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Sons of Justice 6: A Painter Walks into an Irish Pub (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

Page 6

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “I don’t want to know details, Donnelly,” he said and winked back, using the name Yorkshire had told the pretty painter.

  Yorkshire took a sip of beer. “We’ll get to the woman in a minute,” he said, his brogue thick and deep.

  “I need a time, safe place, no bullshit.”

  “Will he come willingly, or does this need to be a forced meeting?” Franco asked.

  “The farking guy best be coming willingly, or I’ll be forced to make a strategic move. Now, here is the name, contact number, and his address so you can coordinate accordingly. As soon as it’s set up, contact me.”

  “How?” Franco asked.

  Yorkshire smirked. “I’ll be back in here.” He glanced toward the mural on the wall.

  “Not the woman. Not her,” Franco whispered.

  Yorkshire glanced back at Franco. He raised one eyebrow up at him.

  “She’s a sweet young woman, shy as can be, and talented. She just wants to get her work into the Saggamore.”

  “What else do you know about her?”

  Franco swallowed hard and looked away and back at his beer.

  “What else?” Yorkshire asked firmly.

  “She lives an hour from here. Works for her father’s advertising and promotional company.”

  “Get me the names, the info on the family.”

  “Leave her alone. Please, she’s so sweet.”

  Yorkshire gave him a mean, serious look, and that was all it took to put Franco in his place.

  “Okay. When will you be back?”

  “Tomorrow. To see my little painter. Get me all you can, and take care of the meeting. Remember, I’ll make it worth your while.” He then slid him an envelope. Franco immediately put it in his pocket.

  Franco grinned. “Whatever you need…Donnelly.”

  Chapter Four

  Lauren was so damn nervous when she pulled up in front of the house. There were construction vehicles, men working outside and inside, plus even some landscapers working in the backyard. The location was perfect and just enough off the beaten path to provide privacy and a seclusion that would make someone feel like they could relax and get lost in a good book. She had a good feeling.

  She parked the car and got out then went to the passenger side to retrieve her box with a variety of specialty treats. Everything from brownies and mini cheesecakes to typical chocolate chip cookies and others with a twist.

  She headed toward the front entrance, impressed with the walkway as well as the small water feature in the front. Then the door opened and her eyes landed on one very big man wearing camouflage pants in green and a dark black shirt. He was talking to someone behind him. Then that man came into view along with a woman.

  “We’ll carry it inside and see what we think. It’s a great idea to incorporate some of the metals and industrial styles to the ceiling. Just little accents,” the one guy next to the woman said.

  “Oh Gosh, you must be Lauren, Thylane’s cousin.” The woman stepped between the two men. The one in camouflage eyed Lauren over.

  “Yes, are you Bo?” Lauren asked.

  “That’s me. This must be your samples. It’s good timing, too. The guys were finishing up lunch,” Bo added.

  “This is one of my men, Thor, and his friend Steve.”

  “Let me take that for you,” Thor said and offered to help as Steve stared into Lauren’s eyes, and she felt flushed, affected. She quickly recovered as Thor took the box from her hands, leaving Lauren feeling exposed.

  Steve looked her over and smiled. “Nice to meet you, Lauren.” He reached his hand out, and she shook it.

  Bo chuckled and then placed her arm around Lauren’s shoulders. “Come on inside to check out the place.”

  She had to squeeze by Steve, and he didn’t move. In fact she was pretty sure the attractive man did that on purpose. He was tall, too, at least six feet two because he towered over her, and she was five feet five. The place was gorgeous inside, and she noticed the paint cans on the floor with all the tools and samples of strips of color on the walls.

  “This is gorgeous in here,” she said as Thor placed the box down onto a table since the counter, which Lauren assumed would be a place to put food they sold, was under construction.

  “Thank you. It’s still a mess and lots to do the next three weeks, but we’re on schedule,” Bo said.

  “We can go unload the truck while you two talk and taste-test,” Thro said to Bo.

  “Taste-test?” Steve asked, but he didn’t look at the box of goodies. He looked at Lauren.

