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Steamy Stories (Volume 1)

Page 4

by Malia Mallory

  “William? W-what are we doing?”

  “You’ll find out,” was his cryptic answer.

  He led me away from the piano and down the hallway into what I could only guess was another large room, this one with what felt like a rug under my feet. His strong hands gripped me tightly, and I had no fear that he would let me fall, but the world around me was almost complete blackness.

  “I could smell your lust for me earlier today when I first met you, Laurie. Right then I knew I had to have you.” I felt his hand grip my waist tightly and press my hips against his. His bodyheat was all over me, giving me goosebumps across every square inch of my flesh.

  “Such a sexy, innocent girl. How is it that you’ve driven me completely mad?”

  “Oh-” was all I could manage before his hands were on my breasts, kneading them with wanton desire. His mouth covered mine and I felt myself seem to drift away into another world.

  “Do you want me?” He asked, breaking our kiss and running his hands all over my body, sliding them easily over the thin material of the dress. My skin felt alive at his touch; it was like some magic spell had been cast and what I wanted most was finally happening.

  “Yes, I want you,” I whispered as our kiss broke again. “I need you.”


  His fingers found the zipper on the back of my dress, and in one quick movement, I felt the naked skin around my shoulder blades exposed to the air. He caressed the delicate flesh there and moved his passionate mouth down to my neck, brushing against me with his bristly five o’clock shadow.

  The overpowering sensation of tingling heat settled in my loins, and the craving I had felt before to have him inside me rushed to the surface. I could feel his thick hardness press up against me, and I was aching to have it.

  “Incredible,” he observed, as my dress fell away and the negligee was revealed.

  I felt the soft cushion of a mattress behind me as he pushed me back, so I reclined and let him eclipse me. The bed felt like silk and goosedown, softer than anything I had ever felt before. It surrounded me like I was being placed in an indescribably pliable bowl.

  I reached out blindly with my hands to find him, my fingers meeting with the naked, muscular flesh of his chest. He flexed and bent down over me, covering my chest and stomach with light, delirium-inducing pecks of affection. To accommodate him, I reached behind and unclasped my bra, releasing my breasts, which he suckled on greedily. The rising heat in my belly seemed to grow until I couldn’t endure it for another moment.

  “William,” I gasped breathlessly, “Touch me. Please. I can’t stand it any longer.”

  I felt his weight lift off me and recede down, until his hands nimbly slid my panties down to my ankles and then completely off. I writhed on the bed with my legs spread before him, my moist folds exposed and ready. When the feverous air of his breath touched me there, I groaned and gripped the sheets forcefully with both hands.

  The slick wetness of his mouth engulfed me, suckling and teasing my sex with a vigor like I had never experienced. It was all I could do to hold in the urge to shout out in ecstasy as his tongue took me over the edge. I bit my lip and dug both hands into his hair as he worked, but eventually I succumbed, eliciting a lusty moan which filled the entire chamber. William was more amazing in real life than any of my dreams could have ever taken me.

  “Sit up,” he instructed, and helped me up.

  I felt in front of me with both hands, first touching his nude thighs before running my hands up his abdomen again. When I moved them back down, my hands found his stiff, erect member.

  “What should we do about this?” I asked, teasing. “Mmm. I have an idea.”

  With one hand around the base of his shaft, I leaned in and encompassed him with my mouth. His hardness was exquisite, stretching and filling me while I glided my tongue around the head. A series of muffled noises escaped me with his shaft down my throat, and his hand gently rested on the back of my head, guiding me towards bringing him the greatest satisfaction.

  So badly I wanted to rip off the blindfold and look my lover in the face, but when I reached up to lift it, he grabbed my hand and firmly instructed, “No. I want you to feel me completely. Seeing will only get in the way.” He then softly released my hand and pressed me back to the bed. “Next time.”

  Whatever he desires. I’m his to do with as he pleases.

