I do pray for your safe return.

  Your friend,


  I wished I could have read this prior to talking with Jason, however I was in the mindset to get the shop up and running. I was just like Kennedy in her desire to be a productive member of society. I wanted many of the same things she did, it made me wonder. What if fate had a way of steering you in the direction you needed to go? What if two people, born into the same world, never knew the other due to circumstances beyond their control? What if I was destined to meet this amazing creature named Kennedy Forrester? Saving her email to the folder I had created in her name, I found another from her written the same day I had made a call to Savannah.

  To: Michaels. Zach, L.T.

  From: HorseWhisper


  Subject: I’m sorry

  Dear Zach,

  I feel this will be my last letter to you. I want to apologize if I offended you in any way. I have a feeling; even with my attempts to keep my mother's name in the shadows, you, being an intelligent man, figured it out. I understand your desire to stay as far away from me as possible. Please, don't hold your distaste for her against Jason. He is working so hard to make the business a success. He offered me the apartment that sits above the building you guys own. I have declined and will keep my distance.

  Thank you so much for your service and for being such a kind man in trying to help me. May you return safe and secure, and be prosperous in your new business.


  Kennedy Forrester

  I was confused as I re-read the last letter over again. She certainly hadn’t offended me and I had no clue what she was talking about in regards to her mother. I didn't really keep up with my mother's charities and organizations. I knew she was cautious with whom she associated with, as she and my father had talked about some pretty aggressive women who behaved as Kennedy described. Closing out my email, I checked the time and then opened my Skype program. My mother may have the ability to raise millions and millions of dollars, but she was clueless when it came to modern technology. My aunt Ella, however, was a master. I knew she would be in her office or at least near her cell phone at this time of the day. I clicked on her name and waited as the line tried to connect.

  "Well, good evening my favorite SEAL." My aunt's voice carried over the speakers; I had forgotten to place my earphones on so as not to disturb the rest of the guys around me.

  "Aunt Ella, how are you?" I spoke softly, again being considerate of those around me.

  "I couldn't be better, Zach. I just got a call from a client who has been approved to come to the center. He’s a motorcycle accident victim and hasn't walked in nearly a year. Based on his medical records, he is the perfect candidate for our services. I also hired a new tech. She comes from Colorado Springs with a glowing review from Sabrina Moore, a colleague I went to school with. She has such a way with the horses, almost like she can communicate with them."

  I couldn't help but smile, I had my suspicions about who her new girl was. My aunt's voice was full of joy. Aunt Ella had been in my corner more times than I could count. I knew she was excited for the girl more than what it would mean for her in the end.

  "So, you're impressed with your new hire?" Finally, the picture went from black to reveal the beautiful woman that was my mother's sister. My mother, Emma, was four years older than aunt Ella, but you would swear they were much closer. Ella chose to go to school and never marry, while my mother chose to be a wife and mother, yet both were really great at what they did.

  "Kennedy is a breath of fresh air. She’s here before the sun gets up in the morning and is always going nonstop with her ideas. Hell, she even has Hercules following her around like a lost puppy." This surprised me, Hercules was a rescue horse. It had taken Ella and her staff months to get him to settle down enough to put a saddle on. He had even bitten his handlers, and I knew several grown men who wouldn't go anywhere near him.

  "Kennedy, you say?"

  "Oh, Zach...she is just the prettiest thing and so sweet and caring. Your sister likes her, which, as you know, is a big thing. Not only that, but her brother Jason...wait, why am I telling you this? You already know. Savannah said you and Jason are partners. Savannah said she was helping put your shop together."

  "Ms. Hart, I can't find the—Oh, I'm sorry, you're on a call."

  I heard the feminine voice of whom, I was confident, was the woman I had called my aunt about. Her voice dropped to nearly a whisper as she discovered the situation my aunt was in.

  "Oh, Sweetheart, please come in. I have someone I want you to meet." I could see the caring expression on my aunt's face, her heart full and it radiated to her beautiful features. Her smile could warm the coldest heart and make the devil himself feel bad about the evil he did. Many men have tried to get her attention, however my aunt has remained single. I watched her face while she motioned for Kennedy to come around her desk. I waited with anticipation for my first glimpse of the girl who had changed my world. Ella's smile grew and, as the seconds passed, mine did too.

  "Kennedy, this is my nephew, Zach Michaels. He's calling me from somewhere in the God-forsaken desert." There was no mistaking the gasp, it was quick and quiet, but I heard it loud and clear. Slowly and carefully, I could see the shadow on the wall shift and change to indicate her enclosing presence. I held my breath as her face came into view. Her eyes looked sad and the memory of her letter was fresh in my mind. Ella didn't know about our history, unless Kennedy had confessed it, however I was certain she wasn't the gossipy type.

  "Zach, this is my new horse whisperer, Kennedy Forrester." Kennedy's face took on a smile as fake as the people she had described in her letters. I didn't like it, just like the wrong in what Virginia Greyson had done; I was about to correct it.

  "Actually, Aunt Ella, I do know Kennedy. Although this is the first time I'm laying eyes on her beautiful face. She has been faithfully writing to me and until about a week ago, I was responding to them. However, due to recent enemy activity, my lines of communication were severed. I just got communication back and was about to respond to her email, although given the situation I like this much better." I gave Kennedy the smile and wink combo my mother ha
s made me swear to use sparingly.

  "Kennedy, you deserve an apology as I neglected to inform you of situations that happen all too frequently here in the— as my aunt so poetically puts it— God-forsaken desert. There are times, and sadly there are many, where we have no way of contacting the outside world."

  Color started to spread across the beautiful face of the woman who is decorating the screen. She isn't a runway model, as she admitted in her letters, but she isn't the monster she painted herself to be either. She's what writers describe as the girl next door. The one you take home to your mother and pray she says yes to your proposal. She is the girl my father told me to look and search for. The one I will find my sanctuary in.

  “How about I let the two of you catch up?” My aunt winked as she pushed her chair back, closing the door to give us privacy. Kennedy moved to her left, taking the vacant seat, scooting closer to the screen.

  “Kennedy, you lied to me.”

  “How?” Her eyes growing large in disbelief, shock in her reply.

  “You said you weren't beautiful. Which, from where I'm setting, is a boldface lie.” I watched as a myriad of emotions crossed her face, sadness the one remaining. “Hey, I’m teasing you. It was meant to be a compliment, not make you sad.”

  Kennedy shook her head as she looked down, “No, you're fine, I’m distracted today.” she filled her cheeks with air, and then released it in a rush.


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