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Dynamics (Mists of the Fae Book 7)

Page 16

by Jaime Marks

  Byryn smirked. “Astryn huh?”

  Kyle shrugged looking dejected. “Poor girl.”

  Really it hadn’t surprised him that they were mates. When he’d talked to her after the Claimings she’d felt a lot like Narysia did to him; that familiarity that should be family, almost a sister and somehow not. Wycelion had mentioned that Narysia felt a lot like Staryana did to him but that hadn’t fully made sense. When he’d sensed Astryn it had confused him even more because the feeling with the girl had been new, and definitely stronger than what he’d felt from Narysia. It wasn’t until he saw Astryn watching Kyle before the Bonding Rituals that it had all made sense, especially since Staryana had felt the connection to Astryn right when she’d first met her.

  What he and his brothers were sensing with the girls was the innate connection to their blood. Astryn and Narysia’s mates were of them. Kyle might not be their lineage, but he was Cymeryn’s progeny and Byryn’s blood ran through his veins now. If he were honest, the bond between them was more intimate to him than it was with his brothers, but his line would still feel a familial connection to him.

  With Narysia the knowledge that her mate was connected to his blood made him nervous as hell. He had no idea who her mate could be but some of his brothers were downright dangerous. His sunshine was too sweet and innocent to be exposed to most of them.

  Astryn on the other hand had been a relief. Talerys was an ass and he knew Kyle wouldn’t stand for the way that bastard treated her. As much of a dick as he used to think Kyle was, he didn’t have any doubt that he would take care of her and respect her.

  “You’re not a bad guy, Kyle,” Byryn offered turning his full attention back to their conversation.

  “No, I was just born Shade and because of the fact that I escaped, and some deity I’m not even sure I believe in, let alone respect, decided that she should be connected to me, she gets to spend the rest of her existence looking over her shoulder. I’m such a blessing for her,” Kyle scoffed. “I’d walk away and save her the headache but that would just leave her vulnerable. Aside from you, Demytria, and Dad I don’t believe anyone else would be able to adequately protect her. Even if I died she’d never be free because Syneous would hunt her down just for the hell of it.”

  “Do you love her?”

  His eyes bulged momentarily. “Honestly, I don’t even know her. I’ve spent less than ten hours with her, over half of which I was unconscious.”

  Byryn smirked. “And that matters how exactly? You remember how I was with your sister. I spoke to her once. That’s all it took.”

  Kyle looked down but grinned. He didn’t respond but then he didn’t have to. Byryn could hear him almost as clearly as he could Staryana. He did love her, even if he didn’t want to admit it, and it would kill him to lose her. It was a feeling he understood.

  “Exactly. You can fight it if you want, Kyle, but you said it yourself. Walking away isn’t an option. You enjoy having her close, you feel strongly for her, so just let it happen, man.”

  He sighed as if he were contemplating something and for a moment, his thoughts were confused and difficult to follow. He noticed that happened a lot when he was weighing out different options. It was like he knew what he wanted but threw a thousand conflicting reasons at himself about why he shouldn’t pursue it, or why it was or wasn’t wrong. His progeny was a lot more fragile than he ever let anyone know.

  For a moment Byryn had to fight the urge to pull him close. He wanted to comfort him, take away his pain, but they weren’t there yet. Kyle wouldn’t appreciate any sort of physical gesture from him and he didn’t want to make him feel like things between them were anything like he’d been through in the past. Trust took time.

  “I was thinking…maybe…” He turned to face Byryn and blew out an exasperated breath. “How does courting work?”

  He shrugged. “It’s basically a public declaration that you’re dating, only maybe a little more serious than that because it holds a pretty strong commitment. Only the head of her line or Custyion, what you would consider like a foster parent or guardian, can grant the Right of Courting. A female can unofficially court up to five males, called suitors, at a time under the supervisor of her Father or Custyion, but usually they adhere to the ideology that a Fae only has one true mate so that’s rare. Males have to remain dedicated and faithful to the female if they want to remain her suitors, but only one male can be granted officials rights at a time. Generally if you’ve declared your courting it’s with the intention of performing the Bonding down the road.”

