Dynamics (Mists of the Fae Book 7)

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Dynamics (Mists of the Fae Book 7) Page 5

by Jaime Marks

  Looking around her quarters one last time Astryn silently said goodbye to the opulence of this life. She had never really cared for it anyway. Even if she couldn’t be with Kyle she wouldn’t be returning here. She wasn’t stupid enough to believe that Talerys wouldn’t play his hand if she went to Kyle. After this stunt it was very likely that she would end up on dishonored and isolated, but at least her life would be her own.

  She went to her closet and changed into her training clothes then began packing all of her training attire. The rest of her wardrobe consisted of gowns and really if she was going to run she’d have to fight. Gowns weren’t exactly practical.

  She slung the pack over her back and glanced back at the door. It was only a matter of time before her Father found her, but she had to try to reach King Cymeryn. She didn’t want to do this but she obviously couldn’t stay here and she’d promised Kyle that if she was ever in trouble she’d go to his Father. There were enough obstacles in their way. She wouldn’t start their relationship by going against the only thing he’d asked of her.

  If she could just make it to the Realm of Balance one of the Guardians should take her right to the Palace. She didn’t know if Lord Cymeryn would help her or not, but at least Kyle would know she’d tried to do as he asked before she sought other options. Her main issue would be gaining entrance to the realm and seeking an audience with the King of Night without King Mythos interfering. She knew he’d stand by her Father’s decision and she’d end up right back where she started.

  Astryn walked out on her balcony and climbed over the rail, trying not to look down. It was a good thirty foot drop down to the ground. She stared at the branch that was just over an arm’s length from her. All she had to do was hop over to that branch and shimmy down that tree to freedom. Really it was no big deal. Just a teensy fear of heights standing in her way.

  She closed her eyes and felt him. His strength and resolve to make it through whatever hell he was enduring flowed through her. She knew he was trying to block it from her, and maybe it was only in her head, but she knew in her soul that he was going to make it out of there. It gave her the last push she needed. Without a second thought she opened her eyes and jumped across to the branch, hanging onto it for dear life.

  Her eyes peeled wide when she inadvertently looked down. She might’ve screamed if she wasn’t more afraid of getting caught at the moment. Gulping air she forced herself to swing her legs up to the branch and inched over to the trunk. She held her breath until her feet were firmly on the ground.

  Quickly she made her way through the streets of the Capitol. If she didn’t make it to the meadow before her Father found out she was gone she’d be stuck. Once she made her way to the forest she would be fine as long as she kept her essence muted. She just had to find some way to get through the entryway. Hopefully there was a sentry there that she could convince to help her.

  It didn’t matter one way or another. Whatever happened she wasn’t going home if she couldn’t reach the Realm of Balance she’d go to Earth or seek transport to the Elemental Kingdoms. The Capitol was no longer her home.

  Chapter 4

  Kyle strained against the force that bound him. He had been forced to watch as Lazurys defiled his sister and Byryn. There was no telling what the consequences of that would be. He needed to get free if there was any hope. Each time he attempted to break free his wounds ripped open further. He had no idea how much of his essence had spilled to the floor of the cavern below him but he was amazed that he wasn’t passing out from the pain.

  “Why do you fight when you know my power is absolute?” Lazurys questioned as he stood before him.

  “My lord,” he bowed his head respectfully. Now was not the time to push his luck.

  “Indeed, but you do not fool me, young Prince. You have no desire to serve me. You are merely here because of your sister.”

  “I will not deny that of all my blood she holds the strongest bond, my lord. I won’t surrender her willingly to my Grandfather. She deserves to be revered for her strength. If her path leads her into Darkness then I’ll follow and remain at her side. My loyalty is to none but her…save you, Lord Lazurys. I know my place.” He kept his mind as blank as possible. He could only hope that there was enough truth in his words to gain the Dark Lord’s trust.

  “Perhaps…yet you will not submit to me. I can feel your resistance.” Lazurys studied him allowing his essence to flow over him, through him. “There is much you are hiding from me, boy.”

