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Trouble with Luv'

Page 14

by Pamela Yaye

  Chapter 14

  “Sorry about the movie,” Xavier said, “but I’m sure we can find something to watch here.” Twenty-five newcomers had turned out for the Changing Lives Through Meals program, which meant there was a bigger mess to clean up at the end of the night. Xavier had sped to Golden Globe Theatres, but the movie Ebony wanted to see was sold out. Since they didn’t want to wait around for the next showing, Xavier had suggested they watch a movie at his place.

  Ebony pulled her lips in, feigning anger. “I know it was all part of your plan, Xavier. You probably paid all those people to show up so you wouldn’t have to take me to see Jeepers Creepers.”

  Xavier looked to the ceiling. “Most women like romantic comedies, tear-jerkers, movies that make them cry, but not my girl. No, my woman likes to watch people get chased through the woods and hacked up like meat.”

  His girl? If that isn’t the cutest thing I’ve ever heard, Ebony thought, wearing a wide, toothy smile. Standing up on her tiptoes, she planted a kiss on his lips. Pulling away she donned her naughtiest smile. “I never actually said I wanted to watch the movie, Xavier. I had other things in mind.”

  “What am I going to do with you?”

  “I’ll let you do anything you want,” Ebony said, with a smirk.

  Xavier swatted her bottom playfully. “You go pick out a movie, and I’ll go get the snacks.”

  An hour later, they were curled up on the couch, munching on buttered popcorn, midway through watching The Best Man. The living room was dark, except for the light coming from the TV, and the Surround Sound was at full pitch.

  Staring intently at the screen, Ebony wondered how Morris Chestnut’s character could live with himself. He had sowed his royal oats for years but the knowledge of his fiancée’s past indiscretion made him want to call off the wedding. Some men have no conscience. Ebony snuggled closer to Xavier, confident that she would never have to worry about him stepping out on her. He didn’t have a disloyal bone in his body. They weren’t superserious, but she knew he’d be true to her for as long as they were together.

  Later, when Ebony thought about the night, she wouldn’t be able to remember how it happened. She would struggle to put her finger on what it was that had brought them together. All she knew for certain was that when Xavier kissed her, everything she had been holding inside came gushing out. Her words were a jumbled mess, but somewhere between kissing and undressing, she told him how much he meant to her.

  Xavier’s hand slipped inside her bra, eliciting a groan from Ebony’s mouth. Stroking a breast with one hand, he pressed his lips against her earlobe and then twirled the tip of his tongue in circles.

  Ebony’s heart had danced with excitement at the prospect of making love. It had been so long. Too long. And it was time. Time for the two to become one.

  A frisson of pleasure rippled through her when his hands slipped inside her jeans. Cupping her breasts through her black lace bra sent her pulse careening into overdrive. Ebony wanted him to remove the physical barriers between them, but she didn’t want to spoil the mood with words. As if reading her mind, he unhooked her bra, allowing her breasts to spill out in his hands. Xavier lavished attention on each breast. First, circling each one with his tongue, and then capturing the nipple in his mouth.

  Ebony didn’t trust herself to speak, but she wanted Xavier to know how she felt under the care of his expert hands. “Baby…you make me feel…so good.”

  Xavier pulled away and abruptly got up from the couch.

  Staring up at him, she sighed deeply. She should have kept her trap shut. Knowing what was coming next, Ebony shrugged back on her shirt and started to do up the buttons. They had been at this junction many times before, and as frustrating as it was to get this far and turn back, she wasn’t going to make an issue out of it. When Xavier was ready for them to be lovers, he would let her know. Ebony only hoped it was soon. A girl could only wait so long.

  “Things are getting out of hand,” Xavier would say in a guttural tone. “It’s getting late. I should take you home.” Whenever they rounded second base, he stopped. Ebony opened her mouth to tell Xavier she wanted to finish watching the movie, but he bent down and kissed her before she could get the words out.

