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The Omega Objection

Page 18

by G. L. Carriger

  Judd said, “Don’t fight it, Alpha, just go all the way to wolf, then come back. It’ll probably be easier.”

  Alec seemed to hear that. He flickered through his third form, which was oddly impressive, that true monster of werewolf legend – all massive head and claws but upright and bipedal, and then came out the other side as a smallish, lean but handsome wolf. Alec was a rangy beast, brown and cream with beautiful black markings that Tank envied.

  Kevin said, “I’m just gonna go get Bryan. I’m thinking we need our Beta. Fuck, I hope he’s home.” He ran off, still naked. Kev’s exhibitionist tendencies were one reason they never bothered much with trimming their yard.

  Marvin let out a breath. “What an exciting thing to come home to.” He noticed Isaac for the first time. “Oh, hello. Who are you?”

  “I’m, uh, Isaac.” Tank felt Isaac relax a little and then stand up. It was hard to stay terrified when one hundred and twenty pounds of willowy blond perfection was dimpling at you and acting like everything was perfectly normal.

  Marvin always brushed off any and all werewolf fuss as being beyond his merman ken and not really worth worrying over. He glided through the couches and pecked Isaac on the cheek, as though they had known each other for years.

  “Welcome, dear. You’re Tank’s special friend, aren’t you? How nice. I was hoping he’d find someone.”

  Isaac was clearly both shocked and charmed. He was also confused enough to be no longer interested in running.

  God bless mermen, thought Tank. Marvin was just so easy – easy to be around, easygoing, easy on the eyes.

  Isaac was not flummoxed for long, though. “You must be Marvin the merman?”

  “Oh, you’ve heard of me? Tank, darling, were you telling tail tales?”

  Tank woofed at both him and his bad wordplay.

  Marvin chuckled. “Yes, I’m Alec’s mate. Sorry about that, terribly rude of him. Usually, he has better control.”

  “He makes for an attractive wolf,” Isaac said, clearly at a loss for anything else.

  “Oh, do you think so? I’ve always felt that.” Marvin was oblivious to the oddness of Alec’s recent behavior. He did not realize Alphas never lost control. They just didn’t. “I think he’d like to be bigger, if he had the choice.”

  Alec only sat there, panting, trying to collect himself.

  Isaac grinned and said to Marvin, “Well, I guess you’re no size queen.”

  Marvin threw his stunning blond head back and laughed. Then, because Tank was still leaning protectively against Isaac, he replied with a gesture, “But clearly you are, honey.”

  Isaac gave a shocked snort.

  A wet crunch sounded as Alec morphed back into human shape. He looked sadly down at his ruined clothing. “I was fond of those pants.”

  “Aw, sweetie, you have six pairs and they’re all exactly the same.” Marvin scooped up a throw blanket, went over and wrapped it around his mate’s waist, like a skirt.

  Alec sighed. He gave Isaac a look. “I think I’ll stay over here, if you don’t think it rude. The way you smell, or don’t smell, pretty much drives me nuts.”

  Isaac nodded. “Appreciate it.” Tank could hear the wonder in his voice. “Your self-control is remarkable.”

  “Really? Sure doesn’t seem like it from here.” Alec cocked his head. “Wait a second. You’ve had ample examples of werewolves who haven’t any control around you, haven’t you?”

  “He’s an Omega,” explained Judd.

  “Yes, I figured.” Alec gave Isaac a funny bow, which caused Isaac to start.

  Tank chuffed at him for comfort. Isaac fondled his ears. Tank was proud of his Alpha, pleased he had manners and some control.

  Alec cleared his throat and said, awkwardly, “It’s an honor to meet you, Isaac. We had no Omega in our last pack, and that Alpha was not one to mingle much with other werewolves, so I never met one. None of us have.” He glanced at Judd. “I don’t think. Look, I’m sorry about that third form thing. I’ve never felt such a sensation before.”

  Isaac nodded. “You wanted to bite me? Or rough me up with marks? Or hold me down? Or lock me in your basement until I show you my neck?”

  Alec looked genuinely appalled. He glanced at Marvin and swallowed hard. “Uh, just bite you, honest. And bite to change. Like for metamorphosis. A maker’s bite. Nothing else, I assure you.

