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Blood Bond: The Anti-Matter Chronicles (The Matter Chronicles Book 3)

Page 15

by P. G. Thomas


  Panry looked down at the ground, “The Dawnfalcons performance embarrasses my eyes. I repeat that I will not tell you what they say or do, but a flair for the stage they both have.” From the end of the street, neither John nor Ryan could see inside the open door of Pintar’s, and they were uncertain how to interpret Panry’s head shakes and groans. Zack was a possum sitting on Ryan’s shoulder with his hairless tail wrapped around Ryan’s neck.

  Ryan was unable to pass up the opportunity, “Come on, Panry, just a few details?”

  “Not any details will I provide. Such is not taught to Earth Guards. Wait, the Dawnfalcons rise, and the Royal House follow.”

  Ryan placed Zack on the building, “Okay, little guy, follow them, and make sure they stay safe. Meet us in the shantytown.”

  Just before John turned the corner to follow Panry and Ryan, he saw the Dawnfalcons stagger out of Pintar’s inn. He quickly caught up to the others, and they walked down the street without drawing attention. Passing through the west gate, John glanced backwards, but Panry quickly told him to keep his eyes forward. The first dark alley they came to, they turned into it, waiting for the Dawnfalcons and the eager Royal House guards to pass. Then they waited for several more minutes until a frantic squirrel jumped off the roof, landing on Ryan’s head. When they were close to one of the edges of the shantytown, Panry whistled softly, and the Dawnfalcons turned down the next left alley. By the time Panry, John, Ryan, and the squirrel arrived, the Dawnfalcons were in a heated debate, pointing in every direction except up. Then one of the brothers punched the other and the fight started.

  Having pushed John and Ryan back, Panry began to advance, “Korg causes much discomfort to my Earth Mother, so this is my debt to settle.”

  As the Royal House guards realized the two elves they followed were too drunk to know where they came from, they turned, meeting the determined gaze of a different elf.

  Panry smiled, “Does there be a problem here?”

  “Damned elves, everywhere you go in this pathetic town, stupid elves.”

  One of the Royal House guards went to punch the elf in front of him. Panry caught the fist in his open hand, twisting the arm around with such force, they all heard the bone break. The Royal House guard let out a short scream, but Panry’s sword quickly silenced it, puncturing both lungs.

  The second guard, still drunk and confused, looked at his fallen friend. He watched the elf lick blood from the sword, “My friend is right, and you do taste foul.” Then Panry kicked the Royal House guard hard behind the leg, causing him to fall to his knees, screaming in pain, and then Panry raised his sword high, driving it deep into the guard’s open mouth.

  When Ryan, John, and a naked Zack stood beside Panry, they thought the fight was over, but it was not. Panry had his foot on the dead Royal House guard, trying to pull his sword out, “His jaw is broken, and my sword is stuck.” Ryan reached over, grabbed the skull, cracking it open like a walnut.

  John quietly screamed at Panry, “No, we wanted a simple mugging. This looks like a mad man mugged them. Panry, a dagger to the liver would’ve been sufficient. You didn’t have to thread your sword through him to his asshole. Damn it all. What’re we going to do with the bodies? What if Korg can find them? We don’t have any shovels to bury them, and there’s no place to hide them. We needed an accidental mugging.”

  Zack looked at Panry, “Dude, you need anger management.”

  John was almost bouncing where he stood, as his whispered screams fell on deaf ears. “A blow to the head and steal their purse. Nobody would think twice. A slit purse and throat, it happens here all the time. Broken arm, punctured lungs, sword rammed down a throat; muggers don’t do that.”

  Panry called to the Dawnfalcons, “Take their weapons to guard the alley entrance.”

  John was livid, “What are we going to do? We have to hide the bodies, but we can’t. We shouldn’t have to. Mugging! Do you remember me saying mugging? What do we do? We can’t drag the bodies out. We can’t leave them here. If they find the bodies, they’ll start asking questions, and they’ll start with us.”

