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When Houses Burn

Page 10

by Laurèn Lee

  “Where were you?” James asked nervously. He’d been waiting up for me, at the kitchen table with a bottle of booze and a large glass.

  “Thinking. Why aren’t you in bed?”

  “I couldn’t sleep until you got home. Please. Talk to me.”

  “I have nothing to say to you, James. There’s nothing at all I want to say. You betrayed our vows, you betrayed our marriage, and you betrayed me. Your desire to become a father blinded you so badly. You selfishly took it upon yourself to hurt me in ways I never thought possible.”

  “It wasn’t planned, Delilah. You must believe me!”

  “Why would I believe you,” I laughed, “You screwed another woman and knocked her up, and now you want forgiveness. Whether you meant to get her pregnant or not, the result is still the same.”

  I walked over to the table, took his bottle of bourbon, and poured myself a glass I’d retrieved from the cabinet. The liquid burned my throat as it passed, but I welcomed the fiery escape from my thoughts even if just for a moment.

  “I want you out of this house. Tonight.” I demanded.

  “No, please, Delilah! I’m not going to leave you for her. I don’t want her!”

  “What about that child growing in her uterus? Surely, you want that.”

  “No. I only want you. Please believe me!”

  “You can imagine how I’d have trouble taking you for your word when the last few years of our marriage have included torment, abuse, and punishment for my inability to conceive. You beat me, you bruised me, and now you betrayed me. Your words mean nothing to me, James, because your actions speak louder than anything you could say.”

  “I don’t want to leave you,” he whimpered.

  “You decided to leave me the moment you began an affair,” I said as I poured myself another glass.

  “I need you to go, pack your things. I’ll have a lawyer contact you regarding our divorce.”

  “Divorce?” he sputtered as he stood, knocking over his chair.

  “I’ve been made a fool one too many times, James. I’m done. I never want to see you or your slut again.”

  I slammed the bottle down onto the kitchen counter and stormed upstairs, locking the bedroom door behind me. James rushed to follow me but faced a locked door once he reached our room. He knocked furiously.

  “Please, Delilah! I can change! I promise I’ll never hurt you again. I’ll tell Helena to get an abortion. We can start over!” The banging persisted, but I didn’t respond. I’d let him suffer his consequences. I put in my earplugs and fell asleep within minutes. I slept like a baby as I dreamt about the excellent plan Lucas and I had devised only hours ago.


  Past- Twelve Months Ago

  James’ mother passed away in her sleep several months after I had last visited. Doctors said it was a stroke and they wouldn’t have been able to prevent it. However, it meant she was no longer suffering. Cancer no longer had its foot to her throat.

  James broke down, as any child would when a parent dies. I nearly felt sorry for him, until I remembered mine and Delores’ final encounter. She was a despicable woman who’d groomed her son to be a horrible man. I was happy she was gone, although I didn’t tell James how I’d felt. Instead, I played the loving and supportive wife while James mourned and while we attended the funeral.

  Seeing as how Delores had lived only a few blocks away from our current residence her entire life, the funeral would be held in our county, not in California. I did most of the planning as James could barely function let alone contribute to the funeral services. I’d arranged the wake and the location and time for the funeral itself. He seemed grateful I had taken on his duties, and I reveled in the idea of who I was putting in the ground.

  Not many people attended the funeral. Delores had done an excellent job alienating herself from the rest of the world. There was no other family to invite and many of her old friends had already passed. The majority of the attendance consisted of James’ co-workers and our friends. He wept over her coffin and could barely speak a word when the casket made its final descent into the plot I’d chosen.

  I tried to contain my elation, but I felt too exuberant to portray a somber woman. James often caught me smiling, but I ignored his disgusted glances. Instead, I lowered my black hat to shield my face and grinning lips.

  After the funeral, James’ office catered lunch and hosted it at their headquarters. It was a lovely gesture, and James seemed to perk up a little bit as his co-workers further paid their condolences and paid him all the attention in the world. I sat back, sipped my wine, and waited until it would be time to go home.

  Many people gave speeches about how much they loved and respected James and could only imagine how amazing his mother had been.

  If they only knew.

  James, tipsy, decided to make a speech which left me groaning. I couldn’t imagine what he’d say, in fact, I was surprised he could still walk.

  “I’d like to thank you all for being here. I wouldn’t be coping as well as I am today without all your support. It means the world!” The room clapped politely, waiting for him to continue. “My mother was a wonderful woman. She was my rock growing up and couldn’t have raised me any better. The world will truly be a less loving place without her, but I will continue to live my life and make my Mama proud!”

  I tried not to roll my eyes because many people had eyes on me as well. I smiled politely and clapped for my husband; he had excellent showmanship.

  A few hours later, lunch had wound down, and we made our way around the room to say our goodbyes. I was one step closer to being done with the whole ‘sad daughter in law act.’ I drove us home, and James stared out the window, not speaking. This was okay with me. We were about to pull into our driveway when James reached for my hand and squeezed it tight, but lovingly.

  “At least I still have you.”

