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A Blaze of Magic: Chosen Saga Book Two

Page 9

by J. L. Clayton

  I pulled myself up slowly. “What just happened?” I said aloud turning in a circle and then glaring up at the sky as if it was the sky’s fault! Hah right. I looked around to see where I was. It looked just like one of them spooky barren wastelands. In the surrounding region, there were thorn bushes, sand fields and an empty sky. It looks like I was nowhere. Okay, I was officially, utterly alone. Crap.

  This place and what I can see of it, pretty much didn’t tell me a flying fig of where I am. Maybe I was on the outskirts of Callamose. Oh no, I hope I didn’t completely wipe myself out of existence. Yeah, that would just top off the whole magic thing.

  I stomped my foot and crossed my arms breathing in slowly to gain my wits. I took in my predicament with an alarming calmness that I did not even know I had. I looked over myself checking for damage. I felt for the tiny wolf that was underneath my dress. Just before the whole crossing over bit, I slipped some shorts on with pockets under my dress. I knew Tru couldn’t come with me, so I had to bring something that reminded me of him. I was pleased to know that he was still in good condition.

  My wolf. My Tru. My fur ball.

  If anything would have happened to the gift Tru gave me, I couldn’t ever forgive myself. Thankfully it was just fine and I don’t have to beat myself up. I felt for Jace’s gift and my mystery guy’s gift as well. Shoo! They were okay and I, thank God, don’t seem to have any broken bones. But how did I get out here? Eli was telling me that I was this ‘chosen one,’ and I just wanted to disappear. Then to my astonishment I did disappear. So how many abilities is that now? I have totally lost count by now. God what is happening to me? I just want to be your average ordinary Dulcedo. Well shoot, maybe Dulcedo’s aren’t average, but compared to me, heck, all the other ones are a walk in the park it seems. I don’t want to be this freaking chosen one. I don’t want to be something like the Traveler.

  I just want to be average again. Grrr!

  I glanced down to see that my skin was turning red.

  Can you say nightlight? That’s what I am now—a freaking nightlight–a freaking glow stick–a freaking: If you can’t find your way around because it is too dark just get Charlie mad—and then the problems solved light!

  On a high note, I don’t hear voices. I know I am whining, but I was supposed to get magical powers and be happy about it. Like how Tru felt! I was supposed to feel that! I was supposed to glow from then inside not the outside. I was not supposed to be the almighty chosen one, the destroyer of evil, the one that would take down the Traveler.

  Awe yes, that was me alright Miss big shot. Yeah right, give me a break. You know what, I think there should be an echo after what I just said, or some kind of microphone sound, or maybe someone like that guy who says: In this corner weighing blah-blah-blah is the… Well you get the point. And I’m rambling again. That’s just one of my many qualities.

  ‘Is that who I think it is?’

  Great, now I am hearing voices.

  ‘Yes that’s her. What the hell! Why is she glowing red?’

  Nope not hearing voices, it was something much worse than voices in my head.

  “Hey Red, what’s with the color?”

  I swung around knowing who it was before seeing him. All thanks now to the new nifty memories on one side of my brain. One side of my brain remembers this realm, while the other side has no clue. To top it all off, it kinda feels like both sides of my brain are clashing with one another to see which one will come out on top. All the same, it doesn’t really hurt. It’s just very confusing and that makes it a little uncomfortable.

  Oz: ‘Even though she’s red, she still looks cute.’

  He is the only one that could make my skin crawl with disgust. He is the only one that could make me feel like hurling chunks.

  The bad thing about this is that a part of my brain knows him, while the other part of my brain has no idea. I just wish my fudging brain would come together already.

  “Go away Oz,” I sneered.

  “Wow, hold up there Red, or should I call you pinky? What’s up with the colors?” He asked grinning. I scowled. “Hey cheer up, at least the colors fading. Because when I first saw you, your skin was a full-blown shade of red. So have you been making out with a Dragon? Because you know,” he leaned in, cupping his mouth and mock whispering. “They have tendencies to heat up the female’s body.” Oz leaned back grinning he said, “And why, if you have hooked up with a Dragon, wasn’t I the one involved?”