  Xavier touched a hand to Ebony’s face. He had been planning for their first time to be on her birthday, on a bed of roses, under dim lights and romantic music, but he couldn’t wait a second longer to make love to her. Love was conveyed in actions, not words, and tonight he was going to show Ebony just how much he cared for her.

  Xavier took Ebony by the hand and led her down the hall. When they reached his bedroom, he flicked on the bedside lamp, laid Ebony down like she was a piece of porcelain and stretched out on top of her.

  Ebony loved being naked. Liked the feel of air on her skin. The freedom. The sexiness of it all. She pranced around the house naked, blinds open, not the least bit self-conscious about her body. A perpetrator would need high-powered binoculars or X-ray vision to see her from the street, she would reason to herself. She implored her girlfriends and clients to get in touch with their bodies. Wear silk, sleep naked, get a bikini wax, take belly-dancing lessons. Ebony was as uninhibited as a woman could be, but when Xavier finished undressing her, she drew the blanket up to her neck. Ebony had “problem” areas that she didn’t want him to see. Her breasts weren’t as perky as they used to be, a thin pad of fat obscured her abs, and her knee was tarnished with a childhood scar. And just the thought of Xavier looking at her thick, ham hock thighs made Ebony cringe. She knew where her flaws were, and if he continued studying her body the way he was, he would, too.

  “What’s the matter?”


  “Come on, Ebony, tell me what’s up.”

  Self-conscious about her tummy, or rather the fat around it, she turned onto her side. “I have flaws, you know.”

  Xavier stared down at Ebony. She was perfect. Full breasts, flat stomach, curvaceous hips, toned legs he couldn’t wait to feel circling around his waist. “You’re perfect, babe.”

  Ebony licked her slightly swollen lips. Though it wasn’t her intention, the move was unbelievably erotic.

  A thousand thoughts crowded his mind. No one had ever stirred or enticed him the way Ebony did. Not even his first love, and he had loved Mia with all that he had. His feelings for Ebony weren’t some high school puppy love thing. This was real. He was sprung and proud of it. In the corner of his mind, he could see a future with her. He saw a sprawling white house, picket fence and all; a minivan in the driveway; a kiddie pool in the backyard; and a gang of kids at his feet. And when their lips reunited for a wickedly sexy kiss, Xavier almost dropped down to his knees and proposed.

  They kissed and teased and kissed some more and when he discarded his T-shirt, jeans and boxer shorts, Ebony waited anxiously for him to rejoin her. Xavier had refused to admit the obvious, but from the moment he first saw her, he knew she was special. He had known instinctively that she had the power to change his life. And he had suspected if they ever hooked up, she would rock his world. He was right. They hadn’t even done the deed yet, but here he was, panting like a dog in heat.

  Xavier positioned himself on top of Ebony. He took in the rise and fall of her chest and the sudden wariness on her face. If he questioned her, she would deny it, but her eyes never lied. In all the time they had been dating, Xavier had never seen Ebony look anything but self-possessed. She typified poise and grace at all times. But tonight, in his bedroom, under the muted lights, she looked vulnerable.

  Xavier dropped his mouth to her ear. “You’re beautiful, Ebony.” He pecked her cheek. “Like a rose.” More kisses. “Like a sunset.” They locked eyes. “Like a John Coltrane song.”

  Ebony felt tears in her eyes. Now she knew she was losing it. Crying because he called her beautiful? That was silly. Sudden bouts of self-consciousness? Crazy. And wavering between sleeping with him and waiting a little bit longer was even more ludicrous. In past relationships she
had never felt the need to hold off, but for some reason, completely unknown to her, she wanted to with Xavier. She didn’t want to ruin what they had, what they were building on, didn’t want to wake up tomorrow morning to discover he resented her.

