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Signed, SEALed, Delivered (Trident Brotherhood Book 1)

Page 23

by Cayce Poponea

  "Take your time, Baby." I lifted my hand to stroke her silky hair, telling her without words she was doing everything right. She descended again, this time taking just the tip between her lips, eyes focused on my face.

  "Mmm..." The vibrations from my chest traveled to my balls, spurring her on as she consumed more and more of my cock. Men are visual creatures and I was certainly no different. Watching my girl as she took larger and larger amounts of me into her mouth caused my brain to fall further into a lust filled haze. I decided to let her take complete control and removed my hand from hers before laying back down. I closed my eyes and gave myself over to the pleasure my girl could bring.

  The feel of her hot, wet and eager mouth gripping my cock as she hollows out her cheeks with her sucking, and the popping sound of her lips as they pass the head, cause my body to jerk from the pleasure. Her free hand took my aching balls and began playing with them, sending me further into the zone we all love to visit. Kennedy, however, made this visit so much better as she she makes everything better.

  She wasn't perfect in her movements and I felt the sting of her teeth several times as they hit the underside of my shaft. She could tell it hurt slightly and she apologized; yet continued. My hands were in her hair in an instinctive reaction to the pleasure she was giving me. I worried my actions would imply something other than how much I loved what she was doing.

  "That’s it, Baby, suck the head." My instructions were strangled as I was so close and yet ached to be closer.

  She followed my instructions and with a quick look at her, I could see her jaw was growing tired. Her down motion was suspended and she was using her hands instead. It didn't matter to me, it all felt incredible. I wanted so badly to shout it out to the world, but that wouldn't happen, this was between us. My climax was imminent and I needed to move her. I didn't want to come in her mouth, instead I wanted to kiss her until her lips were swollen and she couldn't breathe. However, in a move that took my breath away, Kennedy took both of my balls into her warm mouth, while her hand continued to stroke my cock. It was unexpected and my complete undoing. I came with a shout of her name and a hard twitch of my body.

  The moment, seconds after a release of not only body fluids—but all the chemicals that go with it, where you have barely have enough ability to blink your eyes, much less make words come together in a complete sentence, that's exactly where I am. Kennedy was still resting on her knees, but her bottom lip had begun to tremble. In the quiet of the room, she begins collecting her clothing and what little dignity she can scrape together. My mind is was screaming at me to say something, to explain to her if the house caught fire in this very moment, I would burn up it in. I was desperately trying to get my limp body to do something, anything, to make her stop.

  "Kennedy..." I finally managed, my voice laden with exhaustion and contentment, "...wait!"

  Her shoulders were hunched until she heard my voice. She slowly turns around, squares her shoulders, and defies the demons who are telling her she failed. Determination lit her face as she finally brought her eyes up meet mine.

  "Sweetness," I lifted my left hand and motioned for her to come closer. "C'mere."

  She moves slowly, like a child who had been caught doing something wrong, prolonging the punishment certain to follow. Standing tall, yet defeated beside the bed, her expression told me everything. With a small nod of my head, I beckoned her closer. She moves, but with reservation.

  "Baby, you've gone and sucked out the last of my brain cells."

  With those words, which were as lame as some of those Super Bowl commercials, her smile is back and a giggle fills up the room. Now that, the look currently on her face, the pride and the joy, is my favorite.



  The only sound in the room was the tacky sound of paint being spread on the wall as I pushed the roller up and down. Zach had wanted me to hire a company to paint the house, but I told him I wanted to do it myself. The pain I would likely feel in my arms later may cause me to question my decision, however the feeling of usefulness and pride were my best form of painkillers.

  After learning the house, my house, had always been mine in more than just feelings of comfort and security, I began to plan what I wanted to do with each and every corner. What would add to the warm feel it already had? What upgrades would add convenience and value? Zach's proposal caused such immense joy, yet, for a single second, I panicked as to what I would do with this slice of real estate. A single phone call did more than give me a much-needed break from painting the entryway; it gave me the answer to that very issue.

