Dynamics (Mists of the Fae Book 7)

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Dynamics (Mists of the Fae Book 7) Page 27

by Jaime Marks

  Mythos nodded then returned to his seat and began discussing the agenda with Steph. It was still weird to think of her as the Queen but it suited her somehow. Kyle studied him a moment trying to ascertain what exactly he wanted. It wasn’t as if they had been on good terms earlier, they’d just reached an understanding.

  “He’s your uncle, Kyle. I know you don’t understand this, but family here is everything. Knowing Mythos, he’s probably feeling guilty that he was so quick to judge you and feels the need to get to know you better as a result,” Byryn offered. “Give him a chance.”

  Kyle sighed scratching his head. He wasn’t really sure how to take that. He understood it but really that part of this was a bit harder to take. It wasn’t that he’d judged him harshly, he accepted and owned the reason for that. Apologizing for it made sense after what Astryn explained had been discussed that morning. Forgiving him completely on the basis that he was his long lost nephew? In a respect that almost felt as bad as Astryn’s Father judging him solely on his blood.

  Demytria stifled a yawn and glanced back at Cavayn. He was young but both Kato and Cymeryn seemed to be impressed with him. Young sometimes meant easily trained. She really hoped he turned out to be more formidable than a good guard dog. Kato shot her a look with a chuckle and a wink. Apparently he’d picked up on her inner monolog. They needed to make time for each other this eve. How long had it been since they took in a private meal together?

  “Too long,” Kato whispered through her mind obviously sensing her.

  She loved that he had that ability. To slip in and comfort her or surprise her. She missed him lately.

  “We will make time this eve. I need to celebrate with my mate. I hear she received a promotion.”

  That made her smile despite the endless debates about new regulations and changes to how the Academies assigned positions. Whatever subject they were discussing came to a close and she looked up as Mythos rose to determine if she needed to pay attention. The King liked to alter agendas often.

  “Today marks a historic event in our culture,” Mythos began. “Many of the traditions of our society have been in place for hundreds of years and they have suited us well. Sometimes as rulers, however, we must look at tradition and weigh it against the needs and rights of our subjects. Do the traditions still make sense? Are the reasons they have been upheld still applicable? Do they honor and respect the rights and roles of all members of our society? Sometimes the answer is no and we must reexamine the situation.

  “For many centuries it has been believed that females should not hold a high ranking position in order to protect them from the inherit dangers that accepting such a post presents. When the custom originated it was in a time when not all females received an education and not all were trained to defend themselves. Times have changed. Today we know that the mate of a high ranking official accepts as much danger as the official themselves. Females are trained every bit as vigorously as males so that they may defend themselves from any threat. They are highly educated and even serve amongst our Guardians, protecting the race in the war. Some of them are our finest warriors. Considering all of these facts. We have decided to break with tradition. At this time, I will turn the floor over to the King of Night, Cymeryn a Cymarcion, Praefect of the Securine.”

  Cymeryn stood and cleared his throat. “Thank you, my lord. As you all know we have been working tirelessly to instate the Order of the Securine. This force will work in conjunction with the Guardians of Light to protect the Kingdoms from the threats of the Umbra. As there are two realms that need to be attended there will be two branches of Securine. One to oversee the safety and security of each realm our Kingdoms inhabit. We will also work hand in hand with the forces of the Elemental Kingdoms where it is requested. The Securine Academy will open in one week. Recruitment has already begun and small classes will comprise the first groupings in order to accommodate some of the immediate need while the course structures and more trainers are put in place.

  “Commander Devyn a Devyion will you please rise.” Cymeryn motioned to the Fae. “Commander Devyn has accepted and been sworn into the position of Head of the Securine Academy. He will oversee the training and evaluation of all recruits before they graduate to assume their posts.” He paused as Fae around the room pounded their fists on the tables in approval. “Nominations have been made and are currently under consideration to fill the rather large shoes he leaves vacant in the Commander of the Fronts position. His Second in Line, Walyn a Kuryion, will assume that post under a probationary role until a final determination is made. You may be seated Commander.”