  Zack walked over to the bodies, “You guys are going to owe me big time. Help me strip off their clothes, so we can drop them when we head back to town. They’ll most likely be sold and resold a dozen times before anybody looks for our friends.”

  “Why, what’re you going to do?” asked Ryan.

  “You don’t want to know, Dude. You really, really, really don’t want to know.”

  When they had stripped the bodies, Zack sent them to the far end of the alley, telling them to keep everybody out until he said so. In the dark, they never saw Zack go out of focus, nor did they see the twenty-foot long python appear. They heard strange sounds when Zack unhinged his jaw, as the massive snake stomach expelled gasses, preparing to welcome its next meal. Huge sharp teeth pierced the bare flesh of the Royal House soldiers, and they heard the sick suction sounds when the head expanded, engulfing the dead meal.

  It had been quiet for several hours, except for the gruesome noise from the back of the alley, and Ryan pushed John, “Go check on Zack.”

  “I’m not going, you go.”

  Ryan looked to Panry.

  “Not will I go either.”

  Ryan called back, “Buddy, you been back there a long time. Suns are going to rise soon. Are you done?”

  They heard a slap on the ground.

  “Does that mean he’s okay?” asked John.

  “I don’t know.” Ryan called again, “Zack, if you’re okay, slap twice. If you need help, slap once.” They heard two slaps, “I guess he’s okay.”

  When pre-dawn was greeting the day, filled with curiosity, they all glanced back, seeing the twenty-foot long snake with the two human shapes wrapped inside the stretched skin, having the feet still sticking out of the disjointed mouth, and quickly turned around. It was a half hour later when they heard the large belch, turning to see Zack, his stomach extended, getting dressed.

  “Does anybody have a piece of rope? I can’t do up my pants.”

  John had a shocked look on his face, “You didn’t?”

  “I’m going to warn you all now, you don’t want to use the same bathroom that I’m going to use today, and if anybody interrupts me, I’ll describe exactly what I did, in every gory detail. Now get back here and help me walk home.”

  Panry and Ryan let Zack wrap his arms around their shoulders, as John collected the assorted clothing. Walking back to the west gate, the Dawnfalcons fell in behind. John dispersed the expensive clothing where it would be quickly found and disappear into the shantytown. When they arrived back to the house, they helped Zack up the stairs, as his legs were tired from the sudden weight gain. Closing Zack’s door, they were surprised at how loud he was snoring, as his lungs struggled to exchange air, fighting against his extended stomach. Then the three wandered down to the kitchen in silence, trying to push the image of Zack out of their minds.

  After getting large mugs of hot bean juice from the cook, they found Gingaar and Mirtza sitting at the table. Mirtza advised that Fodu had finished the sketch of the main doorway at the magic school and of the statue of Alron. As well, the dwarves were making an assortment of amulets for Fodu to engrave.

  Gingaar’s news was less optimistic, “Earth Mother is distraught. She will not take food and shivers in her bed. Logan tries to comfort her, but....”

  “What is it?” asked John.

  “Earth Mother thinks she has the plague, and that it is the reason why she does not hear Mother.”

  John tried to push the tiredness from his eyes, “We’re trying to fix it. We just need a few more days. Please do what you can for Lauren.”

  When Mirtza and Gingaar returned to the house, the Dawnfalcons joined the rest in the backyard. Babartin asked, “The bodies, what took so long?”

  A chill ran down the back of Ryan, John, and Panry all at the same time. Panry answered, “We need to make sure that Korg cannot find the

  Babartin and Careel shrugged their shoulders and then headed up to their rooms. Panry turned to Ryan and John, “He did not…did he really…It is not possible.”

  A sudden shiver ran up John’s neck, “Ryan, I don’t know how the plumbing works around here, but you might want to see if you can hire a plumber for the day or week.”

  Ryan shrugged his shoulders, “I can get an outhouse built for him. If I remember correctly, snakes don’t digest bones. Instead, they pass through.”

  Another sudden shiver ran down John’s back, “Oh, that’s going to hurt. I mean really hurt.”

  Panry tried not to think of the unique problems that Zack was going to encounter that day, “How can we trick the next? They will naught follow elf.”

