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Dynamics (Mists of the Fae Book 7)

Page 13

by Jaime Marks

  She had studied her oddly for a few minutes as Steph got up and started getting ready before leaving her. When she came downstairs she fell into what she had always assumed was her regular routine. Cereal, teeth, check her bag, grab her lunch money, out the door to the bus stop and on her way.

  She wondered now how they had managed to pull it off. No one had acted like she was the new kid. A couple of the kids talked to her like they had known her forever and she remember thinking it felt odd but she had shrugged it off. She had memories of them, knew where they were in their books, and even had homework ready. Why would she have questioned that reality? There weren’t any memories to contradict it, just an odd sense that something wasn’t right, like she didn’t belong there.

  Mythos’ arms tightened around her drawing her back to the present. “I am sorry you had to go through that, Stephynia. We will find him. I promise you, we will get your Father back.”

  She nodded, burying her face in his hair. She accepted his comfort as he caressed her, easing the pain she felt at how her life was stolen from her. In some ways she understood, but that didn’t change the anger she felt or the fear that it could happen again.

  She turned her head allowing him to kiss her. He deepened the kiss, she didn’t have to tell him what she needed, he already knew. His passion enveloped her and she let herself get lost in it as he found her core, thrusting deeply inside her. She didn’t want to feel anything else right now. She’d have to deal with her emotions and past eventually but for right now all she wanted was him.

  Chapter 11

  Astryn woke with a start as a flash of Light lit up the room. There were voices and thuds but the flash had been so bright that it was taking her eyes a moment to adjust. She held the covers tightly to her, not that there was anything to hide, she was still in her training robes. She hadn’t bothered to change before lying down and she didn’t have anything better with her anyway. The door flew open and words were exchanged, everything was confusing.

  “Astryn, I need you to move over,” King Marcus commanded. “Kato get the Gray Healers at once.” That was when she realized that Kyle was in his arms.

  “Oh my Lucerna!” She cried throwing the covers back and moving over to make room for Marcus to lie him down. She hardly recognized him. If her essence and his weren’t immediately draw to each other’s she might have thought it wasn’t really him.

  “Astryn…” Her name was a plaintive cry from his lips and it shook her to reality. She knelt beside him carefully taking his hand, not really sure if she was hurting him or not.

  “I’m right here, Kyle,” she spoke softly trying to keep herself calm. She felt like she was about to lose it and tear each of the Fae in that room apart for allowing this to happen. It wasn’t their fault. She knew that, but she couldn’t help her anger and fear. “Can you hear me?”

  He didn’t turn towards her or even squeeze her hand, but she felt his essence wrap around her. It was almost a physical force pulling her closer and she had to forcefully resist it to keep from leaning against him. “No Kyle, you’re hurt, badly. I won’t leave you but I can’t touch your skin.”

  Lord Marcus raised a brow at her, the corner of his mouth curling slightly as if he wanted to laugh. “Well, at least we know he is somewhat aware of his surroundings,” he stated sounding slightly amused. “Stay with him, Astryn. Keep talking to him. Letting him feel your presence will anchor him here and give him a reason to fight.”

  She nodded. “He had better fight or I’ll kick his ass.”

  King Cymeryn chuckled from the other side of the room where he stood holding a female who appeared to be no better off than Kyle. Prince Byryn lay on the ground beside them unconscious. “I believe, my dear, you will be exactly what my son needs to get through this.” His voice was soft and she would have mistaken it for being happy if his face wasn’t so strained. He was trying to keep her calm.

  Kato rushed into the room followed by three Healers. They split, each attending to one of the injured Fae. She watched as the one standing beside the bed allowed her essence to flow over Kyle.

  “I am Healer Sanytia,” she stated. “I will begin to treat his wounds. You may remain in contact but you must be careful not to flood him too much with your essence until he is more stable. You are his mate?” She nodded without hesitation. “Good. He needs to feel you are with him. It will give him strength and help him to heal.”

  She focused her essence on his chest not bothering to look at Astryn as she spoke. She reached over and took her free hand guiding it to Kyle’s head. Sanytia laid her hand on his forehead. “Keep hold of his hand but he needs to feel you in his mind. Allow your essence to flow freely there. Do not force it.”

