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Requiem for the Nephilim

Page 2

by Alan VanMeter

“If you give me your complete assurance to keep what I am telling you a total secret, then I will show you something astounding. However we would have to act very quickly, as others may well have discovered this already.”

  “Hell, I’d even sign a non-disclosure contract for that chance.” She giggles.

  “Good, as I have a contract right here.” I pull the envelope out of my jacket pocket, and give it to her to look over.

  In just a few moments she has read it, and she eagerly signs the document for me. Then I show her the hidden cypher I’d discovered.

  She performs her own translation. “Good lord! This does give directions right to it. Only thing is though; I don’t know where this place called Death Head is, or any ruins that are even remotely named as such. Without that starting location, it is useless.”

  “I also was perplexed by that, but I was able to get Professor Lynd to translate it for me before she left for Indiana, and hasn’t contacted me since.”

  “Indiana? Where in Indiana?”

  “She didn’t say.”

  “Oh, we should tell the police this.”

  I nod. “Absolutely, however the e-mail she sent me also details what, and where she stated that the starting location should be. I would hate for that to fall into the wrong hands.”

  “Oh, what did she translate it as? She really is the one person who I would absolutely trust as far as translating ancient languages.”

  So I show her the last e-mail I’d received from Abby.

  “Skull of Doom! Oh crap! She got the real story about where it was originally found, dang, that woman sure is connected it seems. Well Professor Dorozney, I’m in! One thing though, I do not have funds for such an expedition I’m afraid.”

  “I will take care of all expenditures, Professor Carlson, but I do not have a team lined up yet. We will need some help I am sure.”

  “I have six grad students who have previously volunteered for any expeditions, and several others that I am sure I can coerce. When do we leave?”

  “As soon as possible. I will purchase airline tickets for us all the moment you give me a day that everyone can leave.”

  “Give me four or five days, and I can have everyone ready. What about permission from the Government in Belize?”

  “I have already applied for permits from them.”

  “Nice, I sure wouldn’t want to be thrown in a Central American jail after all.”

  “Excellent. Here is my contact information. Please keep the details of this to yourself.”

  “What of the police?”

  “I will go to them when I leave here, and give them an abbreviated copy of Abby’s e-mail.”

  “Thank you Professor Dorozney, we are all worried for her.”

  “Please call me Victor, since we are now officially colleagues.”

  “Great, Victor. Please call me Kelly in that case.”

  “I look forward to hearing from you soon, Kelly.” I smile.

  I leave her office with bright hope for our quest, and even though Kelly isn’t near the looker that Abby is, she is still fairly attractive and certainly not bad to look at. God I wish it was Abby going with me though. At the police station, a detective prints the edited copy of the e-mail that Abby sent, and tells me that I, nor her other colleagues should worry, as most missing persons do turn up safe and sound. I know he is flat out lying about this, causing me to really start to worry for my friend. It sure would have been nice if she had said exactly where she was going to in Indiana. Still, I can’t set myself to worrying about Abby at the moment, as The Library of the Ancients awaits. This is what I must steel my focus on solely.

  Checking my e-mail later that evening I see that the Government of Belize has authorized our expedition with the stipulation that a Government archeologist oversees every aspect of our research. I was expecting this, and I have a plan to keep this person busy while some of us slip off into the mountains to try to find the Library entrance. If we do find it however, then we will have a definite problem keeping this hidden from them. I guess at that point, if we are successful; we will have to let the Government in on it. At least that way we will be credited with the find, but mostly I wish to research what the ancient’s have to say. However, the likely hood of this being allowed will be slim at that point; especially seeing as we must use deception to keep the Government from knowing our true purpose to start with. If they did know; then I am sure we would be instantly forbidden access, and wouldn’t even garner the credit for the discovery.

