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Love Resisted (The Real Love Series)

Page 13

by Codina, Melanie

  The rush he felt when her lips parted and the tip of her tongue came out to meet his was intoxicating. Tentatively, he rubbed his tongue along hers, giving her a little time so as not to overwhelm her. Allie’s hands were on his chest, and he felt them branding him as she gripped his shirt in her fist with one, then slid the other down and around to his back. He felt every inch of the path as she lit more and more nerves on fire. Her tongue got more demanding, her hands gripped firmer, and she applied more pressure against his body. Each movement she made, she got bolder, and it pushed his control back a fraction each time. He wanted to lose control with this woman.

  When he heard the applause around them, he quickly remembered where they were. It shocked him that he had lost all thought as to their surroundings, but dammit, he didn’t want to let her go. Slowing his lips, he paused and let them linger on hers as he opened his eyes. When he broke the connection, he watched as her eyes opened with a dazed look to them. She, too, had been completely lost in the moment, and it fueled his fire even more. Pulling on the reins of his control, he released his grip on her hair and rubbed her neck softly. She continued to stare at him, eyes glazed with arousal. Heaven and hell, he thought again, as he continued to watch her closely.

  He worried she was going to pull back and not allow him to touch her. Keeping close, he leaned his forehead against hers and sighed. “Allie …” He didn’t know what else to say, so he just closed his eyes and breathed her in.

  “Mike?” Her voice was soft and thick, her hand softly caressing his back, and she still had her forehead against his. Satisfied she hadn’t run away or shut him out yet, he opened his eyes and met hers. Her expression wasn’t readable, and he feared what she’d say next, so he braced himself for disappointment as she opened her mouth.

  “Mike, I’d really like to get out of here.” The pain began in his chest as he tried to will his body into submission and obey his commands. He mustered up all of his strength to put physical distance between them. Then she said something that just about knocked him on his ass. “Because I have a feeling that if we stay here any longer, I may not be able to control myself.” She leaned in even closer and whispered, “If I don’t get your skin against mine very soon, I just might explode.”

  ALLIE watched Mike’s nostrils flare and felt his body harden against hers. After taking a few deep breaths, he lifted his head from hers, ran his tongue across his lips, and said, “Don’t say things you don’t mean, Allie. I’m dangling by a very short rope right now, and just the thought of your skin touching mine is going to push me over the edge. So tell me right now, Allie Baxter, do you mean it? Are you sure?”

  She held his gaze for a few moments, making sure he could see the sincerity in her eyes as she told him, “Oh, I mean it, Mike Lawson … I need you.”

  Mike sucked in a slow, ragged breath as she watched him process her words. He remained frozen in place. In his eyes, she could see the battle he was waging with himself. She had no idea which side was winning, but she needed to make sure the scales tipped in her favor. Using her continued grip on his shirt as leverage, she tip-toed up to his lips, and playfully sucked his lower lip into her mouth. Nipping it with her teeth before letting it go, she dropped back down and whispered again, “I need you, Mike. Don’t make me beg.”

  He growled and brought his mouth an inch away from hers. “Say it again.” She could feel his breath against her face coming in short bursts.

  “I need you, Mike,” she said seductively as she closed the one-inch gap between their lips. His were stiff for a moment, before he apparently came to a decision, and his tongue invaded her mouth. His hand was back in her hair, gripping it for his direction. This coupled with the firm strokes of his tongue against hers only fueled her desire to feel more of his body. She needed more. Moving her hand down his back, she managed to maneuver the hem of his shirt up a bit to allow her hand access. Slipping it against the bare skin of his back, she teased it with her fingertips, before scoring him with her nails.

  He broke away from her and sucked in another breath as she continued to touch his back. It was intoxicating to watch the effect her touch had on him. The power was in her hands, and she wanted to use it. When her other hand left his shirt, it stretched up his neck to curl around it, mimicking his grip on her. She gripped the back of it, tightly, causing him to open his eyes and look down at her. After staring at each other for moment, he said, “I’m about thirty seconds away from losing all restraint, Allie, so I think it’s time you put your shoes back on. I can’t have you hurting yourself as I drag you back to the truck.”

