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Daring Time

Page 15


  He pushed, watching her face for a reaction, working his penis into her tight channel with gentle determination. They both gasped when he pressed into her to the hilt. She sensed the slight tremor in his flesh, the evidence of his intense, raw need making her eyes burn even more.

  "There let me die," he finally replied.

  They both seemed to hold their breath as he thrust in and out of her for several strokes, making Hope's eyes roll back in her head as he rubbed and agitated deep, secret flesh.

  "I could forget the world existed buried inside you." Hope's eyelids sprang open when he withdrew from her. She felt a shudder go through him at the action.

  "Ahhh .. . no, please don't," she begged. It felt like her soul had been cleaved a little when he separated his flesh from her own.

  She watched in rising confusion as he moved away from her, his movements restrained and tense, as though he were in pain. He stood at the side of the bed. When he turned toward her in profile she saw that his cock hung heavy and fully erect between his strong, naked thighs, her own juices making it glisten magnificently. His color had grown ruddy and the surface veins swelled turgidly. He puzzled her further by pulling up his pants. He had to stretch his underwear forward considerably to capture the length of his swollen penis. She saw him glance almost surreptitiously out the window seeing, as Hope had, the discouraging sight of black iron bars blocking the view.

  Why had he deprived himself of his own pleasure? The fact that he hadn't shared in her bliss made her ache in a way she'd never before experienced.

  "Ryan? Are you in pain from the fight?"

  His strained smile and uplifted eyebrows informed her he'd somehow found her question darkly amusing. "Not from the fight, no. I'm all right. I thought you wanted to learn about some of the things men and women do in a place like this."

  Her eyes popped open in amazement. "What we were just doing were not some of those things?"

  Hope loved the sound of the deep rumble of his laughter. "No, those apply. I just thought you might like to discover more."

  He picked up a riding crop from the bedside table. She lifted her head and saw the other items lying there.

  "It'll be all right, Hope," he soothed when he saw her eyes go wide in anxiety. "I would never harm you. Never. Some people like to use these things to cause pain, but that's not what we're going to do. I'm going to use them to heighten your pleasure ... to set your nerves on fire. Do you trust me to do that?"

  Hope looked up into his earnest gaze.

  "Will it arouse you to do this? Will it. . . bring you pleasure as well?" she asked hesitantly. He couldn't know it, but what she was really asking was whether or not it would bring that blazing hot intensity into his singular eyes that putting his mouth on her most private flesh had.

  She saw his expression tighten. The flash of fire in his eyes supplied her answer even before he spoke.

  "Oh yeah."

  "All right then," she whispered. "I want to bring you pleasure more than anything, Ryan."

  She saw his throat flex convulsively before he stepped toward her naked, bound body.


  Ryan's cock lurched in stark arousal when Hope told him she wanted to pleasure him more than anything. There really couldn't be a sweeter, sexier woman on the planet anywhere ... at any time. It'd nearly killed him to withdraw from her a moment ago. If given a choice, Ryan thought he might have endured another one of Mario's dead-on punches rather than suffer leaving Hope's clinging, warm little pussy before he filled her with his seed.

  He studied her face as he lifted the riding crop toward her body. The crop was the genuine article, of course, not something manufactured exclusively for bedroom sport.

  Her eyes looked enormous with anxiety and rising excitement as he lowered the two-by-two-inch leather slapper and ran the surface over her abdomen. The image of the weathered, supple leather running over the pale harbor of her silky smooth belly was potently erotic. He slid the popper along the sides of her ribs and heaving breasts, all the while watching her reaction.

  He could tell by her shallow, rapid breathing and the deepening color of her cheeks, lips and nipples she was excited.

  "I'm going to slap your skin now, beauty. Not to hurt you. It'll make you tingle and burn."

  She'd been tightly focused on the progress of the popper as it trailed across her body, but she met his eyes when he spoke. She , merely nodded.