  Kyle remained silent. He couldn’t allow Lazurys free reign in his mind. He’d know the loyalty he held for Cymeryn and how much he despised this life. The bastard would root through and find anything he could use to break him down. If Lazurys knew the rage he felt for what he’d done to his sister he’d pay for it…or suffer the same fate.

  “You hide a weakness from me. I can sense it. There is another beyond your sister that you would protect…even from me. Who is she?”

  Fire spread through his veins and he grit his teeth to refrain from crying out in pain. If he showed even a hint of vulnerability to the Lord of Darkness it could mean his death. A warmth flowed through his soul momentarily and he felt the pull before he could close it off.

  “There she is…I see…you have found your mate.”

  Kyle gaped at Lazurys, “My what?”

  The Dark Lord chuckled, “Your mate, boy. Did you think a female could be so connected to you otherwise? You will tell me who she is.”

  He clamped down on every reserve he could. Whether she was his mate or not he wouldn’t allow her to be involved in this. Lazurys could never know who she was.

  “I will find out, Kyle. There is no way to hide her. How her fate proceeds is your choice to make. Reveal her to me and I will simply bring her to us and allow her to remain at your side. Binding her to you in Darkness with strengthen you both. I will grant her to you as reward for your loyalty once you submit freely to my will.”

  Lazurys smiled wickedly, “I almost hope that you choose to protect her. It would be so enjoyable to feed on the anguish that would flow through your bond as I tear her to shreds before you…Consider your decision carefully during your reprieve. I must attend to your Grandfather lest he realize I mean to refuse him his chosen bride. I am not done utilizing his skill. You are far from ready to stand against his scrutiny.” In a swirl of flame and ink he vanished.

  Kyle ground his teeth. Why the hell would he tell him that? Didn’t he mean to return him to Alayne? Wasn’t he letting him claim Star? The Dark Lord was talking in riddles and it worried him. It would almost be better if he only saw him as a pawn. What the hell could he possibly want with him?

  Shaking off his concern Kyle looked to the bed where his sister and her mate lay in a bloody heap. He hoped like hell that Byryn and Star hadn’t completely succumbed to Lazurys’ control because it was time to try to get the hell out of here. He wouldn’t be able to hold out much longer and he knew they had to be running out of time.

  Remembering the Dark Lord’s taunt about a hidden blood link he focused on his sire and attempted to reach him. “Byryn, wake up! Can you hear me?”

  When he didn’t respond he nearly panicked but stopped himself, forcing himself to focus on everything he’d learned. If he held Byryn’s blood, then he held Star’s. Even if he was only Gray that should mean some amount of Light. Light was love and if there was one thing Byryn and Star needed right now it was Light. He focused on his Mom, the good times they’d shared when he was young, everything she’d taught him about the world. He thought about Star, what it felt like to finally hold her safe in his arms. He even thought about Cymeryn, his Father, and how it felt to finally be wanted, to be loved again.

  Focusing all those emotions into his essence he let it flow through the connection he could feel between he and Byryn, trying to yell in his head as loud as he could. “Byryn!”

  He watch Byryn shift sluggishly on the bed, slowly sitting up before taking in Star.

e tried again, needing to reach him. “Can you hear me, Byryn?”

  Byryn’s head snapped up but he scanned the area in confusion. “Kyle?”

  “It’s true then. We are linked more deeply than sire and progeny.”

  “I’m sorry, Kyle. I should have told you myself, but we didn’t know how you would feel about it. It was the only way to save your life. I figured we had time to deal with it and I didn’t want you to think I was manipulating you. I wanted you to see who I was for yourself.”

  Kyle breathed deeply trying to shake off old insecurities because they had no place between them right now. If they were going to get Star out of there they needed to trust each other. “It doesn’t matter right now. How do you feel, Byryn?”

  “I’m still with you, Kyle.”

  He considered the framing of Byryn’s answer. He was guarding his responses in case Lazurys was monitoring his mind. “How is my sister?”

