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Requiem for the Nephilim

Page 11

by Alan VanMeter

  Before Anu left for Nibiru again, he gave Inanna her own ship, and gave her the palace and all the lands of Uruk, as well as those of the Indus. She elected to stay on Earth as she did not fancy sleeping for so long, and she wished to explore her own desires to their fullest. Anu told us that he would be back soon, to further help us, as well as to visit his beloved daughter.

  Inanna has taken a number of the most beautiful of all the women, both Anakum, and human as her priestesses. They practice sacred sex and often entertain the gods. I have even had a number of very sacred sexual experiences with them, but never with Inanna herself, as she is reserved for the Anunnaki gods themselves. The orgies are splendid, and quite divine. I have never experienced such intense release before, and though my own wife is indeed one of the priestesses, she is not fond of my indulgence in the orgies. Whenever I am invited she never has sex with a male, only the females, and I dearly love to watch as she does. I know that when I am not invited she most certainly does have relations with the males though. This does not make me jealous, as she gets with me, because I have any number of consorts as I wish. This is the divine right of the King after all.

  Well now, Uruk was certainly the place to be in the ancient world. I can’t wait to show this transcript to Kelly and Roberta. It should get their juices flowing nicely. Perhaps I’ll wait until just before it is our own orgy time tonight… Yes, I think that will be the right timing indeed. I am reminded of my dear departed friends, and lovers, Hiroki and April. I wonder if those girls had any of Inanna’s bloodline in them. I certainly wouldn’t doubt it, as horny as those two were. My how they loved the orgies too, but then again, who doesn’t? Damn! My cock is raging hard… back to work. The next fifteen tablets are mostly boring accounts of their civilization’s increase in knowledge, with a little bit of descriptions of the sexual fervor that Inanna and her priestesses imbued.

  Tablet twenty four of the Uruk Kingdom: I am Lugalbanda, King of Uruk. Anu has visited again several times, and each time he spends most of the visit bedding his daughter Inanna. No one can blame him, as her beauty, and desirability drives mortal men insane. There have been a few human men invited to the goddesses’ orgies, and most of them did not survive. Inanna seems to occasionally invite these men as a sacrifice, but those that do survive are always granted a prestigious position from her, and the glory of being known as men with god like virility. There have been a number of her lovers who, when she is no longer amused by them, she either tortures, or even kills. She is often cruel, but always willing.

  Our army has been dwindling in size, mostly due to the continually increasing demands of our resources by Inanna. She is the true ruler of Uruk, and I am merely resigned as a placard, but I do make sure to train the meager number of warriors that we do still have into an elite fighting force. I would put any one of our soldiers up against twenty of any other kingdom, and this alone has kept Uruk in power.

  Our Goddess, Inanna, has announced that she is with child for the first time, and the father is none other than her brother, Enki. Inanna gave birth to a son, who she named Dumuzid (Tammuz.) This child is of pure Anunnaki blood, and therefore is a god himself.

  Now we are getting into the thick of it. I am quite familiar with the legends and poems concerning Dumuzid, and then Gilgamesh who succeeded him. I am curious to see how the epic poems play out in conjunction with these records.

  “Lunch is served everyone.” The cook yells.

  So I power down my laptop, and clear the table for the crew to eat.

  “So Victor, you’ve been awfully quite for a while. Anything interesting you’re discovering?” Kelly asks.

  “Oh, you might say that.” I grin big.

  “Do tell!” She demands.

  “Just getting to the records of Inanna, Dumuzid, and Gilgamesh.”

  She stops walking, and I look back over my shoulder to see her face grow a look of astonishment. I can only keep going, and chuckle. In just a moment she hurries back to my side.

  “AND?” Her voice demands.

  “Oh, let me get to the good stuff, and then I’ll be glad to fill you in.”

  “You ripe bastard! Then you’ll just have to wait for the juicy stuff I found then.”

  I am now instantly regretting my casual brush-off of her curiosity, as my own gets the better of me. “Juicy stuff huh? Like what?”

  “Oh just the second war of the pyramids, that’s all. Nothing you’d be interested in.” She giggles.