  Is that what usually happens around Alphas, they try to maul and imprison you?”

  And Tank understood, at last, why Isaac hated werewolves.


  Shifters Temple Pastoral Gathering

  Isaac nodded, feeling miserable. But also strangely hopeful. If Alec was telling the truth about only wanting to bite, then perhaps this really was a different kind of pack. Plus, Alec had already shown more self-control than any other Alpha he’d ever met.

  Alec frowned. “Your previous encounters, were they mated, those Alphas?”


  “And they probably weren’t gay either.”

  Isaac shook his head.

  “So they’d run into you, get overcome with all these blood urges, and probably go crazy. Because they wouldn’t understand any of it. Not that that’s an excuse, of course!” Alec was the strangest, talkiest Alpha Isaac had ever met.

  Isaac nodded. “That’s one way of putting it.”

  Alec was curious in an endearing geeky way. “But why? I mean, I’ve never heard of that being typical with Alphas and Omegas.” He looked at Judd. “Is it? I mean, is it normal, this urge I have to bite him? Or does it have something to do with the fact that he’s got no pack?”

  Judd only shrugged.

  Alec continued. “Why would I want to, you know, just gnaw on him? It doesn’t feel like claiming. Not really.”

  Tank growled.

  Marvin whimpered.

  Alec instantly put out an arm for his mate. “Come here, babe. It’s okay, I honestly don’t want him like that.”

  Marvin flew to him and nestled against his chest.

  Alec looked worried and sheepish. “No insult intended, Isaac, you’re hot and all.” His frown cleared as he looked down at his mate. Alec kissed Marvin’s temple. “Only you, babes. It’s not that.”

  He looked Isaac up and down from a safe distance. “I don’t want to fuck him. It’s like my instinct is to fix him. I feel almost parental. Are you, uh, broken, Isaac?”

  Isaac had the oddest sensation. It was as if his insides were hotter than his outsides, like his soul was trying to squeeze out of his skin in surprise.

  It wasn’t that Alec’s reaction was unexpected. He’d assumed the Alpha would morph into third form and attack him (every other Alpha always had). Isaac had been prepared, if he had to, to use his wolf and defend himself. He hated to do it, but he would let his wolf free, if it meant protection.

  But it had gone differently this time.

  That ridiculous merman had sashayed in and smoothed everything over. The undersized Alpha had miraculously managed to shift back without pouncing on Isaac and mauling him. Now Alec was holding himself there, keeping himself human, and preventing himself from attacking. He was looking at Isaac with something approaching sympathy and a need to care, like a nurse.

  Alec looked around. “Okay, let’s just everyone be calm for a moment and see if we can’t figure this out.”

  Then Alec began asking Isaac questions. Smart, gentle, appropriate questions, trying to understand the situation. There was no demand to them. No intent to trap. No intent to do anything to Isaac against his will.

  Did Isaac have pack? (No.) Did Isaac have family? (Only nominally.) Where was Isaac from, originally? (Cleveland. Yes, people came from Cleveland to the Bay Area.)

  It was almost enough to make Isaac relax.

  Then the big red-headed enforcer came bursting back into the room, still naked. Does he ever wear clothing?

  He was trailed by a large cream-colored wolf and
an unfairly sexy Asian dude who smelled like coolant and power. These three were followed by a slender, cheerful Italian-looking fellow with slicked-back wavy hair and vaguely greaser clothing.

  “Are we having a pack meeting?” asked this last arrival. “I didn’t know.”

  Alec said, “Lovejoy, that’s a great idea. Seeing as we’re all here now. I’m gonna start over from the beginning.” He looked for a long, thoughtful moment at Isaac and Tank. Tank was still a wolf and still leaning protectively against Isaac’s legs.

  Alec sucked his teeth, then issued orders. “Kevin, you stay near the door. And perhaps consider a bathrobe or something.” For the first time, he sounded like an actual Alpha. “Judd, you’re good where you are. Bryan, stay close to me. But both you and Tank, I want you in human form. We all need to talk about this.”

  Isaac gaped. Talk? More?

  Imagine, a pack of werewolves who were just gonna sit around and discuss him. They weren’t trying to eat him. Or fight him. Or fight over him. Or fuck him up. Or lock him up.

