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A Blaze of Magic: Chosen Saga Book Two

Page 7

by J. L. Clayton

  Chapter Nine

  Meeting the Council Elders

  We walked up to a huge white palace, with four tall slender columns surrounding the entry way and two guards posted on either side of the entrance. The closer we drew the more I noticed that the guards were not you’re normal every day garden variety type of guard. Expecting – oh I don’t know – maybe tall normal humans like me, or like any guard you would see on TV or in the real world. That would have been normal. Well whatever I thought the guards should or would look like… I was wrong. On the contrary, the guards did not look like ordinary men. No! These guards had pointed ears, long tusked for teeth, a tail, red eyes, long wings and gray bodies. The creatures, because they’re so not men, had no clothing on whatsoever. So um yeah, you could see everything and even though these were not men, you could not tell it by their nether regions!


  I gripped Jace’s arm firmly. I noticed one eyeing me suspiciously, well let’s just say all thoughts of what this realm should be like left my mind. I was tripping out big time. Surprisingly, the one eyeing me snorted.

  He snorted! Snorteeeeed! What?

  Jace laughed, shook his head and looked down at me. “God,” he smiled, “I forget that you don’t remember anything about this world. Oh but soon Fox, soon you will remember.”

  I glanced up at him sharply, wondering what that remark meant: ‘I forget that you don’t remember.’ Why would I remember? What did he mean by that? I’ve never been here before, so why should I remember? I opened my mouth to say something, but Jace’s next words stopped me.

  Jace leaned in and whispered, “Here’s some advice.” I held his arm for dear life. “Whatever you do, don’t look the Gargoyles in the eyes.” I scooted closer gulping air and diverting my eyes. Jace chuckled as he took that opportunity to wrap his arm around my shoulders. I think one of the Gargoyles laughed at me too. That little bugger was making fun of me.

  “Hey, are they really Gargoyles?” I asked sharply.

  “Yes, sweet Charlie, they are really Gargoyles,” Jace said.

  “I thought Gargoyles were stone, but they don’t look like stone. And, uh, why not look at a Gargoyle in the eyes?”

  Jace shrugged. “Well yeah, sometimes they are stone, but contrary to what you might have heard or read on Gargoyles, most of that is not true. Gargoyles only turn to stone at the time between 12:00 pm and 4:00 am, and the reason for not looking Gargoyles in the eyes is simple enough,” Jace said looking down at me. I waited but he just smirked.

  “Oh-okay!” Yeah simple for him, but I was not getting it. Frustrated I stomped my foot saying, “Well, why’s it simple? And why do they only turn to stone at that time? And why can they not turn when they want to?’ I glared at him.

  Jace sighed. “I don’t have a Gargoyle handbook on me.”

  I rolled my eyes and punched him in the arm. “Ja—ce?”

  “Fine,” Jace looked at the Gargoyles. “Let me know if I step on some toes, or if I get something wrong for my little history lesson for Charlie, okay guys?” They grunted. I rolled my eyes again. Jace shook his head. “Besides, I’m about to impress a girl, so yeah, I could use some help.”

  One shrugged and the other snorted. I am not sure, but I think the one that snorted is the shit who was laughing at me earlier.

  The turd!

  “One: Gargoyles only turn to stone at that time because it is said that 12pm to 4am is the worship time for the daughter of Dracole’s, the God of flight. Okay, so the entire Gargoyle race was punished because one of their own fell in love with Dracole’s daughter. However, this is not a story of star-cross lovers like Romeo and Juliet! No, Dracole’s daughter refused him, calling him ugly and not worthy of a princess! Well, the heartbroken Gargoyle took his life along with hers in some awful love twisted way. Dracole was rightly furious. He cursed all the Gargoyles to stone for eternity. However, one of Dracole’s other daughters was close friends with a little Gargoyle girl. So, begging leniency on behalf of her friend, Dracole adjusted the curse for his child. Therefore, you have the time and the reason for stone.”

  I frowned. I felt sorry for the things. It wasn’t their fault one of their kind killed a God’s daughter.