  “Look, I’ll make you a deal Kelly. You tell me the synopsis of this second war, and tonight I’ll show you how Inanna turned Uruk into one giant sex orgy.”

  Her eyes get wide at that. “I like the sound of a giant orgy… Okay, deal. Let’s get some food, and I’ll fill you in.”

  While we eat a lunch of rehydrated spaghetti and meatballs, she explains.

  “Okay, Shortly after Horus defeated Seth and the Naga in the first pyramid war, the descendants of Enki took control of all the spaceports and facilities for communication with Nibiru. Oh, let me back up some first. To give some retribution to the Naga for the destruction that Horus, and Marduk wrought on them, Enlil talked his father, Anu, into an arranged marriage between the royal families. The leader of the Naga, Kur, agreed to have his son, Gulganna, marry Ereshkigal, Anu’s eldest daughter. She was taken to the subterranean world which the Naga had assumed after the war, when they were supposed to be exiled from Earth. I guess they didn’t pay much heed to that dictum. They had a son together named, Ningizzida. Now back to the part where Enlil’s descendants got pissed that Enki’s progeny had taken control over all the space facilities. This sparked a war that seemed like it would tear the royal family of Nibiru apart. The Enlilites were winning, but then Ninmah, or Ninhursag, mediated a peace between the waring family factions. Now they divvied up the land as follows; the Enlilites were given control from the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean Sea, including Asia Minor and the Black Sea area, the Enkites were given Egypt and all of Africa, Inanna would rule the Indus, or India as we now call it, and finally Ninmah would control the Tilmun, or Sinai for use by the Anunnaki for space facilities.”

  “Wait a minute!” I interrupt her. “Inanna was involved in this second pyramid war?”

  “Yup, she was a commander of the Enlilites forces, along with Ninurta, and Adad, oh and of course Enlil as their supreme commander. The Enkites were led by Enki, and the other generals were Marduk, Negral, Gibil, and Horus. Now Enki tried to make a power play, by naming Ningizzida, son of Inanna’s elder sister, Ereshkigal, as ruler over Egypt. Enki was attempting to ally with the Naga, and thus gain some much needed leverage against the Enlilites. However, Inanna was enraged by this, and she was not one who could be calmed down easily, much less she was damn dangerous when pissed off. She hated her elder sister for some reason, and would never allow any of Ershkigal’s children to have any place in ruling the world. So Enki relented gave rule of Egypt to another member of the Royal family, a neutral god, Thoth.”

  “I see you have been busy too.” I laugh.

  “God, I love it, Victor! Thank you so much for bringing me in on this.”

  “Just thank Abby for her well timed disappearance. I hope she is alright.” I worry.

  “Me too.” Kelly agrees.

  Just then Nicki comes into the cave telling that the boats are back and ready to be loaded with the next batch. The crew responds to his orders instantly, as he has a way of commanding instant respect.

  “The next batch will be all blank tablets.” He tells us as he heads back out. “Our benefactor’s wishes.”

  “Can’t blame the man for wanting to get paid for his efforts.” I smile.

  Nicki gives me a ‘thumbs up,’ “Da.” And he is gone.

  Chapter 8

  I go back to work right after lunch, with Kelly, and Roberta also back on the Egyptian tablets, while Hector and his new lover Vicky do the Mayan transcriptions.

  Tablet twenty five of the Kingdom of Uruk: I am Lugalbanda, King of
Uruk. This will be my last record made, as I am aware that our Goddess, Inanna, has chosen her son to usurp me. I relinquish the throne quite willingly, as there is no point in me contesting this change. Inanna has weakened the Kingdom so greatly that it breaks my heart for the downfall I know is coming. She has taken most all of our resources for her own pleasure and devices. I too have fallen so easily for the lust filled orgies of the temple of her own name. Such depravity has hardened my heart though, as her insatiable desires only become more outlandish and foul with time. I knew this even when her son, Dumuzid, was merely a young man. During one particular orgy Inanna took a sheep, a ram, and had it mount her from behind to defile her flesh for everyone’s pleasure. Her own son complained bitterly, asking “Why do you let this sheep mount you?” She only laughed and said that it was only doing what it would to its’ own mother. He languished, crying out, “What? It will only fill your genitals with its’ own semen! That should be my semen inside of you, and not this foul beast!” I knew then that Inanna was having sexual relations with her son, Dumuzid. This let me know for certain that he would take my throne. No good can come for our Kingdom with Inanna leading us, none at all. I can only hope that my own son, Gilgamesh, will someday right all of this wrong.