  Marvin took a little breath and slid away from his mate’s comforting embrace. He made his way to the kitchen. The Italian dude joined him there with a whispered, “What’s going on?” Marvin shrugged and pointed him at the fridge. Apparently, they were getting snacks.

  Isaac was both pleased and honored. Food meant welcome.

  Isaac was also hungry. He hadn’t eaten since the lunch with Lavish, a million years ago.

  “Tank, Bryan, human form, now.” There was steel in Alec’s measured words. There was no VOICE to it, but finally Isaac felt Alec’s true power. Both wolves instantly did as ordered.

  Isaac found himself a little proprietary about the fact that Tank was now standing next to him in the middle of the living room in all his glory. Funny really, because they were werewolves and it happened a lot. Isaac pulled another throw off the back of a chair and wrapped it around Tank, much as Marvin had done with Alec. Tank looked delighted by the attention.

  God, he so wants to belong to someone. I wish he were mine to keep. Isaac flinched at that thought. How horrible to want to do to Tank what so many had tried to do to him.

  The throw was shades of teal and turquoise with a sequined fringe. It looked ever so slightly like a grass skirt, but Tank seemed perfectly comfortable in it.

  Marvin came over with a tray of sliced meat and gave Isaac’s possessive blanketing a nod of approval.

  “Good. Well, yes, that makes sense. Tank, that’s a lovely color on you. Now, sit and eat, Isaac. Tell us everything. And then tell us how we can fix it. Would you like a cocktail? I could make one, I think.”

  Alec looked genuinely confused. “We have booze?”

  Marvin grinned. “We have gin!” He reached beneath the coffee table and produced a turquoise squarish bottle. “I got it ‘cause it matched my cushions.”

  Alec remained puzzled. “What will you mix it with, babe?”

  Marvin frowned then turned to ask the young redhead in the kitchen to check for mixers.

  Colin stood a long moment with the fridge door open. “We have milk.”

  Everyone winced. Isaac appreciated what the merman was doing – making himself ridiculous to lighten the mood.

  The Italian came over with more food – little meatballs in some kind of sauce and cubes of cheese. “I’m Lovejoy,” he said before heading back for napkins.

  “Oh, goodness me!” Marvin set down the gin with a perturbed flutter of his hands. “How awful. I never made proper introductions. Now Isaac, who did you meet already? Oh never mind, let’s start at the beginning.”

  Tank tugged Isaac to sit down.

  Isaac found himself sharing a settee with his lover while the merman trotted about, arms swimming wildly through the air as he gestured at each werewolf. Isaac’s own wolf, feeling odd and floaty and safe, stretched out his senses to follow along.

  “Alec, you now know.”

  Isaac’s wolf told him Alec was strong, beloved of his pack, and young in his leadership. His confidence was centered in his abilities as a scientist, the love of his mate, and care of his pack. But he was not yet fully settled into his authority.

  Marvin continued for the sake of teasing his partner. “He’s the rude one who apparently can’t stop third forming all over the place.”

  “What? Third form? Why?” That came from the man who’d formerly been a cream-colored wolf. He was big, although not as big as Tank, with brown hair and long-lashed familiar-looking hazel eyes. Alec’s brother?

  “I’ll explain in a moment. That’s Bryan, he’s pack Beta. I know he’s too big for it, but Alec’s not exactly your average Alpha.”

  Bryan said, “Should I make tea? This may call for tea.”

  “He’s also obsessed with tea. Do please tell him what you like or you get something nasty and pungent.”

  Isaac could only shake his head when both Bryan and Marvin looked at him inquiringly. “No tea, thank you.”

  Bryan sniffed.

  Isaac’s wolf told him that the Beta was a still comfort, like the coastal redwood forests – the light that filtered through was valued, and he treasured those around him deeply. Where Alec was the head, Bryan was the heart of this pack. He would die for his Alpha, and they knew it and loved him for it.

  Marvin continued. “The super sexy-mean one next to Bryan is Max, Bryan’s mate.”

  Max was a hot Asian dude with a take-no-prisoners expression and the crackling of power around him. He left his lover’s side and, totally fearless, came over to Isaac and stuck out a hand. “Yo yo.”

  Isaac shook it. His nose wrinkled involuntarily at the acrid sharpness of the man. “You’re a mage?”