  My womanhood was presented again, my legs spread out and held tightly in his hands. He was going to do what he pleased and the thought of it thrilled me. I gasped and then shuddered for a moment when his stiffness pressed against the outside of my labia, revealing what was to happen next. My entire body felt like it had been lit ablaze. I wanted him inside me so greatly I thought I was going to explode.

  The head of his shaft penetrated past my folds and sank in slowly, deeply, until he was buried absolutely. The broiling fire that enveloped my body sprung into new life, arcing out like bolts of cosmic energy and filling the darkness of my vision with pops and sparks.

  “Oh god, William,” I moaned, and dug my fingers into his unyielding back.

  He responded by withdrawing and plunging back inside again, filling me with his delicious girth. Worlds shattered and stars collapsed in my mind as the feeling of exhaustive bliss stretched through me. I bounced against him on the bed, forcing my legs open farther, needing to take all of him without limitation.

  His hands balled into fists and he positioned them on either side of my hips, holding me in place as he pummeled me with his throbbing tool. The slaps of our skin meeting filled the room with the tune of a song most ancient.

  The tempo increased, building to a glorious crescendo. Soon, I felt his stiffness swell, and he thrust one final time, coating my insides with his hot, slippery seed.

  The moans from both of us finally abated and our needs had been met. We collapsed on the bed together, breathing heavily, while I basked in the rapturous feeling of the cooling sweat drying on my skin.

  William kissed me again, this time more of a thankful endearment than one of passion. The blindfold came off and I was presented with his naked, godly form resting on the bed beside me. All I could do was gaze into his eyes and let him brush back the strands of hair from my face. Never had I felt anything as powerful as this.

  “You were amazing,” he whispered to me, and brought my hand to his mouth.

  Chapter Six

  I laughed at William’s cute little butt as he shyly stretched out over the bed and retrieved his pants. Since the opportunity presented itself, I couldn’t help but give it a quick smack.

  “You know, you’re going to get in trouble again doing stuff like that, don’t you?” He said, and eyed me like he was ready to go all over again.

  “Trouble’s my middle name,” I said, giggling at him.

  He dropped his trousers back to the floor and quickly positioned himself over me, pinning my arms down. I laughingly tried to protest, but it was no use. His mouth found mine and we engaged in a raw, erotic French kiss.

  The dying feelings started to stir up all over again. I would let him take me as many times as he wanted. There was no way to get enough of William Battle.

  The mood was fractured when suddenly the phone William had placed on the nightstand buzzed against the wooden surface.

  “Ignore it,” I murmured, and turned his attention back to me. “It can wait.”

  He looked reluctant, but gave in, closing his eyes and kissing me again. What could be so damn important about a phone call that couldn’t wait?

  Moments after the phone stopped vibrating, it started up again. Someone sure seemed desperate to get through to him. This time, he apologized and snatched up the phone, pressed the button and angrily rasped, “I told you not to disturb me. What is it?”

  He had no more placed the phone on the table with a sullen look in his eyes when the sound of clicking shoes rebounded down the hallway, headed straight for our room. Whoever they belonged to, they sounded hopping mad. Willia
m buried his head in his hands and looked over at me before saying quietly, “Laurie, I’m so sorry.”

  A blonde woman, who was strikingly beautiful and no older than 25, rounded the corner into the bedroom and stopped in the doorway. Her hands immediately when to her hips and her expression changed from one of intense outrage to one of rage.

  “You bastard!” she yelled, and tossed her pocketbook across the room, hitting William in the shoulder. “You cheating son of a bitch! I knew I shouldn’t have ever trusted you!”

  Before either of us could do more than recoil or stare on completely astounded, the woman burst into tears and fled from the room. The sounds of her wailing cries followed her until there was a thunderous slam and the front door shut behind her.

  “Who was that, William?” I asked, already well aware of what I thought the answer might be. “Your fiancé? Girlfriend?”

  “My wife,” he muttered somberly, and started putting on his pants. “She’s my wife.”