  Cymeryn paused as Devyn sat and murmurs ran through the room. “I have determined that each branch of the Securine will be headed by a single commander who will both work directly with me to ensure the safety of the realms. In order to foster stability they will also work hand in hand with one another and spend time in each realm. This will allow us to have a check and balance system so to speak. Each member of my team brings unique skills and abilities to their position. Having the ability to allow them to confer freely with one another and be familiar with the other’s duties can grant valuable insight that can prevent security breaches prior to their occurrence.

  “Lady Demytria a Grifyion of the Lucerna Lines, bonded mate of High Councilman Kato a Kacyion, Fae of the Forest, please rise. Cavayn a Cavarion, of the Fire Fae, please step forth. Cavayn has shown immense abilities and techniques. His scores on the courses at the Guardians Academy rival only to that of Praetor Marcus’ and my own, not to mention the boy took out two of the strongest Shade Commanders in the Umbra and about kicked my ass when I captured him prior to my Redemption.”

  He paused for the wave of laughter that rolled through the room. “Young Cavayn has accepted the position of Head of the Light Branch of Securine and will oversee the security of the Realm of Light. He will be sworn in once he tests to mine and Commander Devyn’s requirements.”

  Pausing again for another round of applause his gaze met hers a moment. “The Lady Demytria is one of the strongest warriors I have ever had the honor to serve with in either my former position as Commander of the Fronts, or my time as Supryn of the Umbra. She has a keen eye for defensive perimeters and an insight and intuition that far surpasses the ability of any other I have met in battle. Her experience and skill is invaluable and as such she has been offered and sworn in to the position of Head of the Night Branch of the Securine. Commander Demytria will oversee the safety of the Realm of Balance.”

  He waited as applause sounded, though not as many. Some sat shocked at the revelation and others looked poised to object. Still many of the Council pounded their fists looking pleased with the decision.

  Mythos stood to interject, “Before any Fae speaks, this matter is a closed issue. It was debated at length by the Lucerna Lines for the precedent it is setting, as well as the risk that it places the Lady Demytria in. Both her mate, High Councilman Kato, who is the former Praetor of the Guardians, and her brother, Grifyn a Grifyion, Head of the Grifyion Line of Lucerna, Second in Line to the Praetor Marcus a Cymarcion, are uniquely qualified to attest to the dangers she will face. They have both approved her position. Her appointment stands and I know I speak for the entirety of the Lucerna Lines when I say that we are very proud of all the Lady Demytria has not only achieved, but all she has overcome.”

  Demytria stood watching as Grifyn, Trina, Kato, Reyana, Marcus, Steph, Byryn, Staryana, Felycia, Devyn, Kyle and even Astryn stood and clapped supporting her. It meant more to her than any of them could ever know. She blinked in an attempt to keep the tears from her eyes.

  Cavayn stepped forward and offered his hand. “It will be an honor serving with you Lady Demytria.”

  He wasn’t trying to kiss her hand, he was meeting her as an equal and affording her the same respect he would any other commanding officer. She accepted grasping his forearm as any male would have and they nodded to each other. It was the start of a new day.

  Chapter 24<
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  Byryn sighed as he took the stairs leading out of the dungeon. He had gone to see Wytheryn shortly after the meeting. Trying to convince his brother that he was telling him the truth and wasn’t the ass he thought he was, was like putting his head through a wall. Whoever it was that had been programming the guy had done a hell of a job.

  The more he spoke to him the more he had a sense that this was Alayne’s handy work. It was the only thing he could come up with that made sense, even if it didn’t. Why the hell would Alayne take interest in a member of the Brood? He’d kill him before he’d waste his time raising him. Wouldn’t he? Kyle didn’t seem to have any answers on that concept either. As far as he knew his Grandfather hated the Warrior Line.

  As he rounded a corner in the stairwell he paused in surprise. Sitting there, curled into herself with a blanket and a book was Narysia. He scratched his head trying to figure out why she would even be there. First, there were supposed to be patrols that came through here; but there were three other ways into the dungeon so maybe they just hadn’t found her yet. Second she had her own quarters and there were any number of places that had to be more comfortable than this.

