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Amaranthine (Willow Shadows Book 1)

Page 11

by Lanie Jacobs

  Maybe a dog was chasing it? Scaredy cat.

  Suddenly, a cackling sound rose up in the distance, sending red alerts to all her senses immediately. Khalida froze. She could feel her eyes grow round with a foreboding kind of fear.

  What the hell was that?

  She couldn’t even begin to make sense of what she had just heard. She had never heard anything like it before and couldn’t even begin to make sense of what she had just heard, and it definitely wasn’t human or animal.

  Am I dreaming?

  Fading somewhere between the realms of reality and dreaming, she continued to watch until she caught a glimpse of something in the shadows. A moment later, the tall figure of a man breached the bushes, gliding beneath the tree. The cat who had taken refuge there howled mercilessly now. He passed through a sliver of moonlight that danced between finger-like branches, distorting his features. As he came closer, he smiled up at Khalida, flashing a set of brilliant white fangs, his shaggy, blonde hair hanging past his shoulders, blowing wildly in the wind. Black, soulless eyes sat in a pale face, a face she had definitely seen before. Panic seized her chest as she struggled to pull air into her lungs.

  Was it the one who compelled me in the parking lot of Envies?

  His smile widened a degree as if knowing the fear and thoughts that were flooding her mind. The enemy moved slowly, coming closer to her until he reached the edge of the garden just below Khalida’s window.

  Khalida couldn’t move, she could hardly breathe.

  Please let me be dreaming.

  She could feel her control slipping away. His eyes became more fascinating, alluring. His demonic appearance transformed into something more god-like, a powerful creature who radiated confidence. Khalida was unable to look away from him and could find no reason to try.

  She was bound to him by an unbreakable cord.

  You remember me, don’t you, Khalida?

  She could hear the voice in her head, just as she had before in the parking lot.

  I do.

  Khalida sighed, knowing that even from on the second floor, he’d hear.

  You mustn’t fear me, I won’t hurt you. We need each other. There is a certain bond that draws you to me and me to you. Do you feel it, Khalida?

  The sound of his voice tickled her ears. He was so close, yet so far away.

  I only feel it when you are near. How do I know that it is not a trick you’re playing?

  You feel the bond that is between us always. Do not insult my intelligence. You feel it. You sense familiarity when you look at me, and do you know why that is, child?”

  Braedon shot into Khalida’s head this time, his voice becoming very agitated. Khalida said nothing; she didn’t want to upset him. The patience of this magnificent demon that stood below her window sill seemed to be wearing thin.

  You read me well. They say that certain abilities are hereditary in vampires.

  Shock flew through her body, there were so many things she did not know, but there was no way she was related to this demon.

  No way in hell.

  Grimace formed at his lips as he spoke aloud, “You might not find an angel in hell, but sometimes, the devil speaks the truth.”

  “That’s not true,” she muttered as if talking to herself.

  “Is it not? Perhaps it is the one you call Mother whom you should question.”

  “Why are you telling me this?” Khalida’s voice croaked more than she wanted it to.

  “Because I need you on my side, and what better way to accomplish that than by telling the truth? You have a gift I seek to claim, Khalida, and make no mistake, if you were not inside that house as we speak, I would have already ripped you apart and taken it from you.”

  As she looked down on him and listened to his words, she did not fear him. He spoke of a horrible death that would be hers, and, yet, she was not afraid.

  “It’s a compulsion, my dear. I can make you do anything I please and with a smile on your face. That is, when you’re not behind those walls,” he threw his hands up towards the house, “but you can’t stay in there forever can you?”

  A smile spread across Khalida’s face as his image began to waver. She realized that Braedon must have transported an image of himself to come here and taunt her.

  “What’s the matter, Braedon? Can’t come on to the property yourself?” her glare met his as anger swept through the image.

  Braedon knew that Khalida had caught on to his trickery, but he still wasn’t done with her.

  “I will kill you, Khalida,” Braedon sneered as Khalida chuckled.

  “How can you kill me when you can’t even step one actual footstep on this property? Actually, you know what? I really do like it here. I think I can stay here, well…until you die,” she retorted.

  “Watch what you say, girl. I have plans for you,” grim set in his black soul less eyes.

  “Oh, and before you go, I want you to know something. There is nothing you can do or say that will drive me away from my mother. I don’t care what she has done. That woman has given up her life for me, and I will gladly do the same for her, no matter what. You have no idea what true love is or what it means,” Khalida defended.

  Braedon tilted his head, snapping his cold, dead eyes upon Khalida, “It is my blood that runs through your veins, Khalida. Not your mother’s,” his image fading into the night, leaving Khalida staring blankly at the spot where he once stood.