  Oz’s voice was a rich slimey sound, it crawled up my skin. I rolled my eyes and glanced down, noting that, yes, my skin was turning pink. I guess the red was fading out, but I wasn’t mad anymore, just irritated. I turned my gaze back to Oz, looking him up and down, trying to remember the bratty boy I once knew. The last time I saw him in is human shape; my confused mind tells me, was about three years ago. Oz hasn’t changed that much, the cocky I-rule-the-world-attitude, tall and slender, eyes of the deepest, darkest sky and a slightly tilted nose with a sharp chin. He had long green hair the color of seaweed. It looked very soft. I always wondered how his hair would feel in my hands, but back then I was just thirteen, so I would want to know how everything felt in this realm.

  Oz was dressed in a long trench coat, black slacks and a light green V-neck tee that made his eyes pop. I remembered that every year we would come here, Oz would pick on me. He even got into a fight with Jace. Yeah, he might be young for a Dragon, but he is way older then Jace and I. I think he’s around the three hundred mark, but he acts like he’s a five year old.

  “So have you?” Oz raised his eyebrows.

  “Have I what?” I snapped.

  “Been making out with a Dragon?”


  “Okay, then what was up with the skin defect?” Oz smirked.

  “I don’t know,” I sighed. My shoulders sagged in defeat. God, why was I talking to him anyway? He was the bane of my existence right now. Hey, here’s a thought, maybe I can make him disappear like I did. I grinned inwardly.

  “So,” Oz pulled me out of my thoughts. “What are you doing this far out and does Jace know where you are?”

  Then in my mind I heard him think.

  Oz: ‘This is going to be so much fun, when I see that little snot Jace I’m just going to love rubbing this in.’

  “You are not going to do anything, Oz! You are going to leave Jace alone and grow up. I see that your mind has not matured yet. And as for the rest, it’s none of your business, got it?”

  Oz: ‘Hell, is she reading my mind? I definitely need to put up a better mental block.’

  That thought was loud in my head. It almost made me stumble backwards.

  “Nope, that won’t work.” I sneered clinching my teeth from the sharp pain in my head.

  “What won’t work?” Oz asked aggravated.

  “Putting up your mental blocks,” I smirked feeling cocky and just a little miffed. I knew my unexpected anger had nothing to do with Oz. Really, he wasn’t being mean, annoying yes, but not mean. My attitude stemmed from what Eli had told me and what I have learned, but still my next words came out sounding sharper then I would have like. “Zeb tried to do it and I could still read his thoughts. So don’t even try. You’re not that good at it.” I shrugged and visibly calmed, letting the anger fade away.

  Oz glared, but then he smirked. “Dang girl, that’s some serious mojo you got there. Hey, look on the bright side . . . At least now you‘re not glowing.” Oz pointed out.

  I looked down, and yes, I wasn’t glowing. That’s a good thing, and thankfully I don’t hear Oz’s thoughts. Hum, I wonder?

  “Wow, how did you get that cut? It looks bad.” Oz pointed to my cheek.

  I brought my hand up to the side of my face, wincing as I felt a sting. I pulled my hand back fast. Oz smiled a devilish smile as his eyes raked over my body. Perv! Without any warning, he took three long strides and placed his hand on my left cheek. I started to protest, to stop this insanity of his hand touching my face. I didn’t want
Oz’s hands anywhere on me, but before I could mutter a single syllable, a surge of warmth poured into the cut stopping any protest. Oh yeah my foggy brain piped up, Dragons have healing powers. Nifty! Oz grinned and stepped back, giving me some well-needed breathing room. I was grateful. I touched the spot on my cheek where the cut was and smiled. Oz just healed my cut.

  “Now, what do I get in return?” Oz rubbed his hands together. I rolled my eyes. His slimey voice was getting on my nerves. Guys. Ugh!

  Oz: ‘Oh yeah, whatever she wants to give me I will take happily. That is as long as it’s something pleasurable.’

  “Well what do I get?” Oz asked sounding a little too pleased with himself.

  I wanted to deck him so bad, but he did after all just heal my cut. So instead I replied with a grin, “How about a thank you.”

  Oz frowning: ‘Man, I guess my charm isn’t as good as Jace‘s.’

  “I wonder why sometimes I can hear your thoughts, and sometimes I don’t.”

  Oz: ‘Shit, she heard that?’

