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Fated Mate

Page 34

by Juniper Hart

  “She was alienated when she was conceived. No one would accept her. Not Royals, not Elementals, and I bet even humans are turned off by her,” Maylei spat, turning her nose to the ceiling.

  Asalei sprung to her feet, towered over Maylei, yanked her from the chair and clamped her hand over her daughter’s mouth. “What is wrong with you? Did you hear what Erasina said? You should remember that this is your brother’s mate. Quit acting like a spoiled little girl who didn’t get her way,” she hissed. She stared into Maylei’s eyes as the girl began to cry, and Asalei’s face screwed up with anger. “Maylei, I think it’s best if you take some time for yourself until the wedding. When you rejoin us, please have a better attitude.”

  As soon as Asalei let go of Maylei’s face, Maylei ran as fast she could out of the room. Letting out a huff, Asalei sat back in her chair to allow the manicurist to finish her nails. Her eyes slid to Daisy.

  “Please do not let her jealousy and anger ruin this for you. You’re getting married, and that is a joyous occasion. Let’s make it one.”

  The rest of the day was pleasant and relaxing. Daisy managed to bond with Asalei, Erasina, and Cecona. They were making her feel like family. When the day winded down to an end and Daisy was placed in her own room, she was actually sad to part ways with them. She showered and then climbed into bed. She sat awake, feeling sick to her stomach. Maybe it was jitters getting to her over the wedding, but that didn’t feel right. She was excited to marry Nyle, especially after such a wonderful day with his family.

  Then, a thought came to mind. Daisy could have been ill over the fact that her mother no longer approved of the marriage. She nibbled on her lip, looking at her phone, deciding whether to call her. Nyle had said she could come, and while she knew her mother was upset because of the lies Forrest had put in her head, perhaps with a couple days to think it over, she had come to her senses. Daisy dialed her mother, putting the phone to her ear.

  “Hello, Daisy,” Forrest answered.

  A brief flash of panic surged through her, her mind jumping to the worst conclusions about why he was picking up the phone. “Where is my mom?” she demanded.

  “She’s taking a shower. I’ll let you talk to her when she gets out.”

  “I’ll just call back in a few minutes,” Daisy stated, holding onto skepticism that her mom was just in the shower.

  “I want to talk to you, Dais.”

  “Don’t try and give me nicknames. I don’t know you,” she snapped.

  Forrest sighed, “I hate that it has to be so strained between us, Daisy. I really do want to protect you and for us to be a family, like we should have been all along. Your mother may get upset with me telling you, but we’ve decided to make our relationship work. Things are going so well. She’s even talking about joining me in Ohio.”

  “What?” Daisy blinked. “That’s not at all like her. She wouldn’t just pick up and leave.”

  “Well, with you marrying Nyle, it isn’t like you are going to be around to see her. She’s realized that she feels the love between us, too. We both want you to come with us to Ohio. Please, Daisy. I know having a soulmate feels amazing and all, but you’re being led to your death. Please, please believe me when I say that.”

  “Why should I believe you? Nyle has been nothing but amazing to me since the day we met. You disappeared for two decades. I don’t have to listen to you, and I’m not going to.”

  “Why can’t you see I’m trying to make it up to you?”

  “Why can’t you stop passing judgment on Nyle when you have only ever met him once?”

  Forrest groaned, “Because I know the Royals far too well. More than you. They manipulate and deceive people to play them for their own benefit.”

  “If they are playing me for their own benefit, then how would becoming their queen be anything more than an honor?”

  “You’re being impossible, Daisy,” he growled. “Don’t go through with the wedding. I’m begging you.”

  “You don’t want to answer difficult questions, and I have no reason to believe you. I want to talk to my mom, right now,” Daisy demanded.

  “Fine,” he hissed. “You can’t say I didn’t warn you.”

  There was silence and then some shuffling around.

  “Hello?” Cassie spoke.

  “Hey, Mom,” Daisy breathed, trying to calm down from her conversation with Forrest. She didn’t want any more bad blood between the two of them. “Look, I’m sorry I ran out the other day. I was just so upset and had to get away… It was childish, I know.”

