Signed, SEALed, Delivered (Trident Brotherhood Book 1)

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Signed, SEALed, Delivered (Trident Brotherhood Book 1) Page 11

by Cayce Poponea

  “With?” I prodded, feeling the need to know everything about her. Crossing her arms on the desk, she takes a few deep breaths as she begins. “When I lived back in Colorado, we had a reporter who wanted to do a piece on the horses and how the program worked. When he arrived, he brought with him a freelance photographer, Ethan Porter. After the article was finished, Ethan asked me out on a date. I didn't really have a reason not to, so I went out with him. One date was all it took for me to realize there was no spark, not even a blip between us. He continued to pursue me, by sending flowers and calling. I finally had to invite him over and remind him I was moving back home.”

  Patiently, I watched and waited, knowing there had to be more to this story. Keeping my face neutral, even as the jealousy crept up my spine. “I take it by the look on your face, he didn't take the news well.”

  “He said I couldn't get rid of him that easily.” I didn't like the way her voice sounded as if she had given up. She had no idea what I was capable of, what lengths I would go to in order to keep her safe.

  “I’d forgotten about him since leaving Colorado, until today, when I got a bouquet of flowers.” Her eyes locked with mine on the screen, a new emotion I couldn't label colored her face. “I sent them back, but I have a feeling this won't be the end of him.”

  “Good, I hope he calls you.” I leaned forward, not giving her time enough to question me. “When he does, tell him to move along, before your SEAL boyfriend has a conversation with him.”



  "Kennedy, you don't want to live like me."

  Jason and I had been up late trying to get the shop in some state of order. The dust was thick and the old owner had left behind some questionable items. Nothing sexual or anything, just nothing you could identify.

  "I have no money, Kennedy. I can't even take Savannah out on a proper date. Hell, I would completely starve if it wasn't for you."

  Since the afternoon in Ella's office, Zach and I had been Skyping nearly every day. He was always so excited with what I would tell him about the shop and working for Ella. We had arranged for him to be able to see the inside of the shop. I had taken my computer down there one evening and let him look around. He and Jason began to solidify plans for what they wanted. Which included the naming of the place, Second Skin. I then took Zach upstairs and showed him the apartment located there. It was decided Jason and I would occupy it, making sure someone was around to discourage looters and such.

  "I happen to like living here where no one is telling me to sit up straight or that my skirt isn't short enough."

  It was a silent agreement life for both of us had gotten so much better. I went to a local dealership where the salesman asked me several times if I was certain I wanted to trade in my Porsche. I walked away with a used full size truck, something my mother would gasp and clutch her chest about, and a little change in my pocket.

  Savannah had been another change for us as she stayed over most nights with Jason. If she was bothered by his lack of fortune, you would never know it. When Jason and Zach asked for my design ideas, so much came to mind. I got lost in my own world when I walked around and told the two of them what I thought.

  So for the past two months, we have cleaned, painted, and gone to meeting after meeting to obtain a business license. They had to deal with tax ID-numbers, credit card machines and permits. Opening a business is quite the undertaking. Zach also announced his time in Afghanistan was nearly up and he would be heading home at the end of this week. The grand opening was scheduled for the next Monday.

  My friendship with Zach had blossomed; he was a funny guy who could turn any situation into a joke. We avoided talking about what he does when he has to go out in the field. He had gone out on, what he said, was his final mission three days ago. Savannah and Emma, their mother, had begun planning a huge welcome home party. I got the impression it would be a family event, so I never assumed I was included.


  "My sister tells me my mother has this huge party planned for me the Saturday after I return." His eyes were devilish, with an air of charm about him, making it hard to concentrate when he spoke. I wouldn't delude myself into thinking his feelings for me went anything beyond friendship. However, sometimes the things he said confused me and made me think things I shouldn't.

