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Blood Bond: The Anti-Matter Chronicles (The Matter Chronicles Book 3)

Page 31

by P. G. Thomas

  Careel smiled when he looked at John, “Panry received many reports from across the river. The portals stayed open longer like you expected because of the short distance. Magic men will most likely head back soon when they have no more innocents to help across. Panry advised that when the gold coins turned to lead, falling to ground, many innocents also fell. Early reports suggested one in five were dead already.”

  “However, four of five now walk free.”

  “Brother, you have done well tonight.” Eric’s voice then changed, “Your plan saved many. Doomed more, it has,” and he smiled when he walked away.

  When Zack landed, Nur greeted him, rubbing her hands over his furs, and after giving him a big hug, she handed him his clothes back. Even though nobody saw the kiss in the dark, her mood quickly changed, “We have to get back to Alron,” and they all ran down to the other carriage, racing back to town.


  The Earth Mothers were sitting around the bed where Lauren lay so peaceful. When Panry walked in on them the next morning, Nur took him out into the hall. “We don’t know what is wrong with her.”

  Eric was also standing outside the door, “She cares too much. You offered her a chance to save lives and rebuild families. She most likely wanted to do whatever was necessary to save them all, not most. She probably pushed herself too hard, too far. Just like Logan did. When they care, it’s all or nothing.”

  Panry asked if any of the healing water remained, but it had all been consumed. He called to Erust, sending him for the fast horses, called to Mirtza, “A portal to Ironhouse we need. To the healing well we need to ride.”

  Victory one day, defeat the next. John was pissed because he knew that Lauren cared. Concentrating so hard on the magic, he thought somebody else was watching her. He hoped the healing water would perform another miracle, but doubted it, as it had no effect on Logan. Sitting in his room, he reviewed the simulation in his head. The kites and new cloak were going slower than he had hoped, as the titanium was harder to work with. While every day more arrived from the dwarf mines, it arrived slowly. Even though the kites were ready, the chains still had to be joined, and he wanted them longer this time. However, the cloak was giving them the greatest amount of grief. Logan was doing better, as Ryan continued to provide magic transfusions, but he still slept, and now Lauren was in a coma like state.

  They had been in this world for almost seventeen months, and in less than seven days, everything was about to change. Being uncertain of what would happen next, he began to recall everything from the beginning; what happened, what they said or had seen, where they had been, anything and everything.

  That night Panry and Mirtza brought the healing waters back, and Gingaar with Nur took turns staying up with Lauren, dripping it into her mouth.


  Panry, walking into John’s room after two days, being greeted with ‘LEAVE ME ALONE,’ so he sought out the Earth Mothers in the backyard, “How is Earth Mother?”

  Nur was rubbing the sleep from her eyes, struggling to drink a large mug of hot bean juice, “There is no change. The water is to heal the body, but that is not the problem this time. Just like with Logan, there is nothing physically wrong for it to fix”

  “It worked the last time,” advised Panry

  Brook replied, “It was because of a poison she consumed.”

  “What does Mother tell thou?”

  “She is silent like Earth Mother.”

  “Then what do we do?” demanded Panry.

  “Panry, the champion and sword are ready,” began Brook. “The west has an army. The south port Earth Mothers are treating the freed innocents. Mayhap Earth Mother’s job is complete.”

  “I do not like this.”

  “What does John think?” asked Arora.

  “He sits in his room, playing with some vision that only he can see.”

  Arora asked, “Does Mother guide him?”

  “I know not, but he has her tendency not to share his visions, so maybe she does school him.”

  “Are there any new reports?” asked Lindo.

  “The black-clad march has ended,” began Panry. “Sky elves report no new threats. I asked Zack to fly over the Royal House army, and they are building siege weapons. Every day, that strange bridge grows wider. Not anything we try will destroy it, and the suns are almost one.”

  “What of the champion?” asked Fritza.