  Cassie sighed heavily. “It’s okay, sweetheart. Are you back in New York now?”

  “Yeah, I am. The wedding is tomorrow. Would you like to come?” Daisy asked with uncertainty in her voice.

  Every moment of silence pierced right through Daisy’s heart.

  “I’m sorry, I just… I can’t. I can’t sit there and watch you marry someone that I believe will hurt you. Forrest told me you aren’t backing down. You’re an adult, and I can’t force you to do anything, so I suppose I have to respect your decision—but I won’t be there. I want nothing to do with those awful beasts.”

  “Has he literally brainwashed you?” Daisy asked. “You’re so wrong about Nyle that it hurts. Why don’t you trust me to be able to make my own decisions? Why can’t you trust my opinion of Nyle over Forrest’s?”

  “You’ve already asked me these questions, and you know my answer. Even a chance of him being the man Forrest described is too much for me. I understand my relationship with Forrest must confuse and frustrate you, but it feels right being with him. I can’t explain it. I felt it all those years ago, but allowed myself to grow bitter and make myself believe that I hated him. For some reason, I just trust him, and he’s your father. He really wants what is best for you.”

  “Neither of you knows what is best for me!” Daisy yelled. “Do you know how hypocritical you’re being right now? You’re asking me to go against the man I love, my soulmate, to listen to yours. What I feel for Nyle is infinitely stronger than whatever the two of you have. And if you think he is so innocent, and his people are the good guys, then why don’t you ask him why two Elementals assisted a Royal dragon named Mylora. Did you know they kidnapped me and held me hostage eight months ago? Maybe when you get the truth behind that, then you’ll understand that they aren’t so pure either.” Daisy paused, but when her mother didn’t respond, she said, “I guess this is goodbye for now. I love you and wish you all the best in Ohio.”

  She ended the call and threw her phone clear across the room. Bringing her knees up to her chest, she hugged them tightly and took big, deep breaths. Daisy wasn’t going to let herself cry anymore, especially over things her mom and Forrest said. Neither of them understood her and Nyle. Perhaps she was partly to blame since she had kept her mom in the dark about Nyle’s family, but that didn’t give her the right to completely disregard Daisy’s opinion of Nyle. Bile rose up her throat, and Daisy launched herself from the bed, hurrying to the bathroom. She barely made it to the toilet in time, vomiting the entire contents of her stomach. Daisy couldn’t believe her mother had upset her so much that she was sick, and on the eve of her wedding.

  Once her stomach settled down, Daisy washed out her mouth and stepped back into the bedroom. Picking up her phone from the floor, she collapsed onto the bed. Lying down, Daisy tried her best to clear her mind and get some rest. With the big day in the morning, she feared she wouldn’t sleep a wink.


  Nyle was dressed in his suit early the next morning. It resembled the one that had been made for him for the funeral, but was cream-colored with gold accents. The luxurious robe and tunic fit perfectly, and his hair was actually styled for once, combed back neatly with a bit of gel to hold it in place.

  He was slightly hungover, but all he needed was a little food and some coffee to feel better. The thought that he would be married to Daisy in just an hour kept a smile plastered on his face. Nothing could bring him down. He sat sti
ll as Evryn applied the ceremonial gold paint to Nyle’s face. One line down the length of his nose, over his lips and down his chin, dots above his brow. When his eyes opened, and he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror, his was surprised. He looked just like his father in his wedding pictures, just younger.

  Evryn’s hands clamped down on Nyle’s shoulders as he stood over him. “Your father would be overflowing with pride to see you now.”

  Nyle swallowed the lump in his throat. “Thank you, Evryn.”

  Then, very carefully, Evryn placed Nyle’s crown on top of his head. It was a gold band fashioned with small points around the circumference of the precious metal. Diamonds and rubies studded the crown. In just a short while, he would switch that crown for the one his father had worn. Nyle stood from the chair, taking in his appearance one last time before looking to Evryn. “This is the right thing to do, isn’t it? Me becoming king…”

  “I truly couldn’t choose anyone better suited for this role,” Evryn smiled. “And Daisy will make a beautiful, kind queen.”