  While Ebony struggled with her emotions, Xavier loved her. Tenderly and slowly and with as much love as a man could give. He paused only once, just long enough to protect them both, then resumed touching her, kissing her and soothing her heart with sweet words. And when he finally entered her, after driving her to delirium with his hands and mouth, a single tear spilled down her cheek. Not because she was in pain, but because she felt loved. Ebony had never, ever been loved like this. Had never been worshipped. Or treasured. She had always believed that “making love” was just a fancy, sophisticated term for sex; in her mind they were one and the same. Both produced the same result. But with each thrust, each touch, each kiss, each spoken word, Ebony discovered how different the two were. One was wine, the other beer. Sex was good in its own right, but making love was exceedingly better. It was a whole-body experience. Mind, body and soul came together and filled the heart with love. And for Ebony, there was no greater feeling.

  Xavier did things to her she didn’t even know she wanted. And after a body-numbing orgasm, his body enveloped her to create a warm and cozy cocoon. Ebony had been loved, thoroughly, completely and without reservation. For as long as she lived, she would remember the magic and passion of their first time.

  Ebony’s eyes slowly flickered open. Sunlight trickled in through the open window. The air smelled fresh and the sky was bright. Her eyes adjusted to the light as she struggled to roll over onto her side. A few seconds passed before she remembered where she was. Ebony’s eyebrows furrowed when she reached across the bed and didn’t find Xavier beside her. Where is he? Thoughts of last night wiped the frown from her face and brought a smile to her lips. Did we really make love all night long? she asked herself, swinging her wobbly legs over the side of the bed. It feels like it was all a dream. A very naughty dream.

  Concealing her nakedness with one of the oversize T-shirts in the closet, she thought back to last night’s events. Xavier had rocked her world. Not once, but twice. He had introduced her to a style of loving she had never known. He was gentle, but urgent. Tender, but physical. Wild, but controlled. And just the thought of where his lips and tongue had been made her shiver. Ebony had kissed her fair share of handsome men. A couple of them had known a thing or two about sex, but no one came close to making her feel the way Xavier had. He had put it on her, big time. He had done everything right, said all the right things and touched her the right way without having to be coached. It was as if he could read her innermost thoughts.

  Her eyes strained to the mirror. She was so hungry she could eat Xavier out of house and home, but she wasn’t going anywhere until she got herself together. Her face had to be washed, her teeth brushed and her hair combed. Dragging her hands through the tangled ends of her hair, she set off down the hall for the bathroom.

  When it came to sex, Ebony had three very strict rules. Rule number one was the easiest to follow: no condom, no loving. In all the years she had been sexually active, she had never had unprotected sex. And whenever she talked to her girlfriend Cassandra, who said she didn’t like the feel of them and enjoyed the spontaneity of “going with the flow,” she lectured her about the dangers of “going with the flow.” No sleepovers, under any circumstances, was rule number two. When the deed was done, Ebony went home. It could be the dead of night, and she would still crawl out of bed, say her goodbyes and drive back to her place. Rule number three had been revised several times, but it had never been broken. She loved her house. It was her sanctuary. Her sacred place. Dates could come over, they could even stay for dinner, but they couldn’t spend the night. Couldn’t even sit down on her bed. Memories lingered. Played with your mind when you least expected it. Ebony was smart enough to know that nothing lasted forever, and when a relationship ended, she wanted to be able to move on without painful reminiscences about what used to be.

  Last night, Ebony had broken rule number one and two, and she knew it was just a matter of time before she broke rule number three. Fortunately pregnancy wasn’t a fear because she was on the pill. Funny, but Ebony didn’t feel guilty for “going with the flow” or for allowing herself to fall asleep in Xavier’s arms, either. If anything, she felt lucky. For the first time in her life, she had found a man who truly cared about her. His number one priority was pleasing her, not fulfilling his own sexual needs. Xavier wasn’t satisfied until she was satisfied and there was nothing sweeter than being with such a selfless man.

  After freshening up, Ebony set out in search of Xavier. The corners of her mouth turned down when she entered the kitchen. The air was saturated with the aroma of eggs, bacon, and freshly brewed coffee, but there was no food anywhere. However, as she turned toward the dining room, she caught sight of a pink envelope in the middle of the pear-shaped glass table. Ebony ripped it open. It read: Breakfast is waiting for you on the patio, Beautiful.

