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Dynamics (Mists of the Fae Book 7)

Page 29

by Jaime Marks

  Byryn stretched out on the bench next to Kyle as they watched the girls dance and laugh. It was exactly what Staryana needed. He and Kyle had been discussing everything from guard details to Steph’s coronation ceremony. They actually got along pretty well. It was surprising how similarly they viewed so many things.

  Kyle laughed as he watched Astryn spin and about fall on her ass. “I think the girls may have had a bit too much wine.”

  “Hmmm, they might have. We’ve been through nearly three bottles and I’m fairly sure you and I only had about one between us.”

  He nodded. “I don’t like to drink when things are…up in the air.”

  “Better to be ready for anything,” Byryn agreed. He hesitated studying Kyle. Could he trust him? Would he let him and Staryana work through this if they talked about it?

  “Ask me, Byryn. I can sense you clearly. It’s annoying when you try to block thoughts regarding me that are at the forefront of your mind. It draws my attention and then slams the door in my face as if you don’t trust me.” Kyle looked at him pointedly.

  He shook his head. “It’s not that I don’t trust you. It’s that I’m trying to determine how much to involve you.” He sighed looking to the ground. “We can feel him. In our minds. He doesn’t talk to us and it’s faint, like the connection’s weak, but it’s still there.”

  “I know. I can sense it in you and after what occurred I assumed it would be like that. You just can’t feed into it. It’s obvious that whatever Dad and Uncle Marcus did affected the connection between the two of you and him, but I doubt they’ll be able to sever it completely.”

  Byryn sighed, “Do you feel him? In your mind?”

  He shook his head. “I didn’t submit to him. I came close, but I never gave in. That’s why he wants Astryn so bad. If he had gotten his hands on her he would own me right now.” He watched her. His fear and concern evident. “But no, I don’t feel him. Even when he’s in your mind I don’t feel him specifically. I sense Darkness that wasn’t present before and your rage amps up. You visibly tense and I can sense you battle to shut your mind completely.” He turned to look at him again. “But there’s something else, something more you’re blocking from me, Byryn, and it’s something you’re worried about how I’ll react to.”

  He breathed deeply. “There is. I won’t lie to you, but…I’m not ready to discuss it yet, with anyone. It’s between Staryana and I.”

  Kyle frowned but looked away. “I’m not gonna pry it from you, Byryn. It’s obviously bothering you and in a way that you know you won’t be able to block it forever. It’s probably better to just get it out there.”

  “I will. When I’m ready, we’ll talk…but not tonight,” he replied trying to end the conversation. “To be honest I’m enjoying this, seeing the girls enjoy themselves…spending time with you. I don’t really want to ruin the moment.”

  Kyle studied him with an odd shrewdness but nodded and thankfully let it go. If he was picking up on bits and pieces he’d have to tell him soon. There would be no way to hide it long term with their bond. He just had no idea how he’d react if he knew. With his background and ability to read him he might understand, or he might just beat the hell out of him. Right now he just needed a break. Sorting out the dynamics of his relationships was tiring and he really had enjoyed this bit of peace that the four of them had stolen. Something about it just being them felt right and safe in a way that made sense…even if it meant hiding part of what he was thinking and feeling for now.

  The edginess was amping up again. He could feel that hum in his skin. Every sway of Staryana’s hips, every time she shimmied that little ass of hers, it drove his need. It wasn’t just desire flowing through him but the need to take her, to grab her thick beautiful hair and own every inch of her skin. He rubbed his hands on his knees to ground himself so he didn’t walk across the courtyard and do just that. God he needed her. He was hoping that once would have been enough but it was anything but. It was as if feeding the need only made it grow. She looked up at him and he could see a hunger in her eyes, a desperate need, and he was more than willing to fill it. He just hoped she could handle it because what he’d done to her earlier was child’s play and he wanted more.