  She swallowed hard, completely intimidated by the man. Everything about him warned her to keep her distance. The military uniform and crew-cut dark hair, that dark, firm expression indicating the man saw action, violence, and then some, and his size. Muscles upon muscles. The man could break her in two. Her mind went to Logan and Connor and their demanding tones, disciplinary actions against her body when she did something they didn’t approve of, and how she hid the abuse from her family. Perhaps if she’d confided in Thylane, the hostage situation would have never happened.

  “Her baked goods, Steve. Cool it. She’s Thylane’s cousin. She’s family.” Bo then waved her closer to the table.

  “So tell me all about what you brought and how you got started. Maybe how you got into this business.”

  Lauren took a deep breath, glanced at Steve over her shoulder. He crossed his arms in front of his chest and listened as she spoke to Bo. As the box opened, Bo eluded excitement, as did Thor and Steve, who immediately volunteered to try something. It wasn’t long before some of the other workers came out to help and, with them, came more flirtatious remarks and Steve pressing closer and asking his own questions. He had the bluest eyes she had ever seen, and suddenly he wasn’t so flirty. He was calm and really seemed to listen to her as she spoke about the places her products were currently located for sale and how she was looking for a permanent home to establish her brand.

  “I like it. I think we could really help one another out and work well together, Lauren. I’m going to have to thank Thylane for her idea and for introducing us. Let’s make plans to talk business and a set menu of treats you can make.”

  “Really? So you’re interested in hiring me then?”

  “Of course. We’ll work out the details and talk some more. Maybe get together for coffee or something in town?” Bo asked.

  “Sounds good to me.” Lauren was definitely thrilled, and when she looked back at Steve, he was staring at her, squinting, but with a small smile. She felt those reservations emerge again and straightened her shoulders and gave Steve a dirty look, letting him know she wasn’t interested or easy. She knew these soldier types, and she was going to start gaining a backbone and focusing on her life and her goals only. This was a fresh start for her, and right now happiness overtook her emotions as she made plans with Bo to meet at the end of the week.

  * * * *

  It was still dark out as Finlin took the running trail along the outskirts of the compound. He usually did the inner trails, twelve miles that brought him another five minutes from his house. Subconsciously he wondered if he took this trail off the compound if he would run into Thylane. He knew she enjoyed running as well as taking a kickboxing and mixed martial arts class in town. Then he thought about the pub and seeing her there. He hadn’t even told his team yet. Pisces was going to lose his shit and start to worry. It was his family that owned the pub. His relatives that were into crazy shit that he separated from years back. Hell, Mitchim had flirted with Thylane, and she did have a beer with him a few times. His stomach tightened.

  Stack and Rusty would show concerns, as well, but they could go there or get involved. It was a struggle knowing what Finlin knew and where this investigation and mission was taking him, but he hoped it worked out. He wanted to identify Yorkshire, get a lead on him, and take him out. It would be simple, but he knew the feds never did anything simply. He was just waiting for the complications, the indication that this was wo
rse than what he’d been told. Normally he didn’t mind being given such an assignment. Go under cover, find the bad guy, wait for the order to either take him out or give the signal for someone else to. Tunnel vision was necessary most of the time, and a soldier couldn’t worry about the other things around him, around the target, or how they might be affected. This was different. What was the likelihood that Thylane was painting some mural in the bar his contacts indicated was a place Yorkshire where could show up? He didn’t even know she painted and was amazing at it, too. His thoughts dwelled on her beauty, her talent, hell, her body.

  The fact that others noticed her too put him on edge, and he wanted to somehow warn her from the men, but he couldn’t. This was difficult, so why was he running her trail, her route if it weren’t to try and warn her somehow or maybe see her again not wearing a disguise, but to get close to her? Fuck.