  “Physically fine. Her mind…I’m not sure. She’s sleeping so soundly I can’t really tell if she’s shifted or where her mind is at.”

  Kyle nodded to himself. There was nothing that could be done here anyway. If they remained in this realm, under Lazurys’ control, they would all endure torture that would strain their bodies, souls, and minds. “Can you mist now that you’ve taken the Dark Lord’s essence? It’s what allows the High Priest and Supryn the ability to enter the realm.”

  “If I try, he’ll know. It’s not worth the risk to attempt it on my own.”

  Kyle considered the risks, everything they faced. “Take her and go if you can, Byryn.”

  “Like hell! I’m not leaving you here. He’ll destroy you if we leave.”

  “Star’s safety is more important. Keep her safe. Find a way to keep her free from this life. What happens to me doesn’t matter. All I ask is that you protect…” He couldn’t say or think her name. It was too dangerous. “Talk to Marcus. The girl I danced with. Lazurys means to target her. There’s nothing I can do for her from here. If you wait until you can free me, you might not get the chance to leave. It could cost that girl her life and the consequences for Star could be irreversible.”

  There was a long pause and he could only hope he’d gotten through to him. Byryn had a code and by all rights Kyle was his now. He wouldn’t relinquish him easily, but the girls were so much more important. He wouldn’t let his sire risk his sister or…or her…for him.

  “Fine,” he finally relented, “but I’m not strong enough to attempt it yet. I need time to heal and so does Staryana. If I can’t reach you by the time I’m ready to try, I’ll leave you, but we will be back for you, Kyle.”

  “Don’t risk anyone for me. This was always my fate, Byryn. As long as my sister and…as long as they’re both safe I’m at peace with this choice.”

  “Listen to me, Kyle. I might agree to leave you here to keep your sister safe, but we will come. As your sire and blooded bond I’m commanding you to hang the hell on until we can reach you. Do you understand me?”

  “I’ll never just give in, Byryn. I’ll hold on as long as I can, but we should drop this for now.”

  “Agreed. There won’t be any warning. Be aware though, our time is almost up regardless.”

  Kyle cringed. He could only hope that Byryn was able to mist and their return would deter Cymeryn. The last thing he wanted was for anyone to sacrifice themselves for him, but he knew his Dad would. He needed him to look after the girl. He could feel her. If he could sense her from here they were definitely connected. Sooner or later Lazurys would figure out who she was and when he did her life would be in danger.

  She was too sweet and innocent to endure this hell. After seeing what Lazurys had put Byryn and his sister through he held no illusions. If the Dark Lord was able to reach her, if he brought her here, their fate would be the same because he couldn’t bear to let her suffer it alone.

  Cymeryn misted to the Realm of Light and stood there studying Alyrion Manor. There was no telling how Alyric was going to handle any of this but he suspected it would not be well. Marcus had returned to the Realm of Balance to make the necessary arrangements and explain what was going to happen. He would feel better were his twin here at his side.

  “I am always at your side, my brother,” Marcus’ voice echoed through his mind.

  “Perhaps, but that will not assuage Alyric a Alyrion’s fears or anger at what I am about to tell him. This would be much easier if you did not wish me to coddle the Fae. I am not exactly known for my compassion, brother.”

  “Trust in yourself. You will manage. If need be do not reveal the full reasoning for our protecting the girl.”

  Cymeryn nodded to himself. He had already decided that unless Alyric asked him directly he would not volunteer the fact that Astryn was Kyle’s true mate. She might not even know herself yet, though he suspected she did. Steeling his nerves he knocked on the door and waited.

  Lauryn a Baceryn opened the door and after a shocked gasp bowed into a curtsy. “Lord Cymeryn a Cymarcion, you honor our home with your audience.”

  “You may rise, Lady Lauryn. I am sorry to drop by unannounced but there are matters that have been made known which I must discuss with your family.”