  It isn’t but three days when Kelly calls me telling that she and her team are ready to travel, so I tell her to have them meet me at the airport in the morning, with all of their gear. Of course I ask her if everyone has their passports, and she assures me they all do as it was one of the prerequisites she had insisted upon for them to be considered for an expiditions in the first place. Besides the professor and myself there are ten others, all young and healthy, which eases my mind a bit. We actually may have a chance to shake the pillars of heaven, if we can find the library that is. I have all the correlations of what magnetic north, and true north was when the Mayans carved their secret map, as well as the correct axial tilt of the Earth back then as well. We will need this bit of archeo-astronomical data to adequately sell our deception to the Government handler.

  It takes us quite a while in the morning to get all of the gear checked in for the flight to Belize, and from there I have a fairly large charter boat reserved for us to make our transit by sea. This will be so much easier than attempting the difficult over land passage, and from the mouth of the Moho, or Mold River; we will take flat bottomed skiffs and Kodiak boats up to the site. I go over all this with Kelly as we wait to board the flight, but quietly so that even the rest of our team won’t over hear us. She has informed me that she has been fairly vague with them as to our goals, and has not told them of our true purpose. As far as the team is concerned, we are going there to check for astronomical alignments of major temples structures, adjusted for global changes since the time of construction. This is just as I have told the Belize Government, so our ruse should be effective.

  Once we are in the air I discuss with Kelly who we should include in telling our true goal; the ones who will primarily be performing the search along the directions given in the hidden cypher.

  “I would suggest that Larry lead the effort. He is trustworthy, dependable, and he is a natural leader.” She nods towards the young man.

  Even though I was fully introduced to everyone at the airport, it will still take me a while to get to know these people, so I agree with her suggestion.

  “When should we let him in on it?” She looks at me to command.

  “Now would be the best time, because once we are on the boat our Government handler will be close by, and we must keep him in the dark until we find anything… if we find anything.”

  She asks him to change seats with me for a bit, and I am glad that Kelly tells him, as she knows these people. After about an hour we switch back, and then she gives me a nod of assurance.

  “He’s very excited by the prospect Victor, and I told him to mentally choose two others to assist him. Don’t worry, he won’t inform them until they are in the jungle, away from the handler.”

  “Excellent. Now, what do you think would be the best course of action if we do find it?”

  She thinks about that for a few moments, “I guess it would be time for full disclosure to our handler then. As long as we have photographic, as well as accurate journal entries documenting our discovery; then I can’t see how we would not be given credit for the find.”

  I nod with a big smile, she is on the exact same page as I am. “Those are my same thoughts.”

  “I suppose they could seize all our data though.”

  “I have a satellite uplink transmitter and receiver for any of our data devices, so we can make sure we upload our find before we tell them.”

  “Excellent Victor! You are certainly prepared.”

  “This isn’t my first rodeo.”

  “No, I’m fully aware it’s not. I can’t say that I have much field experience though, but you already know that. Don’t you?”

  “Yes, but you certainly have more experience than I do with Mayan hieroglyphs, Kelly.”

  “To a small degree perhaps, but nothing like Abby though. Say, did the police let you know anything when you showed them the e-mail from her?”

  “Just to relax and not worry. The detective told me that most missing persons are found safe and sound.”

  “Now that makes me worry! It doesn’t sound like they are very concerned at all.”

  “Me too.”

  “Since you have the satellite link maybe we could try to put some pressure on them to try to find her.”

  “That is a good idea. We need to light a fire under their asses.”

  “If we contact the media about her disappearance; that might just do it.”

  “I’ll send an e-mail to the ‘Times’ right away.” I nod, and break out my lap-top to do just that.

  In several hours we land, and get all our luggage and gear into large taxi vans to take us to the docks where our boat hopefully waits. Our Government handler, an archeologist named Hector Villanueva, is already on board the Reina de Golfo de Honduras.

  He greets us with a big friendly smile, and welcomes us to his country.

  “I am looking forward to working with both of you, Professors Dorozney, and Carlson.” He shakes each of our hands, and I am glad his English sounds fluent; it will make things so much easier.

