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Amaranthine (Willow Shadows Book 1)

Page 16

by Lanie Jacobs

  Thoughts flew through her mind, running through every possibility of what could happen. What would she do when they arrived? Would her mother still be alive? The thoughts were loud, and they pounded through her mind, but the loudest of her thoughts, the one that made its presence known over all others is what disturbed Khalida to her core.

  Tonight, you’re going to die.


  Khalida stood in the familiarity of her home, gaining strength through all the memories that flooded her mind. She had only one mission.

  Get my mother and get out alive.

  As she stood in the living room, she could feel the presence of evil pulling her into the reality she had only had in her dreams. The cackling laughter of malevolence made Khalida grimace, sweeping the night and rupturing the silent closeness of her beloved home.

  Shit! I’m not ready for this.

  Ready or not, there was no time to second guess her actions now. Khalida reached over with her fist, breaking the mirror that hung on the wall above the fireplace. Bending over to pick up a sharp jagged piece of glass and placing it in her back packet, she was startled by the heavy steps that crept up to the front door. With a blast of wind, the front door was blown open. Her vision became sharper as she quickly backed up against the wall behind her. She was scared out of her mind, yet still determined. Doubt flooded her mind and desperation stabbed her soul as she saw what stood before her.

  The gruesome leader stepped through the threshold, moving slowly until he was standing just inches away from where Khalida was pressed against the wall. She looked around Braedon long enough to notice a breath-taking female only a few feet behind him with flowing white hair and sharp features. As Khalida stood gawking at her beauty, the unnamed woman’s eyes glowed amber as she hissed.

  “What are you looking at?”

  “You’re uglier in person,” Khalida retorted, “Where’s my mother?” she said strongly as she held her chin, pushing her fears aside, her strength radiating from within.

  With a snap of Braedon’s fingers, two men wearing all black with tangled tresses of dirty black hair and cold onyx eyes made their entrance, carrying her mother in between the two of them. Khalida heard her gasp as they dropped her near Khalida’s feet. Falling to her knees, she grasped her mother’s face between her two palms, searching for signs of life. She was barely breathing, unconscious and unaware of her daughter’s presence. Khalida placed her head to her mother’s chest to listen, but all she could hear was the faint beating of her heart against her chest. She was alive for now, but based on the slow heart rate, Khalida knew she had to act fast if her mother was to be saved. She had to think hard, time was running out, and there were four of them against one of her. She was easily outnumbered by the vampires in the house and screwed even more if there were more outside.

  “We have another surprise for you,” Braedon emitted with fierce evil, almost crippling Khalida’s soul. His rancid breath tickled her face; she had to turn her head to keep the bile that was building in her throat from pouring out.

  The two evil goons stepped outside, and within a couple of minutes, they were back, carrying someone by the arms. As the body hit the floor, Khalida immediately recognized Cherry, her chest cavity ripped open with her insides empty. The poor girl had been gutted. Her soulless eyes stared back at Khalida. She could still see the fear in her face as she laid there on the floor with her mouth open as if she had been screaming for her life. Khalida would never have the chance to help Cherry or meet her precious Billy Bob she proudly gloated on.

  Fear swelled in her throat and threatened to escape with a scream, but she couldn’t scream. Khalida was not going to give them the satisfaction of them seeing her fear.

  Show nothing, give nothing away.

  “I can smell the fear seeping from your pores,” the beautiful bitch growled.

  “Smell this! Screw you!” Khalida challenged as she flipped off the evil bitch.

  Khalida glanced around the room at each of them, realizing at that exact moment her death was signed, sealed, and delivered. She had no way out, and even if she could get past one of them, she couldn’t make it through them all. With no way out, she could only do one thing.

  Fight. I will not go down without a fight.

  “Khalida, I really see no choice. I cannot allow you to live. You being mixed up with them is far too risky. If I save you until you transcend, I risk the chance of that boy coming to your rescue. We, me, the Ubil’s cannot take that risk. I’m torn between killing you now or taking my chances and killing you later. I must admit, I would love a chance to get my hands on the boy that is next in line to be the king. To think, I could have your powers and the power of reputation for killing one of the most powerful vampires in our region. The plan is almost perfect,” the gruesome demon growled.

