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Signed, SEALed, Delivered (Trident Brotherhood Book 1)

Page 13

by Cayce Poponea

  "He's still single, which can only mean one thing."

  "Well, if it's dry spell relief that he needs, he can certainly have his pick."

  Meghan grabbed me by the arm, pulling us away from the rest of the conversation. Her movement allowed me to see a sight that would cause even the most seasoned girl to swoon. Zach stood, beer in hand, with a red ball cap on backward and a sleeveless shirt giving me a glimpse of the tattoos decorating his arms. Muscular tan legs, perfected from hours of training and hard work, peaked out from the bottom of his tan shorts. Raising the bottle to his mouth, I couldn’t help but watch the dip of his Adam's apple, as he took in the cold liquid, all while looking in my direction. In all of my thoughts last night, I never considered Zach would be in the need of sex. It wasn't unreasonable to think he would feel comfortable approaching me with his need.

  “I swear, if gossip was an art form, those two would be a couple of Picasso’s. They don’t care whose bed they fall into as long as it’s lined with money. Listen, Kennedy, I don't know anything about you except what Emma has told me, but what I do know is how these Michaels boys work." For the next few minutes she told me of her introduction to one of the Michaels men. She indicated the man who was the subject of the conversation was the handsome man who stood beside Zach. Meghan wasn’t a drop dead gorgeous woman, looking at her was like looking at a version of myself. She lived to be comfortable, not fashionable. Given the appearance of her husband, it was not the social norm.

  "Maybe those ladies are right, maybe that is what he's after, but nothing says you have to sleep with him. If he is only after what you can give him, it's simple, don't give it. But if he’s anything like Zane, and I don't have to even guess, then you’re about to be swept off your feet and taken for an amazing ride."

  Her rationale seems so plausible, and maybe it was. After listening to her share the details of her courtship with Zane, I found myself stuck on a loop of sorts. By definition, not everyone is attracted to the same type of people, much like ice-cream flavors and brands of cars. We all have different tastes; it makes the world less dull. With the understanding of Meghan and Zane's relationship and the way Zach was currently expressing his interest in me, it allowed me just a glimmer of hope he wanted more from me than simply a tour of my panties.

  "Well, something is definitely up." Meghan's sweet voice called my attention back to our conversation. I looked over to see what she was referring to before following her eyes and the nod of her head as a very determined, and dare I say fixated, Zach was currently headed in our direction.


  Zane shared a story of one of his players who was having trouble keeping his focus on the game. They had sent him to see the team physician, but the visit revealed nothing.

  “If his arm wasn't as good as it is, his ass would have been traded.”

  "Sounds like he's more interested in the cheerleaders instead of his teammates." Meghan voiced the thoughts I was thinking. Men lose the ability to function normally when a pretty face and a short skirt are involved."You're probably right, babe. Now, tell me how to center his attention on the ball and you just might be able to rule the world."

  Zane pulled his wife in closer to his chest. A move, even with the talk Meghan and I had, still baffled me. Meghan was not a stunning beauty, her hair could use a trim and her nails were chipped and broken, but that didn’t seem to matter.

  Zane asked if Zach would be willing to come and help out with the game as his assistant was out with a broken foot. They lost me with talk of yardage and tight ends.

  "You'll be there as well, right, Kennedy?" Meghan nudged me as she and Zane stood to leave.

  "Um...well, I need to take care of some things at work."

  Meghan passed off my comment with a wave of her hand. "Oh, your work will still be there after the game. At least come and keep me company."


  The white ceiling above my bed a backdrop for the shadows reflected by the headlights from the street below. The leaves and flowers from my potted plants on the ledge allowed distorted shadows to dance around the room, much like my thoughts.

  Zach's kiss had left me to re-evaluate every conversation and email we had exchanged. He was a handsome man, with a strong work ethic, and endless doors of opportunity, which were open because of his family name.

