A Blaze of Magic: Chosen Saga Book Two

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A Blaze of Magic: Chosen Saga Book Two Page 14

by J. L. Clayton

  “I do indeed like naughty! However, playtime is over. Bring me the girl. Now!” Crispin said.

  Quilisa nodded and left without a backwards glance.

  He watched her go thinking: Maybe he should just go get his love himself . . . But that would be too easy and boring. What’s the fun in that?

  Chapter Nineteen


  I cracked open my eyes slowly, trying not to draw any suspicion my way.

  You know, just in case my kidnapper was somewhere around, I sure didn’t want my abductee to know I was finally alert. I let out a slow breath once I was for sure that no one was standing over me ready to throttle or kill me. However, that was just silly thinking. First off, if my kidnapper was going to kill me; then wouldn’t said kidnapper already have done so? He or she had their opportunity back at the house. Whoever snatched me could have just let me burn with . . . I cringed. I thought of my parents. Oh God, if they didn’t get out . . . oh God, if they didn’t make it . . . I shuddered at the thought and pushed it aside for now. Right now I have more important things to worry about. Yeah, like my appending doom or death and how exactly I was going to get myself out her here.

  As I lay there, my mind wondered into dark places. Was my kidnapper planning on torturing me? I shook my head erasing any thoughts of what may come; I had to get out of here no matter what-I just had to get out of here. I set up fast, too fast. My head started spinning as the room tilted. Oh this can’t be a good sign. Taking in several breaths to calm the spinning, I looked around and promptly wanted to shut my eyes and make it all go away.

  What I saw wasn’t much better than my thoughts. I was in a dark-dungeon-like-room. There was one single bare-light-bulb swinging from the center of the cavernous ceiling. It was so unnerving watching that bulb swing: Back and forth, back and forth. In some way, the light bulb was giving off shadows that reminded me of the dance on the walls in the counsel room. I wonder if that is the only light down here. As I glanced around I detected that yes, the creepy swinging bulb was the only illumination. Yikes! And there was this God-awful smell. It was like nothing I had smelled before. The word sickening could not even sum it up. That was how disgustingly-vile the smell was. It was as if something or someone had died and was left out in the sun to rot and bake for several days or weeks.

  Ewe! Well, shoot, didn’t I just say I couldn’t sum it up? Then I go on and sum it up.

  I shook my head and sighed. I glanced around and around. I was immediately taken aback. Okay, just a second ago all I was paying attention too was the creepy-and still swinging bulb, but now this was really fudged up. Lining the walls were at least twelve cages and in almost every cage there were supernatural beings.

  Whoa, so here is where all the kidnapped Sups have been… Wherever here is!

  What the heck is going on? What did I get myself into now? And why are all these supernaturals being kidnapped? I was confused and my head was full of too many questions.

  “You’re the one!” Someone with a deep scraggly voice said. “The one that they have been talking about.”

  “W-what? The one? What?” I asked looking around for the voice that was speaking to me, and that’s when the crap hit the fan, so to speak. I looked over at the cage next to mine. I was expecting maybe some guy like me trapped against his will. However, I was not expecting what I saw. My eyes flew open wide; I looked up-and-up-and-up. Oh, damn!

  The being standing in the cage next to mine was at least ten feet tall, with massive shoulders and gray skin. He had beady yellow eyes, and floppy ears like on a puppy. Yet, this thing was so…So not a puppy. I had no idea what this thing was, but a cute little puppy, it was not. There were disgusting warts and nasty moles covering his skin. When I made eye contact, he smiled at me showing green and black K9’s. Yuck. Swallowing, I yelped and jumped back hitting my head hard on the cage behind me.

  Okay so not the smoothest thing I could have done.

  A hand shot out and held me from falling to the ground. Relieved, I touched the owner’s hand gratefully and felt slimy-cold-scaly-skin. I closed my eyes and knew this was bad. I took in several deep breaths. I was afraid to look up.

  Oh yeah, I’m not afraid to admit it. But darn, I didn’t want to see what had me. Nevertheless, I could not stop my eyes, my traitorous eyes from looking towards the being. Try as I might, my eyes seemed to have a will of their own.