  Letting go of the grip she had on his neck, she let her fingers trail back down the path they took, teasing him with her touch. She was pleased when his nostrils flared once more as she removed her hands and stepped away from him. Leaving him standing there, he watched her as she moved to the edge of the blanket and slipped her feet into her shoes. Finally, he blinked, breaking whatever trance he was in and quickly bent over to grab their belongings.

  Mike grabbed different corners of the blanket they had just occupied, pulling them all to the center and balling it up. Allie couldn’t help but laugh at the move, even though she was grateful he felt the same urgency. Then he opened the picnic basket and shoved it in. Looking up at her, he said, “I can take care of all of this later. If the basket didn’t belong to my sister, we’d be leaving it behind.”

  Standing up, he took her hand and gave her a look. She interpreted it as him silently asking her if she was really sure—if she was ready. She gave him a smile and squeezed his hand. Then he was on the move, carefully pulling her along beside him. Mike maneuvered them between people and around families that were still sitting on their blankets, most likely waiting for the crowds to dissipate.

  Any other evening, that would be what she would do—just sit and wait and enjoy the evening—but tonight was different. Allie felt different. She saw his truck come into view and her anticipation heightened. When Mike dropped her hand and slid his around her waist, pulling her close to him, it went even higher. He asked, “You okay? Sorry if I’m moving too fast.”

  “Move faster, Mike.” His grip around her became firmer as he complied with her order. They were feet away from his truck now, and Mike pulled out his keys to unlock it when an older couple stepped in front of them. Allie was ready to move around them when Mike halted their steps.

  “I thought that was you, Michael, how are you dear?” said the old lady as she made a move to kiss him on the cheek.

  A tense Mike leaned forward a bit to accommodate the height difference as he said, “Yes, Mrs. Goodwyn, it’s me. I’m very well, how are you?”

  Ever the gentleman, Allie thought as she watched him politely speak to the woman who was, unknowingly, playing the role of Little Cockblocker. When Mike turned his attention toward the older man, it left the woman looking directly at her. All Allie could do was smile and say hello.

  This brought Mike’s attention back to her. “Oh, I apologize. Mr. and Mrs. Goodwyn, this is Allie Baxter.” He motioned to Allie, so she smiled politely and extended her hand in greeting as he continued, “Allie, these are my parents’ neighbors, The Goodwyns.”

  “Nice to meet you both,” Allie said.

  “It’s a pleasure, Allie,” said Mrs. Goodwyn. “We’ve known Michael since he was a small boy, even before the pimples started.”

  Allie looked up at Mike with a smirk as she fought to control the giggles that were attempting to take over at the absurdity of this whole situation. She saw Mike shake his head as he said, “Now that’s not nice. Here I am trying to impress a lady, and you bring up puberty. I’m sure glad both of your sons are already married.”

  Mrs. Goodwyn just smiled at him and said, “Oh hush, it’s clear you don’t have that problem anymore. I was merely giving her a time to reference how long I’ve known you. I’m sure there was no harm done. Now was there?” She spoke the last part directly to Allie.

  This old lady was adorable and did a gr
eat job at making Mike squirm next to her. She noticed he positioned the picnic basket in front of his waist in what she could only assume was an attempt to block the evidence of their interlude on the blanket. Allie laughed a little and responded, “None whatsoever.”

  “You see, no harm done. Now give me another kiss before I let you get along with your evening,” Mrs. Goodwyn said. Mike complied and shook Mr. Goodwyn’s hand before they both said goodnight. Together Mike and Allie watched as the older couple walked away, and Mike let out a deep sigh. Allie had to laugh at the dramatic sound of it, as he looked down at her and said, “That was awkward.”


  “I try to avoid speaking with my parents’ neighbors while in the current state I’m in,” he said in a tone that only made her laugh more. She turned toward him, and he moved the basket so she could get directly in front of him. Running her hands up his chest, she asked, “Are we getting out of here or what?”


