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Page 5

by Toni L. Meilleur

  Taraema’s eyes remained dull and seemingly lifeless despite Allantra’s pleas. Her mother had undoubtedly snapped. “Fight this, you’re too close,” Allantra rasped out in desperation. “Mother, dammit, you can hear me!” she screamed, shaking her mother’s puppetlike frame.

  Terror taunted her at the thought that her mother’s mind was now hiding. She dragged her mother’s body to the river and splashed the cool water in her face. “Wake up, dammit! Come back to me!” she screamed frantically. This was her greatest fear, and now it was becoming a sickening reality, even in the dream plane.

  Dharean, she cried out, my mother is gone. Help me!

  I will awaken you.

  As soon as her eyes ripped open, Allantra turned to the woman beside her on the bed. Taraema’s eyes were open and staring at the ceiling without blinking. “No,” Allantra said in denial. She sat up, shook her mother again. “Dharean, bring her out of this.”

  A strong hand gripped one shoulder, then the other. Surprised, she turned to see both Khaelen and Dharean looking down at her with such sadness in their eyes. “No, I’m not giving up on her. I can’t.”

  “I cannot reach her because of the darkness in me. She is in a place in which I have no power—her own mind.”

  “What?” Allantra tried to absorb his words.

  “The markings are done. No one can enter her mind unless she allows it.”

  “Are you saying in trying to protect her, I’ve prevented us from helping her?” She could barely get the question out as she stared at the freshly tattooed markings on her mother’s shoulders.

  “Life is sometimes ironic in this way. The good news is, Dominica cannot torture her any longer,” Khaelen offered in way of comfort.

  “Look at her, Khaelen, she’s a vegetable, how is that good news?” Allantra felt an expression of disgust erupt on her face.

  “You are angry and well you should be. You are not responsible for what happened here. Dominica is. She is the one who put your mother in this fragile state. I would need time to study this and find a way around it, but as it stands we do not have the time,” Dharean said firmly.

  “Khaelen gave Minn her tattoos. Now we must tend to more pressing matters.” Dharean gave her a strange look. It was worry upon his face; Allantra had never seen worry on this man’s face before.

  “What is more pressing at the moment, please tell me?” Allantra couldn’t help the nasty tone to her voice. Her mother was lost to her and these two were sweeping it under the rug like it didn’t matter.

  “Masque was scouting. While we were engaged in the markings he has warned me. Though I do not know if it’s enough of a warning,” Dharean said heavily.

  “What is it now?” Allantra didn’t know if she could handle another episode.

  “They are but a little over an hour away,” Khaelen interjected.

  “Who?” Allantra stood, eyeing the two males.

  “Them,” Dharean replied, standing directly in front of her, then he bent down enough to press his forehead to hers.

  Allantra’s head reeled at the images Dharean shared with her. Just as quickly as it began, it ended. Allantra stumbled, the backs of her knees hitting the rim of the bed. Shock ran like blood through her veins. “We’re not ready,” she whispered.

  “That is not all, flammulae,” Dharean said, stepping close to her again.

  “There is still the matter of us becoming a true triumvirate if we have even the smallest hope of coming out of this alive.” Khaelen grabbed her hand and pulled her toward him. His other hand was on Dharean’s shoulder. “Perhaps this isn’t the best of times. But it is time you knew the whole truth.” Then Khaelen teleported them all into another room.

  Chapter Nine

  “Is this some sort of joke?” Allantra crossed her arms and shifted her weight to one leg. “Right now we’re about to be under attack by … what are those things anyway?”

  “Dwarf daemons,” Dharean supplied.

  “Dwarf daemons?” Allantra snickered. “What the hell is a Dwarf daemon?”

  “Dominica is using very ancient dark arts. The Dwarf daemons were a race that served the higher caste demons. In small numbers they can be annoying,” Dharean answered.

  “Annoying like, swat a mosquito annoying?”

  “More like spreading small pox, possessing children, poisoning livestock.” Khaelen let out a breath. “In large numbers, they have wiped out cities with plagues and murder. Caused pregnant women to have stillborn babies for the rest of their lives, rape the lands of all vegetation.”