  “Yes she will,” Nyle grinned to himself, straightening his sleeves and taking a deep breath. He hadn’t anticipated being so jittery.

  “Your Highness, someone is here to see you,” a guard called from the door.

  “Let them in,” he called over.

  The door opened and Nyle glanced in the direction of the visitor. He blinked rapidly, thinking perhaps his mind was playing tricks on him, but it wasn’t. His sister, Erasina, stood before him.

  “Era,” he breathed, hurrying over to her and hugging her tightly. “I’m so glad you have returned for this day.”

  “Someone has to keep our baby sister in check,” she teased, hugging him back.

  Nyle rolled his eyes and backed away. “Don’t remind me. She has been a thorn in my side ever since I returned.”

  “Don’t worry, Mother has silenced her until the end of the wedding,” Erasina smiled.

  “Good,” he nodded. “Have you met Daisy?”

  “Oh, yes. She’s just lovely. She’s so sweet, and so unlike you,” Erasina beamed.

  He chuckled at her snide comment. His track record with women before Daisy certainly wasn’t anything to brag about, and Erasina was well aware.

  “I’m glad to hear you’re in support of the union. It means a lot to me.”

  Erasina squeezed her brother’s arm in a comforting manner. “Soon everyone will get to know her and accept her. It’ll take some time, but you two are perfect for the throne. She is the ying to your yang. You toughen her up, and she softens your edges. You’ll be like mom and dad.”

  Nyle snorted, “Our father ruled with an iron fist; mother softened no edges.”

  “Oh?” Erasina questioned. “I think you’re selling them both short. You’ve heard the stories of how he was before she came around. He conquered an entire state and took it from the Elementals.”

  “And he was planning to take another.”

  “Why do you think he never got around to it?” Erasina asked, putting her hands on her hips. She cocked a brow at him with a smile on her lips before walking away.

  Nyle blinked, taken back by her statement. He had never thought of it that way. Maybe he was more like his father than he ever thought. Nyle pulled himself out of his thoughts before Erasina completely left the room.

  “Is Daisy doing okay?” He hoped she wasn’t getting cold feet.

  “She’s fine. She was getting sick earlier, but I think she just had a little too much champagne last night. Daisy is getting dressed as we speak. Everything is going according to plan.”

  Nyle eased, a faint smile coming to his face. He was glad she had a good time the night before and that she was feeling better from her hangover.

  An elder appeared in the door frame. “It’s time, Nylyrias.”

  He nodded at the man and took another deep breath. Everyone departed from the room, and relocated to the throne room where the ceremonies would be held. As Nyle followed them out, a hand caught his shoulder. He peered back at Evryn.

  Evryn didn’t say a word until everyone else had left the room. “I have your wedding gift. I wanted to give it to you now, while we have a moment alone.”

  Why did he need to do it in private? Nyle watched as Evryn opened the bag he had brought in with him and fished out a small box wrapped in burgundy paper.

  Evryn said, “I have been thinking long and hard about your union, Nyle. Even before you came back to the kingdom. I knew a big problem you would run into would be her humanity. You would start to age gradually in a few years, and she might not. I don’t want to see her turn old and gray and both of you go through that pain. So, I’ve found the solution.”

  Nyle’s intrigue was certainly sparked, taking the box from Evryn when he extended it to Nyle. He ripped at the paper and opened the box. It was a small vial filled with a deep, green liquid.

  “Did you find the fountain of youth or something?” Nyle asked, lifting it to inspect. “Because I think the fountain was filled with slime.”

  Evryn laughed. “No, not the fountain of youth. Really, it doesn’t have a name. However, it’s an elixir that should act as a catalyst to make her dragon DNA more prominent. In fact, if it works correctly, she will be as much dragon as you and me. I traveled all the way to Europe to get this from an elder in a tiny, remote village. Now, bear in mind that this won’t make her a Royal, but a full Elemental. I hope that our people won’t get so hung up on that, since she is already half Elemental.”