  Kyle nodded. “Thanks.”

  “Gonna make the declaration?”

  “I think I have to. Her Father tried to force her to choose a suitor. Apparently he’s promised her to Talerys and told her either she has to accept him or choose someone else. Even before I came into the picture he had her entertaining suitor after to suitor that she couldn’t stand.” Kyle shook his head. “I won’t sit by and watch her go through that shit. I don’t know what it is with that male, Talerys, but she’s afraid of him. The only way I can protect her from the crap Alyric puts her through is to court her myself. I’m sure Mythos will fight it, but I don’t exactly plan to declare it in front of him. I figure I can deal with Kato and Marcus or Reyana. I don’t want Dad to be accused of favoritism.”

  Byryn grimaced. “Staryana and I have had run interference between her and Talerys before. Like I said that night at the ball, I don’t trust him. There’s just something off about him. I don’t think he’s Tainted, I should’ve been able to sense it, but really he’s too possessive and controlling for me to dismiss it.”

  He ran through his lessons on Fae custom for something that could help. Staryana would know what to tell him immediately. She was always so good about her studies.

  “Don’t quote me on this, but I believe when the most recent suitor declares their Courtship, he can be granted First Rights, mainly because if any of the previous suitors were her mate they would already be discussing her Bonding and she wouldn’t have accepted anymore. Also, unless they approached Kato directly the others can’t invoke their rights or request her Bonding without first reinstating their claim. So if you make the declaration now you should have all the power because you’re the only one who went through the proper channels.”

  “Thanks, I appreciate your help with this, Byryn. Hopefully you’re right about the First Rights thing. I really don’t like the idea of anyone trying to force this shit on her.”

  “No problem. I like Astryn. She doesn’t deserve that crap.” He met his eyes a moment. “And your my progeny, Kyle, more than that we’re blood bound. I’m here for you, whatever you need.”

  Kyle turned to him with an odd look. “You should go in. See your son, check on Felycia. You need to see them as much as they need to see you. As much as it sucks, we’re gonna have to fake our way through normalcy awhile until it feels well, normal again. Well, you and Star will at least. I hadn’t exactly had a chance to adjust to begin with. Besides,” he smirked, “there’s a bonus to realizing how connected I am to you. I can keep better tabs on Astryn when you’re there and I can’t be.”

  Byryn chuckled, “I see.”

  Kyle sighed getting serious for a moment. “I trust you, Byryn. It took a while, but I get it. If I can’t be with Astryn, there’s no one I would want looking after her more than you; not even Dad. I trust him, I know I can count on him, but…it’s different between us for some reason.”

  “I’m glad you trust me, because we’re kind of stuck, you and me. I chose to save your life and now we’re blood bound. The connection is almost as strong as Marcus and Cymeryn’s is as twins. I feel what you’re feeling, hear what you’re thinking, and I know the reverse is true. We need to trust each other and learn to adapt to it, Kyle. We also need to learn to work together.” Byryn studied him with a sigh. “So, in the spirit of that, yeah, I’ll force myself to get over my shit and go join them so I can keep an eye on her. I can’t promise I’ll stay long, tho
ugh. My head is fucked up. I do much better with this shit with your sister by my side.”

  “Thanks.” They clasped forearms. “I’m…You know I’m here for you too, right?”

  Byryn nodded offering him a small smile. “I know.”

  Taking a deep breath he walked over and opened the door. Everyone froze when he entered the sitting room. It felt surreal.

  He couldn’t meet their eyes right away. “I, uh, thought I’d join you guys for breakfast and see how everyone was doing.”

  “Daddy!” Kylion sprang from his Dad’s lap and ran right into his arms.

  He wrapped his arms around him lifting him into a strong hug. “I missed you little one.”

  “Is Mama home too?” His eyes were pleading. The poor kid had been through so much.

  Byryn forced a smile. “Yeah, she is spider monkey. She’s just resting for now. You can see her later, ok?”