  When he’d gone to Earth for batteries and supplies for Steph he’d been fighting the urge to go to his old room at Trevyn’s stronghold. He had so many toys he could use on her there. Luckily his sanity had prevailed. If he got into it with the Brood the entire family would kick his ass since he wasn’t even supposed to be out of the realm. Besides, he didn’t want to use anything on her that he might have used on one of his slaves. She deserved better, but there were a lot of things he wanted so he made a detour to do a little shopping and bought her some presents.

  It was pushing his luck. He should have sent one of the Guardians for batteries while they were scouting. He’d actually been surprised his brothers hadn’t come for him. The fact that they hadn’t might not be a good sign, though. It might mean they thought he was close to coming home on his own, not that that would matter to Michael. He would challenge him if he ever tried to reclaim the Brood so that news, whether it was true or not, wouldn’t stop him. The only thing he could think of was a direct order from Lazurys.

  He shook off his thoughts and turned to Kyle. “I think we should call it a night. If we aren’t at breakfast in the morning everyone will be worried and giving us the third degree. Besides, you have that meeting with Mythos tomorrow.”

  He tensed but nodded. “Yeah it’ll be interesting to see how that goes.”

  Byryn thought about it for a minute. “Mythos is a good guy, a Fae of honor I should say. He’s highly protective of his mate and that means he’s harsh to any he perceives as a threat to her…as you would be of Astryn. The fact is you’re his family and Mythos is devoted to his family. Give him a chance, let him give you one.”

  In all honesty all the news of Kyle’s lineage told him was that he was meant to be here. He really hoped it would all blow over soon, not that he didn’t understand how everyone else was feeling. He just hoped the backlash from it didn’t cause any issues. Talerys and Alyric had been present when they revealed Kyle’s full name and that he was part Fae. If there had been rumors already it wasn’t difficult to figure it all out.

  Reyana and Cymeryn were having a hard enough time coming to terms with this. They all were, but the two of them seemed to have taken this the hardest. If someone tried to use this information to attack Kyle it would be bad. He wasn’t so much worried about the Queen, but he knew his Grandsire. He might be Sacred Borne Gray, but he sure as hell had the ability to be more ruthless than the Shade. He could only hope that Alyric wasn’t that stupid.

  Chapter 26

  Cymeryn’s gaze raked over her body and Marcus had to suppress his urge to chuckle. It never mattered the state of his brother’s mind, if you got him close to Reyana his need for her would begin to override everything else. It wasn’t as if the same couldn’t be said of himself, of course, but he had no qualm in seeking comfort in his mate. Cymeryn on the other hand had a knack for drowning himself in guilt. If left to his own devices his twin would allow isolation to swallow him whole.

  Reyana sat back resting her head against the back of the chair and sipped her water. Her mind was wondering. Not the best thing considering the bomb that had been dropped on them this noon. He measured the two of them realizing that he needed to take matters into his own hands, again. How was it that he was becoming the dominant male in this relationship? Cymeryn was the one who got off on control, not him. At least that was what he kept telling himself.

  He wasn’t sure if it was the closeness of the bond between them or something deeply hidden inside himself, but sometimes it felt like the lines between he and Cymeryn blurred. In most cases it was comforting in a way he couldn’t explain. It was something he would never have believed he needed before that eve in the stronghold, when the three of them had connected for the first time. It had taken him weeks to come
to terms with his need for the bond with his twin, but now he had no idea how he had survived without it for nearly a hundred years.

  The only time it bothered him was when the lines with sex became blurred for him. It was like some other side of himself took over, one that he associated with Cymeryn far more than himself. He wouldn’t deny that he enjoyed it. He just had a hard time accepting it. Cymeryn shot him a questioning glance as if catching his thoughts but he ignored it. This wasn’t a conversation he intended to have, mentally or otherwise.

  He stood, piling the plates together as he cleared the table. Reyana’s eyes followed him and he smiled sensing her desire. Marcus turned, lifting her from the chair and placed her in Cymeryn’s lap. “She is far too well robed for what I have in mind. See if you can’t remedy the issue.”