  "You know if the other Zack would have been real, I don't think he could have tried to scam you when he saw how pretty you are.” I was stunned by his words. "Come on, Kennedy, you have to know how pretty you are." His voice and face implied he was speaking from his heart.

  "Well, Mr. Michaels, if that were true, I wouldn't have been on that website looking for a date now would I?"

  Zach shook his head looking at me straight in the eyes. "Guys are just as intimidated as girls when it comes to approaching the opposite sex. Trust me, if I were sitting there with you, I probably wouldn't have the courage to say anything to you." His admission caught me off guard, he seemed so sure of himself, not shy and reserved like he was admitting to.

  “Well, I should have known Zack was full of it, he put those electronic roses across the top of his email.”

  “What, no real flowers showing up at your door? Total cheap skate. So, are you coming to my party?" His quick subject change was a relief for me. I wasn't comfortable with the path we were headed down.

  "I was under the impression it was for family only, and I wasn't actually invited." His grin, which had made me melt from the beginning, was there as he spoke the words that would change everything.

  "Well, it's my party and I'm inviting you."

  “Zach,” I started, my eyes drifting down briefly. “I don't know if attending a family function is such a good idea, considering who my mother is. Wouldn't you agree?”

  “Sorry, Kennedy, but I beg to differ. You are more than welcome, your mother, not so much. Please say you’ll come. I know my mom will be fine with you there.” With a ton of reluctance, I agreed to attend his welcome home party. Zach had to cut our session short as his CO needed to speak with him.

  Just after lunch, Ella came into the stables holding a massive bouquet of yellow roses. I felt the need to hit Ethan with the pitchfork I had in my hand. Ella, noticing my frustration, halted my nefarious thoughts. “Hold on. Before you plot his murder, read the card.”

  Trading the wooden handle for the attached card, I slid the flap open and pulled out the thick card.


  I may not be able to scribe roses across the top of an email. But I can put a dozen in your hand, where you can enjoy the beauty and fragrance as you think of me.

  Yours, Zach

  I didn't want to read anything into Zach’s flowers or the words he said, especially as I had no one to talk to about this. My mother was out, as she only wanted one thing, Zach's mother. Emma Michaels was the queen bee of charity work and to be in her inner circle was a huge honor. No one dared say no to one of the chosen. If my mother knew who Jason was seeing or that I had been talking to Zach, she would try to weasel her way into having Emma over to her home. My sister would run to my mother and Savannah would head straight to Zach and tell him anything I confessed to her.

  Jason, while on my side, remained a guy and therefore clueless. His head floated high above the clouds around Savannah. Which brings me back to my confusion. I knew Zach could be a huge flirt, I’d witnessed it too many times. He called every woman he knew beautiful, something more than likely his parents taught him.

  Isolation from social life is bound to cause some backup. What if his invitation and flower delivery, were more of his natural flirtatious personality and not from any deep seated feelings he harbored for me? This explanation made the most sense, and therefore was the most logical. Zach Michaels was being a nice guy.


  It was the Thursday before Zach was due back in the states. Every detail about his party had been carefully planned and his entire family would be waiting for him at the airport. They wanted to welcom
e him home with a hero's reception. The shop, however, was a mess with open boxes and half full shelves. Jason had finished the private room and it now looked more like the waiting area of a spa than a place to put on a tattoo.

  The guy who was putting the lettering on the front glass had just arrived and was setting up. Jason had painted the ceiling black, which caused the bucket lights to be more pronounced. He even found a company who specialized in neon signs and they had just finished a sign for another company. Although the color had come out all wrong for what they were going for, it worked well with the theme Jason was going for, so he bought it.

  Framed samples lined both walls of the entry. Zach had emailed all of his designs and I had to admit he was quite talented. I personally had never wanted a tattoo, but Zach had insisted Jason was going to give him one once he got home. Savannah already had him do something on her lower hip, it was hidden beneath her clothes and I didn't want to know what he had created. Zach offered to do one for me, a thank you for all of my help, but I declined, as a tattoo wasn't on my radar. I also never questioned if Zach already had a tattoo or if he had something pierced.

