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The Threshold Child

Page 7

by Callie Kanno

  Adesina could not quite get her head around this way of thinking. She shook her head stubbornly. “It was just a dream.”

  “No, it was a Dream.”

  Adesina couldn’t keep her anger out of her voice. “What is the difference?”

  “A dream is a thing of fantasy—a creation of your mind. Dreams, however, are real. They are glimpses into other times, other worlds. The sooner you can accept that, the sooner you will understand.”

  Both of them stood still and silent for a few minutes. Adesina’s inner struggle was only made more chaotic by the words whispered to her by the incorporeal voices. Part of her wanted to believe what she had been told over the past several hours, but it felt so wrong when placed next to all that she had ever been taught. Part of her said that it was all inconsequential anyway and to just let it go, and yet she couldn’t shake the feeling that this was part of something bigger. Something deeper.

  Ravi stood patiently for a while before walking back over to the young Shimat. “Keep walking, Ma’eve. We still have a long way to go.”

  Adesina forced herself to move forward. She knew Kendan needed to be led out of the forest as soon as possible. The day dragged on like an eternity, and both Kendan and Adesina were relieved to stop for the night. She set up the camp, persuaded Kendan to eat some food, and curled up next to the fire. Ravi began to sing quietly, and soon Adesina’s eyes became heavy.

  Somewhere in the back of her mind, she felt herself being pulled far away from the world that she knew.

  She found herself standing in a corridor similar to the ones found in the Shimat fortress, only the walls were made of white marble and there were arched windows that lined the wall high up next to the ceiling. Moonlight streamed through, illuminating the corridor with a mystical glow. The hall opened to a columned walkway that lined some sort of courtyard. Within the courtyard, Adesina saw something that took her breath away.

  A utopian garden lay before her. Large exotic-looking flowers bloomed in brilliant grandeur, displaying shades of color that Adesina never knew existed. These were offset by smaller, more demure flowers that gave the garden a pleasing sense of balance. Many tall, beautiful trees swayed to the soft breeze, and the ground was carpeted with the greenest grass she could have ever imagined.

  In the center of the garden was a fountain made of pure white stone that glowed in the moonlight. It made the white marble of the corridor and columns dull and gray in comparison. Engraved in the stone were several strange symbols that were defined by the luminous glow of reflected light. The crystal water heaved upward in the center to form a pedestal for a shimmering orb the size of a man’s head.

  Seated on the edge of this fountain was Adesina’s mother. Their eyes met and a shy smile appeared on each of their faces. Her mother patted the stone next to her. “Come and sit with me, Ma’eve.”

  Adesina did so, fairly bursting with questions. “What is your name?”

  Her mother smiled her sweet smile. “E’rian.”

  The word sounded slightly musical. It settled into Adesina’s heart like a warm liquid. “Am I to call you that?”

  E’rian raised her eyebrows. “If you wish. Or you may simply call me ‘mother.’”

  This had a strangely strong appeal to Adesina. “Very well, mother.”

  The young Shimat studied the stunning garden that surrounded them. “Where are we?”

  E’rian joined her in looking around. “It has many names in many tongues in many worlds. I simply call it the Garden.”

  “Did you call me here?”

  There was a hint of sadness in her eyes as E’rian shook her head. “No, child. You called me.”

  Frustration bubbled up inside Adesina. “I still do not know why.”

  E’rian reached over and took Adesina’s hand. “Do not trouble yourself, Ma’eve. It will come to you in time.”

  “And in the meantime?” Adesina asked with a harsher edge to her voice than she intended.

  E’rian stood and pulled her daughter up with her. “We shall make up for lost time.”

  They walked around the Garden for the rest of the night, holding hands and talking about Adesina’s childhood. For the first time in Adesina’s life she felt like she could speak freely and know that she would not be reprimanded or ridiculed. Even Signe and Kendan, both of whom were closer to the young woman than anyone, did not inspire such a lack of restraint.

  When the morning light began to dilute the darkness, Adesina turned to E’rian with an unsettled expression on her face. “Ravi says we will be leaving the forest today.”

  Her mother nodded serenely.

  Adesina found her words were sticking in her throat. She cleared her throat and spoke in a more brusque tone. “When I find the answer am I to come back to this forest?”

  E’rian looked puzzled. “Why would you need to do that?”

  It was Adesina’s turn to frown. “To see you. To Dream.”

  The older woman laughed softly, a lovely musical sound. “Ma’eve, you do not need the forest to Dream now that you know the way. The door has been opened and you can enter whenever you choose.”

  Adesina felt a flood of relief and ducked her head in embarrassment when she realized how clearly it must have been showing on her face. “So, I will see you again?” she mumbled.

  E’rian took Adesina’s chin in her slender hand and tipped her face upward again. “You keep asking that, my daughter. Why so uncertain?”

  She searched for words that would downplay the abnormal amount of emotion she was feeling. “I just do not understand how all of this works.”

  A thoughtful expression came over E’rian as she looked at the young woman before her. “Dreaming is a skill, in a way. You have been taught and aided by this forest in your Dreaming, but that skill will remain with you when you leave. If you have trouble, Ravi will guide you.”