  We went inside, and I changed out of my funeral attire. I slipped on a black silk nightdress and went to open a bottle of wine downstairs in the kitchen. James camped out on the couch, still in his suit and dress shoes. He’d turned on the TV for the six o’clock news and the main story of the evening caught my attention.

  “Police have arrested the man they believe set the house fire last night on Crestwood Drive. Lucas Finch, son of the deceased, set his parents’ house on fire at approximately eleven o’clock pm. His lawyer has prevented him from making any public statements at this time. We will be closely following this story and should have another update during our nine o’clock broadcast. Stay tuned.”

  “Wow,” I said in awe.

  “How could someone kill their parents?” James asked incredulously.

  “He’s got to be some psychopath, I’d presume.”

  “You think?”

  “Most likely. I mean did you see his mug shot? He showed absolutely no remorse. He looked almost, happy,” I cringed. “There’s no way he’ll get out of this one. He’ll be in jail before we know it.”

  James nodded. I wasn’t sure if he heard me or not, or just placated me.

  Even though this man seemed dangerous and unstable, he certainly piqued my professional curiosity. I could only imagine what kinds of thoughts danced within his tortured mind. He’d be a psychiatrist’s dream to speak with him. I’d probably never get the chance to meet him, though. Although, it would be exhilarating if I ever did.



  Helena Woodruff Laid to Rest

  Investigators have confirmed they have collected all the necessary data and evidence from Helena Woodruff’s body and no longer need to keep her inside the Medical Examiner’s office.

  The funeral procession is scheduled for this Saturday, at one o’clock pm and will consist of two separate ceremonies, one being for Helena, and the other being held for her unborn child.

  At this time, the family is asking for the utmost privacy as they lay their daughter and grandchild to rest.



  “Dr. Hedley? Lucas is here to see you.”

  “Thank you, Jennifer. You may let him in.”

  Jennifer escorted Lucas to my door and opened it as he strolled in and took his usual seat across from me. He wore a well-tailored Armani suit with a stunning smile as his best accessory.

  “Hello, Delilah.”

  “Hi, Lucas. You look all dressed up,” I noticed nonchalantly.

  “Yes, I happen to have a date after our appointment.”

  “A date? Oh, that sounds nice,” I wondered if he could hear the disappointment in my voice.

  He smirked. “Jealous?”

  “Let’s begin,” I said, ignoring him.

  “Would you rather I take you out instead?”

  “I am your doctor, and you are free to see whomever you wish.”

  “Were you, my doctor, yesterday when you came over to my house?”

  “Yesterday was a mistake. I apologize for overstepping my bounds. If you no longer wish to seek therapy with me, I can offer you a few excellent recommendations.”

  “Don’t sound too stuffy. You’re the only shrink for me.”

  Focus, Delilah.

  “Why don’t you tell me about the woman you’re going to meet? How do you know her?”

  “She wrote me a few letters while I was in jail awaiting trial,” he grinned.

  “What kind of letters did she send to you?”

  “Oh, I don’t know if I should go into detail. I wouldn’t want to make you uncomfortable.”

  “You are free to divulge anything you feel comfortable talking about.” I tried to sound as professional as possible. However, I wasn’t sure if I could mend the bridge I had broken last night.

  “She told me I was handsome and all the naughty things she wanted to do with me once we were able to meet officially.”

  “What’s taken so long for you to meet her? You’ve had your freedom for quite some time now?”

  “I wasn’t interested at first, but I’ve been feeling rather unsatisfied as of late, so I wanted some company.”

  “I think that’s a fantastic idea,” I said, lying through my teeth. “I hope you can find true companionship with this woman.” I thought back to last night when I stood against him, feeling his body against mine. I could’ve provided him the satisfaction he spoke of right now. It could’ve been me.

  “You do?” he asked accusingly.

  “Of course. Where do you plan on taking her?”

  “Dinner, somewhere fancy. Maybe the Black Kettle.”

  “That’s a wise choice,” I said.

  “Remember when we ran into each other there, and you had been blown off by your husband?” He smiled like a Cheshire cat.

  “I recall that evening, yes.”

  “Then, I’m hoping to take her home with me.”

  “Well, if you feel you have a viable connection, I don’t see why that would be a problem.”

  I gripped the seat of my chair with such intensity, and my hands became numb.

  “I’m going to take her to my bedroom and take off her clothes,” he began, licking his lips.

  “Lucas, let’s talk about something else, shall we?”

  “Well, you said I could talk about anything I’m comfortable with saying, right?”

  I felt bile traveling up from my stomach to my mouth. We’d talked about many private things last night in his bedroom, and now that we were back in my office, he was my patient again. I needed to stay professional, but every fiber of my being desired to be held in his arms at this very moment. I’d opened up to him, and now I felt thrown away like spoiled leftovers.

  “Continue if you’d like,” I responded coolly.

  He stood and walked behind my chair, leaving my line of vision. He began to rub my shoulders, much the same as he did yesterday in his bedroom.

  “I want to make sure she’s relaxed, just like this.”