  I have never deluded myself into thinking an attractive man would flirt or be the slightest bit interested in me, I found it was easier that way. Knowing your limitations went beyond cutting yourself off before you drank too much wine. Embarrassing yourself by creating a scene in front of a man of interest never seemed like a good idea to me. So, when Zach held my face in his hands, placing those lips I had watched so many times during our Skype sessions against mine, my common sense left me and I allowed myself to fall into his embrace. Letting the hope and desire I had denied myself spring to life.

  When Zach brought up Ethan, I held back the chill, which begged to travel up and down my spine. I found the remnants of the bouquet smashed against the back of the shop. Crushed petals littered the pavement beside my car and down the sidewalk.

  Last night after Zach dropped me off, I found another leaning against the door to the apartment. No card attached, but I know who they were from, and I know this wasn't the last I would hear from him.

  My inability to find a reason that would negate my attendance was the reason for my scanning the stands looking for Meghan. Zach picked me up from the shop, with a quick kiss and the capture of my hand in his. We arrived to find the stadium filled to the rafters, a sea of red and black. When Zach led me to the field instead of a seat in the stands, I didn't question it, allowing him to guide me onto the field. With his Falcons ball cap and team polo, he could easily be mistaken for a player.

  "Michaels!" Came a shout sounded from behind me. Zach pulled me to stop as he turned in the direction of the voice. Standing with a beer in one hand, the other waving overhead as he tried to get Zach's attention, was a tattoo-covered man.

  "Hey, man, long time no see." Zach released my hand, reaching out to greet the man in a sporting hug.

  "I didn't think you were due home till next year." The tattooed man remarked, his smile sparkling as the two pulled back.

  "I took an extra assignment so I could get out early." This was news to me, although I guess it wasn't really my concern. Tattoo man shot a glance in my direction, Zach noticed and brought me into the conversation. With both men now facing me, Zach's hand extended in my direction,

  "Viper, how the hell do you know this knock out?" I didn't want to know the answer Zach was about to give. After everything that had occurred last night, he could respond we were good friends, or he could use the word so many women like myself seek to have as a title.

  "Hey, Babe, come here I want you to meet a friend of mine." Although Zach's smile was bright and the term 'babe' was a step in the direction of a title, it was also a common word used in everyday conversations among men. Disguising my nervousness with a tight smile, I stepped in his direction as his arm went around my shoulders, not a gesture I would associate with friendship.

  "Tombstone, this is Kennedy. Kennedy, this is Tombstone, we went to SEAL training together." My smile still gleaming, yet my spirit dropping at the words he chose. My need to avoid bad manners, enabling me to extend a free hand, and move slightly away from Zach side. This was not an avenue I was comfortable traveling down.

  "Kennedy, the pleasure is all mine, but I have to ask again, what is a beauty such as yourself doing with this ugly fuck?"

  "Well, Mr. Tombstone, Zach was kind enough to help me when I found myself in a situation without my consent. He has been wonderful in making the tragedy a little less...bleak."

  “Sounds like Viper, all right. Always did have a soft spot for a damsel in distress.” I held my breath and squared my reserve; refusing to let my smile drop or tears fall. I tried to listen as Tombstone told the story of his injury, which put him in the hospital for a while. Since returning to the
states, he’d come home to find his wife and children gone, with a note and divorce papers left in the middle of the floor.

  I thanked Tombstone for his service and followed Zach, since I had no real idea where I was to keep myself as Meghan was nowhere in sight. I was doing my best to stay out of the way of the players and coaches, yet not appearing to be snobbish or rude.

  Zach was talking with Zane about the strengths and weakness of each player as they walked across the field. My attention was drawn away by the sounds of the cheerleaders standing directly behind me. Taught bodies with pristine smiles, all dressed up in a little as possible. Caroline had been active in cheer and dance, using her pom poms to grab the attention of her husband, Richard.

  Shouts of “watch out” cried out behind me, before a loud slapping sound resonated behind my head, causing me to snap back around to face the playing field. Mere centimeters away from my nose, Zach's hand was clenched tightly around a football. Zane shouted for someone to get off the field and get over to him. My eyes left the white stitching across the side of the ball, looking up into Zach's face, glancing back and forth with the realization of what almost happened.

