A Blaze of Magic: Chosen Saga Book Two

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A Blaze of Magic: Chosen Saga Book Two Page 13

by J. L. Clayton

  Guy one: My Tru, my fur ball-all sexy and yummy, green/golden eyes, long black hair-and a cute crooked grin that sets my soul on fire!

  Guy two: Bad boy Jace with hot sexy words just like a 1- 900 operator, blue eyes, shaggy blond hair, and a smile that had me melting in his hands.

  It was a trip, but somehow I went from zero guys, to two guys liking me in no time. It was like one moment I was off the map, and the next I was on the map. Heck, come to think about it I probably didn’t even register near the map to begin with until moving to Turtle Creek. However, being on the map is not what it’s cracked up to be when your fist starts to fly. I thought everything was going well; I had danced with one of my best friends: Nikko. Who is now pronounced my very own Knight. Gush! Not because, coincidently that is his last name, but because Nikko was one of my saviors. He found me almost dead, and raced me back to the dance for help. I then dubbed him my Knight-in-spiffy clothing.

  He-he! You liked that didn’t you? Spiffy! Me too!

  I danced with lots of other friends. Like Jolon, crazy fun Jolon. However, when it came time to dance with my two guys . . . Six crazy things happened, and a spiral of events took place that led up to my attack.

  1: I danced with Jace whom I almost kissed, until I was shoved from behind.

  2: I then left Jace to dance with Tru, which I did kiss.

  3: Jace then proceeded to get mad over said kiss and he punched Tru.

  4: The punch led up to Jace and Tru fighting each other.

  5: I got severely pissed off at Jace and Tru so I left the dance.

  6: I stalked down a dark road at night by myself.

  As you can understand, I was all around dumb that particular night. I kissed one guy in front of another while I still had no idea which guy I wanted to be with. Like I said, I was a dummy. I then proceeded to get mad at said guys-the ones I was leading on-for fighting and stalked out of the dance. That made me a bigger dummy. Which as you well know by now, that is if you have been paying attention to my blabbering, those 6 spirals of events led me into three sets of sick twisted hands, who then tried to rape me and would have killed me if it wasn’t for . . . For-what? A light? Someone or something other than Nikko! Someone, I didn’t see, saved me. But who? With a heavy weight and this gut wrenching twist in my stomach, somehow I knew who saved me. Somehow I knew without a doubt that it was not my imagination that conjured up the dress, nor was it my imagination this whole time.

  Wow, I knew who the other one was that saved me that night. I knew who got rid of the men so Nikko could find me. I knew! TRAVELER! I shuddered and closed my eyes, with a trembling voice I said, “Y-you, saved me!” I gasped bringing my hand to my throat for comfort, because now I felt numb. Shocked-scared, and sick. I wanted him to be real. Deep down I wanted that voice to be real. However, now that I know without a doubt it is… Instead of feeling relieved that I wasn’t crazy for desiring something that could be fake. I felt numb. All I felt was numb, and scared. Very-very scared. He was the Traveler. I just knew it. It has been him all along, the one who has invaded my dreams. Oh God. He was my enemy; I was supposed to be his destroyer. And he saved me? How is that possible? And why did I desire his voice when he was the one who killed Tru’s family? I shook my head, now was not the time to bring that up. I didn’t want him reading my mind. What if he knows I know who he is? What then?

  “Yes!” He said low and sensual. “Yes Love, I saved thee.”

  You could hear the pleased sound in his voice. If I could’ve seen him just then, I was sure he would be smiling a smug smile of satisfaction my way. Now that I finally figured out who it was that saved me, the air was palpable with his excitement and pleasure. I had to wonder though; if it wasn’t for this dress, would I have figured it out? Furthermore, would he have ever told me? All the same, did he place me back into this dress just so I would figure it out? Or is there another reason entirely? I was confused. There was so many questions spinning around in my head, but the only one I could spit out among them was, “You… Hell you’re real? You-Oh God, you killed them didn’t you?”

