Dynamics (Mists of the Fae Book 7)

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Dynamics (Mists of the Fae Book 7) Page 28

by Jaime Marks

  Kyle glanced at him curiously and he quickly locked out his thoughts. Which was another reason the male was probably the right choice. Sooner or later he would be able to sense it anyway. Their connection was still growing. It was strengthening far more quickly than it had been. It would probably be better to come clean and explain it to him rather than to let him find out on his own and misunderstand the situation.

  Grifyn looked up and smiled warmly as Felycia entered his sitting room. She had been adapting far better since her awakening and it soothed him in a way. He was worried about Byryn and Star, but he knew they needed time to come to terms with whatever they had been through. His newly Claimed daughter was a welcome distraction from the strain all this had caused.

  “Hi Dad, can we talk?”

  “Of course, you know I am always available for you,” he offered motioning to the sofa. “Join me.”

  “Thanks. I went to see Aunt Demytria today. She started my paperwork for the Academy.”

  “Good, I think you’ll be well suited to the role of the Securine. I am quite proud of you, Felycia. You have come a long way in such a short while.”

  She blushed and ducked her head. Sometimes he felt as if she somehow felt unworthy of the praise she received. It bothered him, but he understood the reasons more than she thought.

  Her secrets were something that she kept well guarded but the awakening had revealed them as it often does. His mate had confided in him, feeling uncertain as to how to address them. Really it wasn’t something he was sure about himself. They had the potential to hurt many of those he cared for, but she had a right to them. Sooner or later everything would need to come out, but in the meantime she needed to come to learn to trust them. Then he would be able to help her through this.

  Aside from that, they had all been through enough recently. Everyfae needed time to deal with the happenings of the last few days before they revealed the trauma that would be caused but what Felycia hid. It was too soon. As much as he wanted to bring it to Light now, it was best that they leave it rest. There was no immediate danger to any involved and giving everyfae a few days or even weeks to get their feet back under them wouldn’t hurt anything. He had been hidden this long, a little longer wouldn’t make a difference in the scheme of things.

  “Is Byryn ok? He hasn’t really been to see me,” she asked hesitantly. “I know he never would’ve really before but…”

  He sighed when she trailed off. Really his son had been avoiding all of them outside of when it was required by his duties. The only Fae he seemed comfortable with were Star and Kyle.

  It was understandable. They had all been through a great hardship together and very little time had passed. It was amazing to him that they were even attending to duties. He was grateful that they had each other to lean on. He only wished they would not isolate themselves so.

  “Your brother will be fine, Felycia. He simply needs time to come to terms with everything he and Star have been through. I’m sure he will come to you in time, but likely he realizes you know him well enough to see the strain he bears. He does not wish to burden you and he knows that until he feels more comfortable Devyn and I will take care of anything you have need of.”

  “I know. I’m just worried about him,” she sighed. “That and…there are things I really need to find a way to tell him. Things…things that he’ll probably hate me for once he knows.”

  Grifyn leaned forward and took her hand trying to make this easier and offer her whatever comfort he could. It surprised him that she had brought this up. He needed to ensure he kept the door open for her.

  “Byryn could never hate you. Whatever it is you need to tell him, he will understand your reasoning, Felycia. You have had a very difficult life and been through horrible situations. The choices that you have made, whatever you think you have done wrong, were necessary at the time. I can only hope that in time you will come to trust that anything you need, no matter what it might be, your Mother and I are here for you now, as are Devyn and your brother.”

  She shook her head as a tear rolled down her cheek. “You’ll all hate me. Especially Devyn and Byryn.”

  Not willing to see her suffer he pulled her close and wrapped her in his arms trying to imbue her with all the warmth he could manage. “I promise you, Felycia, we won’t. Whatever it is, I’m your Father now. I know that this is something that is difficult for you to understand because the last male that claimed that title was a monster, but I will always care for and protect you.” He gently rubbed her back as she cried softly into his chest, relieved that she did not pull away. “Whatever it is that burdens you, when you are ready, we will deal with it together. I will help you, if you let me.”

  Grifyn held her while she broke allowing her the release of emotions he knew she had held inside for far too long. He wished that there was something he could say that would make this easier, but he wasn’t foolish enough to believe that anything could; not until it was out in the open and the situation had finally been resolved. If only she would talk to him, confide in him, he might be able to help her to see that everything would work out, but she obviously wasn’t ready.

  This had been a step in the right direction, her admitting there were secrets she held and the fears she had that they would shut her out if they were revealed. In truth he hadn’t expected even this so soon. He and Trina knew how devastating all of this was for her. She had been doing so much better since her awakening that they feared revealing that they already knew, forcing her to discuss this issue too soon, would cause her to revert. The only thing they could do to aid her was to help her build trust. Felycia needed a strong foundation to stand on so that when the truth came out she did not come crashing down.

  He had been watching her closely. More closely than she, Devyn, or even Byryn had picked up on. If she had attempted to run, to leave the realm, he would have confronted her for the good of everyfae involved. Then he would have had no choice. It would be too much risk for her, Bryce, and Tara for him not to intervene. It had been a relief to see her begin to settle in and build a life here.

