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Dynamics (Mists of the Fae Book 7)

Page 32

by Jaime Marks

  Felycia shook her head. “I’m sorry but it all sounds like such crap. If Mythion could forgive her and move on from it then what did it matter? Really it sounds like this was something settled between the three of them and that’s how it should be. I’m not saying it’s right or wrong but you almost make it sound as if Mythion condoned their relationship to a point.”

  “That I do not know but things a century ago were far more complicated even amongst the humans. If you recall adultery was a sin punishable by ostracization or death. Depending on religion and culture, in those days an adulterous Queen was considered treasonous. I am not saying it was right, but it was the way of things. If such a thing occurred even today it would be a tense situation with our society, but I do believe we would be able to overcome it if the Lucerna Lines worked together. I must admit I am hopeful to never encounter it again though. It created a great deal of civil unrest.

  “It was indeed one of the reasons I was so harsh with Reyana when I discovered her pregnancy with the twins. It was far too reminiscent of what occurred, only worse for she carried both their young and I never knew of Terynia. Luckily, they do not face the same level of scrutiny that their parents endured; though there are some who have taken exception to their joint bonding.”

  She thought about the myriad of pasts that made up their family and how Demytria and Cymeryn had a history but it was wiped clean by Redemption. It seemed ridiculous that they were so unforgiving in other areas. She wondered what they’d think if they knew her past, or Byryn’s. They knew rumors spread by the Shade who Byryn and Marcus had turned out, but they seemed to dismiss them as lies. Did she have to worry about the truth ever coming out? What would they do if they found out about Bryce?

  “What is it, Felycia? What has you suddenly so concerned?”

  She gave him a weak smile that didn’t reach her eyes. She wasn’t ready to talk about any of this yet. In her mind it meant admitting the full truth to him about what happened with the Brood outright, and what the results were. She’d already told him the bare minimum of it but she just couldn’t handle telling him the rest.

  There was one secret that no one knew and no one ever could. It would destroy Byryn and she couldn’t bear the idea of any of them hating her. Her plan was to find a way to keep Bryce safe on her own and then take it to her grave, but was that the right decision? She thought of everything that happened with Terynia, how she’d been left alone to fend for herself, never fully understanding who or what she was. She thought about how she’d almost died in her awakening and been lost to the Shade years later. All of that could have been prevented if her parents had gotten over themselves. It put a lot of things in perspective. She had a lot of thinking to do and some decisions to make. Decisions she wasn’t sure she could ever handle.

  Mythos sighed heavily as he signed the doctrines that Alysse had brought him this morn. He had barely been able to look upon the High Priestess of their race. It was not her doing of course. She could only reveal things in the time they were meant to be known; but he could not help but feel the weight of his sister’s death. A sister he should have known existed but was too stubborn to admit the truth of.

  He had known of his Mother’s affair. It was something he had witnessed himself. She and Cymarcion had crossed the line. He had caught them in a passionate embrace. When his Father had sent her away he had assumed it was to allow his anger to abate as well as protect her from the rumors that were threatening her life. Never once did he question the possibility of a young. Never once, even after her death, did he speculate for fear of tarnishing her name. He should have known though. She was never interested in the human realm. Looking back, a pregnancy was the only possibility that even made sense. So why did he not investigate it?

  Tender hands slid over his shoulders reaching under his robes to caress his skin. “You need to stop worrying so much, Mythos. You can’t change the past.”

  He nodded absently knowing she was right, but it was still a bitter taste to swallow. He would never know his sister. There was no going back to change her fate as it were, and he had treated his nephew as if he were vile and wicked without further consideration of his circumstances. Cymeryn’s comments to Kyle about his perceived weakness in the world of the Shade due to avoiding torturous ways of following orders had not gone unnoticed. Stephynia had stated she had not known what role the boy had actually played in her rape. Her memories only showed him holding her down and if he truly considered the images now he was the only one who seemed uncomfortable with the occurrence. It still did not justify his involvement, but for the young of the Shade there was not always another option but to go along with the ‘status quo’ so to speak.