  Jace continued oblivious to my inner-monolog. “Two: Gargoyles can only turn to stone because a God cursed them.” I glared. Yeah, I got that. Jerk. “Three: Do you like to be stared at in the eyes?” Jace asked. I never really thought about it. I guess yeah, if I didn’t know the person, well then maybe not! I shook my head no. “Then you understand why not to look at them in the eyes.” Jace playfully ruffled my hair. He cuffed me under the chin adding, “Nevertheless, Gargoyles consider that to be very rude. And if you really want to know the whole story, you can look it up in one of our archives.”

  I opened my mouth to ask about the archives, that’s when Jace started laughing at me.

  Shaking his head he said, “Please don’t ask me about the archives right now, and stop taking things so seriously. Charlie this is Callamose, a very magical place, a place to not be serious all the time.”

  I still asked. “Um, is this what they look like in the day time?” I was feeling good right about now. While Jace’s arm was wrapped around me, I felt invincible and I was not at all afraid of the Gargoyles. I felt safe with him. I felt like nothing could hurt me while in Jace’s arms. In addition to feeling good, I think Jace was trying to scare me with the whole don’t-look-the-Gargoyles-in-the-eyes speech. Yeah, I knew it was his way of getting me closer to him! And the more I looked at the Gargoyles, the more amused they looked, as if they knew Jace was trying to work his charm. Well it worked! And until we passed the Gargoyles, I’ll just stay put, thank you very much. Plus, just because a God cursed them, and I felt sorry for them, did not take away from the way they looked. These guys were ugly-scary.

  “So curious,” Jace took in a deep sigh. “It varies, but yes most Gargoyles look like them.”

  Jace inclined his head towards the Gargoyles posted at the doors as he ushered me through the now opened doorway. Two big Gargoyles stepped out and gave us a toothy grin. I felt myself shrinking back away and getting closer into the crook of Jace‘s shoulder. I glanced up and saw Jace smiling. Oh yeah, Jace, damn him. He was enjoying this, alright. The biggest Gargoyle pointed to a large room. Jace nodded and moved his arm off my shoulder and down to my hand. Heat from our combined hands suffused my body wonderfully, but it didn’t last as Jace started pulling me forward.

  I felt like there should be a big flashing sign up above my head saying: Enter at your own risk. Enter at your own risk.


  We walked into this wide cavern room. I took in every detail in one swift glance, trying to catalog as much as I could before I gained my powers. I was afraid that gaining my powers would make me see things in a whole new light and I liked the way I look at things now. To some people I might be a little bitter and cynical, but that’s me and I love all of me. We walked farther in. The room was huge. In the center were six omen-clad-looking-cloaked figures, sitting upon gothic castle like chairs of rich deep rusty brown. The floors and walls where a faint mahogany color and lining the walls were candelabras, mirrors, and satin velvet curtains of deep rich green that went in intervals with one another. Meanwhile, there were long swords crossed over each other that were placed upon a warrior’s shield. It had the room looking and feeling like a freaking medieval time fortress, and I’m guessing the cloaked figures were the mystical council-elders.


  Mine and Jace’s parents – crap, not Jace’s parents, Jace’s guardians. It’s just so hard to remember. But, come to think about it, my parents were really my guardians as well and they too weren’t of blood. Sigh! That’s just another thing Jace and I have in common. They stood on one end of the elders and Rose stood on the other end. Also in the room were six Gargoyles. But that was not too scary until I looked right in the center of it all and there in black and white sat an ugly alter. I thought Tru’s bonfire was
like a satanic ritual… Well, Tru’s bonfire has nothing on this shindig. I mean, my God the council/elders had on hooded cloaks and there was a freaking alter in the middle of the room. So yeah, you cannot get more satanic-worship-ritual then that. One of the elders, or should I call them satanic beings…?

  Dun! Dun! Dun! Just a little melodrama! Now back to our previously scheduled program: My sacrifice!

  One was wearing a rich golden color cloak, two elders had on sharp crimson red cloaks, and another one had a silky night sky cloak. There was a deep ocean blue cloaked one and one pure white. However, try as I may, I still couldn’t see their faces. Thus, bringing the satanic worship thing to the forefront of my mind and still Tru’s bonfire had nothing on this baby.

  “Charlize Fox I presume,” Stated the golden-cloaked man. As he stood up, he removed his hood so I could finally make him out. He was an older man. I would say in his fifty’s, but I’m not a calculator-yeah just like I’m not a measuring stick. He had thick gray hair, brown eyes and a warming smile.