  I pulled my phone from my back pocket, not bothering to look at the screen. It could be one of only two people, Zach or my mother. From the formal sound of the deep male voice, I was wrong on both accounts.

  "May I speak with Kennedy Forrester, please?" Formality had always caused me to stiffen my spine. The man on the other end caused my muscles to align on their own.

  "Yes, this is she. How may I help you?" I tried to sound bored, praying I would get off easy and it would be a salesman or another credit card company offering me a better interest rate.

  "Ms. Forrester, this is Officer Frank Simone with the Georgia State Patrol."

  My muscles clenched tighter and my heart leapt into my throat. My left hand found the center of my chest as I awaited the dreadful news such a call was sure to deliver. "Yes, Sir. How can I help you?"

  "Well, Ma'am, one of our officers responded to a report of suspicious activity in the area around a well known business. When they arrived on the scene, they found a couple engaged in lewd behavior. Both were arrested for the activity they were engaging in since it was in a public place. The female, a Claudia Clarkston, gave my officers quite a fight and she was subsequently charged with resisting arrest."

  During divorce proceedings, my father had given my mother every single thing she asked for; her car, one of their vacation homes, and a sizable settlement. He asked for one thing in return, that his name be removed and her maiden name be returned. I closed my eyes tightly, my free hand now flat against my forehead.

  "When you say lewd behavior, Sir, do you mean...?" My eyes peeked open slightly, trying to erase the images of what I feared him to confirm.

  "Yes, Ma’am. Mrs. Clarkston and Mr. Richard Caldwell, were found in a sexual position, and lacking their clothing." The mental picture his words left me with were enough to cause my heart rate to stop momentarily. "Mrs. Clarkston had a particular, er...part of Mr. Caldwell's anatomy in her mouth."

  “I’m sorry, did you say Richard Caldwell?”

  “Yes, ma’am. Are you familiar with the gentleman?”

  “Sadly, yes,” I sigh. “Has his wife been contacted?”

  “Yes, ma’am. Mrs. Caldwell came to the station not twenty minutes ago. Mrs. Clarkston asked that you be called instead of her estranged husband, due to the relationship between the two men." Oh, I bet she did. What in the hell is wrong with my mother, getting caught in a lewd act with her daughter’s husband?

  "Officer Simone, how may I assist you with Ms. Clarkston?" It would take many years of therapy and copious amounts of wine to rid me of the mental images now forming in my brain.

  "Well, Ms. Forrester, due to the sensitive nature of the crime and the lack of response from the gentleman she was arrested with, we were hoping you would come down and post her bail."

  "Wait, what do you mean the response from Mr. Caldwell?"

  "Well, when Mrs. Caldwell came to retrieve her husband and found out he was discovered with Mrs. Clarkston..."

  "Ms." I corrected, regretting the slip of my tongue immediately.

  "I'm sorry?"

  "Ms. Clarkston isn't married. She and my father divorced nearly two weeks ago." The silence on the line was uncomfortable. I could hear the rustle of paper and the beginning of chuckling.

  "Um...well, when Mrs. Caldwell found out who her husband was arrested with..." The unease in his voice was no match for
the way my skin was crawling as I processed the information. "She informed her husband he could kiss his bid for the Senate goodbye.”

  It took everything I had to keep my laughter inside. Apparently my sister couldn't turn a blind eye to everything her husband did outside of their marital bed. I thanked the officer, right after asking what would be considered an odd question. "Sir, does the jail have business hours?"

  Zach arrived just after I had cleaned the last of my paintbrushes. He molded his body around mine, encasing my tiny form in his larger, stronger one. "I missed you today." His words finding my ear, as his lips found my neck, nipping and caressing the tender flesh.

  "I missed you too, Baby." The edge in my voice telling him it had been a bad day. I covered my face with my hand as my body sagged with fatigue.