  Boy, if I could have cut my eyes out then, I would’ve. One word came to mind as I looked: Lizard! The being that held me aloft was a freaking lizard man. Yeah, it could have been a lizard woman, but his nether-region begged to differ. Now, I was so wigged out, guess what happened next? I bet you can’t guess. I Passed OUT!

  “Is she ok?”

  I heard when I finally came to. It was a soft squeaky voice, the kind that was soothing and yet still could be annoying all at the same time. Shudder! I clenched my eyes, not wanting to wake up in this nightmare-this bad, bad nightmare.

  “I don’t know,” That deep scraggly voice I had heard earlier said. “I hope she isn’t dead.”

  “Maybe we should shake her, but do it softly!” Came another squeaky-girly-voice.

  “Or eat her!” Squeaked another.

  “No, don’t be silly Ziggy! We cannot eat her. Look, she is too skinny.” The soft squeaky soothing, but still annoying voice said.

  “Well, if she’s dead then why not? I’m hungry Dory! Let’s just eat her.” I am guessing that was Ziggy.

  “She isn’t dead! Look, she is still breathing.” A deep husky accented voice chimed in.

  “We cannot eat her!” Said a slimy voice.

  At this point I had about all I could take.

  I mean, I didn’t want these things to eat me, and acting dead was Not working. If I didn’t wake up soon these things would go on and start munching on me. Talk about disturbing: I’m awake, but acting like I’m not . . . Like I’m dead; while everyone decides on if they should eat me. Creepy, should we eat her, or not? What a dilemma? My vote is for not!

  “Why not!” Whined Ziggy. “Let’s just eat her and be done with it. Come on Dory. Please! Please! Please,” He begged.

  Ah-Oh. I jumped up and glared at them. No one and I do mean no one was going to eat me today. “Stop,” I shouted, “You absolutely, cannot eat me.” I sucked in a deep breath, and glanced around. To my right there where three supernatural beings caged. To my left there was just that ten-foot-tall-monster in its cage. However, I was amazed all around me there where big and small, beautiful–ugly, thin and fat creatures.

  Could I blame them for wanting to eat me? No.

  Was I mad that they wanted to eat me? Maybe a little!

  Would I let them eat me? Uh, hell no!

  I smiled a sweet smile reassuring them that I was a good person, and that I was on their side. I gave a smile that said, please don’t eat me today. I looked around, and this time I took in the room with more depth and intensity. I studied everything, every detail. What I saw was an overwhelming sadness. All of the creatures were caged and being treated like animals. There was nowhere to sleep, just the dirty floor. I thought I was lying on a bed, but with closer inspection I found it was old rags and nasty slimy-oh my God I think I am going to barf, green moving food. Old rotten food was scattered around with maggots squirming all over it. So, that’s where the smell is coming from. Gag me, please.

  It looked like feces and urine was being stored in several big mason jars. Nasty! Oh, my! Was this how they’ve been living? I gasped; I was just like them now. It was horrible, to have to live this way. Some even looked like they were no older than Jace’s sister, Rose, and all of them looked like lost grown-up children, but with moles and different color skin. Some even looked like they were dying, while others looked like they might have just been captured. Captured like me. Still, every cage had at least one supernatural creature-and their innocent eyes seemed to be pleading with me for help-and every opened eye that I could see in this deep-dark- dungeon like prison, were on me.<
br />
  I swallowed and said, “Hello, my name is Charlie.”

  “Well, hello there Charlie. I was worried that you were not among the living anymore,” Said the deep scraggly ten-foot-tall monster. “My name is Sally, but you can call me Sal.”

  I blinked, and blinked. Okay, so the ten-foot-tall monster was female?

  “Hello Sal. Uh, if you don’t mind me asking, what kind of supernatural are you?” I said this nervously, hoping I wasn’t being too intrusive. Sal bellowed a deep laugh giving me her toothy-nasty-grin. Ewe!

  “I’m a Troll.” She said happily.

  Sal was a hulk of a thing. She’s so big and manly that I confused her for being a guy.

  “A Troll, uh-huh? What kind?” I wondered aloud. “Is there just one kind, or are there several kinds?”