  “You bastard!” Khalida screamed at the evil man that stood smiling before her, “I despise everything you stand for.”

  “It really doesn’t matter what you think, child,” he spoke with a chilling grimace that sent a cold wave of fear throughout Khalida’s body.

  “Get her!” he snapped at his guards.

  Khalida moved into action, grabbing the piece of broken mirror out of her back pocket and held it to her neck.

  “Any closer and I’ll off myself right here, right now, and since I have no powers as of yet, you will get nothing but a full stomach when you and your dogs go to lapping up my blood,” she clenched her jaw and drove the glass into her skin causing blood to trickle down her neck.

  “You wouldn’t dare,” he hissed.

  Khalida laughed carelessly and mockingly, “Is that a bet you would like to take? You say you want me dead but we both know my powers are what you want. There is no way you are going to kill me.”

  “Can we just kill this bitch already? We don’t need her lover,” Braedon’s mate growled.

  “Fala, my love, patience, dear. We almost have what we want,” Braedon spoke calmly to the white haired beauty that was hungry for Khalida’s blood.

  “We don’t need this little bitch,” Fala hissed.

  Seeing the power shift in the room, Khalida was amused when she heard Braedon tell Fala to shut the fuck up. A glimmer of hope dwelled in Khalida’s chest as she realized the power she was holding.

  Fala took one step forward with determination that got shut down by Braedon who held his arm out as a warning for her to stay back. Khalida grinned at her denial.

  “Denied, bitch,” Khalida taunted, “I bet you want a piece of me, huh, Psycho?” she challenged Fala further. Pushing her buttons came amusingly easy. Khalida crotched down over her mother, trying to pick her up one handed. The sound of screeching tires blared through the house as Khalida jerked her head up to see headlights that beamed brightly through the bay window.

  Awe, hell, now what? I can’t handle any more of them.

  Khalida knew what was coming next, so she threw herself over her mother’s lifeless limp body. The crash was deafening on impact, and through the debris of bricks and wood, she saw Luke standing next to the wrecked black truck that was now imbedded in her living room. As a wave of relief flooded through her mind, Khalida could tell by the look on his face that he was mad as hell, but no matter how mad he was, she was never as glad to see him as she was now. His eyes scanned the room and relief washed over his face when he saw her alive and in one piece.

  Braedon and Fala were trying to recover from the unexpected arrival, and Luke took full advantage, sweeping by them and running to where Khalida stood, the two demons still dazed by the events that had just unfolded in her living room.

  His cold black eyes glared at her, fuming with anger but thankful she was still alive and unharmed. He said nothing, no words of anger, nothing. He gently picked up Fatin in his arms, ready to carry her out of the house away from the mad man that was slowly regaining his composure.

The kitchen, we go out the kitchen. I left the pilot on it will blow with one spark. We can take them down in the house.

  With a slight nod of his head, he let her know it was a go.

  “Razi and the others will be here shortly. We have to move. Now!” Luke said, taking the first step forward, making it to the other side of the room. “Come on, Khalida. Move it. NOW.”

  “Get her out of here!” Khalida screamed as she made her way through the rubble that used to be her living room. She made it five feet from the entry way when a hand grabbed her by the hair. She turned her head as best as she could only to see the evil eyes of Fala staring soullessly back into hers.

  “I thought you wanted a piece of me, you stupid little girl!” she shrilled.

  “Fala, No!” Braedon’s voice boomed through the room.

  Fala looked at him with an evil smile spreading across her face, baring her elongated fangs. It was the distraction Khalida needed. Khalida thrust the piece of shard glass that she still had in her hand into Fala’s neck, penetrating her artery on contact. Despair poured over her face as she let go of Khalida’s hair to clasp the wound that was gushing blood. Braedon released a tortured howl that made Khalida realize she had to get out of there. Rushing to the kitchen, she ran into Luke who was already making his way back to her.