  Zach being the super star fiancée he was, presented me with a bottle of cold iced tea. The smile on my face was more than any word of thanks I could ever utter. However, he also noticed the pain at the edges of my eyes, pain that came from more than just a hard day's work.

  "Talk to me, Kennedy." He hugged me closer, for his comfort as well as my own. "Tell me what happened."

  I refused to let this moment go and allow the harshness of the outside world fill it with negativity. Instead, I removed the cap from the bottle of tea and, in the most unlady like fashion, began to gulp it. Between Zach's warmth and the chill from the dripping condensation, two worlds provided me comfort in completely different arenas. The only noise in the room was provided by a group of passing children, singing a song both of us had heard many times. I turned in Zach's direction and placed the now empty bottle on the side table. I found strength in his eyes, his strong fingers, and his gentle smile. All were features I prayed our children would inherit.

  "I need to cancel dinner with you." My fingers fumbled with the hem of his shirt, where the ink of his most recent tattoo peeked out. I was told it was a Latin proverb.

  "All right," Zach conceded, releasing me and crossing his arms, making his massive biceps bulge. "What are we doing instead of eating? Because you're crazy if you think you're taking care of whatever is bothering you on your own."

  So I told him, every detail I had been given. How I couldn't believe my mother could treat my father and my sister this way. She had betrayed her daughter, the one who followed her at every turn.

  "Kennedy, you do know who your dad was seeing, correct?" His fingers touched the tip of my chin, bringing my face up to align with his, his eyes searching mine.

  "That's different, he wasn't..." I didn't get to finish as Zach placed a firm kiss to my lips, his arms stopping any body movement, and my rambling as well.

  "It doesn't matter." His breath brushed against my lips, calming me to the core. "What are you going to do about helping her?"

  While sitting on the floor of the room I had been painting that afternoon—surrounded by paint cans and drop cloths, pizza from a delivery guy and beer left behind after my father had moved out—I told Zach about the internal war going on inside me. I felt this sense of duty to do everything to protect my mother, and yet, felt my mother needed to solve her own issues. Zach gave his attorney a call, insisting every man deserved their day in court, regardless of how guilty they may be. They both agreed a night in jail may be a good reality check for Claudia.


  It was nearly seven the next morning when Zach held my hand as he drove me to the address I was given to post bail for my mother. The single story, brick building held nothing special in its appearance. Patrol cars were parked in neat vertical lines as Zach pulled his truck into a space just outside the main doors. With my hand firmly encased in his, he opened the door to the station and we made our way to the information desk. Once we had spoken with the polite woman who was manning the desk, we were asked to have a seat while the paperwork was gathered for Claudia's release.

  While we waited in the plastic chairs, we listened to the sounds of phones ringing in the distance, fax machines sending information, and various conversations going on around us. It was one particular conversation, between the man standing at the end of the elongated desk and the receptionist, captured my attention. His uniform gave me the impression that he was a firefighter. I couldn't help but overhear his conversation with the kind woman who had taken our information earlier.

  "So how soon before you have to be out?"

  "Less than a month, and the wedding is next weekend." The fireman responded. He went on to say the news was not easy to deliver to his future bride. It seemed she had lost her mother last year in a car accident and they already had to postpone the wedding due to the funeral. Now it appeared the apartment they had been living in was sold and the new owners weren't interested in keeping the current tenants. I heard his confession of having no place to live and no hopes of finding one, as all of their funds were tied up in their wedding and honeymoon.

  I placed three quick taps to Zach's thigh; causing him to release my shoulders he had been holding while sitting beside me and rose from the chair. With a deep breath and a tiny prayer, I approached the man.

  "I'm terribly sorry to have been eavesdropping, but your conversation was carrying over to where I was sitting." I pointed over my shoulder to where Zach remained seated. "My name is Kennedy Forrester." Extending my hand, I placed a smile on my face, hoping it would be returned by the man before me. "I think I can help with your housing situation."

