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The Omega Objection

Page 29

by G. L. Carriger

  G A I L C A R R I G E R, L L C

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, events, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination, used in a fictitious manner, or in the public domain. Any resemblance to actual events or actual persons, living or dead, is coincidental.


  This work of fiction contains sexually explicit situations of a romantic and carnal nature between members of the same sex. If love (in its many forms) and love’s consequences (in even more varied forms) are likely to offend, please do not read this book. Miss Carriger has a young adult quartet, the Finishing School series, that may be more to your taste. Thank you for your understanding, self-awareness, and self-control.

  Copyright © 2018 by GAIL CARRIGER LLC

  Cover © 2018 by GAIL CARRIGER LLC, assembled by Starla Huchton

  Digital Formatting by Nina Pierce of Seaside Publications

  The moral right of the author has been asserted.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, including the right to reproduce this book, or any portion thereof, in any form.

  This book is for your personal enjoyment only. If you are reading this book and it was not purchased for your use, then please purchase your own copy.

  In accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the uploading, torrenting, or electronic sharing of any part of this book without the permission of the publisher is unlawful piracy and theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like to use material from the book (other than for review purposes), prior written permission must be obtained by contacting

  The author strives to ensure that her self-published works are available as widely as possible and at a price commensurate with her ability to earn a living. Thank you for respecting her hard work.

  Version 1.0

  ISBN 978-1-944751-15-9




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