  He breathed deeply as he weighed it all out. He needed to make things right with the boy but he did not wish to alienate Stephynia or cause her to feel betrayed in this. She was his mate and this felt like a betrayal of the highest order despite her reassurances. He turned pulling her into his lap and wrapped his arms around her.

  “Are you certain you are alright with the meeting I set with Kyle? I do not wish this to cause you discomfort or pain.”

  Now it was his Queen’s turn to sigh. “I won’t lie and say that it’s the most comfortable thing in the world…but, even John showed me that Kyle’s involvement was minor and he did try to reason with John the day we were abducted. I’ve seen him with Astryn. It’s clear he loves her even if neither of them realize it yet.” She shook her head. “He’s Cymeryn’s son and progeny and Marcus and Byryn sired him as well. Hell, apparently Byryn is blood bound to him now and shares a connection with him almost as close as Cymeryn and Marcus share. I’m going to have to get used to him being around sooner or later anyway, Mythos.”

  “That does not mean that is has to be now or that I, as your mate, should be making this harder on you. Perhaps I should meet him somewhere more neutral. I do not need to bring him into our quarters.”

  “We had him here yesterday. It’s not any different. I have things to attend to anyway. With the generator issues I ran into yesterday during my system checks we didn’t have time to test the inter-realm com system. I plan to try to test them with Byryn while you and Kyle meet. I’d really like to have it up and working before we leave for the Palace of Light so we can communicate with the others more easily.” She shrugged. “If not then I still have the plans that I’m working on for Star for tonight. I might even be able to include Astryn in them which will make sure she has something to do while you meet.”

  He looked into her eyes. They were still the most magnificent topaz gems he had ever seen and now golden flecks floated through them emitting a golden glow that only heightened their beauty. He could get lost in them for hours. Reaching up he twirled her hair which now reached her shoulders. “Have I told you how incredibly proud of you I am, caria? You have been here such a short while but you have taken to this world so readily.”

  She smiled Lighting up his very soul. “You give me too much credit, my King. I’ve been well prepared with all the knowledge swimming in my head and I still have my issues.”

  “Yes, but you negate that you were led to believe you were merely human. Instead of holding fast to those notions and hiding in the safety they provided as many would have, you challenged them and embraced this world. You have embraced the sacred knowledge that you have been gifted with a strength and courage few would have possessed in your situation. You are a magnificent Fae, Stephynia, and I fully intend to spend the rest of our existence showing you how much I mean that.”

  She studied him with an amused glint in her eyes as she poked her finger in his chest. “You need to stop looking at me like that and get whatever ideas are brewing in your head out. We’re due for breakfast in a few minutes and I have entirely too much to do today to let you distract me right off the bat,” she smirked.

  He chuckled as he scooped her up knowing full well she was only protesting for proprieties sake. She wanted this as much as he. Their connection, the way they knew e
very thought and emotion freely was sublime and he cherished it. He kissed her deeply as he carried her to their mated bed. They were royalty. Who cares if they were late? The twins and Reyana disappeared consistently to take hidden moments. As much as it used to annoy and aggravate him, he finally understood completely.

  Chapter 29

  Star watched Byryn’s knowing smirk as she shifted uncomfortably at breakfast. He was enjoying this punishment of his a little too much. She glanced around to make sure no one noticed her ever so slight shifts and reactions but they were thankfully oblivious. She had to wonder if she was blushing as much as she thought she was. God she hoped not.

  First she couldn’t believe he’d insisted on this dress. It showed off her ‘thunder thighs’, as she’d nicknamed them, a bit too much. She hated anyone seeing how freaking bulky they were and…She didn’t get to finish the thought before her other issue with the morning kicked in on high making her bite her lip and hold her breath as she struggled not to react.