  Pulling over the cart he had specially prepared with the treat he’d procured from Earth, he began setting up for their dessert. He lifted the lids inspecting the contents until he found the large bowl of chocolate. Using his Light he heated the bowl warming and melting its contents. He tested it with his finger to ensure it would not burn before he replaced the lid and turned to check on Cymeryn’s progress.

  Reyana was already naked, arching back against his brother’s chest as he teased her breast, biting and sucked at her neck. She had a small little bump showing that carried their young now but it only made her more beautiful to them. Cymeryn looked up at him as he approached, smirking when he caught the images in his mind. It was actually easier to block Reyana for him than it was his twin. Cymeryn was too well versed in mental manipulation for Marcus to keep secrets easily for long.

  He reached down taking Reyana’s hands, pulling her up before he lifted her and lay her on her back on the small round table. She raised a brow at him. “When I said I was looking forward to dessert and you said I was dessert, I didn’t think you meant literally.”

  He grinned wickedly but merely dipped a strawberry in the chocolate and held it out for her. “I got you something.”

  “Oh my god. How did you get this? We don’t have strawberries and we definitely don’t have chocolate.”

  He teased her with it as she leaned up but relinquished it to her mouth allowing her to take a bite. She moaned in pleasure at the flavor and he held it, waiting for her to take the rest of it.

  “We can get supplies from Earth on occasion. Human food is just a rare delicacy,” he replied as she ate the last of the strawberry sucking his fingers partially into her mouth.

  Dipping a wand into the chocolate he lifted the thick liquid over her body drizzling some on her lips and into her mouth as she opened. He trailed the line down her neck to her chest spiraling it around her breast before painting it thickly on her nipple. She arched slightly with a hiss. He knew it was hot but it wouldn’t burn her and she enjoyed a little pain.

  He couldn’t usually bear to hurt her. He felt guilty sometimes after he was too forceful with her; even though Cymeryn was by far more physically demanding and he knew she enjoyed it. This wasn’t really the same though and he loved watching how her body responded to the sensations.

  He drizzled another spiral over her other breast, rubbing it into her nipple with the wand as he enjoyed her sweet moans. He made trails from each of her breast to her beautiful sex then paused rechecking the temperature to be certain he wouldn’t burn the delicate skin. He dipped the wand in and spread her lips allowing the chocolate to run over her clit down to her core as she gasped.

  Cymeryn stood watching her, waiting. Marcus dipped another strawberry and fed it to her. “You look delicious, Reya,” he murmured nodding to Cymeryn as they took up stances on opposite sides of the table and began licking and sucking the chocolate from her body.

  Cymeryn’s tongue followed the spiral of her breast before sucking the chocolate covered nipple into his mouth, suckling it clean as she moaned. Marcus followed the trail down her stomach to her clit lapping and sucking the hood clean, causing her body to arch before working his way back up to her breast. When Cymeryn had finished with her breast he trailed his way down to her core, making his way between her legs to lap at the chocolate that coated her labia.

  He pulled her further down the table so that her ass hung off but he slid two chairs over positioning her one foot on each to grant her support. “You have made quite the mess of our beautiful Queen, brother. I may need help cleaning her.” Marcus watched as Cymeryn scooted under her and began running his tongue from her ass to her core, lapping and sucking the chocolate away.

  He smirked. “That was always my intention. I wouldn’t dare leave our love neglected in such a way.”

  Marcus leaned over her hip sucking her clit into his mouth, teasing it with his tongue. When she lifted off the table with a moan he gently pushed her back down but he didn’t relent. They drove her close to the edge without allowing her release. Once the chocolate was removed they each slid a finger into one of her holes and she arched up off the table again with a moan. When she was close to her orgasm, biting her lip as her body trembled, they each added a finger increasing their rhythm as Marcus latched onto her clit. They wouldn’t let her go over until she begged but they would take her right to the precipice of bliss and hold her there.

  She moaned loudly writhing on the table but her voice was so breathless it was a whisper they heard mostly in their minds, “Please. Please, Marcus, Cymeryn let me come.”

