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Trouble with Luv'

Page 16

by Pamela Yaye

  “Nothing’s changed, Kendall. I just think Yolanda deserves another chance.”

  “Love’s made you soft,” she spat out. “You know what, Ebony? I don’t really care what happens between you and Xavier, just don’t let your newfound outlook on life interfere with our business. Okay?”

  “And don’t let your problems at home impede your good judgment, okay?” Ebony shot back, trying to maintain her cool. Kendall had been short-tempered and irritable all week and Ebony didn’t know how much more of her attitude she could take. She felt bad that Kendall and Turner were having problems, but she didn’t appreciate her partner taking her anger out on her.

  “I’ll meet with Yolanda tomorrow. I’m sure you have more important things to do with Xavier, so don’t worry about it. I’ll handle it.”

  Instead of arguing back, Ebony turned to Opal and said, “Let’s go inside and have some tea. I feel a bitter wind sweeping through the backyard.”

  Chapter 16

  Giddy excitement coursed through Ebony as she reentered the kitchen and turned off the oven. Working at a torrid pace to put dinner together, she hummed along with the Earth, Wind & Fire song playing on the radio. She transferred a plastic container of chicken Parmesan to an enormous china bowl, then prepared a garden salad with all the fixings. When Xavier suggested they celebrate their birthday the day before the actual date, Ebony had agreed. Since they would be apart tomorrow—he with his family and she with her girlfriends—it was the perfect compromise.

  Ebony had offered to “cook” for the occasion, which meant she’d be ordering in from her favorite restaurants. But minutes before Xavier was due to arrive, she was running around the kitchen as if she had been the one to prepare the five-course meal. French onion soup, roasted eggplant, Cajun seafood, and brown rice were on the dining room table, bordered by flowers and candles.

  Ebony switched off the radio and then turned on the stereo. The emotional fire and heartfelt lyrics of the Freddie Jackson classic, “You Are My Lady,” made her eyes water. The balladeer’s melodious voice and deft range sent chills down her spine and resonated through her soul. It was as if the lyrics were squeezing her heart. She thought of Xavier, and how much he had come to mean to her. Ebony had opened her heart to him in a way she hadn’t been able to with anybody else. Secrets and hurts she had planned to take with her to the grave had come tumbling out during one of their many intimate talks, and to her joy, Xavier hadn’t judged her or looked down at her.

  “Simeon’s dead and gone and I know he can’t hurt me anymore, but I still hate him. The only reason I wish he was still alive was so I could tell him how insignificant and worthless he used to make me feel,” she had confessed, thankful the darkness concealed the hurt on her face. Xavier had gathered in his arms, and under his loving embrace, she had drifted off to sleep.

  After the lights were dimmed and the room sprayed with a rose-scented mist, Ebony double-checked to ensure everything was in place. Pleased with what she saw, she exited the kitchen and headed down the hallway. Her hair and makeup needed a quick touch-up. The ceiling fan was on, cool air gushed through the kitchen window, but it didn’t help diffuse the heat from the stove. As she rounded the corner to the hallway, she felt strong arms curl around her waist.

  “And where do you think you’re going?”

  The sound of Xavier’s voice brought a wide smile to her lips. She turned to receive his kiss. “What are you doing sneaking up on me?”

  “No one’s sneaking. I have keys, remember?”

  Ebony gave him another kiss, this one much longer. Giving Xavier his own set of keys had been the best thing she had ever done. Sometimes she woke up in the middle of the night to find him in bed holding her, other times he was undressing her. Both were pleasant surprises. “I didn’t hear you come in.”

  “How could you when you have the stereo on full blast?” Xavier reluctantly let her go. He went into the living room and lowered the music. When he reentered the dining room, Ebony was filling their glasses with wine. Leaning against the wall, he watched her move carefully around the table. Cleavage was flowing out of her black cocktail dress and dangly earrings and a thread-thin necklace complemented her elegant look nicely.