  “Keep putting that gorgeous body of mine down, Staryana, and I will add to your punishment. Although I’ve got to admit, it’s amusing watching you try to hide your reactions. That gorgeous blush that seems almost permanent on your skin this morning is driving me insane,” Byryn taunted her in her mind.

  She glared at him but otherwise ignored his comments. She needed to breathe through this so she didn’t completely embarrass herself. After he’d discovered why she refused to wear anything shorter than knee length he’d decided that he needed to help her correct her thinking. Not only was the hem of the dress he’d forced her to wear barely mid-thigh but he’d bent her over and slowly worked an anal plug into her ass. Then he proceeded to tease the hell out of her before announcing it was time for breakfast. Now every time she thought his body was less than sheer perfection, or that she hated the way she looked in this dress with her thighs on display for everyone to see, he punished her by turning on the plug’s vibrator for a few minutes. It wouldn’t be so bad if he wasn’t working her up with her parents sitting only a few feet away. She couldn’t show a single reaction and it was taking an insane amount of concentration to both attempt to avoid negative thoughts and hide reactions when she earned punishment.

  She tried to focus in on what the others were discussing realizing that if she didn’t add something soon they’d notice she was distracted. “I think starting a mentor program is exactly what they need, but there needs to be more than that. What about adding a female’s rights course or something? Tie it into human histories if you need to, but it does make a difference knowing that other women have been through what you have and worked to pave the way for you.”

  “Star’s right. Teaching young girls about the Women’s Rights Movement on Earth gave them strength and hope. The main issue here is there hasn’t really been a female’s rights movement. Honestly, for lack of a better option, we’re starting it now,” her Mother commented.

  “Demytria’s story would be an inspiration to many of them, not just as a female but also as Redeemed,” Kato added with an amused smile that gained him a smack on the arm.

  “I told you, my history with the Shade will undermine any positive influence it could have,” she sighed. “You forget all the evil I’ve done.”

  Star watched as Kato slid his hand into her hair and drew her close for a kiss. If she didn’t know better she’d think he had a solid grip and was holding her there with a little more force than necessary. He bit her lip playfully as he stared intensely into her eyes. “You do not give yourself enough credit, my love. You are an inspiration to those girls and all who know you.”

  Star watch as he whispered something in her ear that made her blush secretly before he released her. Watching their interaction she had to wonder if maybe they weren’t the only couple in the Lucerna Lines that enjoyed things a little rough. She’d never have the courage to ask Demytria about it, but it helped her relax slightly. As much as she enjoyed what she and Byryn had started to explore, she was worried about how the others would react if they found out.

  “Kato’s right. They look up to you, Demytria,” Kyle added. “You’re the perfect example of strength and Redemption for them not just because of who you are now, but also because of who you were then. You were never timid and insignificant. You always embodied strength and cunning even as a Shade, despite the standards. You’re prowess with the blade is legendary. Even the Priests revered and coveted you.”

  Byryn nodded with a smile. “In all honesty Aunt Demytria, you’re pretty much poised to become the figure head for female rights. All of you are really, Queen Reyana, Staryana, Felycia, Astryn and Steph. Speaking of, where is the royal couple?”

  Cymeryn chuckled, “The newly mated royal couple will be along shortly I am certain.” He exchanged a knowing glance at Marcus. “Remind me to harass them for their lack of punctuality.”

  “Indeed.” Marcus smirked.

  “Wait, go back. What do you mean me, Byryn? I haven’t done anything,” Astryn asked in confusion as Kyle and Byryn laughed.

  “Mea, you left your parents’ home in the middle of the night, climbed down a damn tree, and almost got your throat slit by a Shade, all to challenge your Father’s demand that you choose a mate who you knew wouldn’t be your true mate. Then you stood up and challenged both him and your would be suitor’s claim to you, refusing to give in. You more than anyone embody the female rights movement, if you want to call it that, because you’re demanding your own rights,” Kyle replied with a touch of pride in his voice.