  He laughed; it was a cold and sinister sound, “Such language and it is coming out of a beautiful mouth.” He made this tat, tat noise. Then he sighed, it glided along my body in a tantalizing sensation. I shivered. “Why Love? Why did you still believe I was not real?” I swear if he was visible he would probably be arching his eyebrows. “You still believed that I was this... What did you call me? Ah yes, figment! You still thought I was just your imagination? How flattering, but alas. . . No. No you did not imagine me. I assure thee Love, I am very much real.” His tone was mocking and dammit, it was also still sexy at the same time.

  “Well!” I glared into the dark, for all the good it did me. I could have been glaring at a tree, because I had no clue where he was standing. “It’s not every day someone steps into your dreams and hey… They’re real you know. And, stop avoiding the question.”

  “Avoiding one’s question, I would never do that. Now please enlighten me. What question? ” He asked, sounding so arrogant.

  Funny how just seconds ago I thought his voice was desirable, now it was just getting on my nerves. Or not, grrr! “Don’t act like you don’t know what question I am referring too. Let me say it slow so you won’t miss it this time.” He chuckled. I shivered. “Did. You. Kill. My. Attackers?”

  I waited, nervousness churning in my stomach of what his reply would be. Also, thinking maybe I shouldn’t be so hasty to show my anger. There is no telling what he might do if I truly made him mad.

  “Yes,” he sighed, “Love, no need to thank me.”

  “Thank you? Thank you? Why would I thank you for killing someone, even if that someone tried to kill me?” I said disbelieving. Crap, didn’t I just tell myself not to get mad or anger him? Now I’m all but shouting. Good way to take advice from yourself Charlie. Shut up I told myself.

  “Why yes, you should thank me. I have saved thee, and fortunately for everyone else in that world I saved them as well. Now, there are three less pitiful beings sucking up your air.” His tone was incredulous with a hint of fury in his smooth voice, but I didn’t care. I was mad.

  “But, you could have just scared them off. You did not have to kill them.”

  “Yes I did!” I felt darkness close around me in those three powerful words. Then there was a pregnant pause, I took that opportunity to suck in several deep breaths. Finally he softened, “Love, if I did not kill for thee, subsequently one day their fowl presence would have continued to harm innocents.” He stopped for a breath then added. “Is that what one desires? Does one desire for someone just like thee to be raped or killed? Does one desire for someone else to be put through that travesty, as thee my Love?” His voice was cold and steely, gone was the sexy baritone.

  I knew he was playing on my humanity, because there was no way I believed he cared about anyone but himself, definitely when I thought he was the evil Traveler. Fortunately for him, it worked. I felt low-sick and disgusted with myself. I shivered and knew I would never want anyone to go through the horrifying ordeal that I did. To feel helpless, and to think that you were going to die. “No,” I croaked out finally, “I would never want anyone to go through that. Never!”

  “I do not care if they continue to live. It was quite fun ripping out their spines and guts.” He said it matter-of-factly. “However,” he continued; his voice rumbling around me. “Once their hands where upon your body, then their lives needed to be extinguished. No one but I shall touch thee now, no one but I.”

  My body went rigidly stiff. What? Did he think I was his property? Oh hell no, I don’t think so. I had to tell him where he could go, but my mouth would not work. Then it was too late, the moment passed.

  “Humans, they are indeed pathetic-weak-beings. How can you stand to live in that world?” He said distain coming out loud and very clear in his wonderful, but chilling voice. But, before I could answer him again, to tell him that not everyone on earth is bad, he continued.
It felt as if he was waving a hand in the air dismissing any response I might have had. “It does not matter. What does matter, however, is thee. Now, Love. If you would be so kind and step out into the light so that I shall finally look upon thee.” He always spoke to me in an elegant tongue, very proper and refined.

  “Okay, I’ll let you see me, but I have a feeling you already know what I look like now that I have acquired my magical powers. First answer some of my questions.” A booming laughter rumbled around me. I shivered, it felt good. His voice surrounded me in warmth and safety. Yet it also felt wrong.

  I could so see an infomercial trying to sell their new product: His voice. The slogan would go like this: Try our new product; you will feel warm and safe. Then their tiny warning label would read: Could cause you to feel wrong, and may set off warning bells that will have you also feeling something is just not right. Certain side-effects may occur, please contact your Doctor for more details. If side effects continue to bother you in any way, stop listening immediately! Yeah right, I can see it now.