  “I saw him at east gate. He is silent, watching the army grow. I think he determines how many he needs to kill to make river turn red. He talks to Father.”

  “Does father answer?” asked Nur.

  “I do not know. He does not share information either.”

  Nur nodded, “Then we wait.”

  “I do not like to wait.”

  “You had no complaints when you were at the Ironhouse mine,” stated Nur.

  “There was not an army on my doorstep.”

  Lindo nodded, “You are Earth Guard, protect and serve. Until Mother does speak, our job is done. We will continue to help the freed innocents, Earth Mother, and her brother, and we will pray.”


  John was exhausted, as he had little to eat with even less sleep over the last four days. He heard the reports to Panry outside of his door, but the news was unchanged. The day before, he heard Gingaar advise Panry that all of the healing water was gone, but Lauren was still quiet. This morning he once again heard Gingaar leave Lauren’s room, hearing her whisper, ‘Please heal Earth Mother.’ He sat straight up, recalling the images of the forest after the escape; four badly injured healed in days. He ran down the stairs after Gingaar, “When we were in the forest, you healed us. How did you do it?”

  “John, you are wrong. I did not heal anybody. Mother healed you and your friends.”

  “No, she works through agents. She doesn’t get directly involved. Something was different, Gingaar. What was different?”

  “John, I do not remember. I do not like to think about those days.”

  “Gingaar, something was different. What was it?”

  “Maybe it was the forest?”

  “No, I asked Lauren and there was nothing special about it.”

  Panry was behind John, and even though he failed to understand how the young lad did what he did, he placed faith in John’s compass.

  “You told me that you used to heal plants in the field. What does the forest and those fields have in common with you, Gingaar?”

  Panry thought the answer was obvious, “They are both outside.”

  When the equation popped into John’s mind, he switched the variables, reordered the sequence, “Panry, set up a tent in the forest outside the town; take beds, a tent, and anything else for an extended stay. Take some Earth Mothers and Gingaar, and when it is set up, take Lauren and Logan there also.”

  Panry was Earth Guard, protect and serve was his world, but John knew something that went beyond that. He whistled, issuing the orders, and by noon, they had completed all that John had requested. When a carriage arrived, Panry carried Lauren to a waiting bed, and Ryan carried Logan.

  Once they were comfortable on the beds, John again began to talk to Gingaar, “Does it feel any different?”

  “No, John, it was not me. Mother’s gift I do not have.”

  “No, you’re wrong, you need to believe. You healed us, you sang to us, talked to us, and looked after us. It could only be you.”

  “I am sorry. I am without the gift.” Gingaar was becoming upset and began crying.

  John was determined, “What was different?”

  Seeing that John was trying too hard, Panry pulled him off to the side. The preparations had incorporated several staff, including a cook. He walked him over to a fresh mug of hot bean juice, “Friend John, stop and sit to calm down.”

  He pointed to the sky, “In less than two days they’ll align, and the attack will begin.”

  “Eric is ready.”

  “If something goes wrong, we’ll be slaughtered.�

  When the cook brought over a plate of food for John, he had forgotten how hungry he was, and as he sat there eating his meal, he watched Gingaar. After going over to Lauren, she stepped out of her shoes and began to sing to her.

  John stopped eating, looked at Panry and the Earth Mothers. “When Lauren was captured, you said that she issued Earth Bonds that you felt. Who was the first to feel them?”

  Nur looked up from her bean juice, “I think I was. I was right outside the house.”

  Ryan shook his head, “Gingaar screamed first. We didn’t even know you were outside.”

  John was a crash test dummy, and the truth was the solid wall at the end of the runway. It felt like he slammed into it at 90 MPH without an airbag. Invoking recall, he remembered how Gingaar had told him about the fields with the mud between her toes, and he remembered her telling Lauren similar words. The shoes block the contact with Mother. John looked at Panry, “Steal her shoes and make sure she remains barefoot until Lauren walks.”