  He nodded excitedly and Byryn ruffled his hair feeling almost normal. He kept his son in his arms and took his usual seat on the lounge. “How are you, little sis?”

  Felycia smiled. “I’m good. You ok?”

  “Yeah. I’m tight,” he replied with his general answer. No reason to make anyone worry.

  “Can we talk later? I was…thinking of testing out of advanced studies.”

  He nodded. “Of course. You know Dad and Mom could’ve helped you with that, right?” It was so new and weird to call Grifyn and Trina her parents as well as his own, but it also felt right.

  “I know, and I actually already talked to them. I just kind of wanted you to know what I was thinking.”

  “Alright, you know I’m always here for you,” he stated plainly and let it drop. Anything too heavy would be overwhelming right now.

  Instead he turned to Steph who was sitting on Mythos’ lap beside him. “How are you feeling, sprite?” She blushed and he laughed. “Never mind. You really don’t have to answer that.”

  Mythos chuckled and kissed her neck. “It is good to have you home, Byryn.”

  He nodded absently but chose not to respond. He really didn’t want to discuss anything that would lead to questions about what he’d been through. He looked over to a small sofa that had been added where Kato sat with Demytria in his lap. Astryn sat beside them looking annoyed and bored.

  “Good morning, Astryn. It’s good to see you again. How are you?”

  “I’m fine,” she huffed, it was clear she didn’t want to be there. After a moment she met his eyes as if she’d just realized who she was talking to and her expression softened slightly. “It’s good to see you, too.”

  Something was bothering her. Maybe she just wanted Kyle. She was safe though so it wasn’t as if he was going to try to make her tell him what was going on in here. They barely knew each other and while they would probably be spending a lot more time together than she probably realized, he wasn’t really sure how much she trusted him yet.

  Holding her gaze he let his essence flow over her freely. “Alright, if you need anything, and I mean anything, you let me know, ok?”

  She looked at him and raised a brow but nodded politely. It probably confused her that she could sense Kyle through him to begin with, but he was looking through his eyes. Mates had a way of knowing their other half’s essence in any form.

  “Oh Byryn!” Steph exclaimed excitedly drawing his attention. “I think I have some prototypes ready to test for the telecommunications system. We really need to get it working soon.”

  He shook his head with a smirk. “You’re such a geek, sprite. We can test it later as long as Staryana is feeling better. I don’t want to go far until I’m sure she’s alright.”

  “Yeah, I really want to see her. I’ve been so worried.”

  He nodded absently checking his watch as silence fell over the room. All their eyes were on him. They wanted to know what happened, if he was alright, how Staryana was, but it was too much. He needed a way out. “Almost time for school, little one. Should I walk you down?”

  He nodded slowly. “If I have to go.”

  “I’ll tell you what. You only have to go for a few hours today. If after that you still don’t want to be there I won’t make you stay longer. How does that sound?”

  “Yay!” He cheered. “But you need to tell Hyracen. He’d never let me leave early. He’s been a big meanie since you and Mama left.”

  “He has only been trying to keep you out of trouble, Kylion,” Dad laughed. “You’re more of a handful than you realize.” He’d been sitting back, quietly watching him.

  That was the thing with Grifyn. He always knew when he needed his space and he’d never call him out in front of everyone else. Byryn wasn’t kidding himself, though. If his Dad got him alone he’d make him talk this through. He wasn’t anywhere near ready to do that. He could handle Kyle. He needed to talk to Staryana, but he just couldn’t face the rest of them right now.

  Byryn turned his attention to his son and his mischief. He smiled and it wasn’t forced. Kylion always made everything feel Lighter. The longer he sat there with him the easier it was. As long as no one wanted to talk about what happened, anyway.

  “Come on. You can even ride on my back this morn, spider monkey.” He stood and let Kylion climb up. “I’ll be checking in on the unawakened if anyone needs me.”

  “We will talk later, Byryn,” His Dad warned as he went to leave.

  He sighed. He’d successfully avoided it last night but he knew it was coming. “I know, but not now, Dad.”