  Kyle shifted and breathed her name. It was almost as if it was a sigh of relief.

  “See, it eases him,” the Healer smiled continuing her work.

  “Are you alright, Astryn?” Kato spoke softly behind her.

  She nodded again holding onto her resolve. “I can handle this, Kato. I have to, for him.”

  She felt him squeeze her shoulder but he left her go. She knew he was asking because of her aversion to blood but she didn’t see the blood. All she saw was Kyle. Whatever she needed to do to help him she would.

  It felt crazy in a respect, but she knew this was how the bonding worked. When it began it was like getting swept up in a storm until everything balanced. He was her true mate. She didn’t question it. She didn’t bother to try to justify or deny it. It was something so simple, and she knew it deep in her soul. She was his and she would do whatever she needed to do to save him.

  Cymeryn watched as Astryn tended to Kyle. There was no question, she was his mate. The way the boy’s essence reached for her instinctually left no room for doubt. He wanted to tend to the boy himself. Marcus and he would have to heal him, and likely Byryn, but first he needed to figure out what to do about Tatyna. He turned his attention to the female in his arms.

  Thankfully the Healer had covered her with a sheet. Being so close to the female, holding her to his chest, naked, even in her wounded state was making his skin crawl. It was the bonding. He was bound to Reyana. Touching another even as innocently as this was having repercussions.

  He wanted to release her to the care of the Healer and be done with it, but he had a responsibility to the Kingdom to ensure that once she was healed she would not be capable of being a threat. Moreover she was his progeny. It was his duty to see to her care every bit as much as it was to see to Kyle. In truth he was terribly worried for her physical wellbeing and afraid of what state of mind she would be in when she finally awoke. Tatyna was not Sacred Borne. It would be a long and difficult recovery for her.

  “How do you want to proceed, Cymeryn?” Marcus interrupted his thoughts. “She needs care, but obviously she cannot stay here.”

  He nodded. “The only recourse for now is to move her to a cell. The colony is ready but I do not trust sending her in there in this weakened state. She would be far too vulnerable and security is not set enough to leave a Healer with her long term as would be necessary regardless.”

  “But is that your intention? To move her to the colony?” Marcus asked skeptically.

  His twin knew well the complicated emotions he held for Tatyna. Guilt for how he had treated this female weighed on him terribly and he did care for her greatly, but their relationship was complex and difficult. He did not love her and he would not be with her. Her jealousy and rage would make her a threat and he had cultivated both in her well.

  Cymeryn sighed. “I do not know what to do with her yet. Obviously unless she seeks Redemption there is no other an option but I do not wish to see her imprisoned or mistreated. Nor do I not feel comfortable with her in the Palace with Reyana…”

  He nearly growled in frustration. He needed a moment from her to clear his mind and he needed to tend to Kyle. “Marcus, I know it will not be any more comfortable for you but can you take for a few minutes so I can see to my son?”

  His brother tensed. “I don’t think that’s a good idea, Cymeryn. You are able to hold her because you are her sire. It lessens the effects of the bond somewhat, but I have no connection to her aside from you. Honestly, the best thing we can do is get her secured in the holding cell. I know you feel responsible for her and her situation but I don’t think it’s wise to encourage her connection to you in anyway.”

  He looked up to his twin allowing him to feel the state of his mind. The guilt he felt for what Tatyna had endured and the connection he had for her as her sire at this point were breaking him in a way. He could not manage this on his own and it sickened him that he would be so vulnerable, so weak.

  Marcus rested his hand on his shoulder. “It’s not weakness mine twin. You care for her as her sire and feel or what she has been through. It is love, but never weakness. We will do this together.”

  Cymeryn watched as he turned to address the others. Grifyn was in the room at Byryn’s side now and Kato stood overseeing everything. He suspected that Demytria was in the hall but was too distracted to verify it. “Kato, we need a cell readied for Tatyna. Have a bed, one we use for the unawakened, moved down there so she will be comfortable. Healers will be in the cell with her so there will need to be two Guardians on hand at all times, but I also want two in the cell while the Healers are attending.”