  “Sunshine,” he prompted smirking when she jolted in surprise, “what are you doing?”

  “Liaison Byryn,” she gasped. “You scared me. I didn’t hear you coming.”

  Crossing his arms he tried to come off as stern, but really the girl just amused him. “You shouldn’t be here, Narysia. This area’s off limits to the unawakened.”

  “I…I know, but…” Her brow furrowed as she looked past him…down the stairs. “I would never go down there…It’s just quiet and…comfortable here.”

  He scratched his brow again as he studied her. The last thing he would think she would feel here was comfort. “Sweetheart, there are any number of dangerous Shade and unawakened in the dungeon. If one of them were to break out of their cells and come this way I don’t even want to think about what they could do to you.”

  “Everything alright?” They looked up to the top of the stairs where Kyle stood. “Sorry, I wanted to start working on that surprise for the girls and I sensed you here.” He watched Kyle’s head tilt as he studied Narysia and sensed his confusion. She had a familiar feel to him that he couldn’t place either but it was even stronger than what Byryn felt in her. “Who’s this?”

  He smiled slightly, walking up a few stairs so he stood beside her. “This is Narysia Reynolds. She’s my little sunshine,” he teased, “but that won’t stop her from restriction if I ever find her ass down here again.”

  She frowned looking past him again and he glanced back half expecting to see someone there. Was she drawn to someone in the dungeon? Was that why she was here?

  Kyle squatted down in front of her offering her a hand and a smile. “I’m Prince Kyle a Cymeryn.” When she took his hand he gently pulled her to her feet. “Byryn’s right, this isn’t a safe place for you to be sweetheart.”

  Narysia ducked her head with a sigh. “Sorry, I know that. It’s just quiet and none of the other unawakened come here.”

  She looked passed him again and Byryn sighed not really sure what to make of this. “You keep looking down towards the cells. Is there another reason you’re down here, Narysia?” He questioned but decided there was something he needed to address more. “How often do you come here?”

  “I…I don’t know. Like I said, it just feels comfortable for me here.” She shrugged. “I’ve been coming on and off for a few days. Maybe since…the morning before the ball? I came down before breakfast.”

  Kyle rose a brow and met his eyes. That was when they had locked up the unawakened from the attack…including Wytheryn. Was she drawn to one of them? Was it his brother? It would explain why she felt so familiar to him…and complicate the hell out of things.

  “It doesn’t really matter why,” Kyle prompted, meeting his gaze before focusing in on her. “Will you promise us that you won’t come down here anymore? We just don’t want to see you get hurt.”

  “I know it seems unlikely that the prisoners would escape but it has happened,” Byryn reasoned. “Besides, this area is fairly isolated. If Style or one of the others managed to follow you down here you’d be too vulnerable, which is exactly what we’ve been trying to prevent. This isn’t about avoiding them, is it? We agreed if they kept giving you trouble you’d send for me.”

  Although really he hadn’t been here. He was still playing catch up and Narysia didn’t exactly trust easily. Anything could’ve happened while he was gone but he knew Trycen and Wyce kept an eye on her as best they could.

  “Styvelion’s kid?” Kyle asked using their connection.

  “Yeah, he’s taken an interest in her but hasn’t attempted to act on it. Gavyn spoke to him and his friends. We’ve been monitoring it.”

  “He still sits near me when he can, but no…” She shook her head. “I really can’t explain why I come down here. It’s kind of like the same thing with Style. Well actually, kind of opposite of that. I don’t know why I feel like he wants to hurt me, I just do; and I don’t know why I feel safer here when I shouldn’t. It’s just how I feel.”

  He nodded. “Ok.” Grabbing both Kyle and Narysia’s arms he misted them to her corridor. After misting to and from the Dark Domain navigating the Realm of Balance was nothing. She looked around in confusion but Kyle seemed fine. “I’m not going to restrict you this time but if I find out you go down there again I’ll have to. It’s for your own good, Narysia.”

  She frowned but nodded her acceptance, “Ok.”