  Had Zach not caught the speeding ball, I would have been hit and injured severely. I changed of my line of sight back to Zach’s face, waiting as his eyes locked with mine. His brown eyes bore into mine as he tossed the ball back to the players. The gravity of the situation finally registered and I could do nothing to stop my body from its intended actions. My hands and lips acted of their own accord as they came in contact with Zach. Hands needing to feel him, knocking his ball cap off in the process. My legs stretched to the limit as I pushed myself up on my tiptoes. Zach pulls me close as my feet leave the ground, ignoring the cheering and catcalls raining around us.

  Never in my life had I ever initiated the physical side of a relationship. However, as my fingers found their target at the back of Zach’s neck, his hair stubble from his required military haircut, my tongue demanded to explore his. The kiss may have lasted for centuries or more realistically a few seconds, but we were both breathless when it ended.

  “I’m sorry about your hat.” My voice raspy with my need for him. “I don't give a shit about my hat, not when my entire world is right here in my arms.”


  The grand opening for the shop had people lined up around the corner for a chance to look inside. Savannah, true to her word, had every newspaper and radio station who would broadcast, standing outside and asking questions. I watched Zach give two men free tattoos once he found out they had recently returned from the Middle East. After the excitement of the day had passed, we were laying on my couch when I commented about him being a good guy. He told me about the taxi driver who wouldn't let him pay for his cab ride from the airport and how he wanted to pay it forward.

  Jason had never looked happier than after the initial success of the shop. He even refused to question the amount of bookings it would take to get them in the black at the end of the month. However, the silence from our parents hadn't gone unnoticed by either of us, we just chose to ignore the sleeping giant, as I had labeled it.

  The next day at lunch, Ella said something about Zach buying a house, she suggested I take the guys something to eat and see if Zach had any potential properties in mind. Walking in with an arm full of deli goodies, caused Jason to jump from behind the counter and help with the heavy entry door. Zach was bent over a large bald guy, working on what looked to be a naked girl on his chest. I didn't want to interrupt, so I told Jason I would place the food in the break room and talk to them later.

  "Sure, let's see if that really happens." The teasing way Jason spoke, placed a smile on my face. I followed him down the hallway, passing a group of young girls who were pointing at different tattoo examples displayed on the walls. Several middle age men were also looking at the same wall, however I'm certain their interests were on the assets of the ladies, not of the art. Placing the perishable items in the refrigerator, I made my way back to the front of the shop. I would speak with Zach later about his house hunting.

  By the time I entered the main room, the bald guy was finished and one of the young ladies stood with her stomach bare and the button of her jeans unhooked, her hands shimmying her jeans and panties lower on her body. In my opinion, these were women who were direct and to the point. Tossing aside the need to be pursued and fully prepared to make their intentions with members of the opposite sex perfectly clear. You could accept they sometimes tired easily when the object of their affections didn’t respond or you could get mad and get in their face. I was never one who enjoyed causing a scene and chose to let the pretty blonde fall on her face. While I observed her unbridled flirting, I also noticed Zach’s eye roll and hand gesture for her to just hurry up.

  “While I’m still young, girly.”

  When his eyes recovered from their three sixty, they came to rest in direct alignment with my own. I smiled brightly and blew him a quick kiss, giving a slight wave as I headed in the direction of the front door.

  “Ah, hell no. You better deliver that kiss." Zach possessed a commanding voice; one I imagine rang proud and true for his men during their missions. Now, it filled the room and silenced any conversations. With just a hint of embarrassment and more joy than sorrow, I fulfilled his request. I crossed the floor and kissed him soundly on his lips.

  Being with Zach had brought out a boldness I never knew I possessed. After his bare handed catch of the football, any childhood instruction on public displays of affection went right out the door. I had since become quite brazen in initiating contact between us. This was new territory for me, a frontier I couldn't wait to explore and conquer.