  Khalida lazily opened her eyes as she tried to focus on the ceiling. The dim light of dawn seeped across the room, letting her know morning was just around the corner. Visions of her dream danced in and out of her memory. She tried putting them together, moaning out of frustration because it became a puzzle, like she was placing pieces of mosaic glass together. She hated that someone could penetrate her mind so easily while she slept. Not that she would mind Luke coming to her while she slept, but someone as dangerous as Braedon breaking through her defenses just wasn’t acceptable.

  She yawned and rolled over, looking over the ornate room. Josephine spent so much time placing her personal touch in each room. The entire house looked like pages from a Better Homes and Gardens magazine. Memories of her own home crossed her mind; her mother had almost the same taste in furnishings, though their house was a little more subtle. She thought of her mother, and the memory of her dream suddenly fell into pieces as she remembered the last thing that Braedon told her before he disappeared into the night. Khalida bolted up and swung her legs over the side of the bed, skidding across the floor as urgency flooded over her. She needed to have a serious talk with Fatin; she needed answers, and she would demand them out of her, if she was willing to talk. After all, she just wanted the truth. She pulled a brush through her hair and headed for the door, doubt clouding Khalida’s mind.

  Am I ready for the truth?

  Opening the door and trudging forward, she padded down the hall, stopping in front of her mother’s bedroom door. She knocked softly on the hollow door, and almost instantly, alarms started booming through her mind when there was no answer. Eerie warnings were going off, Khalida instinctively knowing something was wrong.

  “Mom? Mother?” Khalida paused fear squeezing at her gut. “Are you here?”

  Slowly turning the knob, Khalida hoped her senses were wrong and her mother would be found still sleeping in her bed, but her fears were realized as she pushed open her door and found her bed empty. Fatin’s bedcovers were still neatly pulled up, showing no signs of her sleeping in it the night before, the room cold and uninviting. Khalida made a quick pivot to leave her room as anxiety gripped at her throat.

  Where was she? If she wasn’t going to come home last night, she would have called and let them know. And why wouldn’t she come home? It just doesn’t make sense.

  She tried to swallow, to moisten the dryness that was lodged in her t
hroat. The worry pounded at Khalida’s mind as she tried to convince herself that her mother was okay, telling herself over and over that she had just got caught up at work or some other good reason. Deep down she was just hoping to have a chance to hear her mother’s reason for not coming home.

  Khalida moved fast, in a hurry to find Luke. She heard the familiar voice of Josephine echoing from the kitchen. She stopped numbly as she crossed the threshold that led into the kitchen where she saw a cluster of people. She felt the heat as it flashed across her cheeks, realizing she just interrupted what was obviously an important meeting. Luke and the members of the Coven surrounded the kitchen table.

  She stared blankly at the group of people surrounding Josephine. Khalida noticed Josephine’s eyes were swollen and bloodshot. Josephine avoided eye contact with Khalida as she stood silently her mind, begging for answers. Vega and Razi were amongst the group, listening attentively as she spoke to them in a language that was unfamiliar to Khalida. Luke was standing beside his mother with one hand placed upon her shoulder. Khalida could sense that she just stepped into a whirling storm of bad news, her stomach flipped and bile rose in her throat as it tested her strength to keep it down.

  “Wh...” Khalida began, trying to speak but her words were incomplete stammers. She cleared her parched throat and swallowed, trying to dampen her mouth.

  “Where’s my mother?” she asked nervously.

  Luke’s sharp eyes where the first to meet her glare. Khalida watched his face for answers, noticing the tightening of his jaw and the firm line of his lips. His eyes were hardened and cold as he stared back at her. Josephine suddenly stood, taking a step towards Khalida, moving her way around the crowd. She stared at Khalida for a moment. It was then she noticed that her cheeks were flushed and that Josephine’s breathing was sharp and uneven.

  Khalida wanted to run, but her feet wouldn’t allow her to make the escape she so desperately wanted. As she stood in the doorway with her chest heaving, she could sense the despair that was radiating from Josephine and a set of mixed emotions that began to unravel her soul.

  “We haven’t been able to get in touch with your mother, Khalida,” Josephine sighed softly. “Fatin failed to show up after her shift last night and hasn’t returned any of my phone calls. Before she left, she told me she had planned to stop by your house after her shift to grab a few things that the two of you would need and leave as soon as possible. I thought I had convinced her to wait until I could have some of my guard’s escort her, but it looks like my warnings fell on deaf ears. No one has heard from her since last night. I have sent my people to check out the hospital but they called about half an hour ago, and there was no trace of her there. They are on their way to the house to see if they can find her or any clue as to where she might be.”

  Silence filled the kitchen. Khalida looked across the lifeless room for more answers, more assumptions, but no one spoke. They just stared back at her empty, as if they were looking right past her, as if she were transparent. Khalida felt a sudden chill that ran through her, replacing the warm blood that was flowing through her veins. Her heart felt like it was being ripped out of her chest. All she had wanted to do was find her mother, to interrogate her and make her tell the truth…demand answers and yell at her for being gone and making everyone worry. Now all she wanted was to find her so she could tell her how much she loved her.