  Appointments began pouring in the minute word hit the streets a SEAL co-owned the place. Military men seemed to line up to have one of their own do something for them. Although, a fair share of women were also booked for a chance, I was certain, to see the artist.

  Second Skin was beginning to take shape along the top half of the entry door. The old English script would match the logo, which had been placed on the front of the reception desk yesterday. It took what seemed like forever to get it centered perfectly, the poor guy had to start over four times as Jason wasn't happy.

  I was on my hands and knees, sorting and organizing the piercing jewelry to be sold. They had everything from skulls to initials. I had also arranged the supplies for the aftercare behind the counter. I took in the scene around me; Jason was filling the toolboxes that would house the supplies he and Zach would work from. Savannah was setting up the credit card reader in a system she herself used in her own shop. She had also contacted every newspaper and radio station in the city, announcing the grand opening. A friend of hers was a host for one of the popular morning shows here in Atlanta, and he would be doing a live broadcast while Jason did his tattoo.

  Music played overhead, something from the fifties, with a catchy beat, making you want to dance. This was how living simple was supposed to be. Putting yourself into what you loved and believed in, and feeling good about it at the end of the day.

  I looked around at the patterns and colors Jason had placed together. I had no doubt patrons would walk through the door and be amazed at how it all turned out. Even though I had no desire for a tattoo of my own, I appreciated the art.

  My knees were protesting from the abuse I had inflicted on them by kneeling for so long, but the display was perfect. The lighting caused the brilliance in the diamonds and metal to stand out. I could literally look at it all day.

  The guy applying the lettering to the door, glanced at me so I smiled a friendly smile in return, but paused when I noticed the figure directly behind him. A man, tall and well-built, complete with brown camouflage and a hat atop his head. His pants were tucked inside his brown boots and a bag slung over his right shoulder, its top edge sticking out over his head. If I hadn't seen his face nearly every day for the past few months, I probably wouldn't have reacted the way I did.

  His eyes landed on mine as I pushed the door open with more force than I intended, causing the poor sign guy to curse under his breath. I can't explain why I ran to him the way I did or why I had tears in my eyes. But as I stood in the center of the sidewalk, with the late afternoon sun beaming down on me and the breeze from the passing cars pushing my hair into my face, I couldn't help the way my hand covered my mouth as I took him all in. Zach was here, a day early, and looking so much better than he did on my computer screen. His smile widened, as he dropped his bag to the sidewalk, and took his hat in his hands.

  "Kennedy?" His voice was so much richer, his smile somehow bigger. I could only nod my head as the sting of tears began.

  "Oh, God, I was so wrong." His voice sounded pained as he closed the distance between us.

  “About what?” I asked, confused. His eyes were so bright, his body solid as his arms encircled me, picking me up from the sidewalk. His warm lips crashed to mine as strong fingers buried themselves in the hair at the back of my head. The kiss lasted until breathing became necessary, each of us pulling back, sucking in the same breath. Eager and happy eyes locked as the sounds of the city filled the air around us.

  Zach and Jason walked around the shop talking about items in the drawers, using terms, if I had been a fan of tattooing or interested in having one myself, I would most likely understand. My heart was in my throat as Zach took me by the hand, allowing me to lead him to the room Jason took such pride in pulling together. The pounding of my heart kept time with the sounds of his boots, as we got closer to it. At first, I thought he was trying to find the words to tell me he hated it, but when he turned from the plush sofa, he had the widest, brightest smile on his handsome face, flooring me even further than the kiss on the sidewalk; if that was even possible.

  "Babe, it's more beautiful than I imagined." He punctuated his words with a kiss to my temple.


  Zach commented several times on the changes in the city he noticed as I drove everyone to the Michaels's estate. It’s sad how you could become immune to your surroundings. New buildings and businesses became the norm and were no longer appreciated once the shiny exteriors faded away.