  “If we lock the doors, eventually they’ll either go away or one of you could come up with something to kill them.”

  “They can only return home when their assignment is complete. They will be relentless.”

  “Okay, how do we kill them?”

  Dharean and Khaelen looked at each other.

  “What aren’t you telling me? Look, we don’t have time for this. Have you seen my mother? I want to get this shit over with and help her get better. Now what am I missing?”

  “These aren’t normal Dwarf daemons. They have been marked.”

  “Khaelen, stop giving me info in pieces, just say it.”

  “Dominica has marked them, which means nothing we come up with will affect them. More than likely their orders have been to kill everyone in sight, starting with this house. They have to be killed individually. Pierced through the eyes.”

  Allantra’s mouth hung open. “Have you any idea how many of those things there are?” Neither man answered her. No magic could be used against them. There were thousands of those things heading their way. There was no way they could kill every one of those things individually. It would take days, trapping them in the compound. By that time, Dominica would have more than likely found the remaining True Bloods. “That clever bitch!” she spat out loud.

  “Exactly.” Dharean stood in front of her. “I do believe with your help we could kill them individually.”

  “Tell me how.”

  Dharean looked at Khaelen, and Allantra got the feeling they both knew something that she did not. “It’s kind of difficult but I’ll explain it as best I can. Masque can see them from the sky; I can see them by connecting to Masque.”

  “Okay, following you so far.”

  “If I’m connected to you, you could see them as well. You could pierce their eyes with pure light.”

  “But I thought you said no magic could kill them?”

  “It’s not magic, little one,” Khaelen supplied. “It’s power, pure, simple, and natural. With Masque pulling your power one way to kill them, I would have to be connected to the two of you as well to help burn their bodies. If we don’t burn them their remains will poison the ground and eventually the water supply.”

  “Let me see if I have this.” Allantra pursed her lips in concentration as she began to pace. “Masque from his aerial view could help us take more of them out using my synergy powers with Dharean directing it, of course. Khaelen and Dharean will burn them before they can poison the environment.” Allantra paused, lining her thoughts in order. “So that would mean the two of you would have to be connected to me, and Dharean, you will have to be connected to Masque for that to happen. Did I get that right?”

  “That’s about right,” Dharean answered. “Don’t worry about me. Masque is used to connecting to me; it won’t require a large part of my concentration. You, Allantra, would have to divide your attention between giving power to me and Khaelen. He will need it; there are a lot of them to defeat.”

  “I don’t know if I can do that. I’m not that good at controlling my power yet.”

  “With Khaelen and myself connected to you, we could help you with that.”

  “I suppose since I’m fully mated to you both, we are technically the Triumvirate now, right?” Allantra waited for a response and when she got none from either male, suspicion bloomed in full. “What don’t I know?”

  “We are not as yet a Triumvirate.” Khaelen slow
ly began to approach her. “Therefore I cannot fight by your side in the light of day.”

  “There is no other way.” Dharean began to close in on her.

  “What’s going on here?” Allantra swallowed as her senses flared not in alarm, but curiously enough, in desire.

  “While it’s true that you are fully mated to us separately…” Dharean began.

  “…We are not fully mated as a Triumvirate. All of us need to stand together to win,” Khaelen finished, clasping her hand, and tugged her backward to the large bed. Dharean was in front of her, almost seeming to herd her. “We need to finish this, little one.” Khaelen murmured this last into her ear.

  “It is time, flammulae.”

  “Finish what? Time for what?” Her heart sped as the males managed to get her to the bed, one on either side of her. They stared down at her, only breaking their stare long enough to glance at each other. An agreement of some kind seemed to pass between them. They looked at her then and spoke in unison.

  “All three of us fully mating.”