  "Is this your sister?" My head turned on its own toward the voice belonging to lady who was now not only half naked, but by the hands resting on her bare hips, irritated. Add in the harsh tone of her words and her irritation was clear. I was ready to simply bid Zach a quick goodbye and be on my way. However, Zach being Zach, he wasn't going to settle for what I had planned

  "Fuck no, she ain't my sister!” Closing the distance between us with purpose, he pulled me flush against him. “She's the goddamn mother of my unborn children." His voice was elevated and brash, his grip on my hips tightening to a slightly painful level and yet it was, shockingly, erotic. He never let go of my body as he began to usher her out of his chair. "Now take your skinny ass out of here."

  The poor blonde was more shocked than anything and I wanted to feel bad for her, but again he was bringing out a new person in me. One who didn't have to smooth out everything or worry about what would get back to my mother's judgmental ears.

  The blonde and her friends scurried out the door, gone long before the seat they occupied was cold from lack of body heat. Zach pulled me closer to his body, his hand keeping my hip captive, now rested securely along my right ass cheek. It was bold and brazen, and I couldn't get enough.

  "Any of you other motherfucker's got a problem with me kissing my girl?" The remaining men shook their heads, no one daring to disagree with him. I felt his body vibrate with a satisfied chuckle, then he buried his face in my neck and hair. Closing my eyes, I enjoyed the feel of this man who was wrapped around me; the smell of his clean shirt, his deodorant, and the salve he used on the new tattoo Jason had given him.

  When the shop first opened and the media came inside, they found a calm Zach sitting in Jason's chair. Zach wanted a symbol of the new chapter in his life, a representation of everything new in his world. So he had Jason place a Phoenix on his right shoulder, its significance evident to everyone—a new beginning.

  The vibrating of my phone was like an alarm on reality. I pulled away from Zach, knowing it was still working hours for me. Zach knew how seriously I took my job and didn't stop me. One glance at the screen however, told me the giant Jason and I had tried to ignore was now awake. Placing my hand on Zach’s chest, I closed my eyes and braced myself for the wrath I was certain would come. Zach sat in his chair, pulling me
into his lap.

  "Hello, Mother. I wasn't expecting your call." When I was a little girl, my mother hired a lady to come instruct me on how to properly address someone. We spent several sessions on how to answer a telephone. I gripped Zach's shirt tighter the second the words left my lips, knowing they were all wrong and improper.

  "Kennedy, it seems you have been slacking on your social skills. Perhaps we should rethink this new venture you have set upon." Even if I thought long and hard for several days, I don't think I could remember the last time my mother said a kind word about anything I did or said, unless it was to place her in a better light.

  "I'm sorry, Mother, but I am trying to conduct a business meeting and have a client. Can I phone you back later?" My voice was fake and I hated the sound of it. I got the feeling it bothered Zach as well, as his hands left my body and found their way to the back of his neck.

  "Really, Kennedy? Is this the same client from the deplorable display your father showed me on one of his sports channels? Or could this be the client whom Buffy Thompson saw you kissing in the middle of a public street where everyone could see?"

  Had this conversation occurred a month ago, I would have been so embarrassed. I would have excused myself from Zach's presence, caught the first cab I could find, and then cried all the way to my parents estate. That wasn't the case today. No, today I was a different person, one who now craved life. One who wanted everything to change, experience all the adventure and danger it had to offer. To be like the people I had read about, tossing pride and expectations aside and just living in the moment. Moving out of Zach's lap, I turned to face him, raising my left leg and gliding my foot over his jean clad legs, I came to rest with my cotton-covered core over the leather of his belt. His smirk came to life, the one I loved so much and truly believed he saved only for me.

  "Yes, Mother, the very same client. However, today, I'm not only kissing him in public, but I'm straddling his lap, leaving only a thin layer of clothing between us." My eyes were lost in his, my own smirk, which I did save just for him, was on display for his enjoyment. My fingers traced the edge of his collar, watching this Adam's apple bob with the shifting of his hips. "I’m also enjoying the sight of his ink covered arms and the vibrations of his motorcycle as we fly down the street at dangerous speeds."


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