  Ebony’s picture-perfect style never ceased to amaze him. It didn’t matter if she was wearing shorts and flip-flops, or a gown and stilettos; she was positively stunning. Mentally undressing her with his eyes, he felt his body temperature rise. Xavier’s lust for Ebony knew no bounds. She was sexy and sultry and just watching her do something as tedious as setting the table was enough to get him hot. Impeding the urge to sweep her into his arms and carry her into the bedroom, he forced his eyes away. But staring at the oil paintings on the sage-colored walls did nothing to eclipse his thoughts. Thoughts of making love outside under the stars brought a slow, easy grin to Xavier’s mouth. Absorbed in the errant wanderings of his mind, he didn’t hear Ebony call his name until she was standing in front of him.

  “You okay?” She touched his cheek with the back of her hand.

  Embarrassed that he’d been caught daydreaming, he tried to laugh it off. “Me? I’m fine. Couldn’t be better.”

  Before Ebony could quiz him further, he steered her back over to the table.

  Unlike all the other times they’d eaten together, Ebony struggled to keep up her end of the conversation. She couldn’t concentrate long enough to answer any of his questions and couldn’t think of any of her own. But it wasn’t her fault. Anticipation was wreaking havoc on her good sense. Ebony couldn’t wait to see the look on Xavier’s face when he saw his gift. She could see him now: mouth open, eyes wide, a look of disbelief marring the usual relaxed expression on his gorgeous face. This was going to be the surprise of all surprises. Anxious to get to the gift giving part of the evening, Ebony polished off her salad and the main course in record speed. She loved birthday cake as much as the next person, but she couldn’t eat another bite. Or rather, she wouldn’t eat another bite. Suspense overwhelmed her as she watched Xavier clean his mouth with his napkin.

  He patted his stomach. “That was delicious, babe. Couldn’t eat another bite.”

  “Does that mean you don’t want dessert?”

  “Not now, maybe later.”

  “Great!” Ebony jumped up from the table and dragged Xavier to his feet. “It’s present time,” she sang. “Ready?”

  “I’m too full to make love, babe. Maybe in an—” He stopped when he saw the perplexed look in her eyes. “My birthday present isn’t in the bedroom?”

  Ebony shook her head. “Follow me.” She took him by the hand and led him out of the living room. Stopping outside the garage door, she took a deep breath and then turned to Xavier. Sharing her feelings had never been easy, but Ebony was going to do her best to articulate what she was feeling inside. “I’ve never been in love so I don’t know what it’s supposed to feel like. I don’t know for sure if heart flutters, sweaty palms and shaky knees are indicators of love, but that’s exactly how I feel when I’m with you.”

  The twinkle in his eye told Ebony he was loving her impromptu speech. Sinful thoughts were written all over his face, and if he moved any closer she would be jammed up against the garage door. When he squeezed her shoulder affectionately, Ebony felt her confidence increase. “You mean a lot to me, Xavier, and I hope this is the first of many birthdays we share together.” When she kissed him, she intended for it to be short and sweet, but when he pulled her closer and eased his tongue into his mouth, she couldn’t resist throwing her arms around his neck and stroking his chest through his dress shirt. She forgot all about Xavier’s birthday present, as his lips worked magic.

  Infused with a sudden burst of energy, Xavier pinned Ebony against the wall and stuck his hand underneath her dress. He was surprised to find her naked underneath. No panties. No bra. No nothing. Ebony was as naughty as a girl could be. And he loved it. Making love to her the first time had transcended his expectations, and in the last three months she had managed to
do the impossible: keep him guessing. He was her humble student and he enjoyed taking notes in the bedroom.

  “Baby, we can’t,” Ebony protested weakly. The sensation of both his hands and his lips was almost too much for her to bear. She tried to steer his hands away, but it seemed like they were everywhere. And they were. On her face, her breasts, her butt. Her body was his playground, and he wasn’t shy about exploring every single curve and slope. “W-we can’t do this now…later…it’s time…to open…your…birthday present,” Ebony managed, between kisses. Using a gentle flick of his tongue, he covered her lips, then her neck, then her nipples.

  “That’s what I’m trying to do,” Xavier told her, cupping her butt. Ebony might have been saying, “No, baby, we can’t,” but her body was screaming, “Yes! yes! yes!” Her nipples hardened under his touch and her eyes shimmered with desire. His erection pressed against the zipper of his slacks, dying for release. Strange things happened to Xavier whenever he touched Ebony. He broke out into a sweat. His heart felt like it was going to beat right out of his chest. And if that wasn’t bad enough, his throat was so tight he could hardly speak.