  “I was thinking greed. There has to be gambling in town. Visit one of the dens of chance, and buy a marker for a lot of money. I mean like a bag of gold. Make sure it says where the gold is and how much it’s worth. We drop the marker somewhere where one of the Royal House finds it. When they go to collect the money, we do something, but I don’t know what that something is. You can figure that part out, Panry, but make it look like an accident this time. I don’t think Zack can stomach another brutal attack by you.”

  The cook offered to make them breakfast, but the thought of food had little appeal to the three. As they were discussing the next plan, Eric came into the backyard, “Korg did not lie. Reinforcements did ride north.”

  “And now?” asked John.

  “They do not. No wagons they brought. Just black-clad soldiers.”


  It was around midday when Erust woke up Panry, banging on his door, “The south port Earth Mothers wish to talk to the Alron Earth Mothers.” He dragged himself from his bed, leaving behind his disturbing nightmares.

  “I shall meet you downstairs shortly. Wake the Dawnfalcons and prepare mounts.”

  At the Earth Mothers’ house, the Alron Earth Guards were standing on the front porch, blocking the entrance of the south port Earth Mothers. Dismounting slowly, Panry walked up to the front porch, “The Earth Mothers are resting this day, and they does not wish you to disturb them.”

  Fern exited the coach, “You cannot deny us!”

  Panry picked a large piece of sleep from his eye, “You can wait until they wake, but interrupt them you shall not.”

  “Move aside!”

  Panry looked at the large piece of sleep on his finger, “No.”

  “Are you Earth Guard?”

  “Move aside Earth Guard! We are Earth Mothers! We have business here!” demanded Page.

  Panry looked at the empty carriage and the two Earth Mothers in front of him, “I will not move.”

  Fern could not believe the disobedience, “What is your oath Earth Guard?”

  “Protect and serve.”

  Page was also growing angry, “Does elf Earth Guard be poorly trained! Not able to understand simple commands?”

  “I understand, Earth Mothers said they did not wish any to disturb them. If I let you in, then you will disturb them, and I do not serve them. If you disturb them not, then I serve them. Now please lower your voice or leave,” and then Panry sat down on the porch steps and yawned.

  Fern stomped her foot, “I have never been so insulted!”

  “If you wish me to insult you, I can accommodate your request. My Earth Mothers, their request is rest.”

  “You do not even belong to these Earth Guards! You belong to the other, the tainted one. You have no right to be here!” protested Fern.

  Panry stood up, tainted one, “You will get back in your carriage and leave. NOW!”

  “Fine,” Fern pulled her scarf back, exposing twelve pins, “Give them a message. Mother wants us to bring them home so we can cure them. Earth Guard, give them the message.”

  Panry nodded, “The option for an insult we have not resolved,” but when the carriage pulled away, he turned and looked at the other Earth Guard captain, “Was there not three yesterday, all with pins six?” The other captain nodded. Panry continued, “If they return, do not grant them access. If you need support, send for myself.”

  Then Panry and the Dawnfalcons returned to the house where he went to the vault, retrieving two bags of gold. As he rode into the lower belly of the town, the gold clinking in the saddlebags would have made any other rider a desired target. When desperate ears heard the gold, eyes that harbored ill intent turned away quickly, seeing that Earth Guard escorted the riches they sought to make their own. They knew they would stand a better chance trying to steal a sun from the skies, rather than to relieve an Earth Guard from his possessions. Panry took shortcuts through alleys, waited in dark corners, and when he was sure that none followed or watched him, he stopped in front of a run-down building, which had all of its windows boarded. Grabbing the two bags of gold, he went to the door and gently kicked it. When the door creaked open a crack, from inside the dark room somebody said ‘password,’ which Panry answered with, “Earth Guard.” Even though it was the incorrect password, the door opened. Panry walked by the armed thieves, whose single purpose was to keep out those that were not welcome, of which he was one. None moved to block him, as he walked to the back of the room, seeking out the leader of the guild.