  “What? You heard that?” Oz asked irritated.

  I nodded. “Yes and I just heard what you just thought . . . So I got to hear that sentence twice, boy I’m lucky!” I smirked just a little, and I blame the rest of what I said on my big-sarcastic-smart mouth. “I also heard the part about you being a guy and hey I can give you whatever I want to give you. Awe… Really!” I snorted. “You are so sweet and so generous Oz. You mean to tell me you would take whatever I gave you? That is just so . . . Pathetic. So sorry, you will just have to stick with a thank you.” I patted his shoulder none too gently. That was a very bad idea.

  If there was a rule book for Supernaturals-aka Sups-then one of the rules should be never mock a Dragon and hit him in anyway at the same time. Oz’s eyes flashed a fire red. He waved his hand towards me and the once held cut reappeared on my face with a whole lot more force, sending me crashing to my knees. Blood streamed down my cheek. I looked at him wide eyed, afraid and disbelieving. Yeah, shouldn’t piss a Dragon off.

  Keep that in mind kiddies, and learn from a pro on how not to make massive mistakes: A guide for dummies on all things Charlie.

  Regardless of what he just did, I think Oz felt bad. He opened his mouth to say something to me, but it was too late. I could see sorrow and regret wash over his face. Just when I was sure he was about to apologies, about to set things right . . . I felt strong magic ripple around me. My mom, dad, Jace, Zeb, Jerold and Kate flashed into sight.

  The power of a Ley-line… Got to love it!

  Well, it looks like the gang is all here Scooby. All that’s missing is the Scooby snacks and the mystery machine.

  Poor Oz. He was in big trouble now!

  Chapter Twelve

  Oh it’s on

  To say it was the calm before the storm is to put it mildly. When Jace glanced at me, there was no calm; there was only this raging storm and its name was Jace. When he looked at the cut on my face, and then looked back at Oz, Jace lost it. His playful demeanor, the one that I always associate with him vanished, and left in its place was raw hatred-anger. Seriously, Jace was one scary site to behold.

  There was this guttural roar that sounded deep from his throat, and then Jace shouted, “You!”

  There was so much venom in that one word that I flinched. He charged towards Oz with fury burning in his eyes. It was Jace’s war cry, as he screamed. I watched in fascinating horror. I cannot explain why my mind works the way it does, because I shouldn’t think the things I think when there is something major going on. That’s not to say that I see this kind of stuff all the time, because I don’t. But still sometimes, um when it’s called for crying I seemed to laugh; when it’s time to be scared, I bring on the bravado. I guess like now, when faced with destruction, I think of something funny. The first thing I should think is not the first thing that enters my mind.

  I should think, oh crap how do I stop this, but I don’t. Looking at Jace charging Oz just then, all I could think of was the movie: Brave-Heart. I mentally pictured Jace with one arm extended in the air, a war cry on his lips and his face painted half blue. Really it almost made me laugh out right. I shook my head focusing back on the present.

  Oz saw Jace and quickly changed, it happened so fast. One moment he was standing there as Oz the human, the next moment he was Oz the Dragon. I was in complete and utter awe and shock. Oz’s clothing ripped off his body, his jaw elongated, and wings sprouted out of his back. He breathed fire out of his mouth as he roared. I looked at him gaping; my mouth was practically touching the ground. In the memories of this world I knew what had just happened. However, my other memories where taken aback at this extraordinary site. I literally had to pick my jaw up and shake my head.


  Oz cried out, bringing me back to what was going on and what Jace just did. Jace flung a fireball, a freaking red-really-hot-burn-you-to-a-crisp fireball. In that instant I felt like I was in some kind of movie. I wonder if a fireball could hurt something that blows fire. Maybe Jace should have thrown a water-ball at him. I giggled hysterically. I think I might be losing it. Nevertheless, my wondering was answered as I-Yes I-felt Oz’s pain. A tingling sensation spread along my body and then I could feel what everyone was feeling. The pain of what Jace was doing to Oz nearly sent me to my knees, as Oz took another fireball hitting him in the face.