  Watching a trembling Emma run down the steps and practically leap into her son's arms made me smile a teary smile, and also burn with jealousy. My mother would have scoffed at such a display of emotion. I waited, with my car door open and my leg still inside, as they hugged for what seemed like an eternity. Zach and his mother exchanged several words before she insisted we all come inside. I stopped Zach and tried to get him to understand he needed time with his parents. Emma encouraged Jason and I to at least come in and have some iced tea. Knowing if I refused and word ever got back to my mother I would never hear the end of it, I accepted her invitation and joined them on her deck.

  As I sat and listened to Zach and his father talk about the shop and what he had planned for the grand opening, I wondered what my mother would say if I were to snap a picture of where I was and send it to her. No doubt she would make an excuse to come and join me.

  After finishing my tea and reassuring Zach I would return the following day to attend his party, I spent the remainder of the night over analyzing everything that happened. When I couldn't stand laying wide awake any longer, I slipped down to the shop and resumed my task of arranging jewelry and doing the final clean ups. With the silence in the room, it allowed my mind to roam free and explore every angle of the situation with Zach. I came to the conclusion that I had nothing to lose by exploring a relationship with him.



  The plane ride from London to Atlanta was full of turbulence; halfway through, the Captain made the flight attendants get in their seats and buckle up. Passengers around me were silently praying, I, however, snuggled in and fell asleep. When I finally got my luggage and a cab, I was still trying to get my bearings. The cabbie refused to take my money, telling me his brother had died in Vietnam and he’d made it his life's mission to never charge a returning soldier for a ride home. I tried to argue with him, but he refused, so I decided I would figure out how to give back in the same way.

  Standing outside the building I had seen only by way of a Skype session, I took just a moment to live in the moment; my reality now. An older man was applying vinyl to the glass doors that housed my dream and future. A bright red potted plant sitting in the middle window of the second floor, caught my attention. It was evident Kennedy must have placed it there. I could almost imagine her humming as she filled the pot with dirt, taking careful precau
tion not to disturb the delicate roots of the tiny plant. How she would lovingly water it and gently stroke its petals. I wondered if she ever thought of me as she looked down on the streets below. Oh, how I had thought of her. Too many thoughts, which would remain hidden in my mind. Thoughts of a life of laughter and adventure with her. Of holding her as she cooked dinner or folded laundry. Sunday mornings wrapped around each other in fluffy white sheets. Standing at the end of an aisle, watching her face as she slowly walked my way. Again, thoughts that would, for the near future, remain in my head.

  All the times I had laid eyes on Kennedy had done nothing to prepare me for this moment. Watching her move across the sidewalk was like watching a figure skater doing a perfect maneuver, minus the roar of the crowd. I watched the flow of her hair as it whipped around her face, and saw the smattering of freckles across her nose and cheeks. Her eyes were as bright as mine when I searched her face; longing to know what secrets they held.

  "Only you could pull a stunt like you did and have mom too happy to see you to be pissed." Zane stood beside me, but his attention was focused on his children playing a game with our father.

  I smiled quietly to myself since he was correct; I had ruined her plans of a large welcome in the middle of the airport. "Don't get too upset, everyone knows I'm her favorite."

  He glances in my direction with a look of surprise on his face and a grunt rising from his massive chest, but didn't answer, instead nudging me with his free arm. "So, she must be someone pretty special to bring home to the ‘rents so soon. Although she is giving you the stink eye right now."

  I hadn't noticed it before, but Zane was right. Kennedy was talking with Meghan, and a friend of hers, beside one of the food tables. I wouldn't categorize her look as angry, but more...perplexed? Going for broke, I flashed her a smile and added in a wink. Her eyes moved to Meghan's face before touching her forearm. Maybe Zane was right, had I upset her? I was just about to walk over and ask her when Zane halted my momentum.


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