  Ebony rushed outside. Xavier was reclining on a chair, his face masked by the front page of the Minneapolis Tribune. Plates of bacon, omelets, pancakes and blintzes covered the table and pitchers of fruit juice sat on a nearby cart.

  Xavier put down the paper. “Sleep well?”

  Her face came alive when he stood and dropped a kiss on her lips.

  “Yes, thanks to you.”

  “I hope you don’t mind me cooking you breakfast.”

  “Why would I mind?”

  “Because the last time I tried to feed you you refused to eat!”

  “Xavier, I was a mess! What did you expect me to do? Sit across from you with puke breath?”

  “I thought you looked good.”


  “Okay, you did smell a little funky.”

  She pinched his arm playfully. “Thanks a lot. You really know how to make a girl feel special.”

  He chuckled. “I’m just playing.”

  “I know,” she conceded, looping her arms around his waist.

  Xavier loved that Ebony was so quick to laugh. “Is that why you didn’t want to stay for breakfast that morning, because you thought you looked bad?”

  Ebony nodded.

  He wished Ebony had told him the truth instead of demanding he take her home. Xavier had thought she was acting like a spoiled brat. When he thought about the fifteen-minute drive from his house to Dakota’s Bar and Grill, he laughed out loud. When she raised her eyebrows in disdain, he filled her in on the joke and she laughed, too.

  “I thought you were trying to kill me!” she confessed.

  “I was!”

  More laughter.

  They sat down at the table and when Ebony took a bite of the blueberry pancakes and said they were the best she had ever tasted, he smiled proudly.

  “Is there anything else I can get you?”

  Ebony glanced up from her plate, a seductive smile on her lips. She had been dying for some good lovin’, and now that she had found the right man, she wanted to make up for lost time. The pancakes could be reheated, the orange juice could be iced and the cantaloupe would taste just as good warm as it did cold. Putting down her fork, she eased out of her chair and stood. “Well, since you’re in such a giving mood…” Sitting down on his lap, Ebony linked her arms around his neck.

  Xavier felt his throat constrict. Her touch tickled the hairs on the back of his neck and when she trailed her tongue over his ear, an intense rush of pleasure settled in his groin. The feel of her mouth on one of the most sensitive parts of his body left him speechless. His whole body was alive now. It was as if he had an uncontrollable craving for her that couldn’t be quenched.

  His mouth reached hungrily for her. The kiss was full of heat and love. Worried that his neighbors might hear them, Xavier took Ebony by the hand and led her back inside. He pulled her down on the couch and bathed her lips with kisses that sent shivers from her hea
d to her feet. His touch was light and soft; hers was impatient and rough. Xavier decided to follow Ebony’s lead. He let his mouth stray from her lips. It wandered down her neck to her breasts. The slow circular pattern of his tongue traced along her skin.

  Ebony and Xavier licked and sucked and stroked like they had all the time in the world. Her smooth, velvety skin was warm and her body responsive when he parted her legs and positioned himself inside her.

  Ebony wished she could freeze this moment. She was with a man who treated her with tenderness, a man who respected her, a man who made love to her like no one had before.

  Closing her eyes, she gave in to her thoughts. Xavier listened to her, comforted her and spoiled her. Ebony didn’t want to get ahead of herself, didn’t want to read too much into his actions, but she couldn’t help wondering if this could be love. Promising to explore these exciting, new feelings later, she lifted her chin higher and embraced his kiss.

  Chapter 15

  Dark storm clouds hovering over the sky did little to dissuade Iyesha and Tessa from an afternoon swim. The trees shielding the yard leaned in the wind, carrying the scent of barbecue from the house next door. So much for basking in the sun, Ebony thought as she watched her goddaughters put on life preservers and scurry off in the direction of the pool.

  Iyesha and Tessa jumped into the pool, shrieking with glee as the ice-cold water swallowed them up in one big gulp. Like a game of peekaboo, the sun inched away from the clouds and hung high in the sky. Rays of sunshine cascaded off the pure blue water. Ebony sat back in her lounge chair and hid her eyes behind an oversize pair of sunglasses, before turning to the report on her lap.


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