  As he comforted her he knew that soon she would be ready and as much as he wished to have this situation resolved, he dreaded it. It would not be easy for her or his son to come to terms with this. In a respect he felt like a hypocrite. He had chastised Marcus, Byryn, Cymeryn, even Kato and Mythos for keeping secrets. It was something that never ended well, but he was beginning to see the merit in it. Sometimes you had to hold what you knew close to cuff until those it affected were ready and prepared. He only hoped that in doing so he did not make matters worse.

  Chapter 25

  Cymeryn stretched as he finished his Luxyn form. When he looked up Marcus was standing in front to of him with his arms crossed. He was tempted to roll his eyes like their bonded daughter was fond of doing, but somehow that just seemed too juvenile for him.

  The meeting with the Council had gone far better than he had expected, thanks in part to Mythos. Court was not scheduled until the following noon. He knew at some point he would have to deal with his family, but for now all he wanted was time. The knowledge of Terynia’s existence and subsequent loss was weighing on him far greater than he wished to admit.

  “What is it, Marcus? I already said I wished to be alone. It would have been far faster for you to address any issues through our mind-link.”

  Marcus smirked. “We both know you are blocking everyfae out at the moment. Attempting to communicate with you via mind-link would have been pointless. Although it is reassuring to know that I can still hear you when we are in close proximity. I agree, rolling your eyes is beneath the great Cymeryn.”

  Cymeryn shot him a look but merely grabbed his towel and began to clean up.

  “You have been at this since the meeting ended two hours ago. You skipped lunch this noon. It is time to eat. Besides, I set up something special for the three of us this eve. I figure since the kids, Kato and Demytria, and Mythos and Stephynia were all opting to dine alo
ne it would be the perfect time for us to sneak off.”

  Cymeryn considered that a moment. It was not that he was the least bit hungry, for food at any rate, but he desperately needed his mate. The issue was he was concerned that the confused state of his mind regarding their sister would be toxic to her.

  “Have I ever told you what a stubborn ass you are? You know Reyana needs you every bit as much you need her. She needs us both, but I will leave it up to you. I am going to have a lovely dinner with our mate and when I’m done I fully intend on having her for dessert…whether you join me or not,” Marcus taunted. “Though it’s far more fun to make her scream when her body is pressed between us.”

  Cymeryn measured his twin’s mischievous grin and sighed. “I know I am being difficult. I do not mean to be so. And yes I realize that he was your Father as well and that she was our sister…as well as Reyana’s. I do not know why it is hitting me this hard in truth. I feel as though I should have pieced it together, especially after Queen Terysia’s death. It is so obvious looking back. If I had gone looking for her, maybe Terynia would still be alive.”

  Marcus clasped his shoulder. “There is nothing we could have done, Cymeryn. Consider this for a moment. If you had saved her, Kyle may not exist. He is the direct result of Sean and Terynia’s interactions. Had she never met Syneous they never would have conceived.”

  He nodded. “I know. That boy is the one saving grace in all this.” He pulled his brother close, holding him a moment. “I am sorry. I promised that I would not shut you out and you need me now every bit as much as Reyana and I need you. You keep us going, hold the three of us together when we break. I do not tell you enough how much I appreciate you.”

  Marcus rubbed his back a moment. “You don’t need to say it, brother. I feel it through our link. Which is exactly why I’m not taking no for an answer.”

  When Cymeryn looked up they were in the Sacred Grove next to a table set for three. The faeries were twinkling around the opening and the meal looked delicious. He looked down at himself. He wore a pair of training silks and nothing else.

  “You realize I am not dressed for this.”

  “Somehow I doubt Reyana will have an issue, but if it makes you feel better…” Marcus grinned stripping off his robes and shoes so that he wore only his formal silks, hanging the rest of his robes on a branch. “Now, make yourself useful and pour the wine while I retrieve our mate.”

  Cymeryn shook his head at his brother’s playfulness. To think, he had been the more serious of the two of them in their youth. When Marcus returned with Reyana he held three wine glasses in his hands. She stood there in one of her skimpier sheathings looking slightly confused. When her eyes landed on the table she relaxed but not before she turned and smacked his brother’s chest.

  “You tricked me. I’m surprised you didn’t wait until I was completely naked to mist me,” she scolded.

  “It was tempting, but I figured you would have maimed me if I made you eat naked. Although…” He leaned down kissing and nipping at her neck. “That could be quite enjoyable and I am certain Cymeryn and I could have made it interesting enough for you.”

  He smirked and walked over handing Marcus a glass of wine and Reyana one of water. He spun Reyana pulling her tight against him. “Very interesting. I think her body would make a beautiful plate to eat off of. What do you think, Marcus?”

  “Mmmm. Don’t tempt me,” he murmured walking to the table and taking a seat. “Won’t the two of you join me?”

  They looked to each other and shook their heads in amusement at the fact that he had managed to force them into enjoying themselves and leaving their issues behind for the meantime. “If we do not join him he will be insufferable all eve, Rey.”