  “You would presume right.” I loved that my voice was calm and strong with a little swagger added on.

  Jace snickered while everyone else seemed to not like my flippant tone, oh well. First I made one of the Dragon’s my enemy, now I made a good impression on the elders, so in all I give myself a ten. At least I haven’t set this place on fire yet.


  The golden cloaked man just smiled as his booming voice surrounded me. He said, “I am Eli Blacksmith, the head elder.”

  I swallowed the sudden lump in my throat. Maybe he too did not really like my flippant tone. Just keep your mouth shut. However, he still smiled a warm smile. Go figure! Eli looked over at the two red-cloaked beings. As if on command they arose. Both swiftly pulled their hoods back, revealing a tall slender woman with fire-red-hair and hazel eyes. A well-defined man with rich blond hair and blue eyes and I knew in that moment who they were.

  “I am Sara Webster,” her voice was soft and melodic at the same time.

  I promptly withdrew my hand from Jace’s grip and blushed out right.


  I forgot I was holding Jace’s hand and now, I was embarrassed. Did that just happen? Jace’s mother just saw my not so smooth move.


  She beamed at me and winked at Jace. I glanced over at Jace; he was not looking at her.

  Kill me now.

  He was looking at me with a very big smirk on his face. I scowled.

  Just then my throat seemed to close. I swallowed convulsively, trying to ease the sudden dryness in my mouth.

  Die, I just want to die.

  “I am Robert Webster,” Jace’s father’s voice was a deep rich timber that had a slight chuckle.

  Oh laugh it up. Ugh!

  Grinning, Eli nodded at Robert then he waved his hand at the black-cloaked being, the black-cloaked being stood up and pulled the hood off revealing a stunning guy.

  I have three words for him: Wow-wow-wow. Well, maybe that was just one word, but I did say it three times. I have to take credit for trying.

  My heart practically leaped out of my chest and hit the floor. I swear, I heard the splat and I know my face was a full-blown shade of red now. My mouth was hanging open, and I looked like a big dork. This guy was extraordinary. I had a funny feeling I knew him, his eyes. These eyes are the eyes I saw on one of the Dragons in the sky! He had black as night skin with the same rusty-golden-eyes. His eyes looked just like that stunning Dragon in the sky. His hair was a rich black color that was braided in dreadlocks to his shoulders, his nose was slightly crooked and his lips were a little thin, but somehow it worked for him. Looking at him I guessed his age was around 19 or 20 years old.

  Yeah, so not a calculator!

  He was not quite a man, but so not a boy.


  His skin reminded me of silk and his eyes were mystifying. The Dragon smiled at me and then I knew for sure he was the Dragon I saw in the sky. I had the oddest feeling, it was strange, but the way he was looking at me made me wonder if he could read my mind?

  “Yes,” he said his voice low with a hint of laughter. “I can read your mind, young Charlize, but do not fret, because in time you will learn to set up a mental block.”

  Great. Just freaking wonderful, a mind reading cocky Dragon, that’s my luck

  “Well hell, that‘s just freaking perfect and I am saying this out loud because you can hear my thought’s anyways. So I might as well say what is in my head after all, right?” I narrowed my eyes, crossed my arms in a silent challenge, waiting for him to say something. God, why is he reading my thoughts anyways? “Sooo,” I said drawling out the word, “Can all of you read my thoughts?” I waved my hand around the room, taking everyone in. “Uh, just like freaking bad breath Dragon boy here.”

  I pointed at his smug face. Okay, so I couldn’t smell his breath, but that was the only mean thing I could come up with off the top of my head. Dang, if he just didn’t look so charming and smug at the same time I might like him. I tilted my chin defiantly in his direction. Jace laughed, but quickly covered it up with a cough. And I think his mother was smiling approvingly at me. However, for the rest of them that was still up for debate.

  “I assure you youngling, there are only three in this room that can read your thoughts, and all of them but for me are blocking your thoughts from their mind. Of course that is out of courtesy.”

  Of Course!

  “If you don’t mind me suggesting this…” I glared. “Good, I see you don’t mind. So, if you could tone it down a bit.” He pinched his thumb and index finger then he spread them apart just a little. “You are after all, shouting in your head.” Smug-mouth-Dragon said.