  “Why yes I shall answer thee.” He said bringing me back to the here and now. “Please, go on, ask your questions. I can hardly wait.”

  I could hear the mocking laughter in his voice and that ticked me off. I really thought this guy’s voice was arousing and appealing to my senses? Yes, I did! And unfortunately I still do. What is wrong with me? He is the Traveler. “Did you buy me this dress I am so lucky to be wearing right now?” I asked sarcastically. “Are you the one that gave me the ring as a gift for my birthday? What is your name? How old are you?” I was on a roll. The questions just started spilling out. “What do you want with me? Plus, why can’t I feel my powers right now? And why do you only show up every now and then? Can you read my mind, like you usually can and…” I was nervous, so in a rush of air I spit it out. “Are you the Traveler?”

  I stopped and waited. During my whole rambling off question‘s, my dream guy didn’t say one word, nor did he interrupt me.

  “Are you quite finished?”

  “Yes.” I squeaked.

  “Shall I answer thee now?” His voice had amusement in it, and that was one way to get on my bad side.

  “Ha, ha so funny, and yes please do,” I retorted.

  “I thought thee knew I had given thee the gifts, but yes… That elegant gown is quite fitting for a young lady. I thought you would like the dress, was I misleading myself?” He asked in a low voice.

  “Well.” I whispered not wanting to make him mad, and that was just silly. “I did like the dress, but now-”

  “Yes, but what?” He coaxed sounding angry.

  “It just reminds me of that awful night,” I said in a rush.

  “I see. Fine! All you had to do was tell me.” He crooned.

  Just like before, it felt as if he was waving a hand in the air; yet, instead of dismissing my words again, this time a new gown lay upon my body. It was a dark blue off the shoulder bodice dress, cutting off and flaring out at the knees. When the light hit it I gasped. Sparkling jewels where imbedded deep into the material.

  “Wow, thank you.”

  “I am pleased you like it so. Now come, let me get a good look at thee. I have waited long enough.” He sounded aggravated, but I would not let up.

  “First, answer my questions.”

  He sighed, “As thee wishes. However, I have decided to only answer three more questions, and they will be the three of my choosing. Then you shall and will step into the light.”

  All evidence of his old fashion words was gone, he was angry with me. I swallowed. Okay, what did I get myself into? His voice was commanding and very frightening. Gulp.

  “The ring,” He started smoothly stepping back into the conversation, as if his threat was nothing more than just words. I shuddered. “That gift was from me, but I do believe you knew that all along. My and your powers are not showing because this is a dream-state so everything here is real, yet you are still asleep. A dream-state binds our abilities; putting us on neutral ground. Many negotiations have once-upon-a-time been made in this dream realm.” His tone was reverent.

  “Okay, then why does it look like my home back on the earth realm and before you could read my mind, why can’t you now?” I asked.

  “This realm looks like your house simply because I chose it as our negotiating place; I felt that you would be more comfortable in this setting. Love, I did not want thee under distress.” His old fashion speaking was back just a little and that elegant tone curled around me, lovingly. “After the first night I saw you on your balcony, I knew this would be our perfect meeting place. I cannot read your mind now, because you are blocking me. Your mind is very strong. However, it is not as strong as mine, I simply choose not to push my way into your mind; I could if I wished it. But, I do not.”

  “Okay, that’s two of my questions, but you still have one more.” I didn’t know which one he would pick, his age, name or if he is the Traveler.

  He laughed, but it was just a sound this time. “Last question, I must make it good. I am the Traveler, but that is not my birth name, I was given this name by an Indian warrior whose people I defeated in battle.”

  When he said Traveler my heart stopped, I wanted to cry and run away. I was scared and I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t know how to feel, how could I be attracted to someone’s voice, how could I feel connected to him when he was the evil Traveler. I was shocked. “Oh, I see, but…”

  “Enough,” He bellowed making me flinch. “Love, let me look upon thee. Come now, step into the light.” His voice softened.