  His concern heightened. He hoped that none of Pisces family members were involved with this Yorkshire guy, or they were going to end up behind bars or dead. The feds, the detectives, were out for blood after multiple of their men had been killed and in brutal barbaric ways. He kept on alert as he ran. There was no one around at this early morning hour outside the compound, but inside men were already doing maneuvers, and others were running the inside trails. This was rather peaceful, but as he saw a woman running and heading toward the wooded area, he felt concerned and on edge. Was that Thylane? If so, he wondered why she’d chosen to run off the beaten path and one where anyone could jump out to grab her. As he picked up speed to cross the grass and then enter the woods, he watched her. The short shorts, the long-sleeve tight top, her long dark hair in a ponytail that was swinging side to side. She jumped a tree limb, and he got closer.

  “Thylane.” He said her name, and she gasped, turned, around fell to her back but shocked him when she drew a twenty-two.

  He raised his hands up, and she exhaled, fell back, and then put down the gun.

  “Holy crap,” she said.

  He walked closer, taking in the sight of her long, sexy legs, those gorgeous green eyes and flushed cheeks and reached his hand out to her. “Didn’t mean to scare you. What the hell are you doing jogging this trail alone?” he reprimanded her, trying to act unaffected by the twenty-two she’d pulled out of nowhere. Not that he was affected by the gun on him. It wasn’t the first time someone had pulled a gun on him. It was that it was Thylane doing it.

  The sassy little thing rolled her eyes at him and then sat up.

  “Give me your hand,” he ordered, and she looked up at him, his eyes zeroing in on the very tight top that showed off how large her breasts really were. When she put her hand in his, holy fuck did he feel desire. He thought about her painting, the way she looked so serious and concentrated with every stroke of the brush. He pulled her a little too hard, and she pressed up against his body, her gun hitting his belly. He stared down into her eyes, and she inhaled then scrunched her eyes.

  “What cologne are you wearing?” she asked him.

  “What?” he replied and stepped back. He worried that she might have recognized it on him from yesterday at the pub. Shit. He was usually more careful.

  “Nothing. Forget it.” She fixed her top and readjusted the gun.

  “You know how to use that?” he asked her.

  She stared up at him, swallowed hard, and took a step back in retreat. He towered over her, and he knew he’d barked at her. He was fierce, commanding, and he didn’t pussyfoot around people.

  “You always jog this early?” he asked her.

  “I should get moving.” She went to turn. He grabbed her hand, and she froze in place, her lips parted, looking scared. She was scared of him?

  “Just be careful, all right? You never know who could be out here. You never really know who someone is. Could be nice and then they turn out to be trouble.”

  She squinted at him, and then she got all serious. He didn’t know what the fuck he was doing. The woman tongue-tied him.

  “Oh, you don’t need to tell me that. A lot of men turn out to be nothing like what they claim.” She turned around and started running again.

  He stood there, hands on his hips, watching her go, eyeing her ass as it bounced and wondering what the fuck she’d meant by that comment. He ran a hand along his jaw. Why he even bothered he didn’t know. Finlin kept to himself and did what needed to be done. What the fuck was he trying to do warning her from other men? Make her keep guard so none of Pisces’s cousins or old friends would hook up with her? Fuck. He turned to the right and started running toward the other path, but it was still dark out, and he was concerned for her well-being, despite the fact she carried. Damn, was that a shocker, especially as she fell to her back and immediately pulled the small gun on him. Definitely would stop an attacker, but she needed more than that. Still, she looked hot. His cock hardened, and he cursed under his breath but followed her to ensure she got out of the woods safely. It was the right thing to do, especially as a member of Sons of Justice and as a man who put women and children first to protect from danger.

  Yeah. Keep telling myself that’s why I’m following her. Out of responsibility and an oath to protect all women and children in Repose. Yeah, right.

  * * * *

  For crying out loud, was she out of her mind pulling a gun on Finlin Franks? Holy shit, the man made her shake with trepidation and fear. He was so hard and angry and mean, and filled with muscles. Yikes. She was such an idiot. Those men—Finlin, Stack, Pisces, Rusty—were after one thing from a woman. Sex. They wanted to screw and make no connections, no commitments, just seduce women. And stupid her was attracted to all four. How damn dumb could she be? Maybe she was just getting too old to hold on to her virginity like she was. Perhaps it wasn’t such a big deal to let a man take from her body. Well, she had to have feelings for the man, an attraction, and certainly the idea of multiple men taking from her at once couldn’t be realistic for a virgin. Could it?