  “Are we scheduled to meet tomorrow?”

  She shook her head. “The day after, but I received something saying that the Princess wanted to see me tomorrow?” Her voice rose in question and he could sense her nervousness.

  He’d almost forgotten he’d approved that. “Right, Princess Staryana will be meeting with the female unawakened occasionally. It’s not any different than our meetings, but we agreed that sometimes…well, it’s good for you to have a female to talk to about certain things.”

  Kyle shot him a look. “Are you sure that’s a good idea? I know you were thinking about the mentor thing but…”

  “It’ll be fine. She’s only going to meet with those that I approve and for right now that’s really only Narysia. I’ll add a few more eventually so we don’t make the girl a target but it’ll be good for both of them.”

  His progeny sighed but relented turning his attention back to Narysia. “It was nice to meet you, Narysia. I’m sure we’ll talk again soon. Stay out of trouble sweetheart.”

  She blushed slightly but nodded as Byryn pulled her into a hug. “If Style bothers you, I’m serious, I want you to let us know. Come to me, my brothers, one of the Guardians or even Kyle, but tell us so that we can deal with it.” He let her go. “Even if he just sits next to you.”

  “Alright, I will.”

  “Good, I’ll see you in a couple days.”

  He watched her go into her quarters before they turned and walked away. It bothered him that she’d been in the dungeon, well, the stairwell but close enough. He’d have to check in with Demytria and ensure the patrols were adjusted.

  “You’re right. She shouldn’t have been down there and even if she was they should’ve found her,” Kyle offered responding to his thoughts. “There’s something about her. I can’t explain it.”

  “Try, because I feel it too and it makes no sense to me unless you’re picking up on it through our bond. Staryana likes her, but she doesn’t feel anything more than what I feel for her.”

  He shook his head. “No, what I feel is stronger than what you do, but that only confuses me more. What you feel is a distant familial link, almost like she’s one of your brother’s mates. Who knows, maybe she is. You have enough of them. What I feel is more what I feel with Star or Phil but it’s still vague and different somehow. I’d have to sense her thoroughly to figure it out and I don’t want to do that yet. It’ll strengthen the connection and if
she is somehow related to me the last thing she needs it to draw that kind of attention.”

  Byryn ran a hand roughly through his hair. “That doesn’t make any sense though. She’s not Shade. She’s definitely only Fae and human. Damn it, I really wish I could move her up the list without anyone noticing. Does she remind you of someone? Not in how she acts, but…she looks like someone to me. I just can’t place who.”

  “I get the same feeling but no, I don’t have a clue who.” They turned down a hall and took the stairs down a level. “Where are we going?” He’d just fallen in step with him.

  “To check in with Demytria quick. Then we’ll go set everything up. I already spoke to Haylia.”

  Really Kyle’s idea for a quiet night with just the four of them was perfect. He was tired of the others constantly asking him and Staryana how they were, if everything was alright. It wasn’t that he didn’t understand, but what they really needed was for everyone to leave them alone and let them get back into their routines.

  Marcus and Cymeryn had tried to get them to let their duties go for a couple days but the Kingdoms needed to see that they were fine, even if they weren’t. Attending the meeting of the Council Elect wasn’t negotiable and both Mythos and Steph had agreed with them. With the upheaval and fear caused by their disappearances it was important that the Council see firsthand that they were all back and safe. They needed to at least appear perfectly fine to the outside eye. Really taking care of everything helped him to deal with what was going on in his head. Like Kyle said, he had to fake normal until it was normal again.

  His Dad had been oddly silent about the whole thing, but then he typically understood where he was coming from. Then again it could have something to do with the fact that he was avoiding him. He loved his Father, he really did, but really the only people he felt comfortable discussing this shit with were Staryana and Kyle.

  Glancing at the male beside him he wondered if that wasn’t his answer. He knew Kyle wouldn’t necessarily condone what was happening between Byryn and his sister, but really he was the only one who might be able to understand it. Aside from that he couldn’t really see talking to any of the other Fae about this. Cymeryn was the only one who would probably get it but he was out for obvious reasons.


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