  He walked out of the suite and down the corridors, bouncing Kylion slightly on his back. He needed to hold onto normal somewhat right now. Taking care of his son, keeping up with his duties, that’s what he needed. Maybe Kyle was right, if he faked normal long enough it would stop feeling so fake.

  Chapter 15

  Felycia sighed. She knew Byryn and something was off. Whatever happened had screwed up his head. She hadn’t seen him like that since after her attack. Lazurys had made him do something and he no longer trusted himself. It was the only explanation. Since he was allowing himself to be separated from Star it didn’t look good.

  “Try not to worry, Felycia,” Devyn whispered in her ear. “You must give him time to deal with whatever he has endured.”

  She nodded. “What do you think he’ll say about the Securine?”

  “I believe he will be every bit as proud of you as I am. Although I am biased because it allows me to keep you close.” He kissed the curve of her neck. “Before I get distracted, are you ready to deal with what we discussed last eve?”

  She thought about it a moment. “You sure you want me to use the same words? You said I shouldn’t use them again.”

  “It is necessary to make the point,” he reasoned kissing her again before clearing his throat. “I realize that we are absent the Kings and Queen of Balance, as well as the Princes and Princess, but Felycia brought a concern to me last eve that I feel should be addressed promptly.”

  Grifyn studied her looking slightly worried. “Is everything alright, Felycia?”

  “Yeah Dad, it’s just…I’ve noticed somethings lately and I wasn’t sure how I should feel about it or even what to do,” she replied hesitantly. “This is all sort of new…”

  “Felycia, you are my daughter, blood of my blood, now of the Grifyion lines. You may come to myself or your Mother with any issue, but you have just as much right to speak here and be heard as the rest of us,” Grifyn assured her. “All of us, the entirety of this family is here for you.”

  “I know. Devyn said the same and I realize that in a way it’s also my responsibility but…” She glanced at Devyn and he nodded, squeezing her hand in reassurance. “I just wasn’t really sure that my opinion would be welcomed or respected.”

  “I realize that this is new to you, Felycia, but I wish you to know that you are part of this family, the Lucerna Lines,” Mythos spoke responding to her concerns. “We, as a group, rule the Kingdoms and make the laws and decrees that dictate our customs. The Ki
ngs and Queens may sit on the throne and help to mediate when there are issues, but it is the entirety of these lines; Mythion, Cerulyion, Cymarcion, Devyion, Grifyion, Verthyrion, and Terisyion, as well as those bound as our mates, who rule. This includes you now. If anyfae has made you feel otherwise, please tell us so we may clear the air. It is important that you feel at ease with this.”

  Felycia drew a deep breath and looked down at her hands before meeting him in the eye. “Actually, Lord Mythos, I mean no disrespect, but it was you who made me feel that maybe I shouldn’t involve myself.”

  Mythos looked as if she had slapped him. “Me?”

  She nodded not really comfortable with this, but Devyn took her hand letting his essence flow through her. Really without him and her new parents here she doubted she would have said anything. Making waves like this wasn’t her thing. It was a lot easier and safer to just fly under the radar.

  He studied her a moment. “Felycia, it was never my intention to alienate you in anyway. Please, tell me how I have made you uncomfortable so that I may correct it. I realize you are more familiar and perhaps more comfortable with Cymeryn, but you should feel able to come to me to address any issue that should arise. It is my duty as your King, and I hope as your friend, to make this right.”

  Felycia breathed deeply and Devyn squeezed her hand again. “It is alright, Felycia. He will not be angry with you. Not only does he need to hear this but you need to know that he will hear you and take you seriously.”

  She nodded and exhaled studying Mythos. “I know it wasn’t your intention, but you make it very obvious how you feel about Kyle because you know about his past. It made me wonder what you would think if you knew about my past, if you would be so quick to welcome me. You all say that the awakening gives us a clean slate, and that Redemption does as well, but it isn’t easy to forgive those who have hurt you. I know that better than anyone. I figured maybe it would just take time, but then last night…” She hesitated turning to Kyle’s mate. “I’m sorry, Astryn. I hope this doesn’t offend you but I need to use your situation as an example.”


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