  I could feel anger coming from Jace. Well, I guess my nifty empathic skills decided to kick in. Joy! Jace was mad at what he thinks just happened to me; and oh God, the emotion that everyone was giving off had me clutching my chest. I whimpered. There was so much I was feeling: it varied from rage, hate, anger, sorrow, sadness, and pain. Oh, the excruciating pain. I just wanted this to be over already, but the fight raged on oblivious to my wishes. I glanced at Zeb; his jaw was set tightly as he watched the magical fight. Jace would fling a spell at Oz, and Oz would breathe fire in his direction. However, Oz’s heart didn’t seem to be in the fight, while Jace looked like he was giving his all.

  I thought: Do something, stop them!

  Zeb nodded and swiftly changed into his beautiful Dragon form. He grabbed hold of Jace’s shirt with his teeth promptly flinging him to the side. Jace rolled unceremoniously to the ground. I glanced at him worried that he might be hurt, but no, he was okay. Jace jumped up and started forward again, rage pouring off his body, a need to protect me, to avenge me was permeating the air. Zeb roared with fury stopping Jace in his tracks and then Zeb grabbed Oz with his Dragon-sharp-teeth around the jugular. To my horror it looked like Zeb was fixing to rip Oz’s trachea right out of his neck. I shook my head, and staggered to my feet.

  Mom, a little dazed and confused, rushed to my side to help me up, only now was she coming out of the enchantment that the fight seemed to have placed over us all. I smiled at her a sad little smile then I looked back at Oz and Zeb. I was afraid for Oz. I struggled to stand up. It took all my strength fighting the feeling that was flowing my way.

  I shouted, “No! Stop! No! Don’t do it Zeb, he didn’t mean it. Please Zeb, please.”

  Zeb glanced over at me, his eyes red with fire as his body bristled with anger. I was scared, but I could not shake the pain that was over riding my fears. God help me. God it hurt’s so bad. All I could think was stop: Stop. Stop. Please, just go away. Just go away! GO AWAY! I watched wide-eyed as a whoosh of different colored lights shot out of my body and entered into everyone else’s. Calm. Peace. Serenity! I felt all of their emotions leave my body. It was silent for a second as the swirling lights of black, red, blue and indigo floated between me and everyone else. Everyone looked at me, then back at the swirling colors.

  Finally I thought the colors would just fade away, but I was wrong. Instead of fading like I hoped or disappearing like I thought. The colors entered everyone. My parents, Jace and his guardians and two very ticked off Dragons.

  That was a nasty combo: I would like to order two parents, two guardians, a sexy guy and while you’re at it, throw in two ticked of
f Dragons. Yummy!

  All I could do was watch in tremendous astonishment as they all fell to their knees crying out, and writhing with so much agonizing pain. Ooh, God what have I done? I wanted it to stop, but I didn’t want it to enter anyone else. I felt like a failure once again. Zeb painfully stood up and change from Dragon to human very slowly. He stood there now on shaky legs. And naked! Wow! He was unabashedly naked. My face heated up and I quickly diverted my eyes, but when I glanced over it was not any better. Everyone else was lying limp and unmoving, if not for their agonizing cries, I would have thought them all to be dead. Unconcerned of Zeb’s nakedness, not caring if he was the first guy, um, man-whatever-that I’ve seen naked I turned back to him. Because, all I cared about was getting everyone back to normal.

  I looked at him and started shaking. I didn’t want this, and I didn’t want everyone to feel what I was feeling. Yeah, so okay I was glad that I was not feeling it anymore, but I sure as hell didn’t want anyone else to feel it as well. I just wanted it to stop. That was all, just stop.

  Zeb looked at me with pain filled eyes, and in a raspy weak voice he said, “Youngling, I know, it is ok. However, you must control this.”

  “How?” I cried, tears streaming down my face. “I can’t; I don’t want it back in me Zeb. It hurts to bad, your feelings; your emotions are too overwhelming. All of yours hurts to bad. I don’t want to hurt you all as well.” I sobbed. “What should I do?” I was losing it. I was sobbing uncontrollably now. What have I done?

  “Calm down Youngling. It will be ok,” He crooned. “You can do it, I shall help thee.”

  “I am so sorry, but I don’t know if I can. Don’t you get it, don’t you understand, it’s too much,” I sobbed clutching my chest. “And if you haven’t noticed I really suck at this whole magic thing. I’m the worst supernatural ever!”


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