  “I know. Besides, I always love seeing what the two of you have in store for dessert.”

  He followed behind her admiring her body as they walked. She took the middle seat and he sat to her side. All he wanted at this point was to get through dinner so they could taste their dessert.

  Kyle rested his hand lightly on Astryn’s back as he guided her through the doors entering the garden courtyard. She glanced up at him curiously but he merely smiled as she and Star looked around trying to figure out what he and Byryn were up to. Neither of them were giving the girls any clues.

  His sister was glaring at her mate but he was blocking his thoughts from her. It was amusing to see the interaction between them. Being here together with them felt right in so many ways.

  Byryn smiled smugly and winked at Star. “Stop trying and just enjoy the moment, brightness. You’re not going to know what’s going on until I want you to.”

  Astryn looked up at him in contemplation. “Do all of you really communicate that completely in your minds? Or are they just sensing each other’s emotions?”

  “They’re communicating fully via mind-link. I assume we’ll be able to do the same once the bond is complete.” He smiled at her.

  “Is it all the time or selective?”

  He didn’t know how to answer that. “I’m not sure. With Byryn and I, it’s generally selective but…it appears to grow stronger as time goes on and our thoughts merge more and more. I know with Uncle Marcus and my Dad its constant, like they share one mind, but they’re twins. That’s a pretty profound connection.”

  “The connection between mates is similar for us, the Sacred Borne. It’s not the same as a normal bonded pair. We know each other completely, feel what the other experiences. It’s like a…coexistence. It actually takes a lot of effort and skill to close the connection,” Byryn offered.

  “Which is why one’s mate shouldn’t attempt to be sneaky and hide things from her,” Star added with a huff.

  “Hush, baby, or I swear I’ll find some inventive way to teach you more patience. You only have to wait a moment longer,” Byryn taunted.

  Kyle laughed as Star blushed. He pulled Astryn close to his side. It was nice to just be able to relax and not worry about the drama that was going on in the realms, their families, and their lives.

  When they entered the clearing at the center of the garden the girls gasped. There were two tables set up for candlelight dinners with flowers set in vases at the center. Little orbs of light floated around the clearing adding a romantic ambiance and off to the side Byryn had the radio equipment set up. When he nodded the Fae that stood almost hidden there began to work the equipment and soft music filled the air as he left.

  Astryn turned to look at him. “It’s beautiful.”

  He caressed her cheek and leaned down softly kissing her. “I’m glad you like it, mea. Come on, let’s eat before our food gets cold.”

  She looked around the courtyard and couldn’t help but smile. Sitting here with him like this? The way he waited on her. The way he treated her. She really did feel like she was a Princess. The surreal part of all this was that she supposed if they bonded she would be.

  Looking into his eyes made her breath hitch in her chest. The desire she saw sometimes when he looked at her made her want things she had never even given a second thought to before, things that had disgusted her with any other male. She could feel her cheeks heating just at the thought and he smirked as he watched her. Which of course only made the heat increase. She couldn’t help but blush around him and it always gave away exactly what was on her mind.

  “Now what could be running through that beautiful head of yours, mea? What would make you blush like that, hmmm?”

  She glanced over with embarrassment at the other table but Prince Byryn and Princess Star appeared to be completely enthralled with each other.

  “Don’t worry about my sister and her mate,” he whispered in her ear from where he now stood beside her. She stiffened as his hands landed on her shoulders but relaxed when he simply massaged her shoulders. “Relax, mea. Just let me take care of you tonight. Let’s just have some fun, get to know each other, and not worry about what’s right and wrong. Tonight is just about us enjoying one another.”

; She leaned back against him. “But that’s just it, Kyle. I’m just afraid we’re going to enjoy each other a little too much,” she admitted.

  He stepped around her, kneeling down to meet her in the eye. “I don’t want you to ever worry about that, Astryn. I know where the boundaries are; what we can do and what we can’t. I would never dishonor you or hurt you in any way. What you need to know though, is you control everything else. It doesn’t matter if it’s as simple as a kiss to your hand, it doesn’t happen unless you’re ready, ok?”

  She leaned forward and kissed him, not really giving herself a chance to stop and think about it. His arms wrapped around her pulling her closer as his tongue slid past her lips and he took control. She lost herself in him so easily.

  Kyle pulled back smiling at her as he ran his finger over her lips. “I love it when you’re bold, Astryn. I love that you keep me guessing and I never know what to expect.” He pulled her to her feet and guided her away from the tables, pulling her close, tight against his body as a soft slow melody began to play. “Dance with me, mea.”

  Her hands slid up his shoulders as his slid down to her hips and their bodies began to sway to the rhythm. She stared up into his eyes. It was crazy. Every Fae knew that the bonding often hit fast and that it was intense but she was overwhelmed with what she felt for him. She didn’t think she should feel this way so quickly. In that moment she couldn’t deny it, she loved him and he owned her completely. She’d never admit that, of course. She was a strong competent female and she didn’t really need a male to care for her, but she suddenly felt like she needed Kyle like she needed air.


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