  Oh yes mister-cocky, with a stupid I’m the only one reading you’re thought’s mouth. Well fine, I hope you hear me now buddy boy, because you! You! You suck! Ugh! And go to hell. Oh wait scratch that, you might like that, all of you fire breathers probably love hell. So go jump in water. After that stupid speech in my head, I felt like an idiot. He laughed a smooth laugh. It rolled across my skin, warming me and that irritated and ticked me off.

  “Okay,” I said dryly. “Dragon boy, why are you reading my mind?”

  “Oh youngling, you are a tongue lasher indeed. How have your parents handled you all these long years?” Dragon asked.

  I did not answer him, I just glared. He got the hint. If he was going to evade my question, then I was not going to answer his.

  Hah, nana-nana! Immature maybe, but I didn’t care.

  He smiled and nodded saying, “Well youngling, my name is Zeb Spitfire and it is a, pleasure to meet such a charming young girl as you.”

  I rolled my eyes. Spitfire, that’s so conveniently Dragonish. “So Zebby boy,” I said with mock sincerity. “Why I too am honored to meet such a strapping young lad like you, who knows just the right words to say making little’ol me welcomed.” I gave a mocking grin. “Well it’s my pleasure to make your acquaintance.” Not! I shouted that little tidbit in my head. I smiled, did a curtsy and said sweetly. “Thanks.” God not once and I do mean not once, did he look taken aback or mad. No, on the contrary he looked amused and I was ticked off again. Of all the nerve, how old is this jerk anyways? Yeah, so I basically called him a boy. I had to do something, right? Really Zebby, how old are you? I know you can hear me shouting in my head, right?

  Zeb chuckled and said, “Should I answer your thought?”

  Zebby boy, yeah that’s right Zebby, I am calling you that from now on. He smiled a bemused smile! Now I was really getting pissed! Of all the nerve! What a jerk.

  “No... Yes,” I relented. “Tell me!” I said, curiosity getting the better of me. Everyone was looking from me to him, him to me, like they were in a tennis match. Dang, I was so wrapped up in showing Zebby up that I forgot about everyone else and why I was here had faded away into the background. I looked around to see everyone looking at me, Jace was smiling. He must like that I was getting mad at Zebby boy.

  “There is not that much time left, Zeb. Enough of this Zebby, stop patronizing Charlize, and tell her your age so we shall proceed as planned,” Eli’s voice boomed, making me swallow, blink, and clasp my hands behind my back.

  I straitened, for some reason I felt like saying sir, yes sir.

  Zebby boy grinned, still looking at me and said to Eli, “Sir, yes sir.” I narrowed my eyes. He merely shrugged. “I am 853 years of age, to my kind I am merely a pup, but to you my witty friend. I am you’re elder.”

  You’re not my friend, Zebby boy. So stay the hell out of my head! To my surprise he cringed, and shrugged all while still grinning.

  “Now that that nonsense is over, shall I continue?” When no one said a single word, Eli nodded to the blue-cloaked being.

  The blue cloaked being stood up and removed the hood to reveal a stunning woman, with long flowing white hair and gray eyes. Her lips were lush and her ears were pointed. I noticed wings penetrating from her back. Beautiful blue-green-red wings with white around the edges. Twinkling specks of glitter shown all over her skin, she smiled at me and said, “I am Samira.” I waited for her to tell me her last name, but she just smiled at me.

  Impatiently I asked, “Samira, that’s it, no last name?”

  “Samira,” She replied wryly

  “Samira, okay, I like it. It’s very lovely.” I did the thumbs up sign and then I immediately wanted to take it back. She gave me a wan smile. I smiled back hoping I did not offend her in anyway and that I didn’t look like a complete dork. Eli waved his hand at the last being left. The white-cloaked being pulled back their hood showing long curly black hair, red eyes, and two pointed teeth… Fangs?! Oh my God, this girl must be a vampire. That is so cool!

  “I am Sonya.” One name only. I guess some of the supernatural beings only have one name. That’s cool with me. I watched as Sonya‘s eyes faded from red to a light green. At least her eyes won’t be red all the time. Thank God for that!

  Chapter Ten


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