  The request shocked Panry, but he called to Erust, passing along the odd request. John went over to Gingaar, “I’m sorry I was so rough on you. Please stay with Lauren and Logan. Do what you did in the forest. Sing to them, talk to them. That’s all I ask.”

  She wiped the tears from her eyes, “I will help any way I can.”

  As John talked with Gingaar, Erust stole her shoes. The other Earth Mothers gathered around Panry sitting at the table.

  “What is he up to?” asked Nur.

  “Earth Mother, I do not understand. I have taken an oath, and I will never again ask another question. His record speaks for itself. If his council does not bring harm to Earth Mother, I shall follow what he suggests.”

  Returning to the table, John continued to watch, and an hour later he found the last piece. He looked at the others, “Watch her and tell me if you spot anything different, even the smallest thing.” As Gingaar was washing Logan’s face, John went over to Lauren. Forgive me, Mother if this upsets you. Taking the tri-wood staff from Lauren, he bent down to dig a small hole, and placing the root end into the ground, he saw the roots come forth. Placing the top of the staff between Lauren’s arm and her body, he then returned to the table, “Did you notice anything?”

  Arora spoke first, “She did not move for a full minute, digs her toes deeper into ground and stopped her song.”

  “What happened?” asked Brook.

  “Gingaar healed us in the woods when she was barefoot. I think she needs to be in contact with the ground, with Mother, for her to channel her gift. I’m hoping the staff will lend some of its power, transferring it to her, helping Gingaar to heal them.” John looked at Panry, “Make sure no one disturbs her.” He then looked at the five Earth Mothers, “You’ll now proclaim Gingaar an Earth Mother. Don’t call her Earth Mother, but her gift is great. She just doesn’t realize it, as a fear or similar fills her with doubt. Protect and serve her, just don’t interrupt her. Now proclaim her Earth Mother.”

  Brook shook her head, “That is an odd request.”

  There was a fire in John’s eyes when he spoke, “Gingaar felt the Earth Bonds before you felt them. She’s an Earth Mother, and I think she is more sensitive to Mother than the rest.”

  Panry remembered some of the acts he had witnessed Gingaar perform; the harvesting of Iron Wood roots, and when she grabbed the staff in the valley, how the Iron Wood trees experienced a tremendous growth spurt. He looked at the five, “A million soldiers look to invade the west, and our most powerful weapons lie crippled on those beds. If he wants you to proclaim her a tree, you will. If you do not, I will command Mother to make you.”

  “Why?” asked Arora.

  “I think it has significance to Mother.”

  Nur pulled out a bottle of clear liquid from her bag, asking the cook for eight glasses. She filled them a quarter of the way, “To our new Earth Mother.” All toasted.

  Fodu came riding out to the forest, “The kites, chains, and cloak are ready.” He saw the empty glasses, “What do you celebrate?”

  Nur called for an extra glass, “We just proclaimed Gingaar an Earth Mother at John’s request. Tell none, and do not address her as Earth Mother. John fears the pressure of the title will make her withdraw.”

  “Done.” Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a platinum stickpin with a diamond on the top, “When she is ready, this belongs to Gingaar. Earth Mother, years past, she asked me to make it for when Gingaar was ready. Always knew the gift she had.”

  John held out his glass for a refill, “One more toast, then I need to return to town.”

  “What do we toast?” asked Nur.

  “The fine craftsmanship of Fodu. How did it all turn out?”

  “Design and built as brother asked. Ten days ago, mithril enough we had. The fast horses delivered messages to the mines, and all dwarf forges now make mithril weapons. Time not enough for armor, but it would only slow us down.”

  John looked to the suns, “Will the forges and smiths be able to bring any forward in time?”