  Pain flooded me. Here I thought I had found the perfect man but he was nothing but a rich and charming cheater. I could feel the tears well up in my eyes as I considered how easily he had tricked me. Lied to me by omission. Implicated me in his infidelity with his sweet talking, handsome looks, and fat wallet.

  “You’re a real piece of work, you know that?” I spat, and hurriedly grabbed my panties off the floor, slipping them back on.

  “Please, Laurie, you don’t understand. It’s not like that. I really do want to be with you,” he said, trying to stop me.

  I didn’t have anything else to say to him. I pulled up my gown and zipped it as best I could in a rush. I would have just left it there if I had other clothes to wear. He could keep it for all I cared. Once my shoes were on, I stomped away from him towards the door.

  “Stop! Let me explain!” he shouted, and forcefully grabbed me by the arm. “You have to give me a chance!”

  “Let go of me! Go patch things up with your wife!”

  “I don’t love her,” he asserted, still holding my arm tightly. “She only wants my money, Laurie. You can’t see that because you don’t know her.”

  “Piss off!” I yelled in his face, and yanked myself free.

  The tears flowed out of me and the emotional crush felt like a million pounds had been left sitting on my chest. I knew it was too good to be true!

  The limo was waiting just outside and I climbed in, collapsing in the back seat, overwhelmed by it all. Through my hazy sight, the partition lowered and I could see Jim’s eyes staring back at me.

  “Home?” he calmly asked, without a hint of judgment.

  I could only nod my head and wipe away the tears and stinging mascara. Silently, the limo pulled away from the big mansion in the field. I didn’t want to look back, but I couldn’t help myself.

  I knew it wouldn’t be the last time I saw William Battle.

  From Synthia St. Claire

  You can find all of my works at: Amazon

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  B is for Beach

  By Malia Mallory

  Erica entered the restaurant tentatively, her knees nearly knocking. She’d spoken to Ben on the phone for months, and they’d even been…intimate. Phone sex! Something Erica thought she’d never do, but they got on well when just talking. The question was: what if the chemistry wasn’t there in person?

  She’d been pleased when he suggested a restaurant on the shore and wondered if she mentioned how much she loved the beach? It was nestled right on the boardwalk with wonderful views, and at that time of day, with the sun retreating, the view was spectacular.

  Erica’s eyes scanned the restaurant, and she wondered whether he was already there. She fought the urge to turn around and leave, but then she saw him. He looked just like his picture. Dark hair. Dark eyes. Handsome. Was he out of her league? She pushed her insecurities aside and walked toward him, excited yet hesitant. She would not let fear sidetrack her. Her heart thumped in her chest, and she took a deep relaxing breath.

  When she reached the table, she slid into the chair across from Ben, silently drinking in all his details. A photo didn’t do justice to the deep brown pools of his eyes, nor did it convey the vitality he exuded in person. The air seemed charged around him. Maybe that was just her exhilaration.

  She laughed self-consciously before managing to force out a hello. Ben laughed too and reached out to grasp Erica’s hand across the table while he caressed her fingers lightly. The tension was broken.

  “You’re beautiful, just like your photograph.” He sounded like he meant it. She knew her clean-cut look appealed to some men and he must be one of them.

  Ben picked up the wine bottle. “I hope I wasn’t presumptuous in ordering some celebratory wine?”

  “No…not at all.” Her nervousness made it hard for her to meet his eyes for any length of time.

  Ben poured Erica a glass and proposed a toast. “To personal meetings.”

  Erica returned his smile and they began to chat. Soon it was like they’d been meeting for months. The closeness they’d formed on the phone translated just like she hoped it would. In their conversations, he’d been intelligent and funny, and he was the same in person. As she relaxed, her shyness evaporated letting her display the wit and humor Ben had come to know.

  The conversation progressed, and Erica couldn’t help blushing as images of their previous interactions entered her mind. That, coupled with the wine, created a slow, building heat within her. She’d been uninhibited at times, and at his urging, she’d let her fantasies take flight. She’d even shared many of her innermost secrets with him. It embarrassed her, and yet on some level it was freeing. He knew so much about her and accepted her.

