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Sons of Justice 6: A Painter Walks into an Irish Pub (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

Page 18

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  The decision was made for her, to kill and then fight to live as long as she could, taking as many men out as this gun had bullets.

  He stood up to look and see what was happening, as if it was a celebration, his smug smile filling his face. He really thought he was indispensable. She made the decisions as the gunshots got closer and alarms blared in the distance from the house up the hill. She grabbed the gun and cocked it.

  He heard the click, and there she was, Thylane pointing his own gun at him.

  “Don’t, Thylane. This isn’t how it’s supposed to be. No. I don’t fail. My revenge is complete, Thylane. You will die if you don’t put that gun down.”

  Her hands were shaking as she stared at him, kneeling, pointing the gun.

  “Yorkshire, you already failed by not avenging your cousins’ deaths and not killing me when you had the chance. Federal agents didn’t kill Logan and Connor.”

  “What?” he asked through clenched teeth.

  “I did,” she said, and he roared and jumped toward her.

  She fired the gun. Once, twice as his body slammed against hers and rolled her toward the rock. He slammed her head and shoulder down hard. Gripping her and banging her up and down again and again. The gun fell from her hands, and her vision blurred. She screamed out in pain, but she couldn’t fight him. She was too weak.

  “No! No!” she screamed and slammed her hand upward, colliding with his jaw just as a large figure tackled him off of her and slammed Yorkshire’s body down onto a sharp pointed boulder. Yorkshire roared and then gurgled, his eyes closed, and there was Finlin.

  * * * *

  Finlin was breathing so heavily. He had run as fast as he could from the house as he saw Thylane pointing the gun then fire. As he picked up speed, he watched in shock as Yorkshire banged her head against rocks.

  “Thylane.” His team came running as Finlin reached out and stroked her cheek.

  “You’re amazing. You’re so amazing.”

  “Finlin.” She lifted her hand as Stack, Pisces, and Rusty fell to their knees.

  “How bad?” Rusty asked.

  “I love…”

  “No. No!” Stack yelled out as they watched Thylane’s eyes close and then her head fall sideways as if she were dead.

  Finlin pressed fingers to her neck.

  “Fuck, we need an ambulance. Her pulse is weak.”

  “Spartan!” Pisces yelled up to him, but they could hear sirens blaring and knew that an ambulance was on its way.

  “We can’t lose you, Thylane. Fight. Fight like you’ve been fighting all your life. Don’t let this bastard win.


  It wasn’t getting any easier. Day in and day out, they came to this hospital, their family coming out of the woodwork to show support and care for each of them. Pisces had to thank Mitchim. He and their cousins called the family near this hospital in Ireland and had set up a beautiful spot for Thylane to gain her strength and heal enough to travel back home. The family cooked them meals, provided support and anything they needed. Mitchim and the other cousins had all left Foley’s to help find Thylane and used their resources and own connections to soldiers in a fight against Yorkshire’s to bring Yorkshire down. It all worked, but at so much cost to all of them. Each were under new investigations, and Spartan and somehow Quantico promised that it would all work out. Sons of Justice connections ran deep and across many countries and borders, and he was proud to be part of them.


  He heard the whisper and cracking voice and turned quickly toward the bed. Thylane lay there in a sweater and sweats, thick socks on her feet, and a homemade wool blanket covering from ankles to waist. Her head was still bandaged up, her eyes black and blue, but no permanent damage had been done to her brain or body. Just bruising that needed to heal.

  He took a seat next to her and placed one hand over her waist, and with the other, he caressed her cheek.

  “How was your nap?”

  “Okay, could have been better though.”

  He squinted. “Are you in pain? Do you need something?”

  “You, Pisces. Next to me. Holding me in your arms.” She smiled, and he adjusted his body onto the bed, and she snuggled up close to him as he adjusted the blanket and then caressed her back.

  “Where is everyone?” she asked.

  “Around. Never far, you know that.”

  “Good. I want to see them.”

  “I can go get them.”

  “No. I want to walk out there to see them.”

  “Thylane, you can’t push too much.”

  “I need to push. To get stronger and to go home. I want to go home and move in with you and the team and be a family. Be one.”

  “There’s a lot to deal with when you get home. A lot of emotions, and it won’t be good for your head.”

  “I’m strong enough, Pisces. Don’t you believe I am?” she asked, giving him a little attitude.

  He was shocked, but pleased. If Thylane was getting her attitude up, then she was feeling stronger. For days she didn’t talk. She cried, making her head hurt worse. Weeks passed, and it got better, but the sights and sounds of her nightmares, of her talking in her sleep telling Yorkshire to stop touching her and sucking on her breasts, she relived it all, and the others raged, especially Finlin, who felt like he’d failed her the most because he hadn’t followed his gut and had been vulnerable.

  “Help me walk out there. I can smell the food. I want to see more of the house, the outside. I want to get better and go home.” Tears filled her eyes.

  He swallowed hard. “Okay, baby, nice and easy.” He eased up from the bed and helped her to put her feet onto the floor as she swung her legs to the edge. She teetered a moment but defied the weakness and dizziness she must be feeling. She was stubborn, strong willed, and he didn’t fault that. It was what had saved her life.

  He held her hands, and she gripped them and then looked up. Head wrapped in gauze, two black eyes, a swollen lip, bruising he knew was scattered over her shoulder and back, but she pushed. She stood up and closed her eyes and steadied her breath.

  “You’re going to be exhausted.”

  “You’ll carry me back if need be. Every day I’ll go farther and farther, you’ll see.”