  Lauryn rose and studied him curiously as she motioned for him to enter. “Of course, my lord. Our home is always open for the Kings and Queens of the Realms, as well as the entirety of the Lucerna Lines.”

  They entered the lavish home and Cymeryn noted that the manor was almost a small castle with its high ceilings and decorated archways. Wealth was evident at every turn and many Earthen relics decorated their hearths. There were large, gold framed paintings in the manner of the Human Baroque period. Vases and sculptures adorned pillars and tables. She led him into a large sitting room with a fireplace and large crystalline chandelier imbued with Light that illuminated the room. It was not unlike the manor he and Marcus had grown up in through their youth, though Cymarcion Manor was also adorned lavishly with gold and ruby to symbolize their station and their lineage.

  “Please, make yourself at home, my lord. I will return with Alyric and some refreshments.”

  He nodded respectfully but sought to ease her, “Thank you, Lady Lauryn, your respect honors me, but please, there really is no need. There are matters I must attend to so my stay will not be any longer than necessary. I would ask, however, that you also call the young Lady Astryn. What I have to relay concerns her greatly.”

  She hesitated but nodded before leaving the room. Cymeryn stood by the mantle studying its adornments. The Scholar’s scroll and cap, a quill and ink, all symbols of the study of knowledge were represented there. It was not surprising. Males typically displayed the symbols of their specialization and station on their hearths; although most males displayed the symbols of their Bonding on the manor’s main hearth as well. It was somewhat unusual that they were not in open view.

  A sudden air of distress permeated the house. Something was wrong. Closing his eyes he allowed his essence to flow through the grounds. Astryn was not home. He could only hope she was out with friends or at the Order.

  A few moments later Alyric entered with a forced calm settled over his demeanor. Bowing low in respect he greeted him, “My Lord Cymeryn a Cymarcion, to what do we owe the honor of your audience.”

  He rose a brow at the tension that he was reading from the Fae. Something about Cymeryn’s visit had him rattled and it was not as simple as his daughter being out. Nor was it Cymeryn’s past reputation. He watched him shrewdly trying to gauge the situation. “Rise Alyric. I would speak with your daughter as well.”

  He cleared his throat, “She is sleeping, my lord. I would be happy to relay any pertinent details.”

  Cymeryn breathed deeply attempting to bite down on the urge to reprimand the Fae for his lies. It was second nature, but there were better ways to handle the situation and it was no longer his way. Then again, lies and secrecy were the currency of the Shade, not the normal behavior of an honorable Fae such as Alyric a Alyrio

  “Alyric, what I have to say deals heavily with your daughter and could very well affect her safety. I can sense she is not in the manor. There are other pressing issues that also require my attention so let us not waste time with false pretenses.”

  The Fae visibly tensed as he seemed to consider his options. With a resigned sigh the Scholar met him in the eye. “Is this regarding Prince Kyle?”

  Cymeryn watched his reaction closely. “Indirectly.”

  Alyric shook his head. “Has he been freed?”

  “Not currently, but actions are being taken to retrieve the Princes and Princess of Balance as we speak,” he stated levelly with warning. It was close enough to the truth. Protecting Astryn was essential to freeing Kyle and this male would do well to remember to whom he spoke. Kyle was his son and he would tolerate no disrespect. “I need to know of your daughter, Alyric, and you are beginning to try my patience.”

  The Fae shifted uncomfortably. “I do not know where Astryn is. We do not, in truth, have the relationship we outwardly portray. We…argued this eve. I locked her in her suite but she appears to have managed to take her leave.”

  Cymeryn ground his teeth. Based on his line of questioning he could well guess what they had argued regarding, but he paused to consider the ramifications of the situation. “Are you certain she left of her own accord?”

  Alyric studied him now, appearing concerned though his distrust and anger still prevailed. “She was angry enough to have run off and all of her training attire as well as one of her packs are missing. It would not be the first time she has managed it.”

  “Am I correct in assuming she cannot mist?”

  “No, she has not yet awakened to her full body of Light. If I had to guess I would say she somehow managed to climb out of her balcony.”


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