  He smiled at her obvious courage and lifted the crop. She gasped softly when he slapped her belly and ribs several times, pinkening the white skin. His cock throbbed every time the leather made a popping sound against her taut flesh. When he heard her moan in mounting excitement he paused and quieted her fiery nerve endings by sliding the leather across her rosy skin.

  "That's a girl," he soothed. Her lips parted as she panted in rising excitement, the vision making Ryan want nothing more than to sink his tongue between the lush red ring . ..

  followed by his cock. The thought aroused him so much his body shuddered slightly with restrained lust.

  His thick arousal was suddenly pierced by the sound of a muted knock against the wall.

  Damn. He'd managed to forget about Jack, for a few precious moments. Hope's beauty and responsiveness held him captive . .. made him forget everything but her.

  His gaze flew to her face but she didn't appear to have noticed the thumping sound. Ryan gritted his teeth, guessing Jack's subtle message. He'd already noticed the flash of the camera going off while her eyes had been closed in ecstasy and her juices ran so sweetly down his throat, and then again when she'd briefly closed her eyes as he sank his cock into her pussy.

  Now Jack wanted another shot, Ryan realized bitterly.

  He slid the leather slapper along the sides of Hope's torso, already knowing how sensitive she was there. He lightly caressed the sides of her breasts. She whimpered softly.

  "I want you to do two things, honey," he explained. "I want you to spread your thighs. No

  . .. keep them wide," he demanded when she initially followed his instructions and then closed her legs several inches, as though she'd been programmed for modesty— which she had been, of course. She followed his order, nonetheless, spreading her thighs wider, allowing him to see her pink, glistening, fleshy flower. He looked into her strained face and knew how difficult it was for her.

  "That's right. You're so beautiful. That pleases me so much, to be able to see you. Now .

  .. close your eyes ... and just feel," he ordered as he slid the popper over the curving flesh of her breast.

  Hope immediately shut her eyes. She moaned and pulled against her restraints, as though trying to get more of the sensation of the leather stroking her breast. The evidence of her intensely carnal nature left Ryan stunned and immensely gratified. When she became so insistent that she closed her legs partially as she strained up, Ryan lifted the whippy crop and gently slapped her breast, garnering her attention.

  "Keep your thighs spread wide, beauty," he chastened.

  He landed several well-aimed swats on her breasts, thoroughly enjoying the slight jiggle in her firm flesh and the visible tightening of her nipples. He was so caught up in the eroticism of the moment he almost didn't notice the flash of the camera.


  He forced his anger to the periphery, knowing he couldn't allow that volatile emotion to control him here any more than he could in the boxing ring. There was a gun pointed at this head, after all.

  And he'd much rather focus on pleasuring Hope, anyway.

  She whimpered and writhed as he popped her firm breasts with the crop again and again, turning them a lovely shade of pink. She managed to keep her thighs spread the entire time. He watched her face, fascinated at how arousal tightened and transformed her lovely features until she literally emanated desire.

  "Ryan," she murmured through trembling lips when he popped her left breast very near the center, carefully avoiding her stiff, pointed nipple. "I—I don't think I can do this
anymore. You must... you must..."

  "Make you come?" he suggested softly as he slapped the tender side of her breast.

  "Yes ... please." She scrunched her eyes shut and groaned through gritting teeth. Her hips shifted wildly on the bed. Ryan could see how rigid her thigh muscles were as she forced them to remain spread while desire tightened her body. The pubic hairs around her swollen lips were drenched with her juices as were her inner thighs. He'd never seen a more arousing sight in his life. Such a strong stab of lust went through him that his balls tightened uncomfortably.

  "I'll see what I can do about that," Ryan promised at the same time he gently popped first one pouting nipple and then the other, back and forth rapidly. Hope cried out, her back curving off the bed. The second he saw her flesh ripple in orgasm, he added a third taut slap to his rhythm, this one on her wet, spread pussy.

  His pops continued, rapid and taut—nipple, nipple, cunt, nipple, nipple, cunt.