  Sal gave me a mischievous smile, clasping her hands together she said, “There are several, but no need to worry yourself about what kind of Troll I am.” Sal grinned broadly showing her lovely shade of black and green teeth. I cringed at the sight. Okay I ask you, why did she not want me to know what kind she was? Oh man, I hope she’s not one of them that wanted to eat me.

  “Ok Sally, that’s enough of that, I am Dory by the way.” Came the soothing but still annoying voice I heard earlier.

  I looked around and found no one. Lifting my eyebrows I said, “Is that one of your abilities?”

  “What’s that child?” She asked.

  “Y-you know,” I stammered, swallowing I finished lamely. “Invisibility, is that one of your powers? Well it has to be,” I laughed, “Because I can’t find you anywhere.” She cackled loud and long, the sound of it was like sharp nail scratching along a chalkboard. I shivered, but not in a good way.

  Mental note, next time Dory laughs cover ears. Yawser!

  “No dear, look here.” Dory said as she flew right in front of my face. She was so close that my eyes did the whole crossed-eye-thingy. I shook my head and stepped back.

  Ah, there she is-a flying little creature. Maybe, she’s a Pixie? Her hair was long and white flowing past her ankles and her eye color was a remarkable dark gold. She was very beautiful. Her wings sparkled with gold that brought out her eyes. Dory had on a flowing white-well; it would’ve been a white flowing dress if not for the smudges of dirt. I smiled at her, Dory smiled back. Shocked at what I was seeing I sucked in a sharp breath. Okay, so take back what I said about her looking like Tinkerbelle. No Tinkerbelle here. Dory had razor sharp teeth; the only way I can describe it is by bringing up the Mario game. You know the dog with no body just a round black head, and that head would open up when you came near to take a bite out of your character. Yeah, Dory’s teeth look just like that. Thank God she is only five inches tall, or I might not be standing right now.

  Shocking right? Me, not standing can you even imagine!

  “You see me now!” Dory squeaked clasping her hands together. If she just wouldn’t show her teeth, I would think she was so cute. I nodded. “Good, let me introduce you to the other captives. Well, all the ones you can see that is.” Dory laughed at her own joke. I took my mental note to heart and covered my ears. Maybe that wasn’t the best idea. With Dory’s sharp teeth and the way she was looking at me, Gulp.

  “Rude much?” Dory squeaked, and that made me think she was around my age, saying rude much would only come out of a teenagers mouth. Even though she did call me child, I still thought Dory was young, it was either that or she was immature for her age. I went to open my mouth to apologize, but Dory waved it away. “Oh, never mind. Here meet Ziggy.”

  Up flew another Pixie, with dark golden eyes and long blond hair past his shoulders. He too stood or I guess flew about five inches tall, just like Dory. All he had on was a green toga of some sort. Ziggy’s wings where wonderful, green and gold. I wanted to touch them, but restrained myself. Ziggy glared at me intently, I thought he kinda looked like Dory. Ziggy pointed his little finger in my face, smiling coldly showing me his razor sharp teeth and said, “If you would have just stayed dead, we could have eaten you.” Ziggy sagged in the air wings drooping just a little. “And if I had my sword when they ambushed us, I could have saved Dory and Magpie.” Ziggy’s wings drooped even farther and he floated to the ground like a feather in the wind mumbling something that sounded like, “What good is a Pixie without his weapon? What good is he at all if he can’t protect his family?”

  I felt so bad for the little guy, but what could I really do? He did want to eat me! I was afraid if I got to close he would try and take a chomp out of me. I looked at Dory wondering who this Magpie was, so I asked. “Who‘s Magpie, and is she here too?”

  “Oh, yes.” Dory said on a sad note. Then she pointed at the other cage. I remember seeing a small creature lying on the ground! But, now where was she? “Where is she at?” I asked.

  “Right here,” said a soft-sweet-sad voice.

  I looked to the other cage glancing passed the lizard and someone that was hunched over. I couldn’t make out what the hunched over being looked like. However, my focus right was now on the prone body lying limp on the dirty ground. I put my hand up to my mouth shocked at what I was seeing. I imagine that she was once beautiful; however, now she looked drained and dried out. Her skin was shriveling up like a dried piece of fruit. One of her wings was torn completely off. I gazed into her golden eyes and saw Ziggy staring back. If not for her withering look her and Ziggy would’ve been identical. She must be his twin-sister! Her sad face looked at me with hope. Her eyes filled with unshed tears. She was balled up on the floor, her once peach dress now black and torn. I wanted to cry and kill the people who did this to her. “Oh my,” I breathed reaching out to her. “The kidnapper did that to you?” I asked kneeling down, coming as close as the bars would allow me. I wanted to hold her; I wanted to make it better.