  “He is right, Astryn. I may have offered you the avenue to deny your Father legally, but it was your actions that even alerted us to the need for it. You are also the reason the need for alteration of the old laws has come to Light in order to prevent such circumstances,” Cymeryn added.

  She stared at them all a moment before shrugging. “I didn’t do anything that any Fae else wouldn’t have done.”

  Marcus laughed. “If that were true your Father would’ve taken more precautions than simply locking you in your room. He’s too intelligent to have dismissed the potential unless it was the furthest possibility in his mind. There are very few young females, especially with the current dangers of our times, who would have risked everything the way you have in order to be with her true mate or to avoid a loveless union. You didn’t even know what would become of your mate at the time and he wasn’t here to confirm your claims. You risked everything regardless.”

  Star watched realization cross her face. “You’re changing the laws because of what happened to me.”

  “Because of your situation as well as what many other females your age face,” Grifyn acknowledged. “It should have happened long ago.”

  “Speaking of…” Kyle began despite the glare that Astryn shot him.

  “Leave it be, Kyle I don’t want to be a bother.”

  He pointed at her levelling her with an intense stare. “Your safety is not a bother and I will do what needs to be done, mea. I told you, I’m not gonna ignore this.”

  Kato sat forward studying her with mild annoyance. “Your mate is correct, Astryn, and I should not be hearing of issues solely at his discretion. We have discussed this. If there is an issue you need to bring it to me or allow Prince Kyle to see to it directly and inform me. What do I not know?”

  Kyle nodded to her, his stare remaining steady but she hesitated glancing around the room. They just didn’t get that the girl was used to fending for herself or simply ignoring the things that bothered her. Star understood that her brother was trying to protect her. He was her mate and he wasn’t putting extra pressure on her, but everyone else just expected her to trust them and all it did was stress her out. She knew Talerys hurt her. It was plain to see every time the bastard got close to her, but she was never gonna open up about whatever it was that was haunting her if they didn’t lay off.

  Star sighed knowing she was going to hear it once everything was said and done, but there was no avoiding it if something else h
ad happened. She only hoped it wasn’t indirectly her fault.

  “You guys need to cut her some slack. I realize you think that because she’s Fae she should be used to all this to some extent, but she’s not, and pressuring her isn’t going to make it easier to come to any of you.” She turned to Astryn. “But at the same time, they’re right, Astryn. Your safety is a priority and whatever that jackass did now they need to know about it. You need to tell them all of it.”

  “Language Star,” Her Mom and Dad said in unison.

  Byryn snickered when she rolled her eyes. In some ways they acted like she should be old enough to run the entire kingdom. In others it was as if they thought she was still a kid. Byryn thought it was amusing but Star just found it annoying.

  Astryn breathed deeply but nodded. After a moment she met Kyle’s eyes. “Talerys won’t stop trying to see me. He actually approached me and Star in the corridor last eve but…”

  “What!” Byryn and Kyle exclaimed cutting her off as they glared at the two of them and Star cringed waiting for the fallout.

  Her Dad raised a brow studying her. “I take it you didn’t bother to inform your mate either?”

  “No, she didn’t, but we’ll deal with that later.” Byryn leveled that commanding gaze at her. “For now, I’ll settle for what happened. Start talking, Staryana. I want to hear this from you.”

  She bit back a groan. “It wasn’t really a big deal and it was dealt with. Talerys jumped out of one of the open conference rooms and came up behind us, grabbing Astryn by the arm. I broke the hold and had him halfway to the ground when Ryo and Wycelion took him from me and gave me grief for getting involved.”

  Byryn glowered at her. “That is a big deal, Staryana, and you know it. He shouldn’t have been able to get that close to either of you and he definitely shouldn’t have been lurking in a conference room unattended. The fact that he got his hands on Astryn, you were involved in the altercation, and I don’t even know about it is a huge deal.”


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