  I wanted to tell him to stop, to take his hands off of me, but I couldn’t muster the courage. I knew at any moment Jennifer could call or knock in the case of an emergency. I knew at any moment we could be caught. My medical license was in jeopardy, but at the moment, none of that mattered. All that mattered to me was Lucas and his hands on my body.

  “Do you think she will like this?” he whispered into my ear.

  “It’s possible,” I murmured.

  Then, his hands traveled from my shoulders to my clavicles. His long finger tips explored beneath my blouse and towards my navy, lace brassiere. His fingers reached lower and lower until he massaged my breasts with the full surface area of his hands.

  A moan escaped my mouth, and my head tilted back with ecstasy. I wondered if Jennifer had heard. I wondered if she was listening at the door. I could only imagine a group of my superiors rushing in, seeing what had transpired during one of my therapy sessions and ripping my framed credentials right off the walls.

  “You’re tense,” Lucas said. “Is there anything else I can do to help you relax?”

  Without warning, I stood, pushed away my chair which separated us and pushed my mouth against his. My tongue was eager to dance with his. He ripped off my blouse, causing buttons to fly in various directions. Lucas picked me up and carried me over to my desk, sending a lamp and a stack of papers flying off to land in a mess on the floor.

  My legs wrapped around his torso and he ferociously kissed my neck. I lost all intuition, all thoughts, all emotions. I lost everything. The only thought running through my mind was, ‘More.’

  Lucas began to unbuckle his belt when a knock upon the door rapped quietly, causing us to freeze in our exact spots, waiting for my office to become a spectacle to whomever stood on the other side.

  “Dr. Hedley?” Jennifer called out in a nervous, mousy voice.

  I pushed Lucas off me and buttoned up my blouse with whichever buttons remained. I motioned for Lucas to zip up his pants and sit back down.

  Breathe, Delilah. It’s just Jennifer.

  I stood at the door, still not opening it. “What is it Jennifer? I’m in the middle of an appointment,” I said sternly.

  “I’m so sorry to bother you, but there’s someone else here to see you. She said it’s an emergency.”

  “Please tell her she needs to wait, I cannot see her at this time,” I urged through the door.

  “I don’t think she’s going to wait any longer, Dr. Hedley,” Jennifer said as though she was about to burst into tears. “She said if you don’t come out to see her in five minutes, she’s going to burst inside. Should I call the cops?”

  I peeked outside the door and saw Helena, pacing. My heart sank. Why was she here? What did she want? If there ever were a more inconvenient time, this would be it.

  Lucas stood, “I don’t mind sharing my session if need be, Doctor. Maybe she could join us!” He winked.

  I shooed him away with my hand and slightly opened the door. I could see Helena looking around my waiting room, tapping her foot, mascara staining her blotchy cheeks. I turned back to Lucas and said, “I’ll just be a moment.”

  I didn’t wait for a response before I stepped outside of my office and closed the door soundly behind me.

  “Hello,” I began. “It is illegal to invade a patient’s privacy while seeking counsel. What do you want and why are you here? You should’ve called,” I scolded her quietly, not wanting Jennifer to hear.

  She swayed as she opened her mouth, “You! He’s staying with you!”

  “Jennifer,” I said cutting Helena off. “Can you please go see if Lucas would like a glass of water while he’s waiting? I shouldn’t be more than a few minutes.”

  “No problem,” Jennifer obeyed suspiciously.

  As soon as she walked away, I turned back to Helena, “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”

  “James!” she cried out. “He said he wouldn't leave you. I can’t raise a baby on my own.”

  “If you keep drinking while you’re pregnant, Helena, you may not have a child to raise at all. Believe me. Concep
tion let alone giving birth at our age is no easy task. And keep your damn voice down!”

  “Why won’t you let me have him? We are going to have a baby together,” she wailed.

  “I don’t want him,” I snorted. “I threw him out last night. I plan on changing the locks as soon as I get home.”

  Jennifer returned, staring at the soap opera unraveling, her mouth agape. “Dr. Hedley, should I be calling anyone?”

  “No, Jennifer. In fact, you may go home for the day. I will take care of this.”

  “Are you sure?” she asked carefully.

  “Absolutely. I’ll see you on Monday.”

  “Okay. I’ll have my cell on in case you need me to come back.”

  “Thank you.”

  I waited for Jennifer to disappear behind the elevator doors before I approached Helena.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing here, coming to my office to harass me?” I spat.

  “I just want James. I’ll give you anything, just let me have him,” she sniffled.

  “He’s yours, Helena. Now, please leave.”

  “Promise me; you’ll let me have him!”

  I walked even closer so that we were mere inches apart. “Get. Out. Of. My. Office.”

  Without warning, Lucas exited my office and joined Helena and me in the empty waiting room. He looked bemused watching the showdown taking place right before his eyes. I’m sure it must have seemed batty, watching his psychiatrist square off with a sobbing mistress whore.

  “So, this is the woman sleeping with your husband?” he asked.

  “Who are you?” Helena asked, blowing her nose.

  “Who am I? I’m just a crazed murderer here for some good ‘ol therapy.” He burst out laughing as Helena’s eyes grew big.


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