  Normally Xavier took his time loving her. He would lay her down on the bed, start with her ears, and then work his way down to her toes. Then he’d start the wickedly delicious pattern all over again. Xavier appreciated all the props Ebony set up—the candles, the music, the lingerie. But tonight, he didn’t need the lights, the melodious voice of Keith Washington, or the red lace teddy; he just needed her.

  Redoubling his efforts, he hiked up her dress and gripped her hips. He smothered her neck with kisses and traced his tongue along her collarbone. When he spread her legs just wide enough to slip a finger inside, Ebony groaned vociferously.

  “Xavier—” Her words were swallowed by his kiss. His lips roamed over and around her mouth. Ebony bit down on her bottom lip to keep from crying out. She had never seen Xavier like this before. Aside from the living room couch and the occasional make-out session in her car, lovemaking had been confined to the bedroom. But tonight, it was as if he was reading her most private thoughts. Xavier palmed her breasts, grabbed her butt and whispered dirty words against her ear. Grinding himself against her, he sucked her breasts, making loud, slurping sounds that drowned out the music. Ebony loved every nasty minute of it.

  The predatory expression on Xavier’s face told Ebony there was no use trying to talk him out of it, so when he made a silent request with his eyes, she kissed him hungrily in response. Xavier entered her fast and furious.

  Ebony met him thrust for thrust. Securing her arms around his neck, she rocked her pelvis forward and lifted her right leg high in the air. A guttural scream ripped from her mouth as he increased his movements and dug his fingers into her hair. Pressing herself against him, mumbling incoherently, she threw her head back in ecstasy.

  Ebony wanted to tell Xavier that she loved him, that this was the best birthday she had ever had, that she didn’t want anyone else, but the intensity of her orgasm robbed her speech. Pleasure waves tore through her body and the last thing she remembered was Xavier yelling her name.

  Ebony woke up on the living room couch. Several pillows were positioned beneath her head, and a blanket had been thrown over her body. Her head was swimming and she had a cramp in her left calf. Ebony felt like she had died and gone to heaven. When she closed her eyes to relive the moment, she could still taste Xavier’s kiss on her lips. His cologne clung to her skin and her hair, and the room was thick with his scent.

  Ebony wondered where her Mandingo Prince was. She listened for a few seconds for sounds of him in the kitchen, but heard nothing. It wouldn’t surprise her if Xavier was lurking behind a door or hiding in the closet. Last Friday, he had scared the skin off her and she had been on edge ever since. Ebony was dozing off on the couch, the TV blaring in the background, when she thought she heard the sound of a car pulling up in the driveway. Figuring it was just her imagination, she rolled over onto her back and buried her head under a pillow cushion. Ebony was tasting her first bit of sleep when she heard a faint knock on the front door. She looked through the peephole, but didn’t see anyone. Cracking open the door, she peeked outside into the dark night. “Hello?” In one quick swoop, Xavier picked her up, locked the door behind him and took off down the hall to the bedroom. They had made love on and off for the rest of the night.

  Ebony threw off the covers and heard a soft, jingly sound. A thin, diamond bracelet was hanging from her wrist. Three delicate charms were evenly distributed around the wristlet. “Faith. Love. Trust,” she read out loud. Ebony wasn’t a diamond expert but she could spot the fake stuff a mile away. This was the real thing. This wasn’t the first time someone had thought enough of her to buy a gift. Over the years she had received everything from expensive shoes to watches to purses. But this was the first time Ebony could actually feel the sentiment behind the gift.

  Xavier cared about her. Maybe even loved her. Though she hoped and prayed for the latter to be true, she wouldn’t waste precious time dwelling on the unknown. Once again, he had demonstrated that there wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do to make her happy, and that was more than enough for her.

  Fingering the charm bracelet gently, Ebony felt her eyes grow moist. The urge to curl up on the couch and have a good cry didn’t come from the gift itself. It came from the thoughtfulness behind it. A few weeks back while shopping with Xavier, she had admired a similar bracelet at Charleston Jewelers. When she had asked his opinion, he had glanced at the price tag and said, “It’s overpriced, don’t you think?”

  Without a second thought, she had handed the charm bracelet back to the clerk and followed him out of the store and back into the mall.