  Allantra took a second to digest the words of her two mates. Surely they were not suggesting…? Her unasked question was answered when Khaelen lightly nipped her on the shoulder. Instantly goose bumps appeared as his tongue swirled along her skin only to nip her again. She closed her eyes at the sensation. Her eyes immediately flew open as Dharean lightly caressed her through her pants at the junction of her thighs. Gently the pads of his fingers rubbed against her. She shivered from dual sensations.

  What were they up to? A fog of arousal began to cloud her mind as she tried to figure out why two strong-willed males suddenly seemed in accord with seducing her together. Khaelen’s hand gripped her bottom, pulling her close enough to feel his erection pulsing just beneath their clothing. “Let us love you,” Khaelen whispered in her ear as his fingers trailed up her arm. “Let us give you pleasure,” Dharean pleaded before his lips claimed hers.

  Allantra moaned, unsure of what exactly was going on, but too aroused to stop it. She was vaguely aware that her clothes seemed to melt away. Dharean had used magic to unclothe them all, for now she could feel Khaelen’s naked erection nestled between the cheeks of her backside. It was nothing but male heat surrounding her, touching her, their hard bodies pressed at her front and back making her lose her breath. Dharean broke the kiss, and stared into her eyes. “This is the last step, flammulae. We must bond this way for the Triumvirate to be complete.”

  Allantra swallowed; no had one mentioned this until now. Yet the idea was not unappealing. It certainly explained why the two of them were suddenly in agreement. “I do this for you, little one.” Khaelen’s voice wrapped around her from behind. “There must be no weak link. If you wish us to stop, we will.”

  “I—” Allantra faltered as Dharean tweaked her nipple; her head fell back as his mouth closed around it. “I want this,” she finally breathed, arching her back as Khaelen began to slide his penis back and forth along her already moist folds. All three tumbled onto the large bed. Limbs seemed to tangle as they landed. Khaelen’s large hands wrapped around her waist, pulling her on top of him, her back to his front. She could feel his erection pulsing between her legs.

  “Put me inside of you,” he ordered, his voice husky. Allantra lifted her bottom enough so that Khaelen’s arousal, lightly coated with her moisture, was now at her puckered opening. Khaelen slid his hand between them and gathered more of her juices, making her anal opening slick. “I want inside,” he commanded as she lowered herself onto his erection slowly. The thick mushroom head invaded her. She closed her eyes as he demanded entrance. The foreign thickness was momentarily uncomfortable as inch by inch he seated himself inside of her. Then Dharean’s hot mouth was at her breast, sucking lightly, then becoming more urgent.

  Dharean’s hand roamed over her belly as he suckled her breast. His hungry mouth traveled to the other breast, making her mindless with desire. She could feel Khaelen snug inside of her to the hilt. Dharean lifted his head, his mouth still on her breast, his hand nudging her legs apart. Beneath her she could feel Khaelen’s legs part as well so that Dharean could fit between their legs.

  Every nerve in her body tingled with desire and anticipation. She could feel the light sheen of sweat on her lovers as their bodies piled onto hers. Dharean’s mouth traveled to one side of her neck as Khaelen nibbled sensuously on her ear on the other side. Dharean’s velvet-like head was now at the entrance of her channel. With one push he was inside of her, causing her gasp out loud. “Relax,” Dharean urged in her ear. “Enjoy,” Khaelen’s husky voice teased her.

  Khaelen gripped her hips as he pulled out as much as he could; Dharean pulled out slowly as well. Then Khaelen stroked the inside of her ass, and as he pulled back, Dharean surged in her other entrance. Allantra almost choked on her own cry of pleasure. The men developed a rhythm. One pushed inside of her as the other stroked out. Her body seemed to burn from the inside out as desire enveloped her. Their mouths nibbled at her ear and neck. It was hard to focus; she felt like one giant nerve on overload. Their rhythm picked up and Allantra reached one hand down to grab Khaelen’s strong muscled thigh. Her other hand reached up and around, gripped Dharean’s steel-like bottom as he pumped into her.

