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Dynamics (Mists of the Fae Book 7)

Page 19

by Jaime Marks

  Stopping in front of her he gripped her chin firmly enough to let her feel his dominance without actually hurting her and leaned down until they were practically breathing the same air. “There will be nowhere to hide, Staryana, because I will own every part of you. It shifts us from equal footing and you become mine, completely. It means I own you. Your body is mine. Your mind is mine. Your very heart and soul are mine. All to use to meet my needs and desires regardless of how Dark or debase they may be. It means you gift me that control. You submit to all of it and if you don’t I will punish you for it because you are mine. Now tell me, Staryana, is that what you want, because I’m about a breath away from giving into the urge to take you through your paces.”

  Squatting down he released her and brought himself to her level so she could look into his eyes and see that he wasn’t bluffing. He was so tightly reined in at the moment that his restraint was about to snap. He wanted her to see it, to be afraid. He wanted her to tell him no before he took away that right, but the glint in her eye told him it wasn’t going to happen.

  “That’s right, Byryn. I’m your mate. There are no other females and if there were you would be physically ill from it.” The look in her eyes as she said it told him he was probably lucky he had no desire for other females. She held his gaze steadily, making sure she felt the demand as she spoke. “If you need this who else is going to give it to you? And if I want this who are you to deny me?”

  He smirked at that fire he saw in her. She wanted this and it fed the beast in him like nothing else. Reaching out he caressed her cheek in admiration before gripping her jaw roughly. “You’re about to find out. Remove those delicious silk panties then kneel. I want your hands clasped behind your back and your eyes on the floor. This how you will present your body to me.”

  He stepped back watching as she complied. He removed the belt from his robes and threw it over his shoulders as he disrobed, measuring her while he spoke. “When I did this with my slaves they had no say. I didn’t care what happened to them or how they felt about it. You are not a slave, Staryana, and you never will be, so this is how this is going to go…You know what a safe word is, baby?”

  She nodded. “I say it, you stop.”

  “Exactly. This goes too far you stop me. Don’t just take it because you think it’s what I need or want. I swear if you do I will never go here with you again, Staryana, because you need to be alright with this. I have to be able to trust you to be honest with me and I want this to be enjoyable for you. If it’s not then we stop. Look at me. Do you understand?” She looked into his eyes and nodded still in the position he commanded.

  “From now on when I ask you something you answer, immediately. When we do this you will do as I say, submit to my every will. If not there will be consequences. You will call me sir when you address me. You won’t question me. The only exception is if I go too far and you need it to stop. Then you safe word out.” He measured her again feeling her resolve, sensing her. “You still want to do this, Staryana?”

  She smirked at him. “Yes, sir.”

  He smiled. He loved her sassiness but she had no idea what she was getting into letting it show here. She’d learn quickly once he was sure she could handle it, but he didn’t really believe she could.

  “Your safe words are red and yellow. Red is stop, plain and simple. You say it and everything stops, no matter what we’re doing, and we sit and talk about it. Yellow means you’re uncomfortable and need to tell me. You won’t be punished for questioning what I’m doing if you use “yellow”, but otherwise I expect you to just take it. Yellow is you’re near your breaking point and starting to freak out but really don’t want to stop, you just need to understand. It is not, ‘what is he doing and why?’ Yellow is this rope is cutting into my wrist I need it fixed before it cuts me, or my muscle’s really cramping in this position and I can’t take it. Not, ‘my arm is tense from being bound so long’. Got it?”

  “Yes sir.”

  He breathed deeply, completely unsure about doing this with her. He needed to test her, push her comfort level and see how she reacted. He knew there were things she’d never done, things that would shake her if he pushed her into them. It was time to find out how badly his baby wanted to please him.

  “Get on the bed. Kneel with your knees spread apart.” He waited until she did, bringing the desk chair next to the bed directly in front of her. Leaning close to her ear he whispered, “Touch yourself baby, the way I touch you. Make yourself come for me while I watch.”

  Byryn watched her cheeks heat in an innocent blush as he sat back in the chair. He didn’t think she would. It was a test, really. If she couldn’t even handle this there was no way she could handle the rest of it.

  He watched as she slid her hands around the front of her hips and up to her breasts. She pinched and twisted her nipples before caressing and squeezing the fullness of her mounds that easily overfilled her hands. She slid her hands down her body to her sex spreading herself wide for him. He watched as she worked her clit with two fingers from one hand then slid them down her wet folds sliding one inside her core.

  It took everything he had not to take her right then. He wanted her so badly but if he let his control slip he was going to seriously hurt her and he wouldn’t allow that. He meant it, she wasn’t a slave. If he’d wanted a slave he could’ve stayed in his old life and taken as many as he wanted. Instead he’d chosen her, his mate. She was what he wanted, what he needed. If Staryana wanted this he could control his needs enough to meet her in the middle. He knew this was the only way they could both handle it.

  “Taste yourself, baby. Get those fingers good and wet then slide them in your mouth. I want you to lick them clean.”