  They walked from the room, and he was impressed, but she held on to him tight. The sounds of voices could be heard. His aunts and cousins cooking up a storm. When they got to the hallway, his aunt gasped and then covered her mouth with her hand. It got everyone’s attention, and Rusty, Finlin, and Stack locked their eyes onto Thylane as they stood up and hurried to her.

  “What in God’s name is she doing, Pisces?” Finlin demanded to know.

  She reached out as Finlin put his hand on her hip. She cupped his cheek.

  “I love you, Finlin. All of you, and it’s time to get stronger so we can go home and start living our lives together.”

  Pisces released her to Finlin, who hugged her tight and closed his eyes. “I’m sorry I failed you, Thylane. That won’t ever happen again. Not ever.”

  She pulled back.

  “You didn’t fail me. You fought to find me and get to me to save me, and I fought to get another day to love each of you and to fight for a life, one spent in your arms and in your bed, forever.”

  “Amen to that,” Pisces said, and the others added comments and then started talking about eating and pulling up chairs and making plates of food.

  Stack and Rusty kissed Thylane next, and then Finlin pulled her onto his lap as Stack fed her every bite of food. Pisces knew in that moment that everything was going to be okay and Thylane was a blessing, not only bringing him and the team closer but also bringing Pisces’s family back into his life and the lives of those he loved.

  * * * *

  “This tastes so good. Oh God, Lauren, I think you get better and better at baking,” Thylane told her cousin.

  Lauren chuckled and pulled another tray from the oven. The house smelled incredible, and Thylane was so ha
ppy to have her cousins living so close to her and the men.

  “The house looks good, too. I see you, Avana, and Tiana can’t come to an agreement about the wall color.” She laughed. One wall in the living room was a light blue and the other a sage green.

  “I think it looks sort of cool with both, so we agreed on that,” Lauren said, and Avana and Tiana arrived, wearing their jogging shorts and hoodies, looking tired and sweaty.

  “Great. This is why we needed to start jogging every day,” Tiana said as she inhaled and plopped down onto the bar stool by the island and grabbed a brownie.

  “You shouldn’t be eating that. You just ran,” Avana said.

  “Actually now is the best time to get in any chocolate or a sweet. They say your metabolism is running well and burns it off faster,” Lauren said.

  Tiana moaned with her eyes closed as she chewed. “Whoever they are, I love their line of thinking. In fact, they would probably say a little milk would be good, too.”

  They laughed as she got up and poured herself a small glass of milk.

  “This is great. I love having you three so close,” Thylane said.

  “Well, we made the sacrifice for you, so…” Tiana said and rolled her eyes. Avana gave her sister’s arm a smack.

  “A sacrifice, huh? Girl, you were eying over every man in a uniform on our jog. In fact, you were practically drooling,” Avana said.

  “Hey, I was not drooling. I’m past drooling. That was week one living here on a military campground with so many super freaking hot guys it’s insane!” she yelled, raising her voice on each word.

  They all laughed.

  “Speaking of hot guys, where are your four soldiers? Usually one of them is nearby,” Avana asked.

  “Down the street at Steve, Eddie, Panther, and Mink’s place. They needed some help with moving things in or something,” Thylane said.

  “Oh, so that’s why Lauren takes the long way back home when she walks, so she can check out Steven and his team,” Tianna teased.

  Lauren’s cheeks turned pink. “I do not.”

  Thylane laughed.

  “I have the feeling the three of you are going to love it here,” Thylane said, and then they heard the knock on the door.

  Tiana went to answer it and let Rusty in. He greeted them with kisses and then pulled Thylane into his arms and kissed her deeply.

  “Get a room, you two,” Tiana said, and Rusty pulled from her lips.

  “Exactly what I had in mind. Come on, gorgeous, the others are waiting at the house,” Rusty said.

  “I thought I had another hour,” she said.

  “Nope, we just can’t take being apart.”

  “Aw, that’s so sweet,” Avana said, and Rusty squinted, and Thylane chuckled then pressed her palm against his cheek.

  “Let’s go then. I missed you all, too.”

  “Later, ladies,” he said, but before he left with Thylane, Rusty snagged a brownie and popped a piece into his mouth. “Jesus woman, you are going to make a team very fucking happy one day.”

  Lauren’s cheeks blushed, and Thylane waved good-bye and headed out of the house with Rusty. There in the truck were Finlin, Pisces, and Stack. Rusty lifted her up into the backseat, and she slid along right into Stack’s arms.

  He pulled her onto his lap, making her skirt lift up, but when she tried to push it down, he slid his hand between her legs and dipped her over his lap.

  “Open for me, baby. I want to feel how much you missed us.”

  She smiled up at him and slowly, very sexy like, widened her thighs and then pressed one foot up on the set. Before Stack could slide his hand up, Finlin and Rusty yelled.

  “Goddamn it, Thylane, you aren’t wearing any panties?” Finlin yelled.

  “Thylane?” Rusty said, and Stack immediately found her pussy and fingered her.

  “Oh God.”

  The truck jerked to the right then the left, but then Pisces had it under control, but it seemed like he was driving faster.

  “You are going to have one nice pink ass later on, woman,” Pisces threatened from the driver’s seat.

  “Yes, sir,” she said.

  “Oh fuck,” Rusty stated, and she smiled as Stack and Rusty took turns stroking her cunt and kissing her until they pulled into the driveway.

  “Get ready, woman, you’re going to be begging for mercy,” Pisces said.

  I sure the hell hope so.




  Siren Publishing, Inc.




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