  “We are very eager to work with you as well, Professor Villanueva. Please call me Victor.”

  “And I do prefer Kelly, as well.” She adds.

  “Perfect, you must please address me as Hector then. The professional formalities should be dispensed with. Now, I am most curious as to what new hypothesis you will be attempting to validate. I was hoping once you got settled in, and we are underway; that you might give me a full briefing. The University had just basically informed me that it will be archeo-astronomical observations.”

  “Yes indeed. We are hoping to validate the alignment of certain portions of the ruins with the rising of one of several constellations, as well as the previously discovered solar, and lunar alignments.”

  “Sounds interesting. Is there any pertinence to the dates you have chosen to perform this research?”

  “None whatsoever. We have a very advanced program that will be able to extrapolate the rising and setting of these constellations at any date, of the present, as well as even far in the past.”

  “Very handy, and it sounds tricky. Oh please forgive me… We can talk once we are underway. I am just very excited about the research.”

  “We are as well, but once we are settled in then we can give you a proper full briefing.”

  After all the gear is stowed, most of which are electronics and optical equipment, with very few digging tools hidden in the transport cases; we motor out of the harbor to head south along the coast. The boat Captain, named Juan Guillermo, tells us that we will arrive at the mouth of the Moho River just after dark; in about six hours. After I have unpacked into my small but comfortable cabin, I go to get Kelly and take her with me to brief Hector. She opens the door to her cabin after I knock, and my eyes bug out seeing her in a very thin tank top with very tight shorts on. This woman is very buxom, and proudly so!

  “Hey Victor, are you ready to go show Hector our plan?”

  “Uh huh.” I nod, still staring, inappropriately.

  “Why Victor! You aren’t one of those dirty old men, are you?”

  “Uh huh… oh crap! Sorry Kelly. I just umm… well hell! I just wasn’t expecting such a sight… my apologies.” I look down with embarrassment.

  “Relax old man. You aren’t my type anyhow. I like girls.” She giggles, then she turns to put some of her things in a low drawer, giving me a nice view of her large, but firm rump.

  “Oh…” I gasp.

  “Sounds like you haven’t gotten any in a while, Victor.” She straightens with a sly grin.

  “Nope, but even if I had… whew!”

  “Why thank you for the compliment. Now I know I can tease the hell out of you though.” She giggles again, and brushes by me, rubbing her large firm melons against my chest as she exits the cabin. “Well, are you coming or not?”

  “Almost.” I sigh, and she laughs, leading the way.

  Hector is ready to talk archeology, especially to find out what our objectives are, though I do see him eye Kelly up and down also. She is very pretty in an unusual, non-typical way, and her body is very enticing and ripe looking, even if slightly plump.

  “Please do tell me your goals and objectives my new friends.” He encourages.

  I open up my lap-top and call up the astronomical sky maps of the region. “Our primary task is to take readings on the constellation of Orion and correlate the position of it rising above the Maya Mountains, then we will make a detailed three dimensional site map of the ruins, and hopefully we will find that it rises at some point in the year in alignment with one or more of the temple layouts, or would have when the temples were constructed. However the constellation of Orion will not be the only celestial bodies that we will be looking at. Of additional interest to us is also the star Sirius, and the Pleiades cluster as well. Those are the main ones, but we also want to catalogue some of the other major constellations such as Leo, and Sagittarius.”

  “Oh good! I was hoping that you might be interested in some of the old legends about these stars. I did look you up on-line Victor, and I am well aware of your interest in the Ancient Aliens theory. I too am a firm believer in these ideas, mainly from legends that my mother and father had told me when I was little, but also after reading Professor Von Daniken’s works.”

  “Yes, this is what is driving our quest.” I nod to Hector, and smile at Kelly, who just has a wry grin on her face.

  “Orion is the best place to start most certainly, as there are references to the great hunter of the night sky in the mighty pre-Toltec cultures.” Hector is clearly excited.