  MIKE couldn’t explain the urgency he felt right now. It was coursing through his blood and wreaking havoc on his system. It was so strong, not even the two-minute conversation with an old woman put a damper on it. If good ole Mrs. Goodwyn had looked anywhere south of Mike’s belt, she would’ve blushed. Thank God for the picnic basket shield, even if he was cursing it earlier for not being able to leave it in their lustful rush out of the park.

  Tossing the basket into the back of the truck, he opened Allie’s door and helped her in. Not that she needed the help any longer, but he didn’t want to stop touching her. She didn’t waste any time getting in, so he closed the door and quickly made his way to the driver’s side. Pausing for a second, he took a few deep breaths and adjusted his now very uncomfortable jeans, thinking it was going to be long drive home considering he was rock hard. When he climbed up into his truck, he couldn’t help but smile at the sight of Allie occupying the middle seat.

  She gave him a heated look, and whatever maneuvering he had done outside the truck to adjust himself had just been undone. Sitting cautiously, so not to hurt himself, he closed the door behind him, but never took his eyes off her. Allie Baxter was a sensuous creature, and just the way she was biting her lower lip had him wanting to do the same. Now that they were safely inside the cab of his truck, semi-secluded from prying eyes, with a firm hand on her neck, he pulled her against him.

  Her startled gasp gave him immediate access to her mouth, and he didn’t waste any time. Sliding his tongue along hers, he tasted her, learned her, absorbed her. Her touch on his body shocked him a bit at first, then fueled his desire more. Pulling his lips away from hers, in a strained voice, he said, “I need to get us the hell out of here, but I’m afraid you’ll disappear … you’ll change your mind.”

  Spreading kisses across her cheek and down her neck to that wonderfully large expanse of skin she was revealing, he continued, “Allie, tell me you’re mine.” He heard her sigh as she tilted her head to the side, allowing him better access to her neck, which he took. He felt like a randy teenager about to blow in his pants as he was cruising into second base in the front seat of his truck. It was all kinds of hot and wrong at the same time. They were adults, so they weren’t supposed to behave this way. Right? All he knew was, right now, he could care less what was right or wrong; he wanted this woman … badly.

  Knowing he needed to get them somewhere, quickly, he took a deep breath of her and lifted his gaze to her face. When she opened her eyes and met his, he said again, “I’m not sure I can drive this truck away from here, Allie. Not until you tell me you’re mine.”

  He saw a brief moment of hesitation flicker in her eyes before she said, “I’m yours tonight, Mike. Now get us out of here.”

  The last part of her statement was punctuated with a little bit of insistence, as he felt her hand drop to his lap and rub his straining erection. He sucked air in through gritted teeth as he absorbed her touch. He was running out of time and needed to do something quickly. She may not think he caught the wording of her statement, or maybe she thought she could distract him from it by touching him like she was, but he heard it. He heard her exact words. Tonight. Apparently, there was a timeframe on how long she was his. Little did she know, it wasn’t going to play out that way, but that was something he could handle after he got them both into a state of mind that allowed rational thought.

  Mike managed to the get the keys from his pocket and into the ignition without shifting away from Allie—or injuring himself. Starting the truck, he pulled out into traffic, which was a little tight even with their delay in leaving. Allie shifted closer and put her arm around his shoulders as her other hand remained in his lap. Dropping his hand to hold hers against him, he moaned at the added pressure. Glancing over at her, she smiled then leaned in to his ear and flicked it with her tongue. Heaven and hell … she was going to kill him.

  They barely made it out of the Point Loma traffic and were making their way past Shelter Island, when he felt her shifting her body, rubbing on him as she tightened her grip in his lap. He groaned, “God … Allie, you’re killing me, babe. I’ve gotta get us home safely, so you need to stop doing that.”

  “I don’t think I can, Mike,” she said, breathlessly.

  His first concern was she was calling this off, but her body movements said something completely different. So he chose to listen to them. “Believe me, I don’t want you to. But I’m worried I’m going to wrap this truck around a tree if you don’t stop.”