  Now her mind began to wander. Oh boy did it wander, over Stack’s thick, large muscles, his deep, hard tone of voice, and then the feel of those thick, hard hands against her delicate skin. He could crush her. Finlin looked like he could eat her alive, and Rusty and Pisces? Holy heavens, they did something deep to her insides. Made her pussy actually leak cream, and she was certain that wasn’t normal. She had met multiple good-looking men and, lately, older ones like Stack and the team. None of them made her nipples harden and caused her to fantasize about them. Why oh why was she suddenly hot for four badass non-committing soldiers who would disappear at a drop of a hat for some dangerous mission? Why? Why when there were lawyers, accountants, mechanics, that sexy new martial arts trainer at the gym named Tye—yum—that she could take a shot on? Why?

  She exhaled as she continued running and glanced behind her. Sure enough Finlin was there, pretty far back, keeping his distance, but he was there to ensure she got home safely. Jesus, like her showing him her twenty-two hadn’t let him know she was always prepared? What she hadn’t been prepared for was his approach and the scent of that cologne that smelled familiar. It was the same one the guy in the pub last night had on. The quieter one, not the one at the bar that hinted about seeing her again and gave her an uneasy feeling. Both men had sexy brogues. Both men were good looking despite the beards and long hair that gave them rugged, yet sexy looks. Jeesh, listen to me, thinking I would entertain going out with some man I just met. What if one of them asks me out? What if both do and I need to choose? Oh brother, this wasn’t going to end well. She came to the end of the trail and slowed to a power-walking pace.

  She glanced back at Finlin. Well, since she pretty much was smart enough to not wind up as a one-night stand with Finlin, Stack, Pisces or Rusty, she had to be realistic. The only way to find the right man to lose her virginity to, and to trust, was to date. She couldn’t do that unless someone asked and she said yes. With that thought, she was looking forward to heading to Foley’s and perhaps making plans for a date with one of the two myster
ious, sexy men.

  * * * *

  Pisces and Rusty were fixing lunch when Finlin walked into the kitchen.

  “Hey, didn’t expect to see you here. Thought you were on assignment and left early this morning,” Pisces said to him.

  He mumbled something about a run and shower and then went to the coffee pot and poured himself a cup.

  “You didn’t get in that late,” Rusty stated as he made a sandwich.

  “I didn’t sleep well.” He walked over to the table and sat down. He leaned back in his chair and stared at his mug.

  Pisces was used to Finlin’s disinterest in conversation unless it was necessary. He was a quiet, fierce soldier. Always had been. Known throughout the Corps, among anyone who’d met him or had the privilege to work near him, Finlin was hardcore, dangerously capable, and the craziest son of a bitch he’d ever met. Pisces was quiet and detail oriented, needing discipline, structure, and rules or he would get pissed off and demanding. Rusty was the one with a sense of humor but was just as serious and intense. Stack was the aggressor. He was the one barreling in with no regard for the damage he caused, just his eyes set on the target. Together they were one hell of a fucking team.

  “You missed a good one last night at the Station. Some shit went down,” Rusty brought up.

  Pisces glanced toward the back door. Stack was out already. He’d gotten up early and gone to the shooting range with Cole, Farrow, Luke, and T.J., another team recently assigned to Sons of Justice from South Carolina.

  “Oh yeah?” Finlin said, not really sounding like he cared.

  “Stack was flirting with Thylane when Cindy showed up and claimed we were her lovers and got in Thylane’s face,” Rusty told him. Pisces saw the scowl immediately form on Finlin’s face.

  “It got heated, but Thylane walked away, and those McCullen brothers pulled her close and acted like they were protecting her from Stack and us and the situation. Stack was pissed.”


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