  His cock kicked as he watched her run her fingers over her lips before slipping her tongue out and tasting her juices. When she sucked them into her mouth he had to bite back a groan. God she was following his direction so easily despite how she teased him with it. He expected her to resist him, egg him on, but she was giving him exactly what he wanted. Complete control of her body and mind. He kept his thoughts shielded from her as he watched her. He would know if she sought them.

  She slid her fingers back into her core and out up to her clit over and over, her body practically vibrating as she neared her peak. He smirked wickedly as he watched her tremble, so close. Now to find out how well she truly submitted.


  She froze biting her lip before looking at him in confusion. She was so close her whole body shook slightly with the strain of holding back. He might tease her but he’d never denied her satisfaction or drawn it out in the way he would now. Her pleasure was his.

  “I own you now, baby. I own your body, your pleasure, and you will not come until the moment I say. Do you understand?”

  “Yes sir,” her words were a breathless moan and he could sense her irritation at stopping her when she was so close, but she removed her hands from her body and clasped them behind her back.

  “Good girl.”

  He stood up in front of her his erection throbbing. She stared at it but he didn’t move. She wanted him, to touch him, to taste him. She was fighting the need for it. He knew her control wasn’t nearly as strong as his own. Knowing she would crack he waited for a moment more until she reached for him, gripping his cock in her hand.

  He bit back his grin and kept his tone stern. “Did I tell you to touch me, Staryana?”

  She pouted but released him. “No sir.”

  “Face away from me on your hands and knees,” he commanded. When she was in place he ran his hand over her ass, massaging it tenderly. “When I say I own your body and your pleasure, I mean it.” He looped his belt in half, readying it in his one hand while continuing to massage her with the other. “You will learn to do as I say and only as I say. Do you understand me?”

  “Yes sir.”

  “No, you don’t. But you will,” he warned before cracking her hard across her ass with his belt making her yelp.
He smiled as he tenderly massaged the bright red welt it left. “Your ass reddens so beautifully, baby. I guarantee you, every time we sit down later you will remember this lesson.”

  He watched her body arch, how her breath hitched as he punished her. At first it seemed to take her off guard, like she didn’t know how to react, but he could see the tension slowly bleed from her. When she breathed out a soft moan he knew pain and pleasure were merging to create that delicious cocktail that would take her right where he wanted her.

  Seeing her like this, giving him everything she was, satisfied him in a way nothing in his life ever had. Staryana was amazing. She complemented every part of him so perfectly and he would take it. Everything she was, everything she offered, he would take it…as he gave her everything of himself. She was his.

  Star bit her lip as the belt whipped her again. The pain bit into her for a second but it went straight to her core. She was so wet it was dripping down her leg. God she wanted him. He cracked her again before massaging her tenderly. How many times had he spanked her? She’d lost count.

  She couldn’t take it anymore. “Please. Please, Byryn, I need to feel you.”

  The belt slapped against her skin again. “How do you address me, baby?”

  “I’m sorry, sir, but please. I want you inside me.”

  “I love hearing you beg,” he groaned. His hand gripped her hair pulling her head back slightly as he slammed his cock deep into her core. “God you’re so damned wet and tight for me.”

  He released her hair, gripping her firmly by the hips as he thrust roughly into her over and over. His hands slid over her hips to grip her ass spreading her cheeks apart and sending tantalizing threads of pain through her making her core pulse. She was so close.

  “Not until I say, baby. We have a meeting to get to. I promise you, we will be late if I have to punish you and I will make you explain why.”

  She groaned. She didn’t want to be punished. She wanted him to let her have her release. The meeting was so far from her mind it didn’t even register. All that mattered was his body and hers.

  “Please, sir, please.”

  “Please what, baby?” He grunted as he relentlessly slammed into her. She felt his fingers slide down into the wetness of her folds, sliding around her core when his sex thrust into her. “Tell me what you need.”

  “Please let me come, sir,” she begged.

  “Not yet.”

  She nearly cried at his denial as the sweat ran down her face. She didn’t know how much longer she could resist. She felt his fingers sliding up and down the crease of her ass and massaging the sensitive bud there. Her body arched involuntarily but she tensed. He’d never touched her there and she wasn’t really sure how she felt about it.

  He slowed his rhythm. “Shh, relax baby. You need to trust me to take care of your body when you give it to me.”

  A single finger slid inside her stretching her muscles. It burned as he slid it deeply inside her ass, his cock still slowly thrusting into her. Slowly her body relaxed accepting it and she moaned as the pain turned to pleasure.

  “That’s it, baby,” he murmured, sliding the finger in and out of her.

  A knock sounded at the door and they both froze. Byryn cleared his throat, “Yeah Dad? Everything alright?”

  “Yes. I was just checking on you and Star. Did you seal your room, Byryn?” Grifyn called through the door.

  “Yeah, uh, we wanted some privacy.”


  “Yeah Dad, you know those moments between mates when you might not want your Dad or your Fae in law just popping in,” Byryn scoffed but slowly began to move inside her again.

  He leaned down next to her ear when she let out a muffled moan. “Quiet baby, wouldn’t want to be improper now,” he taunted with a hint of amusement.