  At times, she wondered if the same sensual thoughts crossed his mind, and whether his gaze was heated or if it was just the lighting? Occasionally their knees or feet would touch under the table and she would feel a little zing of excitement. She hoped the reaction was mutual.

  Erica ate lightly, a little pasta, a little salad, enjoying his attention. The time passed in a whirl and eventually she realized that the low voices of the other patrons had disappeared and it was time to go.

  Ben paid the check and led Erica out of the restaurant and into the night air. A cool ocean breeze floated around them and he guided her down the boardwalk, walking close. His hand brushed against hers, fingertips touching, and he enveloped her hand in his.

  They approached a small staircase, which served as an entry point onto the beach, and Ben gestured toward the sand. She slipped off her shoes, leaving them on a stair and they stepped out into the deep, dry sand. Erica’s foot sank the moment it touched it, and Ben steadied her balance.

  They crossed the beach until they were within a few feet of the waves on a wet, densely packed area that supported their weight. They strolled away from the lights of the boardwalk businesses as the waves rolled in and drowned out the sounds of the nightlife around them.

  Erica loved the beach. She especially loved it at night when the moonlight reflected off the water and the sound of crashing waves broke on the shore. There was no one else on the beach but the two of them, and the solitude was lovely. During the day, the beach was hot, crowded. But now, with the moon and stars it was a place of dreams. She’d fantasized many times about being on the beach with a lover, alone together in the darkness, the water drowning out their cries of ecstasy. She shook her head ruefully. She was getting ahead of herself.

  A gust of wind swept up, and Erica shivered a bit. Ben stopped, running his hands over her chilled arms and then leaned forward, pressing his lips against hers. Liquid pleasure filled her and Erica strained closer, bringing her hands to his shoulders. Finally, the moment was here. She’d waited all evening to feel his lips. Again and again, Ben kissed her urgently. He slid his tongue into her mouth, ru
bbing against the inside of her lower lip while Erica pressed herself fully against him. They embraced for a moment more and then pulled apart and continued down the sand.

  Erica moved closer to the edge of the water and a wave broke over her feet, soaking the hem of her long, gauzy skirt. She laughed as the cold, swirling water retreated. Ben grasped her hand, pulling her back toward the dry sand which clung to her feet. They collapsed onto a small, raised dune, and Ben reached down and brushed away the sand. His fingertips brushed lightly over the tops of her feet, sweeping the grains away. She leaned toward Ben and his lips met hers again, kissing ardently. Closer and closer, Erica wrapped her arms around him and he sank back into the sand, taking her with him. She felt her bonds slip away. This man knew her. She could be exactly who she was.

  Erica pressed close against Ben, but the barrier of their clothes was intolerable to her. Button by button, Erica opened his shirt and slid her hands inside. Her palms pressed against the smooth skin of his warm chest, touching, caressing. She fingered his nipples, tracing around the edges and rubbing across the puckered texture. Her hands moved up to his shoulders, and Ben sat up so Erica could push his shirt and jacket down his arms. She nipped his shoulder with her teeth and slid her tongue over the mark, pressing her lips against his skin.

  Erica sat back and reached for the bottom of her blouse. She pulled it up over her head and tossed it to the side. Ben reached behind her back, his fingers releasing the hook and eye closure of her bra. His hands slid back around to her chest, underneath the fabric and inside the loosened cups. He rubbed his thumbs over her nipples which were stiffly erect, and her bra floated down her arms. She shivered as the night breeze brushed her heated skin.

  Ben pulled her to him and pressed his face in between her breasts, licking in the cleavage. Her hands grabbed his belt, unfastening the buckle and then the button of his pants, unzipping them. She cupped him through the fabric of his underwear, feeling him grow hard against her stroking hand. She pressed him deeper into the sand as he licked and sucked her nipples, his hands fondling the undersides of her soft, full breasts.


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