  Damn! Inanna was a very dirty girl. Bestiality huh? I wonder if this will turn off Kelly and Roberta later, maybe I’d best not share this one with them, but I will have to mention it though. Okay, let’s see what really happened with Tammuz, or Dumuzid.

  Tablet twenty six of the Kingdom of Uruk: I am Dumuzid, King of Uruk. I have earned the throne by single handedly capturing our enemy to our north, King En-me-barage-si. For this feat my mother, Inanna, has accepted me as her husband. I am quite glad to now publically fill her with my seed in the orgies she ritually performs, as this is my place to do. I have requested that she no longer consort with the gods, or especially with the filthy beasts of the field, and she has agreed for propriety sake. Still, I am quite aware that I can never fully satiate the whore. My father was scorned by my mother, and banished before my birth, so I full well know her game. She is not my only lover, and never will be as I do consort with many of the priestesses, and other women of my choosing, because it is the right of the King to do who I please.

  My wife had unfortunately been keeping peace with the Kingdom of Elam on our Eastern border, by means of sexual favors from her and the priestesses. They are one of our biggest threats, though no less so than the Kingdom of Kish to our north. So I went to Elam to try to forge a different pact of peace with them. I did well in befriending their ruler, Enkidu, who has also been a consort of my wife, my mother. There aren’t many of any worthy position, of any Kingdom, that she hasn’t had as a lover. I had to threaten war with Enkidu to get him to cease the public defilement of her, and he relented. We also made a pact to exchange use of the fertile Tigris river valley for his people to grow crops on, and for our use of the vast plains to the west of the valley for our cattle to graze. All in all I find I like Enkidu, and think I can trust him now as well.

  Now this certainly casts a different light on the old poem. I bet the epic of Gilgamesh is finally explained in a much brighter light as well. Okay, keep working.

  Tablet twenty seven of the Kingdom of Uruk: I am Dumuzid, King of Uruk. My wife Inanna, who is also my mother, has done something terrible. She has gone to the underworld of the Kingdom of Kur, of the Naga. She has taken my pekku and mekku (royal scepter and drum denoting Kingship) with her, and I am afraid she is going to do something rash.

  I just received word from a messenger of the Naga, that the Queen of the Kur, Ereshkigal, who is Inanna’s sister, has taken my wife hostage, and that her life is forfeit. They demand that I abdicate the throne of Uruk, and give my Kingdom to the rule of Ereshkigal’s son, Ningizzida. I can only suspect that this is in retribution for Inanna demanding that Ningizzida be denied the rule over Egypt long ago. There is only one thing I can do, as our Kingdom would be nearly powerless without my Goddess wife. I will go down to the Naga and offer my life in exchange for Inanna’s.

  Now that’s a bit different than I remember the story, or poem actually. Actually quite a bit different, as I always had understood the poem to say that Inanna sacrificed Dumuzid to save her own life. Hmm, maybe that is close to what Dumuzid is saying here after all. Let’s see where this goes.

  Tablet twenty eight of the Kingdom of Uruk: I am Gilgamesh, newly installed King of Uruk, by the decree of our Goddess, Inanna, who has also become my wife. My predecessor, Dumuzid, willing gave his own life to free Inanna from the clutches of her evil sister, Ereshkigal, and Inanna willing let him do so, thus she also sacrificed him. When I asked her why her sister didn’t just kill her, if she hated her so much, Inanna explained that would have angered their father, The Most High God, Anu, to no end, plus she wanted to make Inanna suffer, and she knew that killing her beloved Dumuzid would do just that. Then my wife laughed, and said that she had tired of him anyhow. I have no illusions of who, and what my new bride is, or what she is capable of. Before we were wed she often tried to seduce me into attending the sacred orgies in the palace, but my father and mother had warned me of her nasty disposition with former lovers many times, so I always politely refused.