  Hope screamed, her body shuddering in orgasm. He continued slapping her, his pace quickening as she convulsed in mindless pleasure. Ryan was hardly aware that he'd torn open the fly of his pants and shoved his hand into his boxer briefs. He stroked his cock madly as he played Hope's sweet, sensitive body with the crop like a maestro striking the finale on the keys of his instrument. When her screams segued to whimpers and cries as her climax slowed, he focused solely on her pussy, slapping her juicy tissues with firm, fast little vibrating strokes until she screamed full throttle all over again.

  Moments later he tossed the crop on the table, careless as to where it landed, and put one knee on the bed. He leaned down, palmed her jaw and ravaged her mouth with barely restrained lust. Potent, sweet, addicting woman, he thought dizzily as he pillaged her depths and she whimpered into his mouth. By the time he lifted his head they both gasped for air—she, straining to recover after her orgasm and he, desperately trying to rein in his splintering control.

  It took him a moment to realize she still clamped her eyes shut. He chuckled and gently kissed her eyelids. Not only was she intelligent, spirited and the essence of pure sexuality, Hope Stillwater was a natural submissive given the right man.

  Thank God she'd decided he was such a man.

  "Did you like that, beauty?" he whispered gruffly when she opened her midnight eyes and focused on his face.

  "If it wasn't a sin for me to allow it, surely it won't be one for me to say I liked it very much."

  Ryan chuckled. "You're a little witch, Hope Stillwater."

  "What do you mean by that?" she asked, seeming more concerned about his statement than interested in the fact that he leaned over to unfasten her left wrist from the headboard.

  "Turn over on your belly, beauty," he whispered. He waited while she flipped over and rapidly reaffixed the velvet rope. He recalled what Jack had said about keeping her restrained until he'd gotten all the photos he wanted and was extremely mindful of the gun pointed at him during those tense seconds.

  "I called you a witch because everything you say and every glance you give me casts a spell," Ryan murmured. Part of him was surprised by his blatant honesty, although another part wasn't. A woman, like Hope deserved nothing less, especially when she gifted him with her sincerity so generously time and again.

  "Oh. It was a compliment."

  "You seem relieved," he teased.

  "Ryan . . . may I give you pleasure now?"

  Ryan opened his mouth and closed it again, wondering all the while if he really would ever become accustomed to her sweetness.

  "It would please me very much to turn your beautiful bottom the same fetching shade as your gorgeous breasts."

  "Would it?"


  "Is that why you spanked me last night when—"

  "Shhhh," he hushed softly when eagerness made her voice volume escalate. The last thing he needed at this point was Jack realizing that he and Hope weren't strangers to one another. "Bring your knees up under you, Hope. That's right." For a second he just stared in mute amazement at the beauty of her naked back, narrow waist, curving hips and plump bottom.

  He carefully removed her long, curly hair from her face, running his hands over the length before he settled it out of her way. He reveled in the softness of it, the erotic sensation of the curls coiling around his fingers. One day soon, if he had his way about it, he would thrust his cock into the silky mass of curls.

  His cock throbbed dully at the mere thought.

  Ryan picked up the leather flogger from the table.

  "Lift up some more, beauty. Come up on your haunches," he said. "Put your bottom up in the air. Make it a nice target for me."

  Hope moaned softly as Ryan slid his hand across her exquisitely soft skin, showing her how he wanted her positioned. When she'd settled she was up on her knees, thighs spread, her chest and cheek pressed to the mattress, her arms restrained over her head.

  Under his guidance she'd parted her legs sufficiently enough for him to glimpse the wet, swollen folds of her sex between her white thighs.

  "That's right," Ryan mumbled. When he realized his hand was down his pants again, stroking his furious erection, he took a deep breath and released himself.

  He remained standing by the bed and ran the leather straps of the flogger over Hope's ass with his left hand. He decided to tease her lithesome thighs and partially exposed sex with the flogger, but her luscious ass was meant to be paddled.

  She squealed in surprise when he flicked the straps against her thighs.

  "Too much?" he asked, his hand immediately there to soothe the silken flesh.