  A small, wiry man, with greasy hair and a sparse, thin beard sat behind a desk. He looked up to Panry, “From what I hear, your days in Alron are numbered.” His voice soft, his words well spoken, and his pronunciation spoke of his educated past. Thief yes. Stupid thief, no, as only the smart rise to the top.

  “Jedimac, I heard the same, but my number is many, not few.”

  “It is becoming dangerous to do business with you, friend.”

  “It has always been dangerous when you do business with me.”

  “You have lost control of the town, and the Royal House now runs the show.”

  “We both know that governments come and go. They are like the seasons and always change. One day, the Royal House shall leave like I will with my Earth Mothers. There is only one constant: gold,” and he sat down the two bags on the desk.

  The guild leader poked a dagger in one of the bags, letting the gold spill out. He picked up one of the coins, “You may be right. Thirty years in this business and much has changed, but the gold, it stays the same. I am unsure if I can help you this time. Your offering would suggest the favor you will ask is too much, as the attention on you is too great, and I have no desire to share in it.”

  “You will not.” Panry pointed to the bags of gold, “I wish to purchase a game marker with one bag. I will send somebody later to retrieve it but the second is yours. When my man retrieves the marker, you will mark it paid and give him both the marker and gold.”

  “While I am curious, I found out a long time ago that curiosity is not a healthy trait in my business. Later today, we will deliver it. It was a pleasure not having you visit me today.” Then Panry left out the back door, circled around the building, retrieved his mount, and headed back to the house.

  When Panry returned, Fodu was heading out to the goldsmith’s shop, carrying the sketches and a bag of polished medallions, and advised him that before the days end, that he would complete the first engravings. Panry walked into the backyard, where Ryan and John were talking to Logan.

  Logan was rubbing the sides of his head, “She’s really freaked out and on the verge of a nervous breakdown. John, she thinks she has the plague, and that’s why she can’t hear Mother. It’s not true, is it? And Gingaar says she has a fever.”

  “I was afraid of that. The other Earth Mothers have also lost their confidence, but I don’t understand where a fever would come from?” Then John explained how they were making the medallions, so they could use the magic bracelets, returning to the Bright Coast, to get the evidence to prove the Royal House was lying. Before Logan left, John advised him to keep Lauren inside until they were ready to make their move. Panry also asked Logan to send Mirtza down.

  Mirtza wandered into the b
ackyard, “Gayne is not going to like seeing me show up at his house because we are practically outcasts. If they chase us out of town, they will chase him out next. Everybody knows that John and I have spent a lot of time with him.”

  “Even the thief guild hesitates to take my gold,” advised Panry.

  John could feel the target the Royal House had painted on their backs, a feeling that he was accustomed to, “Ryan, send a runner to Gayne. Advise him that he has a package at the post office. We’ll meet him there.”

  Chapter 14

  Gayne walked up to the receptionist at the post office, who led him to the package room, and when the door opened, he saw Mirtza, John, and Panry. He turned to leave, but was met by Eric’s smile, and reluctantly, he sat down.

  “Mirtza, I thought you were my friend?”

  John started, “We could’ve shown up at your front door, but we didn’t. We want to hire your magic students. We’re making medallions engraved with the main entranceway of the magic school on them. We want your students to train the bracelets so that we can go back to the Bright Coast.”

  “Go back to the Bright Coast? To my school? But how will you get back?”

  “We’re also having medallions engraved with Alron’s statue. We need those also trained.”

  “Why would they work?”

  “Think about it Gayne, the magic can interpret desires. That’s how you made the eight-legged horses. If the students concentrate on the school, while they are dropping the medallions through the bracelet, the magic should seek out the school, opening a portal to the front door. Then in the future, when this mess is all cleared up, you can make similar medallions and travel wherever you want.”

  “Have somebody discretely drop off the medallions. We will start as soon as we get them.”

  “What about the price, Gayne? How much?”

  “John, if you can get me back to my school, to the Bright Coast, that is all the payment I need.”

  “The first shall be ready tomorrow. Delivery will not be seen by any,” announced Panry.

  “Medallions. John, you never stop surprising me,” advised Gayne.


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