  Adesina nodded. E’rian released her daughter’s face and stepped back. “Close your eyes, Ma’eve. It will ease the crossing.”

  The young woman frowned, slightly confused, but did as she was asked. When she opened her eyes again she was lying in the camp. Ravi was lying next to her, his head resting on his front paws but his golden eyes wide awake. Kendan was curled in the fetal position next to the fire.

  She sat up, and Ravi raised his head to look at her. “Tell your companion we will be leaving the forest today. He needs some reassurance.”

  Adesina moved over to Kendan’s side and put a hand on his shoulder. “Kendan, we will be leaving the forest today.”

  A shiver and a sigh escaped from Kendan’s motionless body. Adesina repacked all their gear and followed Ravi through the trees. Kendan gripped her hand as if it were his only link to sanity.

  Around noon the trees began to thin, and Adesina could see sunlight filtering down through the foliage. The whispers also grew more faint, and it became possible for the young Shimat to tune them out entirely. She could see the end of the trees just ahead.

  As they stepped out into the sunlight, the voices stopped abruptly. It took a moment for Adesina’s eyes to adjust, but she was immediately scanning the area for any prominent danger. Kendan, too distracted to remember his training, heaved a deep sigh of relief. He closed his eyes and focused on breathing in and out, almost as if trying to keep some strong emotion under control.

  Ravi waited patiently a few feet from where Adesina stood. He nodded his head to the north. “The High City awaits.”

  Chapter Seven: The High City

  They approached the High City from the northwest, circling around and passing through a dense forest not far from the city gates. They stopped in the middle of the forest and dismounted.

  Kendan held up two curiously made bags. “These have false bottoms where you can conceal your Shimat belongings.”

  He helped her to transfer everything from her saddlebags with an amused expression. “With all their high morals, they are still a very nosy group of people. Be careful of that.”

nodded in acknowledgment.

  He gave her some clothes to change into and made a small tent out of their blankets to give her some privacy.

  Her cover story was that she hailed from one of the northern tribes. They were mostly nomadic people and there were over a hundred different tribes. Both of these facts made it an ideal fictional background because it made verification difficult. She had been given all the information necessary to impersonate a tribe member. Now all she needed was to look the part.

  Adesina repressed an incredulous snort as she held up the clothing given to her. She had never worn a dress before, and she wasn’t sure she wanted to start now. The skirt was a rough brown material and the bottom was lined with a frayed, multicolored fringe. The bodice was cream colored and lined with the same fringe as the skirt. The laces down the front of the bodice and on the sleeves were a vibrant green. Adesina struggled with the clothing, hoping that nothing was out of place.

  She twisted her silver and black hair into an elaborate braid and pinned it up, in the manner of the northerners. A piece of green ribbon matching her laces was worn across her forehead as a headband. When all of this was done, she took a deep breath and moved out from behind the blankets.

  Kendan smiled when she reappeared. His first real smile since before the whispering forest. “You look…” he paused, then his expression became sad and he cleared his throat. “From here you must go on alone. Remember your instructions, and report here in one month’s time. If there is an emergency, send the signal.”

  Adesina nodded, her mind was racing with all of the information that she needed to remember. She slung the two bags onto her back and began walking towards the city gates, leaving Kendan and the horses behind her. Ravi kept up with her pace easily, humming quietly to himself.

  “How do you plan on getting into the city?” she asked her invisible friend.

  Ravi smiled at this question. “Does this mean you have decided that I am not merely a figment of your imagination?”

  Adesina laughed softly. “No, I am just being practical. An imagination such as mine would have an answer.”

  “Hmph. Well, in that case, perhaps it would be a better question to ask how the city could keep me out.”

  She didn’t have an answer to this query, and discreetly let the subject drop. As she came to the edge of the forest, she got her first look at the outside of the High City.

  The walls around the city appeared to be constructed from the logs of large trees. The walls were quite a bit taller than what was usually seen surrounding a city and they had been painted white. Sentinels were stationed along the top of the wall every few feet, keeping a stern eye on anyone who might approach. There was a single steel door set into the wood that served as the gate. There were also a series of small huts that served as waiting rooms for those hoping to get into the city.

  The guards spotted Adesina the minute she stepped away from the cover of the trees. She moved through the tall yellowing grass like a whisper, and Ravi made even less noise. The sentinel above the gate eyed her suspiciously as she approached.

  The guard wore a uniform that was modest in cut and material, and rich brown in color. He had a black sash draped from his left shoulder to his right hip and a bow in hand. When he spoke, it was in the common tongue. “What do you want, young woman?”

  His tone made it sound like he was much older than her, but Adesina doubted he was more than nineteen years old. He had chestnut hair and mischievous hazel eyes that openly appraised her.

  She assumed a meek expression and reminded herself to speak in his language, but with the accent of one from the far north. “I wish to live and work in the High City.”

  The guard looked skeptical. “Why would one of your kind want to do that?”

  Adesina frowned in confusion at the way he asked the question, as if there was more to it that what she was aware. “My kind? Do you mean a northerner?”