  "No ... not really. It stung at first. Now it just tingles," Hope muttered thoughtfully.

  "Hold still, then."

  Ryan wasn't sure what to make of the fact that she didn't moan and struggle against her restraints when he flogged the back of her thighs and the plump, tender curve of her lower ass like she had when he'd used the crop. It excited him to sensitize her pale flesh with the leather flogger, but he was concerned about her subdued reaction.

  He paused in his flogging and slid the straps over her exposed pussy and up the crack of her ass. A visible convulsion rippled through her flesh. She gasped loudly, and Ryan realized for the first time she'd been holding her breath before.

  "Okay?" he murmured as he lowered the flogger, once again lightly brushing the straps over her wet pussy.

  "Yes ... ahhh . . . yes. It feels so . .."

  "What?" Ryan prompted when her voice trailed off.

  "Forbidden," she whispered so softly he barely heard her.

  He smiled, despite the fierceness of emotion that swept through him at that moment.

  "Would you like to try something even more for bidden j little witch?"

  She looked up at him with one eye in anxious excitement. He saw her force down a swallow.


  "Good," he said, realizing the single word had come out of his throat like a growl. He was doing his best to be patient, but her beauty and responsiveness had nearly unraveled his tightly coiled control on several occasions. Hope's seduction under these foul circumstances was the most awful and yet exquisite sexual torture Ryan had ever experienced.

  He felt her gaze on him as he returned the flogger to the table and picked up the stoppered bottle. He said nothing as he parted one of her ass cheeks and poured some of the oil on the tiny, pink ring of her rectum. She shivered when he used his fingertip to rub the oil into the sensitive skin of her perineum and then penetrated her asshole.

  She twisted her hips away from him.

  "Ohhhh ... Ryan, I don't think that's ... I don't believe you know what you're doing!"

  He chuckled as he stilled her waving fanny and pushed his forefinger into her asshole further. He closed his eyes briefly at the sensation of being clasped in smooth, tight heat.

  "I know what I'm doing, beauty." Do I ever, Ryan thought be-musedly as he began plunging his finger in and out of her tight hole. She moaned in mixed panic and arousal, still twisting
her hips. He put his knee on the bed and used his elbow and forearm to still her squirming bottom against his chest.

  "Ohhhh," she wailed as he held her immobile and finger-fucked her ass with gentle determination, lubricating and loosening the clenching hole. After a moment her wailing stopped, however. Silence prevailed. Both of them seemed to be holding their breath in tense excitement. When he gently inserted another finger into her ass, Hope groaned shakily.

  "Shhhh," Ryan soothed as he began to move in and out of her tight channel, this time with two fingers. "You see? You've gifted me with more than one sheath, beauty."

  He felt her muscles tighten around his fingers, the sensation making him grit his teeth in agonized arousal.

  "You do not plan to . .. no, Ryan. That would never work in a million years," Hope hissed.

  H e glanced back at her and saw that the cheek that was turned up was floridly pink..

  "Oh, it will work," Ryan assured, even as he slipped his fingers out of her ass and stood.

  "But not right this second. At the moment, I think I might have to give you a punishment."

  "Why?" she asked in surprise.

  Ryan set down the bottle of lubricant and picked up the foot-long wooden paddle from the table.

  "Do you remember when we were in the bathroom together, how I specifically asked you not to go anywhere with strangers?"

  "Well, yes—"

  "And did you do what I asked?"

  "Well, it was just Sadie," Hope mumbled, giving him a petulant look. She opened her mouth to defend herself further, but stopped when he opened his hand over her bare bottom. He couldn't stop himself from groaning in agony when he felt her soft, taut flesh curving into his palm.

  "I'm going to cut you some slack since you're new to this. I won't ever demand much of you, Hope, but if I ask you to do something for your safety, you'd best know from this point on that I'll take your agreement of it very seriously."

  She looked up at him, the whites of her eyes largely in evidence.

  "Don't be afraid. I told you I'd never harm you," he reminded her quietly.


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