  “It is said to be the origin stars of the gods who came down to Earth, and taught humanity the arts of civilization. Thus it would only make sense that great reverence was placed on this constellation, especially the stars making up Orion’s belt; Mintaka, Alnilam, and Alnitak.”

  “Yes Victor! We know the three main temples at Teotihuacan are laid out in the exact pattern of these stars when viewed from above, as are the great pyramids in Egypt also.”

  “Also the first, second, and third mesa’s of the Hopi people in the Grand Canyon as well.” I add.

  “I did not know that my friend.”

  “Well, they give credence to these stars as where their teacher gods came down from, as well as do the legends many of the other great early civilizations.” I smile at him, and then to Kelly. She gives me a wink, and then she leans over my lap top, allowing both of us quite a visage of her large tanned cleavage. This causes that familiar old twitching from my loins.

  “What I find most fascinating is the actual archeological record that small parts of which have been found in South America, linking the ancient cultures in Meso-America, to that of the Middle East.” She breaths deeply, causing not just her breasts to swell.

  “Such as, Kelly?” Hector says, looking down her thin top.

  “The Fuente Magna Bowl for starters, even though I am well aware that predominant mainstream thought ignores this wonderful find completely.”

  “Yes, there is that. Ancient Sumerian Cuneiform and hieroglyphs found here in the Americas.” Hector nods, and squirms in his seat.

  I just want to reach out and grab one of her magnificent melons, especially when I see the very thin tan lines running down the golden orbs. Then I look up to meet her eyes, and I feel blood rush to my face, thankfully stealing it from elsewhere.

  “I agree with you, Kelly, completely.”

  “Perhaps we can add s
ome more fire to the theory in general, or at least to the mystery.” She laughs, causing me to watch her breasts again. I can’t help it, as I am a dirty old man, just like she figured.

  “Well, I will be very glad to just stand back, and watch… you and your team work.” Hector’s eyes are also glued on her cleavage.

  “We can certainly use your help too, Hector.” Kelly stands and straightens.

  “Of course, anything at all that you desire.” Now his eyes go to hers, and I swear this woman surely knows what she is doing. It is something that may give us an edge in our true quest. If she can keep Hector distracted enough; that may be just what we need. I’ll have to mention this to her, though I am sure she already realizes her certain ability.

  We anchor very close to the coast, but not so near the town of the same name on the delta of the Rio Moho. The sun has been down for over an hour by this time, and after a tasty dinner of Vera Cruz style fish with black beans and rice, we all adjourn for the evening. When I see her to her cabin, I give Kelly kudos for how easily she has our handler diverted, and she just laughs, saying that he isn’t the only one. I nod, and sigh as I go to my cabin with a stiff member. There is nothing that I will do about it though, as I am here on a very important mission. The Library of the Ancients certainly trumps any sexual desires I have, so I go to sleep dreaming of the first peoples.

  Chapter 2

  The morning brings another communal meal, though much simpler than the scrumptious dinner was. Now it is quesadillas with leftover black beans, cheese and peppers to start our day. I also have the warm delight of the young team again, and several of the ladies have adopted much tighter, thinner and sexier attire than the day before; following Kelly’s lead perhaps, as she is wearing the same utterly enticing clothes as the previous afternoon. This reminds me of the insanely sexual behavior of my comrades who perished on the expedition filming the television show of several years ago. I had participated in many of the outright sex orgies that the impulsive and ever horny cast instigated, and I had even had my first gay experiences then, as one of the most beautiful girls I’d ever laid eyes upon happened to be transsexual. Before I knew it I was penetrating her, and then even being penetrated by not just her, but several of the other fellows as well. I’m just glad that none of that footage made it on-line. I sure would never plan on such debauchery again, yet I didn’t then either. It just happened, and goodness am I glad it did… so much exciting fun! Fortunately none of the sexy young women of this group seem even remotely interested in this gray haired old gas bag, not even Kelly, though she sure does like to tease me.


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