  For the next thirty minutes, the fireman, whose name is Cole, and I discussed how I was willing to rent my childhood home to him and his future wife, Melanie, in exchange for the remaining repairs being completed. I would have my father write up an agreement for the couple to lease the house for the next twelve months, any work done to the house would be deducted from the monthly rent payment.

  Before we finalized the agreement, a commotion arose from the back. I quickly excused myself, but not before Cole apologized to Zach as he hugged me in a gesture of thanks.

  "Sorry, man, you have yourself an angel." Cole's voice was full of grateful emotion. The hug was pure gratitude as was the handshake he shared with a laughing Zach.

  "It's about goddamn time you got here!" A disheveled Claudia stood rubbing her wrists. Her hair looked like she had gone a few rounds with a rabid squirrel. Given the events of the last few months, Claudia's words did not surprise me, or Zach for that matter. What was surprising however, was the fifty dollars I took from my back pocket and placed on the counter in front of my mother.

  "Take a cab, catch a city bus or hitch hike, I don't care! You have learned nothing and I feel sorry for you. If you don't wise up real quick and change who you are, you’re going to wake up one morning with nothing and no one in your life."

  I didn't wait for a response as I shook Cole’s hand one last time and confirmed the meeting time to sign the lease. I took Zach's hand and exited through same door I had entered, Claudia yelling my name and other choice words as the door closed behind me.

  As Zach revved the engine, he placed his hand on my inner thigh and squeezed the jean-covered skin with a wink. "That was fucking hot, Baby."

  "Oh, yeah? Just wait until we get home."


  "Let me." His voice was ragged with want, as he crossed over to me, replacing my hands with his own. "You're driving me crazy over here."

  I allowed my hands to fall away, groaning as his callused fingers resumed what mine had started. Our eyes met and I could see the fire growing behind his dark orbs. Full of the passion I created and couldn't wait to unleash, appreciate, and enjoy.

  "Come here." Zach took over, his hands leaving my nipples to wrap around my naked back, lowering me to the softness the cushions provided. His mouth was warm and eager, his tongue commanding my lips and taking my tongue by surprise. I wanted this, I wanted it so bad. To be free and choose for myself, to give this to him on my terms and not when it's socially acceptable to do so.

  His lips moved to my throat, but not for long before he rapidly descended to my nav
el, causing my breath to catch in my throat and my eyes to shoot open. This wasn't the first time he had explored that area, the place my grandmother told me to keep boys away from. But Zach isn't a boy, he is a full grown man. A man who has just ripped away the last piece of clothing separating my core from him. His thumb is already buried knuckle deep inside me as his teeth hold my clit prisoner.

  He plays my body like a fiddle, knowing exactly where to touch and the quickest way to make me come. Several nips later his goal is achieved and my body is jerking from the overwhelming sensations. He doesn’t stop though, as his tongue replaced his thumb, his hands finding my breasts once again. Zach's large hands engulf them, squeezing them as his tongue darts inside me over and over. I should have felt embarrassed, as my fingers thread into his hair holding him as my orgasm draws closer, but I don't. I will never feel anything but love when I'm with Zach.

  "We can stop here." He looks up at me, his chin is wet from my orgasm, and his eyes pitch black with desire.

  Pulling him up to me, I cover his lips with my own, silencing him and answering his unspoken question. My tongue finds his and I taste myself on him; it’s tangy but not horrible. He never questions me when I don't object after each time we have done this. It's not enough to stop me from doing what I want more than anything.

  There is nothing between us, no layer of latex or fear of repercussions. Zach had to be tested recently for a life insurance policy his lawyer told him to take out. With my limited number of partners, there was no need. I gasped slightly as I lower myself over him, pressing the head of his cock past my exterior lips. Zach was a big man, bigger than any other man I had seen. I knew I was ready for him, ready to take this step, as I continued to lower myself, reveling in the feeling of fullness.


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