  Kato bowed, “My lord.”

  “Uh, wait,” Grifyn seemed to be collecting himself. “Check with Demytria first to ensure there weren’t any last minute changes to the roster, but reassign Valeryn and Sheyna to the guard her. Wycelion and Gavyn can be in the cell when the Healers are there, neither has a current assignment.” Kato nodded and left.

  Looking to Cymeryn Grifyn explained, “Demytria and I have been sharing duties in your absence to better coordinate. She’s been helping to manage the Personal Guard and overseeing assignments.”

  “Wycelion?” Cymeryn requested, confused as to why they would be assigning him.

  He nodded without taking his eyes off Byryn. “He approached Demytria about joining the Securine while you were busy. He wants to serve under you. Demytria spoke with and sparred with him. She was impressed. We both think it would be prudent to have him run through the Academy once you and Devyn set it up, but she expects him to test out in less than a week. I allowed her to field the request as they share a rapport and the boy seemed more comfortable dealing with her. I’ll pull more coverage later but they are the only Fae in realm that I can think of who aren’t already assigned. Sheyna and Valeryn are assigned to Felycia but Devyn never leaves her side.”

  “It is fine, Grifyn. I was just confused.”

  In truth he was pleased that Demytria was stepping into her role. She had been acting Head of the Night Branch of the Securine for days though they had not discussed it with the others and she did not yet hold the title. Not only had it been necessary with Byryn’s absence and his distraction, but he wanted them to see that she could handle this on their own before he addressed it.

  “Is he going to be alright, Cymeryn?” Grifyn demanded. “Why is he unconscious? The Healer isn’t finding an injury.”

  Cymeryn did not respond. He had no way of knowing until he could fully sense the boy. Taking him to the Dark Domain before they had chance to fully rebalance his essence had been a risk, but Byryn had insisted that they wait no longer. At the time he had agreed readily. In hindsight however, it had not been the wisest choice and he feared the repercussions.

  He watched as Marcus went over and rested his hand on Byryn’s head. “He will be fine, Grifyn. His essence needs to be rebalanced.” He looked up at Cymeryn, “We need to tend to Star when she returns as well. Not having the Night essence to balance their Light with their Gray will cause issues. The time he spent in the Dark Domain with the saturation of Darkness has him so imbalanced he is reacting similarly to a Fae with Shade Sickness. Once we rebalance him he should be fine.”

  Cymeryn looked to the bed. “Healer Sanytia, how is my son?”

  “It is bad, my lord. His wounds are deep and there are broken ribs and bones.” She looked up momentarily meeting his eyes before refocusing on Kyle. “He needs either your ability to heal him or Prince Byryn to assist him. I do not know that there is more that I may do.”

  “Is he stable?” Cymeryn demanded.

  “Yes, but he may not stay that way. His breathing is very harsh. I am afraid one of his ribs may have repunctured his lungs.”

  He heard Astryn gasp but she did not move nor did she stop whispering in his ear. Her strength was fierce.

  “Let me take her, Cymeryn,” Demytria’s voice came from behind him and he turned in surprise. He had not noticed her approach in his distraction.

  “Are you certain, Demytria?”

  “I won’t hurt her and she’ll recognize my essence enough for it to soothe her. I was just about your second and I pretty much am now. Your son needs you. I may not like her, but she’s your progeny. It wouldn’t be the first time I have tended to her. I’ll do my I always have,” she reminded him.

  It was true. When she stood at his side it was she who looked after the wellbeing of his progeny and the upper ilk of his faction. As Shade he could not show such kindness but she, as female, had more leeway to manage the injured. Most Shade would have reprimanded her for it, claiming it was a waste of energy. In their world it was their own weakness that saw them wounded. He, however, had always rewarded her for caring for what was his when he could not.

  He nodded and she sat beside him. They carefully shifted Tatyna’s broken form between them. “Thank you, Demytria.” There was so much more he wanted to say but there were no words or actions that were proper.

  She nodded, meeting his eyes with acceptance and understanding. “Go.”