  “I don’t know what to say or think right now. My heart and mind are torn, one saying she is okay and the other saying she isn’t. I need to find her. She has to be at my graduation. She promised me,” gentle sobs escaped Khalida’s throat as she fought hard to hold back her tears. “Graduation is right around the corner, and I know she wouldn’t miss it willingly,” Khalida said, backing out of the kitchen. She stopped moving just outside the door and leaned against the wall, trying to control the pounding in her chest while her eyes burned with the tears now streaming down her face.

  She didn’t come home after her shift. Her shift ended two hours ago. Maybe it just took her a little longer at the house than she planned. She shouldn’t have gone to the house alone. She knew better. She could be hurt, or worse, she could be...

  Khalida didn’t want to think of the consequences of what would happen if the Ubil’s caught her mother by herself.

  She could feel Luke’s presence before she heard him.

  “The truth is your mother has been so exhausted from all the double shifts she has taken on, the change of living, this whole ordeal. She’s probably way overdue for a nap and fell asleep while she was in the comfort of her own room, or maybe she is still at the hospital and the guys just couldn’t find her. You know as well as I do that she is famous for working after her shifts end. No one can say for certain where she is, but we will find her, Khalida,” his words comforted Khalida’s ears, calming her.

  He always had a way of making her feel better, and he was right, no one knew anything for sure. Her mother was grown and a very independent woman. She could certainly stay out all night and not have to explain to anyone. Fatin had done this more times than Khalida could count. Khalida needed to get a grip and quit thinking the worse. Luke took her hand in the warmth of his own and led her to sit on a sofa next to the unlit fireplace. Feelings roared to life as she realized she didn’t know how she could have gotten through any of this without him by her side.

  Luke was always the protector, Khalida’s very own personal guardian. Relief flooded her body as the ice coursing through her veins began to melt, her blood warming with his nearness. She couldn’t help but wonder about the tears and silence if everyone was so certain her mother was okay and there was nothing to worry about. Josephine’s face did nothing to hide her worry and concern back in the kitchen which left Khalida with no other conclusion than to think that something wasn’t right. Until she had more details, all she could do was stay hopeful and positive.

  Luke and Khalida turned at the sound of light footsteps coming from behind where they stood to see Josephine gliding toward the stairs. She stopped to look at them, her eyes still puffy and red as she paused to stand next to the fireplace. Josephine raised her arm slightly resting her hand on the mantle as she stood silently before beginning to speak.

  “We will find her, Khalida, rest assured, honey. I promise you that I will do all that is in my power. I just hope we can find her before your graduation. I will handle the search. You kids have only a couple of hours to get ready for your big day. My sources tell me that the Ubil’s only know that you are being kept here, but as of this moment, no plans of attack have been set in place. I think today will go smoothly but to be on the safe side, we will take measures for your safety,” Josephine spoke confidently.

  “When and if you find my mother, please let me know,” the burning returned to Khalida’s eyes as she fought back the tears. Luke placed his arm around her waist, tightening himself around her as she nuzzled herself into his chest.

  The next hour dragged by as if the day would never end. After taking a long hot shower, Khalida had finally cleared her mind enough to finish getting ready for her graduation. She stood in front of the closet, seconds turning into minutes before finally deciding on an outfit. She chose a strapless black dress, one that her mom had bought for her last winter when they went to the hospital’s employee Christmas party. Khalida didn’t want to go, but she knew that it meant the world to her mother to have her there by her side. Even though she wasn’t going anywhere elegant today, she still needed to be appropriately dressed. It was a special time, and it felt good to have something on that was a reminder of her mother.

  Khalida couldn’t help the agitation that she started to feel. She was irritated, mad, and worried all at the same time. A wry laugh slipped through her lips as she imagined a storm cloud hovering over her head, constantly pounding rain down on her. She reached for her cell phone lying on the antique dresser. Dialing her mother’s cell phone, Khalida was faced with disappoint
ment as the ringing was sent straight to her voice mail. In total frustration, Khalida threw the phone on the bed. Turning to gaze into the mirror for the first time, she noticed just how pitiful she looked. At this rate, there was no doubt in Khalida’s mind that she would be completely insane by the graduation ceremony. She closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths.

  She pulled herself away from the broken image that stood before her in the mirror.

  A sudden knock at the door sent her heart reeling, causing Khalida to choke on a gulp of air as she swallowed. Vega strolled in before Khalida could contain the gross hacking she was consumed by.

  “Well, that’s not attractive,” she said as she curled her lip and crinkled her nose in mock distaste. She was already dressed. Vega looked amazingly gorgeous as she always did.

  “Whatever. You can place your suitcase down on the bed,” Khalida said, finally able to speak after catching her breath.


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