  “We have to get out of here,” he grabbed her hand and pulled her with him as he ran out of the house through the back door.

  “Where did you put my mom?” she asked wildly, adrenaline flowing heavily through her body.

  “She is safe. I put her down about twenty yards from here,” he said, tugging her hand, but instead of letting him pull her to safety, she snapped her hand free and pulled away. Shock and anger floored him.

  “We don’t have time for this shit, Khalida. Let’s go!” he growled.

  “Go shield her.”

  “Khalida wh…” he didn’t have a chance to finish before she interrupted him.

  “Now go!” she snapped, turning back to run up to the house. Busting the window with her elbow, the gas hit her like a big truck. In her moment of despair, she took the Zippo lighter that Cherry had given her, struck the flint and braced herself for a fast escape as she tossed it through the broken window. Without looking back, she ran as fast as she could before the explosion caught her running down the porch steps, flinging her forward with such force she lost her balance. Falling face first into a tree, her head slammed back as the side of her face hit the rough bark. Khalida fell to the ground limply, her vision instantly blackened.

  Khalida could hear fighting in the background as she came to, but the pain that seared through her body was too overwhelming for her to focus on the ruckus that surrounded her. Sharp stabbing pains pricked deep within her body, a pounding pain shooting through her head and down her neck. She opened her eyes only to see a dark gloomy sky with smoke, smothering the visibility of the stars. Trickles of rain slowly started to fall from the sky, gently running down her face. From her side, she heard what seemed to be a hungry animalistic growl which made her jerk to see what it was and where it was coming from. Her eyes widened at the reality of what was going on around her hit home. Through the fire and smoke, she could see Luke, Razi, Vega, Josephine, Crevan, and others that she had seen guarding the house fighting against Braedon and his clan of ruthless killers. Another feral grumble too close for comfort drew her attention away from the fighting.

  Dread spread across her body, fear flowing through her veins as her eyes fell upon the source of the growling. Fala. She was still alive and she looked pissed. The wound that Khalida inflicted upon her was oozing black liquid, her body weakened from the loss but still alive.

  WTF? Oh shit! She’s healing?

  Braedon must have carried her out before the explosion.

  Khalida’s mind went numb. She tried to scream but nothing came out. She tried to move but her body was in too much pain. She was dragging herself towards Khalida by her forearms, inching forward as she slithered across the ground fifteen feet and closing in.

  Oh, God!

  She moved quickly, closing the distance between them in a matter of seconds.

  She must need blood to heal, and it is my blood that she after.

  She tried to move away, but her body was like a useless weight. Khalida could feel Fala grab her feet, slowly dragging herself on top of Khalida, the pain of her nails digging into her skin overwhelmed her as Fala made her way across her body until she was staring into Khalida’s eyes with her black, soulless eyes. Khalida could feel nothing as Fala sank her fangs into the crease of her neck.


  Unconsciousness was creeping in as Fala gulped hungrily from Khalida’s body. She was fierce with need, showing no sign of stopping until Khalida’s body lay lifeless underneath the weight of her body. Khalida tried to speak but found no words; her eyes became heavy as she succumbed to this creature taking everything she had unwillingly to give.

  What am I doing? Get off your ass and fight back!

  Khalida’s mind raced, grasping at anything to help her get away from this rogue vampire that was slurping and suckling her neck. Forcing her hands around Fala’s neck, she released the rage that flowed through her body. Fala jerked up, tearing the skin of Khalida’s neck leaving blood oozing down. Fala looked at Khalida with fear and was left with a state of shock in her cold black eyes. The edges of Fala’s mouth curved up in a savage grin.

  “Your powers are coming to you as a defense. I don’t want to wait and see what else you will be able to do. You’re mine,” Fala’s voice was harsh as she tried to wipe the blood that ran down Khalida’s chin, staining her pale, alabaster skin.