  “I mean I don’t think I can wait. I think you should find somewhere to park this truck, Mike.”

  Looking over at her, Mike could see the need in her eyes. He could feel the tension coming off her body and knew it matched his. The thought of satisfying that need he could see in her eyes, pushed him to comply with her request. Using whatever brain function he still had available, he managed to find a spot along the harbor that would accommodate his truck. Sliding the shifter into park, he cut the engine and turned to look at Allie, suddenly unsure of what was going to happen. He had only a moment to wonder before she was on him.

  ALLIE felt like her skin was on fire, and the only solution to extinguish the flames was Mike. She couldn’t believe she told him he needed to park his truck because she couldn’t wait to get home, but it was the truth. If they didn’t do something soon, she was going to explode. Her need was so strong she completely ignored her inner voice chastising her for suddenly acting like a hussy. Her. Him. Naked. Now. That’s what she wanted.

  Turning her body as much as she could, given their side-by-side position, she had her lips on his before he could say anything. When her tongue slid across his lips, he moaned and slipped his hand to the back of her neck, in a now familiar position. Mike deepened the kiss, and Allie felt her body respond as she melted from the inside out, and the throbbing warmth of her core intensified. Needing to be closer, she managed to maneuver her way out of her seatbelt and up on her knees next to him. This made her a little taller than him and he leaned back to accommodate. When he pushed her away for a moment, she was about to protest until she knew what he was doing. The bench seat slid back all the way, which was surprisingly far considering how tall Mike was. He grabbed her around the waist and shifted her on top of him.

  Legs straddling his lap, she shoved both of her hands into his hair and pulled him back to her lips. His taste exploded in her mouth again as she took all she wanted from him. She could feel his hands roaming from her waist up onto her back, slipping into the little holes made from the fabric grid of her dress. She wasn’t sure if his fingers were getting caught, or if he was doing it intentionally, but it felt like he was digging into whichever square opening he could find. As though he could read her mind, he pulled away and said, “I’ve been wondering all night whether or not you were hiding a bra under this dress.”

  He used the grip in her hair to move her head back and give him more room as his lips made their way down the front of her neck. His other hand abandoned its play with the holes of her
dress, moving to her shoulder before slowly sliding the strap down and off the curve, taking her dress with it. Again, he managed to move her by way of her hair, as she felt her back meet the steering wheel. She didn’t want there to be any space between them and tried to eliminate it, when he slipped her dress farther down her arm, exposing the upper swell of her breast. When all movement paused, she looked at him. He smiled and said, “So which is it, Allie? Bra? Or no bra?”

  Wordlessly, she boldly reached for the zipper hidden at her side and slid it down. Once the zipper was released, the dress fell and exposed both breasts to Mike. She felt his body react as her skin came into view, further surging her lust. She wanted nothing more than to present herself to him—to his gaze, to his touch, to his need. So when he growled and dropped his head to her chest, she watched for a moment before she felt her nipple being pulled into his mouth. The pulling sensation shot straight down her body and pooled between her legs.

  Wanting to touch him, needing more, but unable to because of her position, she rubbed her body against the hard ridge of his erection to relieve the throbbing between her legs. This only had Mike moaning and sucking harder on her breasts. It had been too long, she needed more, and she needed it now. “Mike …” she managed to get out on a sigh.

  Pulling him away from her breasts by his hair, he had a drunk look on face as she said, “More, I need more.”

  Slamming her lips against his, she used the space still between their bodies to get at his zipper. Fumbling her attempts with shaking hands, Mike stilled them and said, “Let me take care of you, Allie. Don’t worry about me.”

  When he moved his lips to once again attend her aching breasts, she halted him and rubbed against his evident arousal. “The only thing that will take care of me right now, Mike Lawson, is your cock. I need it, and I want it now.”

  Clearly shocked by her bold statement, he paused for a moment, then said, “That has to be one of the hottest fucking things I’ve ever heard, Allie Baxter.”


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