  It was rare that she asked for what she needed on the first try, but then she should be getting used to their demands by now. Cymeryn smirked up at him in satisfaction as they drove her over the edge, her moans echoing around them as her sweet core clenched his fingers in spasms.

  They pulled back and Cymeryn went to the head of the table lifting her under the arms, pulling her higher. Her head was free to hang back and her bottom was right on the edge. Marcus stood between her legs fingering her slowly as Cymeryn played with her hair staring into her eyes. He was measuring where she was at, what she needed. That glint was in his eye and that was a relief because Marcus hadn’t seen it in days.

  His brother massaged her neck and shoulders, leaning down to kiss her. “If I laid your head back in this position, Rey, I could slide my dick right into your throat. Do you know that?”

  “Mmmm,” she moaned, her hips tilting into Marcus’ hand.

  Cymeryn knotted his hand in her hair gently tugging her head back. “Would you like that, hmm? Do you want me to fuck your mouth? I have yet to take the pleasure of controlling how you take my cock this way.”

  “Please,” she breathed as they both removed their slacks.

  Marcus slid his thick erection deep into her core with a groan and held still until Cymeryn lowered her head down and began thrusting in her mouth. They matched rhythms for the most part but Cymeryn would pull out at odd intervals so Reyana could breathe. Marcus refrained from shaking his head. It was a side they shared. One that, as much as he felt he could not fully delve into, was enticing for him to watch while experiencing her desire, her release from it. To be the one handling her so roughly would break him, but feeling her enjoyment of it was heaven.

  Cymeryn looked up hesitating as he met his eyes but a moan from Reyana drew his attention and he refocused, massaging her neck and shoulders with his thumbs as he thrust into her. Marcus had to admit he wasn’t being anywhere near as rough as he could be on occasion. Part of him wished for his brother to up the intensity and the other was relieved that he didn’t.

  Realizing they were both closer than he was he refocused and leaned down lapping remnants of chocolate from her nipple. He watched as his brother spilled over into her mouth and she drank him up, the erotic laps of her tongue driving him to thrust harder and faster into her. Losing himself, he gripped her hips roughly lifting her and drove in deeper. He rocked her body hard as Cymeryn held her steady. He took her over the edge as he emptied his seed deep in her core.

  When the ecstasy faded panic set in as he realized how completely he’d lost control. He didn’t mean to
drive into her so deeply or with such force. Through their merged essences he could sense her and the young were fine and he eased. He’d been allowing that to happen far more regularly though. It had happened when they had sealed their bonds as well. He needed to regain the self-restraint he had always been able to employ.

  He shook his thoughts away and helped Cymeryn move her to a blanket on the ground. Taking turns they fed her the rest of the strawberries, dipping them in what was left of the chocolate until she drifted to sleep. He gently stroked her hair as he watched her chest rise and fall, eased by the peace she felt.

  “We had better get back soon. Tomorrow is a busy day and we should really get some rest.”

  Cymeryn rested back, his arms clasped in front of his chest studying him. “I believe first we should discuss what happened this eve.”

  “What do you mean? Don’t you share my love of dessert?” He smirked.

  “Stop deflecting, Marcus. You know well what I mean. You know I would never harm her, neither would you. So what is it that is plaguing your mind?” He demanded.

  Breathing deeply he shook his head. “Reya is pregnant. Her body is not as strong as it should be because it is taxed with carrying our young. I do not want to lose her, especially not because I lost control and took it too far.”

  Cymeryn laughed, “Brother you are one of the most reserved Fae I have ever met when it comes to sex. What you refer to as losing control is what others consider a passionate eve, but never losing control.”

  “But it is, Cymeryn, and it’s getting worse. It happens more and more. Each time I feel like I can take her further. In those moments there is no line.”

  His brother smirked. “Marcus, there is no line because you know you are nowhere near it. If you ever got even close to it you would stop immediately whether you were in control or not because you can feel her clearly. If she was not enjoying it, or what you were doing was too much, you would know and you would stop. She is our mate. We are bound. Do you not understand that you would not be able to lose control enough to cause her harm even if you tried?”


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