  “Metal it is and dwarf are and many. Ore and mountains, understand time they do not, but dwarf does. Have you not noticed the sky? The sky is brown with smoke born in dwarf forges. Small to large, all forges are manned by dwarf. In the mines and forges the suns do not set, do not rise. Battlefield, mine, and forge; all dwarf fight where they can. All bear their weight. Ore is mined faster than weapons cool. Battle calls, dwarf will answer. Ax and shield travel this way, dwarf forged, vengeance starved. Royal House and Earth Mother they may fear, and if smart, sword as well. Both our battles they fight for too long, no more. Dwarf battles, not fought by dwarf. Dwarf pride is injured, and we demand satisfaction. The field of battle, dwarf will claim, and Royal House will know fear. Born this week, legends many will be.” Fodu drained his glass, crushing it in his hands, as his eyes burnt with a flame born in a forge—a dwarf forge.

  Arora spoke, “They will have to share legend, friend Fodu. Elf has arrived with great bow, longbow, crossbow, and short bow. Arrows straight and true now call the forests of Alron home. All elf have answered Earth Mother’s call, all understood. One hundred thousand elves move from the forest into the mountains.”

  John shook his head, “Earth Mother, I mean no offense but a hundred thousand doesn’t even the balance, especially when a million or more seek to do battle with us.”

  Fodu licked the blood from his palm. “Brother John, you do not understand. Elf with bow they are. Dwarf, we live for battle. Those who deserve death, their eyes and anguish we need to see and cries for mercy we need to hear. Elf, they are peace and they do not seek battle. Fierce as dwarf they are, but tell none that dwarf did say. Elf, they have no need to see you close, but when elf draws a bowstring, its target is always hit. Great bow, the range not known, but Royal House will learn that lesson too late. Elf, we knew would arrive. Choice they did not have. For weeks now, arrow tips of mithril flow to elf. Death will rain down from the skies; elf delivered, dwarf forged. The Royal House may rise for battle, but fall they will, robbed of a chance to fight from above. Wager with elf we did: death by ax greater than arrow. Your numbers skills, we may need help with the sum. We need to ride, as there is much inspect.”

  Before John left the table, he looked at Panry, “Reinforce the tent and build wind blocks around it. Bring extra blankets from town to keep Lauren and Logan warm. See if you can arrange a fire inside the tent.”

  Panry was puzzled because it was a beautiful day. Warm, how can anybody feel cold?

  “When Father comes, the weather will change. Protect and serve your charges.”

  After Joh left, Nur emptied the last of the bottle into the six remaining glasses, and all silently toasted different thanks. For the first time, Panry almost felt a sense of comfort. With the board being set, the pieces were all lined up, and all they had to do was wait for the first move. They sat watching Gingaar dig her toes into the dirt, listening to her sing to Lauren and Logan, and they prayed.

bsp; Chapter 28

  The next morning John had the gold kites brought down, which he placed in his room with the cloak, as he would no longer be able to recharge it. When the sky elves arrived, he had them take the two mithril kites to the sky, dropping down the rope wrapped in mithril chains, and with some work, they secured both. He asked Mirtza to watch the night sky, telling him about the suns and the gravitational effects. He was happy to help: especially when it kept him away from enemy territory.

  John and Ryan then rode over to Gayne’s house. In the past, John had tricked—even threatened him to get the support he needed. Today was different, as he knew that both Eric and Panry were absent from the town.

  “Gayne, this will be the last favor I ever ask of you,” advised John.

  “You still have not shown me your magic, yet once again, you come to me for my help.”

  “When this is done, and everything is quiet, I’ll begin to teach you everything I know, but today is different, and you know it. The suns are almost aligned, if not already. The Royal House will attack any day. The ride back here is too far. Even with the fast horses, it takes a day to get to the pass gate, and we don’t have that kind of time. If they break through, we need to warn the town, and I’ll need updates from the Earth Mothers. Time could kill us all.”

  “What do you need?”

  Before they had headed to Gayne’s, John had left two bags of electronic components at the post office, and before the day was over, he would deliver the mates to the forest and the command center. “Only your students can use them to travel. Please send a couple out to the forest and the command center. They can deliver messages between the three points. Gayne, everybody else is doing their part, and only you can help with this.”


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