  His wolf told him nothing, a blank on this man. Probably because he was cloaked in quintessence.

  Max grinned. “Don’t just say it out loud, everyone will know.”

  Marvin pressed on, stubborn. “Let’s see… you met Judd, enforcer.”

  Isaac’s wolf was no longer shaking in fear of the big black man, so he was able to inform Isaac that Judd was reserved, old, and lonely. Even here, surrounded by a pack that accepted him, Judd was guarded. Isaac stifled down his wolf’s keening pity for the man, his need to explore that isolation and mend the divide.

  “Kevin, the big redhead at the door, is our other enforcer.” Kevin blew them a kiss. Still naked.

  Isaac’s wolf read Kevin as smooth and cheerful, his confidence brackish with old failure, worried about something dear, capable of great love, and extremely protective.

  “That’s Colin there. He’s Kevin’s brother, in case you didn’t guess.”

  Isaac didn’t want to touch too closely on the boy. The jolt at the club had been bad enough, but his wolf perked up, reached out. Mine heal mine help. Damaged, then, and in desperate need of affection, but also frightened of it. Isaac could sympathize.

  “Lovejoy is the one in the kitchen with too much gel in his hair. And then there’s me, the prettiest.”

  Isaac’s wolf thought Lovejoy was slightly uncomfortable with himself, but eager and interested in the world, cautious with things new and treasured.

  And Marvin? Marvin wasn’t a werewolf, but he was shifter enough to read – watery and light, all tangled tenderness and spikes of exasperation, with a sparkling overlay of adoration and easy amusement.

  Lovejoy and Colin came to sit with them in the sunken living room area. Now only Kevin at the door, Judd opposite on guard, and Bryan next to Alec stayed standing and further away.

  Isaac had no idea how it happened, but it was exactly the kind of arrangement that made him feel safest. The enforcers were furthest away from him and Alec was being tempered by a Beta who seemed quite strong. Isaac noticed Alec’s breathing ease and his shoulders relax due to Bryan’s proximity. The only pack members close to Isaac were all sitting and were also the weakest wolves and the non-werewolves. And his lover, of course, who even in his human form still preferred close, was offering c
omfort that Isaac found troubling but his wolf adored.

  His wolf told him little about Tank except mine mine mineminemine.

  Isaac took a small sip of air. He was hungry but too nervous to eat. “So hi, everyone, I’m Isaac.” He felt a little like he was taking the podium in front of some alcohol addiction recovery meeting.

  He glanced at Tank. Make that werewolf addiction recovery meeting.

  “I’m an Omega. I’m afraid I’ve been living in your territory for a while. I didn’t realize. I thought there were no packs in the Bay Area. That’s why I moved here. But I also didn’t check with DURPS. Because, I… well, I didn’t want to register myself. Anyway, I met Tank and I learned about you being here. I was going to leave. I swear I was!”

  “It’s okay.” Alec clearly wanted to come over and comfort Isaac but he didn’t move from his position. Instead he raised his palm in an awkward gesture of welcome. “We aren’t upset about that. We aren’t upset at all. We’re delighted to meet you.”

  Isaac’s wolf assured him that the Alpha was genuine.

  “So, Isaac, you’re a born Omega?” Alec was frowning hard and being careful with his words. Isaac had never seen an Alpha like that. Usually they were brash and prone to charging in teeth first, talk later.

  “Yes sir,” said Isaac.

  Alec stumbled on. “Were you ever made? I mean, in adulthood have you ever been bitten by an Alpha in third form?”

  Isaac felt his heart rate accelerate. “No!”

  Tank’s big hand slid behind Isaac on the couch and began to rub the small of Isaac’s back.

  Alec nodded. “Okay. So I think that’s what’s going on. Something in me is desperate to change you. The lack of smell, it’s wrong. I think that I want to bite you so badly because then you would smell like pack. It’s worse than any other instinct I’ve ever encountered.”

  Isaac nodded. “Every Alpha I’ve met has turned third form and attacked me. Or, if they aren’t strong enough to have third, they locked me away or beat me up or both.”

  All the men around him looked unhappy.

  Tank gave a sad little growling sigh and shifted closer, plastered against him, nuzzled his neck.


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