  “The people who kidnapped us,” Dory spit out. “Yes, they did this and they’re not going to get away with it.” She raged. “When our king finds us, vengeance will be ours. He will save us.” Dory‘s little shoulders started to shake.

  “He will come.” Ziggy jumped up and shouted. “He will come, our father will save us.”

  “Yes,” Dory said. “Our father will save us! Don’t worry Ziggy he will come!”

  I was speechless; having no idea what to say to them. Their father was a King? I glanced back at Magpie and asked the obvious question. “Is there anything we can do for you?”

  Ziggy turned on me and said with rage in his eyes, “Don’t you think if there was something we could do we would have? We have tried bringing her over here, but they just hurt her more and put her back. We can’t pass the bars because of the tripwires, so even though we can fit through them, it would be a waste of time and they would just hurt her. Nothing we have done helps, nothing,” Ziggy shouted. He was mad.

  I didn’t blame him for shouting at me; his whole life had been turned upside down, I understood, I understood completely. My life too has been upended. I was supposed to get my magical powers and everything was supposed to be unbelievable. Everything was going to be fantastic. In theory that was what was supposed to happen, but since receiving my magical gifts, nothing has gone right. Looking at Magpie, I was determined to get out of here. I was going to get everyone, every supernatural out of this place, so help me.

  “Fine. Let’s work on getting out of here.” I suggested.

  They all looked at me hopefully, probably wondering if I knew of a way out. I tried my powers and now finally they are a no show. I’m guessing that like Eli, whoever kidnapped us set up a force field and it is blocking our powers.

  “Okay miss I have a plan, what is it?” Asked Ziggy.

  I sat down and looked at him, saying, “I am working on it, just give me a bit, okay?”

  “Whatever,” Ziggy said flying over to his sister; Magpie looked up at him and smiled. She looked over at me; in that moment my heart broke from the look on her face. She believed I would get her out. She believed in me! Me? Several minutes went by and I s
till had no clue on how to get us all out of here.

  I was concentrating so hard, until I heard a husky voice say, “Y’r frock, it is very beautiful. Although, yeh might be a little over dressed. However, it does captivate y’r beauty.” His voice was deep and husky with a faint accent I couldn’t figure out.

  “What?” I glanced over to see the hunched form I saw earlier. I had yet to get a good look. He was enchanting, long red hair that just brushed his shoulders with a braid at his temple, ocean green eyes, big lashes, full lips and pointy ears! He had on a simple white long sleeve shirt and black pants and he was bare footed. I gaped at him and said. “Oh, thanks.”

  I looked down and saw that I was still in that wonderful dress. This is the first time something came with me out of my dream. Did my dream guy-Traveler-do it? Or was it one of my powers? I felt for the ring. When I went to bed I pulled the gift Jace got me off, and placed it with Tru’s wolf on my nightstand. Although, when I tried to take the ring off it was stuck. Now, the Travelers gift was without a doubt the only thing I have left from my birthday. I felt sick; my house in Callamose was probably burnt to the ground, I would never get the gifts back-and my mom and dad, oh God, my mom and dad! I felt like crying.

  “I am the shining one.” What was a shining one? I must have looked confused, he said, “A Fay. Ye call us Fairy’s? The shining ones! Dae ye understand?” I nodded. Wow he was a Fairy like Samira. I looked for his wings, but couldn’t see them. I remembered Samira’s wings where so beautiful; too bad this guy doesn’t have any. “My name is Reese and I do believe ye have met my friend Thorn.” He clasped his hand on the lizard man’s back, “My apologies that I did not introduce myself. But ye seemed to be under a lot of stress.”

  I nodded. He had that right; stress wasn’t the half of it. I looked at him then asked, “Shining one, Fairy right?” He nodded. “But, where are your wings?”


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