  Marcus helped him to his feet and they went to the bed, each laying a hand on the boy as their essence flowed over him. They focused on his lungs and heart, stabilizing him. His body was healing on its own but with the damage he had sustained he easily could have died without intervention.

  Why had Lazurys not healed him? If he wanted him dead he would be, but the Dark Lord never left the subjects of his amusement so battered to die on their own. The only explanation was they were meant to find him in this state. Lazurys had released him and left him so near death to torture Cymeryn, as he had with Tatyna.

  Astryn went to move her hand back but he stilled her with a hand on her shoulder. “No. He needs to feel you. Our essence will not harm you, Astryn.”

  She nodded and hesitantly placed her hand back on his head. “I can feel it. I wasn’t sure what to do.”

  “I will never do anything that would harm you. You are my son’s mate. One day you will be my Fae in law through that bond. I may not be your Father, but I will always look after you as if you were my own.”

  She did not respond but went back to whispering in Kyle’s ear as she watched the wounds on his chest begin to close and the bruising start to fade. It was a slower process than he would have thought but the wounds were extensive. There was fluid in one of his lungs.

  “He will be fine, Cymeryn. Honestly if Reyana were here she would laugh at you and say you were worse than a mother hen,” Marcus teased attempting to alleviate the mood.

  “No worse than you with Star, twin of mine. She would harass me though, simply to get me to relax. I miss her.”

  Marcus smiled and nodded. “We need some time alone once things settle. At least an eve. We owe it to her.”

  “Indeed. Our bonding eve was far from how any of us intended. While cementing the bond was nothing short of amazing, the circumstances were less than ideal.”

  “Agreed. I was thinking another trip to Luxyion Falls. We can rest and sleep at your spot near the lake.”

  “That is our spot now brother. Surely after our last two visits you do not doubt that.”

  Cymeryn studied him as the corner of his mouth lifted, the images of the three of them by the lake flowing through his mind. He did not answer,
but then he knew he did not need to.

  “Um, I mean this with the highest respect, but could you perhaps have this conversation, I don’t know…later, my lords?” Astryn asked a slight blush on her face.

  Cymeryn and Marcus exchanged embarrassed glances and chuckled to themselves. Their essence was flowing through Kyle and hence Astryn. While Kyle would not pick up on their thoughts or feelings in his state, apparently Astryn had in some way.

  “I apologize, Astryn. We did not think you would sense our emotions.” Though judging by her reaction she had likely picked up more than just mere emotions.

  She shrugged shyly not meeting either of their eyes. Cymeryn shook his head. She may have fire and spirit but she was far more innocent than she let on. It was careless of them to not block their thoughts and emotions from her. Although the fact that she had been able to sense them at all was somewhat telling and something he had wondered about.

  Kato approached. “Would you prefer we wait to move, Tatyna?”

  He glanced at Marcus and then over to his progeny. “How is she Healer?”

  “She is stable, my lord. The wounds are extensive but moving her will not harm her further.”

  He met Marcus’ eyes before turning to Kato. “I will entrust her care to you, Demytria, and the Healers.”

  Kato bowed and left to retrieve a stretcher.

  “It’s the right thing to do, Cymeryn, for both of you,” Demytria spoke quietly. “You can’t risk encouraging her connection to you. It would only confuse her if you did.”

  He nodded but did not reply. He knew it was for the best and in truth he was uncertain that they would be able to heal her any better than the Healers could. They could heal the Sacred Borne because there was some connection between them all. Tatyna, however, was not Sacred Borne.

  “We have no proof that Kyle is either,” Marcus reminded him. “We can try if you wish.”

  He shook his head. “It will not work on her. I am certain. Kyle is different…” He hesitated thinking better of speaking his thoughts in front of Astryn. Carefully he shielded her from their thoughts. “He is only seventeen and his strength is immeasurable. Aside from that, Astryn would not pick up on our emotions and thoughts so easily were they not Sacred Borne. I have sensed the girl, Marcus. Feel her. Do you not sense a touch of Lunyan essence despite the fact that she is not Gray?”


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