  She felt her orgasm on the brink. Just when she thought she would topple over, both men pulled out of her. “No—what?” Confusion and frustration claimed her as they repositioned her on her knees on the bed. This time Dharean was at her back with Khaelen taking up his new position in the front. Khaelen nudged her legs apart, and she fell back against Dharean. Her legs felt weak and rubbery; she was so near climax she would do anything for release. “Please,” she pleaded, her own hand reaching down to rub her clitoris. Khaelen grabbed her hand, securely pinning it to one hip. Dharean took hold of the other one, bringing it just slightly behind her other hip and held it in place.

  Allantra stared at her vampire in awe. He never seemed as beautiful as he did now. Even now with his fangs elongated, he looked feral, dangerous, and sexy. And what of me? Dharean’s voice whispered in her head.

  You are beautiful as well, Allantra responded, squirming as both men placed their thick penises at her now slippery openings. “Please,” she repeated. In unison, they both pushed inside of her. Each held her securely in place as they pumped into her. Both shape-shifter and vampire slammed into her without mercy. Her breasts bounced from the force; the firm cheeks of her ass bounced in response to their frenzied desire.

  Every sense was tuned in to her two lovers. The musky male scent of her lovers permeated the air. The hard, sweat-soaked bodies rubbed against hers. Khaelen’s mouth seized hers, then his tongue swirled in her mouth. He would pull back to give her a chance to catch her breath, then Dharean would turn her head to the side, taking her breath all over again. Their tastes mingled until she could no longer tell the difference between them.

  Allantra’s orgasm threatened to consume her again as the men fucked her. She could feel their cocks swell and knew they too were on the brink of coming. The tempo picked up, leaving her senseless. Her body felt like gelatin as the men, her men, filled her with their cocks repeatedly.

  Her orgasm could be held back no longer. Allantra’s whole body seemed to spasm as the pleasure hit her. Her body shook uncontrollably as wave after wave slammed into her. She heard two hoarse roars as Khaelen and Dharean released themselves inside of her. All bodies stiffened, except the hips of the two men as they jerked in time to the spurts of seed that erupted from their cocks. Allantra’s could feel her scream of release bubbling up, but was cut short by the two sets of fangs that sank into her neck. It was as if they were somewhere far off. The sounds of her blood being taken tickled her ears. Both men fed from her, and instantly her desire flared anew.

  She closed her eyes, feeling the power build inside her. Allantra tried to control it but to no avail. The power seduced them all. The men, already hard again, retracting their fangs, began to pound into her. Sweat poured from their bodies. Her w
rists were released and her head fell forward onto Khaelen’s shoulder as she laid her hands on his hips. Her head bobbed as his thrusts became more powerful. Dharean gripped her shoulder, pushing himself deeper inside of her with every stroke. The sensations were too much and Allantra orgasmed again, dragging the men with her. The room exploded in a blaze of white light, and all three occupants fell unconscious onto the bed.

  The first thing she noted when she awoke were the warm bodies that encased her. Every cell in her body seemed to be alive and tingling with power. Low groans from the two males signaled that they too were now awake. With conscious thought came memory. Every detail of what the three of them shared immediately came into focus.

  A hand on her thigh was roughly pushed away. “The bonding is over. Get your hands off of her,” Khaelen growled.

  “You forget quickly, night dweller, she is mine as well.”

  “This was necessary only for the task at hand. This is my house, my woman. You and your people are but guests here until this is over.”

  Allantra groaned as the testosterone flew about the room. She tried to disentangle herself from the men, but they each managed to pull her back onto the bed. In seconds she was being pulled in two directions. They were acting like idiots!

  “He is the idiot!” Dharean and Khaelen bellowed unanimously.

  Allantra burst into laughter as the two men stared at each other dumbfounded. “Well, boys,” Allantra began, deciding to scoot down the bed between them, “I would say whatever we did seemed to have linked you two together.” She slid down the rest of the way and stood, looking at the two of them staring intently at each other. “In case you’re wondering, there’s nothing wrong with two healthy naked guys being in bed together.” She turned then, knowing each man would bolt out of the bed as if on fire.

  “The vampire and I are not linked together. We are linked to you.”


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