  Ebony stood. Xavier had to be here somewhere. She took a step toward the staircase, but that’s as far as she could go. Her legs were still asleep. “Xavier! Where are you?” Ebony screamed so loud her throat burned. She heard the sound of someone running down the hallway, and then Xavier came charging down the stairs like the house was on fire.

  “What’s the matter?”

  Shaking her charm bracelet under his nose, she said, “Grossly overpriced, huh?”

  He gave her a teasing wink. “I changed my mind.”

  Ebony wasn’t buying it. It had all been part of his plan. He had fed her that lie in the hopes that she wouldn’t buy it. She turned the bracelet around her wrist, admiring it under the glow of the living room lights. “Thank you. I love it.” As she stepped forward to kiss him, she heard another soft, tinkling sound.

  “Oh my God!” Ebony bent down. Surprised that she hadn’t felt the anklet on her foot all this time, she fingered the silver chain, paying close attention to the exquisite and unique design. Recalling the way Xavier had seduced her, she stood and coiled her hands around his waist. “That impromptu lovemaking session was just a ploy to get me into bed! You seduced me, so you could dress me in my gifts!”

  Xavier’s grin grew until it was eclipsing his entire face. “Guilty as charged.”

  Ebony kissed him hard. Feeling herself get hot all over again, she wisely drew back. “Did you peek into the garage while I was knocked out?”

  Xavier chuckled. Ebony made it sound like she had been the other half of a boxing match. “No, Tyson. I didn’t.”

  Laughing, and tinkling, she grabbed his hand and led him back down the hall. This time when they reached the garage door, she took a thick, black scarf from out of the closet. The blindfold was a soft, satiny material. After tying it around his eyes, Ebony opened the door, guided him down the steps, and then flicked on the lights. Releasing the blindfold, she yelled, “Surprise!”

  Xavier blinked rapidly. “I…I—I don’t understand.”

  Ebony laughed. “The BMW with the big red ribbon is yours!”

  A shiny 325 BMW, with tinted windows, sat between Ebony’s SUV and her convertible. Xavier shook his head. His eyebrows had climbed up to his hairline and his eyes were clouded with bewilderment. Stretching a ha
nd toward the car, he said, “You bought me a car?”

  Ebony’s head bounced up and down like a bobble doll. She spoke with childlike enthusiasm as she relayed the car’s many features. “It has a hundred and eighty-four horsepower, a sunroof, navigational system, power everything, a leather interior, combined CD and tape player, a security alarm…”

  Xavier’s mind was too full to ask how, or why. It took several minutes before the shock wore off and he could collect himself enough to speak. He opened his mouth, then closed it. Unsure of what to say and scared he would sound like a bumbling fool if he attempted to speak, he rubbed his hands over his eyes to ensure this wasn’t a dream.

  When he opened his eyes, the car was still there.

  “Well? What do you think?”

  Xavier didn’t know what to say. Didn’t know where to begin. This was the last thing he expected from her. “I…I…I thought you bought me a mountain bike.”

  “Why? I never said I was getting you a bike.”

  “I know, but when we headed for the garage, I assumed…” Xavier dragged a hand over his head. “I can’t believe you’d do something like this.”

  “Do you like it?”

  “I love it,” he admitted, taking a step forward and peering into the passenger window. “It’s the right make and model, and the color is perfect—” He forced himself to calm down. No use getting excited over something he wasn’t going to keep.

  A long, uncomfortable silence settled over the garage.

  Xavier took her hands. “I appreciate the thought, honey, I really do. No one has ever gone to such lengths to surprise me or bought me something this expensive, but as much as I love the car, and you for making my birthday a night to remember, I can’t accept it.”

  Ebony didn’t reply; she had expected Xavier to refuse the gift. In the last two months, she had discovered that Xavier Reed was as stubborn as an ox. He didn’t ask for directions when he was lost, would rather struggle on his own than ask for help and he couldn’t stomach being wrong. When she had asked him what he wanted for this birthday, he’d shrugged off the question. “Nothing. I have everything I need.” Ebony covered her mouth with her hand to keep from laughing. Sometimes, Xavier could be so funny. It was his show of indifference that had led her to do some snooping. One night when he ran out to rent a movie, Ebony logged on to his computer and within seconds, found what he was pining after. By the time Xavier got back with the video, Ebony had printed off the necessary information, logged off his computer and returned to the bedroom.


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