  Nyle’s jaw dropped, staring at the liquid. Daisy could live as a dragon? His heart swelled at the possibility.

  “Are you sure this works?” he asked Evryn.

  Evryn nodded. “Apparently, back in our homeland, hybrids were a common problem among the clan. Our ancestors were just ashamed that our lineage wasn’t pure and made sure to keep that out of the history books. Anyways, the elders who remain there had this elixir. The one I spoke to said he had single-handedly seen two dozen hybrids become full dragons with the help of this potion.”

  Nyle was thrilled.

  Evryn warned, “I need you to know that the process will be rather painful for her and will take a long time, possibly weeks. I suggest you wait until things are calm and then sneak away to that house in Virginia to let her transition in private.”

  Nyle carefully placed the vial back inside the box and closed it, not wanting to risk dropping it. “This is the best gift I could have ever received, Ev. I don’t know how to thank you.”

  “Thank me by leading this clan to greatness. Don’t be as vengeful as your father; be forgiving. I always warned your father that harboring such hate and stress would kill him, and it seems as though I might have been right about that. You and this kingdom deserve happiness, so let us strive to bring that to the land.”

  “I will do my best,” Nyle replied as he nodded eagerly. He looked down at the box. “Would you put this in my room for me? I don’t want it getting harmed. I would do it myself, but I think I’m already running late,” Nyle smiled weakly.

  “Of course,” Evryn said, taking the box back. He clasped a hand on Nyle’s shoulder one last time, “Congratulations, Nyle. Now hurry along. You don’t want to be too late to your own wedding,” he chuckled.

  Nyle grinned and hurried toward the throne room. The guards opened the door, and the entire room stood as soon as Nyle came into sight. The musicians on the other side of the room played a soft ballad as he made his way to the front. Once he stood at the altar that was set up directly in front of the thrones, he looked to the crowd. In the front row was his two sisters, but not his mother. His brow furrowed as he looked to Erasina for an answer. All she did was shrug at him.

  Then, the song changed to a slower melody, violins filling the air with sweet, romantic harmonies. All the heads turned toward the door as they opened. Nyle’s breath was taken away by the sight of Daisy. She was in a burgundy ball gown with long sleeves and a sweetheart neckline. The dress had a long train that two lit
tle girls carried. Her face paint matched his, with a line straight from the bridge of her nose to her chin; the only difference was the dots were on her cheeks instead of along her brow. Daisy’s hair was in intricate braids, with a wreath crown about her head.

  Asalei walked her down the aisle, wearing a flowy cream dress. It warmed his heart to see his mother stepping up to be with Daisy, since he assumed her own mother decided not to come. Nyle’s family would be the family Daisy never knew she needed.

  Nyle’s eyes were glued to Daisy’s stormy blue-gray hues. Tears threatened to cascade down her cheeks, which he could see on the brim of her lashes. His throat dried, his own tears forming.

  When they approached Nyle, he gently took Daisy’s hands in his own and helped her up on the step. He took in every detail of her face and of the dress she wore. She had never looked more gorgeous to him. Nyle was lost in her beauty, trying to memorize every little detail so he could cherish it forever.

  As he stared at his bride, the Royal priest next to them spoke, signaling the beginning of the ceremony. The priest spoke in the dead dragon language as he read the words from the ancient text. Daisy wouldn’t be able to follow the ceremony, so he whispered each word the man said to her, keeping his eyes locked onto hers.

  “We are here, to bond together two families as one, honoring the soul-bond that these two share. Nature and the sun above have brought these two together for reasons that no one but the universe knows. Today, they will be bound together not only in spirit but in matrimony. May the sun and the heavens bless them for years to come and keep them as strong as they are as they stand before us,” he whispered to her, low enough so only she could hear.

  The priest then proceeded with the vows, Nyle’s eyes burning with emotion as he repeated his vow to Daisy in the dead language. Even though she had no idea what he was saying, a few tears dared to escape her eyes as she hung on every syllable that passed his lips. The priest then poured wine into a ceremonial glass before blessing it, and then passing it to Nyle. He took a sip of it and then handed it to Daisy.


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