  Finally, a scream escaped from Khalida from somewhere deep inside, only to be cut off by an earth shattering, bone cracking eruption that echoed through the air. Fala threw her head back, arching and releasing short gasps of air. Looking down on Khalida with her grim soulless eyes, she could see the blood dripping from her neck and Luke standing over her, pushing Fala to the side as he knelt down beside Khalida. Violence engulfed him and his eyes were dark as night. Cutting his wrist with his teeth he placed it to Khalida’s mouth, making her take from him. The warm liquid flowed smoothly down her throat. Khalida could feel herself drifting out of consciousness; she heard Luke’s soothing voice whispering in her ear.

  “Close your eyes, Baby, I’m here now, and nothing is going to happen to you,” Luke said as he placed his free hand under Khalida’s neck, pulling her closer to his chest.

  Drifting into a different realm, she could hear screams off in the distance, but she couldn’t open her eyes to see what was going on. She could feel Luke’s gentle lips on her forehead before he softly placed her back on the ground.

  “I will be right back, Baby, I promise,” Luke said.

  Khalida could hear his heavy footsteps as he left but she couldn’t muster the energy to open her eyes. She let her body give into her brain and drifted to sleep, ignoring the booming pain engulfing her body.

  Khalida stood looking around in front of her of what use to be her home. She could see the fighting that was still going down. Her heart pounded against her chest as she saw Josephine lying lifeless on the ground and Luke and Crevan standing over her, protecting her against Braedon and three other members of the Ubil are inching forward with grim intentions in every move. Khalida struggling to stand, took a step forward but tripped, falling forward and hitting the ground. She looked back in horror to discover that it was her body that she fell over.

  Am I dead?

  She tried to touch her body but could feel nothing as her hands reached for one of her arms.

  “Khalida?” her head snapped as she heard the familiar voice; she was now face to face with the only person that could have softness to her voice in a time like this, Khalida’s mother. Tears filled her eyes as she walked towards her. Her eyes glowed of love as she gently rea
ched her arm out to touch Khalida.

  “Am I dead, too?” Khalida asked as a sob escaped and her lips began to quiver.

  “No, honey, you’re not dead. I called for you. I can’t leave without telling you,” she said as she placed her arms around her daughter.

  Khalida grabbed her, throwing her head to her chest and holding her mother as tightly as she could, reluctant to let her go.

  “You can’t leave me. Please don’t go,” Khalida wept, burying her face further into her mother, clinging tightly and digging her hands into her mother’s back.

  “Listen to me, Khalida, I don’t have much time, and there is something I must tell you. It is important, do you understand me?” she sighed, placing her hand on the back of Khalida’s head.

  “This isn’t easy, Khal. I maybe your mother, however, I am not your blood mother,” she moved her hands to the side of her face, cupping her cheeks with each hand as she placed her forehead on Khalida’s.

  “I don’t understand,” Khalida could no longer hold her cries as streaks of tears fell from her eyes.

  “Your birthmother was my sister, Ann Marie. When she saw your mark, she took you and your siblings underground to try and protect you from Braedon. You see, honey, Braedon and Ann Marie were mates. By the time she found out she was pregnant, he had already started to turn towards the dark powers and blood lust. The day you were born, we saw the mark on your wrist, and your mother knew she had to get you away from Braedon. She took you and your sister and tried to keep you safe from him. After Ann Marie went underground, Braedon formed the Ubil coven, a group of rogues with two missions to accomplish, find you and take out Josephine so they could throw off the balance of good and evil. If they ever succeed, evil will prevail. When they found out where she was hiding you, she waited until they were just outside the house and burned it down, making them think you were inside, hoping they would never know you weren’t actually in the house. I along with my brother was under the house, hiding you as Braedon murdered my sister,” sadness poured from her voice as she relived that horrid night and the murder of her sister. “I’m sorry I lied to you all these years, but I made a promise to Ann Marie that I would protect you and love you as my own. Please forgive me?” she trembled as tears began to run down her face.


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