  She buried her head in the bed to stifle the sounds she couldn’t hold back. It was too much and she was sure her face was beet red as he continued to talk to Grifyn.

  “Oh, sorry Byryn. Just don’t forget there’s a meeting in about fifteen minutes.”

  “We know, Dad. See you there, alright?”

  When no reply came he slammed into her harder as he continued to thrust his finger in and out of her. She moaned loudly as he took her right to the edge.

  “Come with me, baby,” he groaned. “Now,” he cried thrusting deep into her core as he came.

  Her release spasmed violently through her in endless waves of pleasure that made her entire body shake. She felt his tender kisses over her back and shoulders, his hands tenderly massaging her aches and pains. It seemed to go on forever as he rode her through the waves before her body relented and she collapsed. She felt like she could sleep a week.

  Byryn slid off of her and lay down beside her. Pulling her into his arms he tenderly kissed her head. “How do you feel baby?” He asked cautiously.

  “Phenomenal,” she breathed leaning up to kiss him.

  She meant it. Some of the rage and chaos had bled out of her and she’d never known that kind of pleasure. Of course sex was still fairly new, but it wasn’t the first time she and Byryn had had sex. Aside from that was the best she’d felt since their world crashed down around them.

  “Do you have any idea how hot you are?” He nipped at her lip. “But you didn’t have to do that for me. Are you sure this is how you want things, baby? That was just a taste. If I fully unleash this side of myself, this is how it will be. Last chance to change your mind, Staryana.”

  “I needed it as much as you did, Byryn,” she replied honestly. “I…I want this. Maybe I shouldn’t, but I do. It completes some part of me that I’m not even sure I understand…but…I really like it.”

  He leaned up on his elbow, brushing the hair from her face. “We’ll see if you feel that way after you sit through this meeting.” He smirked as he slapped her ass playfully making her whimper. “Now go get ready before we’re late. Cymeryn and Marcus can break those seals if they really want to and they will if they worry. We wouldn’t want your Dads to see this sweet cherry colored ass, would we?”

  The way he teased her eased the worry and strain she’d felt between them. Giving him this had relieved some of the burden he was carrying. It completed him in some way. This was the part of himself that he’d always held back from her, protected her from. It was the Darkness that he didn’t think she could accept, or felt she shouldn’t have to, but it was a part of them both.

  Looking into Byryn’s eyes she knew he felt it, understood it on the level she didn’t quite grasp yet. He still wasn’t sure, and really she didn’t know where this would take them, but this had fulfilled something they’d both needed. It was something she wanted to explore. She wanted more, but there really wasn’t time.

  She kissed him again before reluctantly pulling herself up to go to the bathroom. He was right. They had to get moving.

  Cranking the shower on and setting the temperature she stepped inside, quickly rinsing off. When she stepped out Byryn wrapped a towel around her and tenderly dried the water from her skin. He kissed her head before releasing her and climbing into the shower himself. Star watched him curiously a second but continued getting ready.

  “Would you really have made me tell my Dads why we were late?” She questioned when he stepped out and wrapped a towel around himself.

  Byryn turned and smirked at her as he dried off. “Yes, and I still will. Though I don’t expect you to tell them the full truth. My suggestion is you be ready to mist in five minutes so you don’t have to.” Wrapping his arms around from behind he kissed her shoulder and grinned mischievously as he met her eyes in the mirror. “I might even reward you later if we make it on time.”

  “Mmmm, it’ll never happen if you keep that up.”

  He chuckled but misted away and she could sense him in their closet. She finished tying her hair up and misted after him, grabbing a gown.

  Taking it from her he shook his head with a small smile gracing his lips. “Let me.”

  It was a wrap style like her Mother wore, but it was a deep enough shade that there was no sheathing needed. He slid it onto her arms turning her gently to tie it at her side. She watched as he walked over and grabbed her shoes, kneeling in front of her to slide them onto her feet.

  “You don’t have to take care of me like this, Byryn,” she sighed watching him cautiously. She didn’t want him treating her like she was breakable.

  He took her hand, kissing it. “I need to. If I’m going to abuse your body like that, I need to pamper you too.” Pulling her in tightly for a kiss he murmured against her lips, “I need to take care of you and know I’m soothing the pain away even if you enjoyed it. I love you, baby, and this shit can come between us if we don’t both feel that connection. Let me have this. It pleases me.”

  He was more himself than he had been since she was taken. She didn’t fully understand how all this worked and he was asking her for her complete submission. If they were going to do this he needed her to defer to him but it wasn’t enough. She had to trust him, too. She had to give him everything.

  “Alright, Byryn, but I’m not a child and I’m not broken. Just, don’t overdo it, please?”

  He smiled slightly but there was a glint in his eye. She shivered involuntarily. There were thoughts there, just outside of her reach. He was blocking her, but his eyes held a seductive promise. He’d take her so high if she let him. She couldn’t really imagine where this would lead but a large part of her really wanted to find out.

  Chapter 18

  Kyle held her close as they walked down to the library. “You know you don’t have to see him if you don’t want to,” he offered. “We don’t have to go to the Council Elect meeting.”


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