  Before the guard could reply, he was distracted by someone below him on the other side of the wall. They conversed for a moment before the gate slowly began to rise. An elderly man dressed in a simple black uniform and a light blue sash greeted her and showed her through the gate.

  “Come along, young one. Do not dawdle.”

  Adesina did as she was told and walked through the gate. Ravi followed her quickly and silently. The large room on the other side of the gate was filled with tables and chairs, but was otherwise bare. The old man led Adesina to the center of the room, but Ravi seated himself by the wall where he could observe more easily.

  The man offered Adesina a chair and sat down across the table from her. “Please forgive Nordin. He has a strange fascination with…the north.”

  The man noted Adesina’s bewildered expression and asked, “You are from the north, are you not?”

  Adesina nodded slowly. “I was raised in the Northern Tribes.”

  The old man’s wrinkles became more pronounced. “Well, I assumed…that is to say…you bear an unusual likeness to a certain group of northerners of which we in the High City are rather wary.”

  Her curiosity was immediately piqued, but she did her best to keep it from her face. She had never borne a “likeness” to anyone before. She made a mental note to find out more as soon as she was within the city.

  “I am an orphan. I have never met anyone who looks like me.”

  His face cleared with this information. “Ah, I see. What is your name, child?”


  He leaned back and rested his fingertips together lightly. “As I am sure you know, Adrie, we of the High City are very selective of whom we allow through that door.” He pointed to the door on the far side of the room, opposite of the gate. “You claim to be a member of the Northern Tribes, but even if that is true there is no way we can verify that story. Do you know someone within the city who can vouch for your character?”

  Adesina shook her head. The old man smiled and spread his hands. “So you see, there is nothing I can do for you.”

  The young Shimat did some quick thinking. She had to find a way into the city. “Surely there must be some way that you can determine my character.”

  The old man hesitated. “Well, yes, we do have people who interview prospective immigrants, but that is only done after someone of established character vouches for you.”

  Adesina carefully arranged her expression to one of disappointment. “I have no family or friends.”

  She saw his face soften with pity. Adesina lowered her glance and forced her eyes to fill with tears. The old man reached across the table and patted her hand. “There, there, child. No need for tears! I am certain there are many other places you can go and find work.”

  She made her breath shaky as she drew it in. “But I will not be safe anywhere but here!”

  He frowned in confusion. “What do you mean, young woman?”

  Adesina forced more tears out of her eyes and spoke in a quavering voice. “Ours was a peace-loving tribe, but our possessions were coveted by our enemies. They attacked us and killed everyone! My mother, my father, my baby sister…”

  The old man’s eyes were filling up with genuine tears, but Adesina pressed on with her tale of woe.

  “I suppose they only kept me alive because of how I look. They were going to sell me into slavery,” she sobbed.

  He gasped in horror, and she hid her face in her hands, lowering her voice to a pained whisper. “I escaped and fled to the High City. I knew I would be safe once I reached here.” She paused for effect before going on. “If you turn me away, I will surely be captured again!”

  The old man now had a firm hold on her hand and was squeezing it as if he would never let go. “Now, now, dear. I am sure there is something we can do for you! I think we may forego that formality, if I get permission from my superiors.”

  Adesina thanked him while wiping her already dry eyes. The old man excused himself and left the room. She glanced over at Ravi, who had an amused expression on his face.

  “You are quite an actress.”

  She gave him a sarcastic look, but didn’t reply. She kept her focus on the information she had been given to prepare her for her entrance into the High City.

  When the old man returned, several minutes later, he was followed by four more men in black uniforms with light blue sashes. They seated themselves across from Adesina and began asking her questions.

  The man directly in front of Adesina seemed to be the one in charge. He had iron-gray hair, but his face was surprisingly youthful. His dark blue eyes had a very somber feel to them, and his thin mouth seemed to say the same.

  “Your name is Adrie?”

  Adesina nodded, lowering her eyes deferentially. The man looked pleased with her manner.

  Adesina kept her face neutral as she watched the various hints of expression that crossed his face. He was the key to her entrance into the city, and she knew exactly how to manipulate this man.

  “I am called Ston, and I am the head of the Entrance Council.”

  She widened her eyes and looked at him with exaggerated respect and a hint of awe. “I hope I have not inconvenienced you, sir, with my request.”

  Ston waved a hand magnanimously. “No, no. It is no trouble. However, we do need to ask some questions. We must be thorough, you understand.”

  She nodded quickly. “Of course, sir.”

  The next several hours were filled with the drone of Ston’s arrogant voice, the scratching of several pens, and the flawless performance of Adesina’s facade. The questions began with Adesina’s origins—the type of family she came from, the occupation of her parents, her childhood, her education, and so forth. They took special care to make sure that her presence in the High City would not endanger any of its citizens.

  When they were satisfied that her background was benign, they moved on. They questioned her on her opinion over various subjects, asked her reaction to hypothetical situations, and drilled her for details about her future plans.

  Adesina answered in a way that she knew would flatter the self-importance of the man in front of her. She kept her expression one of youthful innocence, and her tone well mannered. When the question of her occupation was brought up, Adesina assured them of her skills as an apprentice carpenter. A gleam of excitement flashed through five sets of eyes.


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