  Not wanting to make him madder than he already was, I obligingly stepped out so that he could see me. There was a deep intake of breath, and then slowly he sighed. I felt his breath glide along my bare skin caressing my most sensitive parts. His breath changed into fingertips. Slowly and reverently, his fingertips glided sinfully down my arms. They moved back up over my collarbone and then across the top of my chest. I held my breath not wanting to break whatever spell I was in, if any. I thought that he must be lying to me about this dream being neutral ground, because he had me in his clutches. The last stroke of his fingers slid softly along my lips. I quivered, but did not say a word; I was waiting to see what he had to say. Wanting him to go farther all the while wishing he would never do that again. I was also mad that I had no power, while he had it all.

  “Perfect.” That one word held me immobile, and twisted something deep down inside my soul. “More than I thought you would be,” He continued oblivious to the war that was playing in my body. “And yet, just what I knew you would be. The power that is emanating from thee... Wondrous! You glow like the sun,” He lost some of his old fashion elegant speaking and God, I wanted to die. I hated how I was feeling; it was like I was somehow betraying Tru and his family. The family I have grown to love. This guy killed Tru’s family and I liked the feelings he provoked inside me. I was disgusted with myself.

  “Yes-yes Love, you are mine. You and I are one. We will complement each other quite well, I do believe. Now are you ready to come away with me?”

  Whoa, what? I am not his! “No!” I said disgusted!

  “Hmm? You are denying me! Why?” He sounded bemused.

  “Because you are the disgusting Traveler!” I was so afraid of what he would do now, but before anything happened I coughed violently.

  “Love, is thee alright?” He sounded concerned.

  I put my hand up to my neck trying to suck in air. I couldn’t breathe. What’s going on? Gasping, trying to breathe, I bent over coughing and wheezing. Was he doing this? Whatever was happening was so not good.

  “What is this, who is interfering?” His voice roared with menace.

  Abruptly the dream faded, I was being carried out of my house. The house in Callamose, the house that was now…? Oh my God! Our house was on fire. I felt strong arms around me, thinking it might be my Daddy, I asked lamely, “Dad?” I looked up to see if it was Daddy that had me, but all I could see was a masked
person. I was frightened and scared. I flailed kicking and screaming, “Put me down, put me down now!” Were Mom and Dad in the house? Did whoever have me, set my house on fire? Oh God, did I set my house on fire? Crap, crap, crap! Are they going to be okay? I kicked and punched, shouting, “Mom? Dad? Let go of me damn you. I have to save them. Mom, Mom? Let go of me. Dad, Dad? Let me go please. Mom?” I cried, “Dad?” I shouted. “Help someone help me! Help! Someone, anyone please help my parents!”

  The masked person seemed to have had enough of me and put a cloth over my mouth. A pungent older hit me and right before I passed out I knew this person was not my rescuer. This person was my kidnapper and the last thought I had, or did I say it aloud was to Jace–

  “Jace help me. Help my mom and dad. Please. J—ACE!” Then oblivion took over.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Crispin slammed his fist down upon his throne. He was outraged. First he placated the girl, next he allowed her to speak to him the way she did and finally someone stole her out of her bed right under his nose. However, he knew where she had been taken and by whom! Oh, it was his once loyal follower.

  Crispin summoned Quilisa into his throne room.

  She slinked seductively into the room. “My Liege, I am here and ready to do your bidding!” She said batting her eyelashes.

  “Good, it is time, you must go and infiltrate my followers hiding place. She has taken the girl. My little follower has been very naughty.” He growled.

  Quilisa smiled alluringly at him. “But my Liege, I thought you were all about the naughty!”

  Crispin chuckled low sending tiny finger like threads her way. The threads caressed up and down Quilisa’s body. She opened up for his invasion, welcoming every wonderfully blissful touch. Quilisa closed her eyes and moaned with an abandoned hunger.

  Crispin watched her, unmoved. Just like that he stopped the sensations; abruptly she was left gasping and wanting more. So much more! Panting, Quilisa pulled herself up as well as she could, bowing her head. “Master!” She said reverently!


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