  Then our enemy to the north, King Aga of Kish, had laid siege upon our city, demanding tribute from us. The Royal Council was all set to pay him this despicable tribute, but I took it upon myself to raise the fighting spirit of the young men of our city, and then I also secretly enlisted the aid of our good friends to the east, the Kingdom of Elam. King Enkidu stuck his neck out over the proverbial chopping block in order to help us, as Elam and Kish had been at peace for a long while. I stopped the payment of the tribute by sheer force of my troops, and when King Aga attacked, we countered, surprising him, and routing his army which suffered great losses. In the process we captured King Aga, yet when he gave his solemn word that he would consider Uruk as a rightful sovereign Kingdom, I ordered his release. It would not do to make a martyr of him in the eyes of his people. Unfortunately my good friend, King Enkidu, was deposed due to his actions breaking the peace with Kish, so I accepted him into my house. By these bold actions Inanna saw me fit to become the next ruler of Uruk, and so I made for her a throne, and a bed of the scared cedar, thus we were married. She gave me the pekku, and mekku of the King.

  It took a few years, but my first order of business was to deal with the new threat in Elam, by their new King Humbaba, who was decidedly set on reaping revenge for my persuasion of Enkidu to help us against Aga. This was merely a diversion to rally his people behind his rule, as he would not have been able to usurp my friend if this had not occurred. Enkidu, myself, and three dozen of our best warriors went to Elam with the pretense of making a peace accord. Humbaba was on guard against us, but when I laid out an intricate pact, including the hand of my own sisters, and even my wife as his consort, promising that by this intermarriage of both of our Royal houses, that he would cement his legitimacy as Ruler of Elam for all time; then he agreed to sit down and discuss the pact. The moment we were alone with just his personal guard, and mine, my men and I slaughtered his guards quickly, and held Humbaba at bay. He began to cry, begging for his life, and I was about to relent when Enkidu cut his throat. We moved with speed to then dispatch those supporters in his court, thus cutting the head off of King Humbaba’s reign forever. Enkidu proclaimed that he had rightfully regained his throne, and the Kingdom of Elam once more was our friend.

  Okay then that explains a lot, and much more concisely than the poems. Now what about the flood? It certainly wasn’t the great flood, but as many have guessed it might have been a local one.

  Tablet twenty nine of the Kingdom of Uruk: I am Gilgamesh, King of Uruk. Our enemy to the north did not heed his promise to us, and had raised an even mightier army than before, with many new siege weapons, and tactics, as my spies related. In addition my great and loyal friend, King Enkidu, had told me that envoys from Kish had been trying to broker an
alliance with him, or at the very least a stay of neutrality concerning any action taken against Uruk. I called in a favor from my friend, and equal in Elam. Enkidu was in control of all the great dams that the god Enlil had built to control the mighty rivers of our land. Together he and I went north to the dams controlling the mighty Euphrates, and we opened them up to let all the water flow out of the great reservoirs. This had the desired effect of completely washing away the Kingdom of Kish, and Aga their King. Unfortunately we let too much water go, and it had the undesired effect of washing away all our own fields plus half of my city of Uruk as well. Needless to say my wife, Inanna, was exceedingly angry with me. Mostly as I had destroyed her gardens. She was so livid, that she immediately took her ship and departed to Nibiru. When she returned, she brought with her a land ship of sorts which she called The Great Celestial Bull. This is not to be confused with the person, Gulganna, called The Great Bull of Heaven, who is husband of Ereshkigal. Inanna told me that the ship would crawl over the land dozing the soil back as it should be for her gardens and fields. The only issue was that this ship was designed for the Anunnaki to cultivate new worlds, and as such the soil would be sterile for seven years. Enkidu and I wrestled with the Bull for many months, performing the tasks that Inanna had given us. My friend‘s help was instrumental, as he is the expert on canals and irrigation. When we finally completed the repairs to our fields and my wife’s gardens, as a joke we gilded the twin horns of the control mechanism, and presented them to Inanna as a gift. At that moment, she laughed, and accepted our apology.


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