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A Blaze of Magic: Chosen Saga Book Two

Page 18

by J. L. Clayton

  Chapter Twenty Five

  Jace & the Moving Island

  Jace looked at Eli imploring the old man’s help. Jace just hoped that Eli could come up with a plan that would indeed help his little Fox. Although, he knew it was risky asking the oldest elder for help; however, Jace believed Eli would have the answers. He believed whole heartedly that Eli would know what to do. That’s why Jace was here now while everyone else was off looking for Charlie. He just hoped that it was a good idea—and he wasn’t wasting time—time that could be better used in finding Charlie.

  “Eli, is there anything you can do?” Jace asked gazing into Eli’s wise eyes, searching for answers in the depths of his soul.

  Eli sighed, “Perhaps.”

  Jace’s face lit up with a smile. “Okay, go on.”

  “You are not going to like what I have to suggest.” Eli looked glum; Jace shrugged and waved his hands for Eli to continue. “We need to ask Subrand.” Jace gave him a . . . You’ve got to be kidding me look. Eli held up one hand. Shrugging he said wearily, “Yes, I know she is insane, but remember she is also a brilliant Seer. Never forget that, and maybe she will have the answers you seek. Answers we all seek.”

  Jace nodded reluctantly. He was hoping so desperately that Eli was right; hoping, yet again, this wasn’t a waste time . . . Time he could never get back. Eli strolled over to Jace’s side, breathing deeply Eli pulled in the air around them. He looked down at Jace as he clasped one hand on Jace‘s shoulder. Grinning mischievously, Eli quickly pulled Jace into a ley-line. Jace felt the rush of warmth that always followed when entering a ley-line. It enveloped them in a cocoon of heat. Jace smiled. He always loved jumping ley-lines. This, though, was going to be a whole new experience for him. To jump from one ley-line, to another was difficult for the best ley-line jumper. Now it seems Jace was getting firsthand experience from one of the greatest ley-line jumpers ever. He could not hold back his grin.

  Jace’s grin quickly faded away, because-knowing where they were going gave him shivers. It didn’t help knowing who they were fixing to talking to. To know that he was going to come face to face with someone that was once respected among the supernaturals had Jace feeling sick, but remembering this woman was someone who tried to hurt his guardian, sent Jace’s blood to a merciless boil. He shook his head clearing thoughts of Subrand and what he wanted to do to her. All he wanted to think about right now was Charlie. He pictured her. Her beautiful smile and how much he was infatuated with her laughter. Jace smiled thinking of his Fox. But then thoughts and pictures of Charlie faded.

  If I don’t find her soon, something terrible could happen.

  That thought nearly undid him; he grabbed his chest and held onto his shirt, as the pain that had been simmering inside his heart-the pain that has been festering there every since Charlie was kidnapped, finally hit its boiling point.

  When Jace had learned she was taken, there was an ache that started building up inside his chest and it kept building, knowing that bad things could be happening to her. It made him sick with anger thinking of it. Nevertheless, knowing that whoever had her was going to pay brought an evil grin to his face. Oh, Jace thought, how much I’m going to love killing the S-O-B for taking her and doing God knows what. He was going to relish killing the ones who kidnapped his little Fox.

  Jace clinched his fist in frustration. Hissing, Jace unclenched his fist, sharp stinging pain was shooting through his hands. Jace glanced down.

  Huh, I must have clinched my fists a little too hard, Jace mused.

  In the palms of his hands were eight perfectly shaped crescent moons, disgusted with himself Jace quickly wiped his hands onto his jeans, he had to concentrate on the task he had before him, and nothing could stop him from finding and saving Charlie.


  “Jace?” Eli asked as they drew closer to their destination.

  Jace gazed through the light’s streaming by them at Eli. Once they entered the ley-line Eli brought up a power shield. Eli told Jace that the shield would allow them to talk freely. Normally, you wouldn’t need to talk. Normally you would just jump in and out of the ley-line and that would be that. Jace and Eli where searching for the moving Island, therefore, they would have to jump several ley-lines in order to find it, so talking was a must.

  “Yes?” Jace asked seeing the concerned look on Eli’s face.

  “Are you ok?” Eli’s face has sympathy written all over it. Jace nodded yes, but Eli looked like he wanted to ask more. “Uh Jace?” Eli said again eyebrows lifted.

  Jace looked at him and shook his head, “I’m fine, trust me.”

  Eli nodded, “Yes I know, but that was not what I was going to say.”

  Jace frowned, “Ah, sorry. Go on then.”

  Eli smiled sadly, “Jace as you well know, Subrand lost her mind and almost killed one of your guardians.” Jace nodded grimly. “I’m just wondering if you are going to be ok with seeing her!”

  For an answer Jace merely shrugged.

  What could he really say? Yeah she tried to kill Kate, but she also didn’t succeed! No, bitching about that is a waste of my air.

  It was selfish, but Jace didn’t care about what had happened in the past, all he cared about right now was Charlie. If Subrand find’s her; if she could make that happen, then Jace was fine with seeing Subrand again. Jace decided that he wouldn’t even recoil when seeing Subrand. For his Fox, Jace could do anything . . . Even if that meant seeing someone who almost killed one of his guardians. Thinking back on that moment, Jace shuttered.

  Subrand had gotten so close to killing Kate: One second she was standing in the counsel room with a hand full of supernaturals, Jace included, and the next Subrand was charging Kate. Jace had watched it happen in a disbelieving haze. As Kate struggled for freedom Jace saw something strange about Subrand . . . Her eyes began to turn black. Everyone in the room seemed to still themselves, it was just like the calm right before a raging tornado. Subrand withdrew a dagger from under her cloak and placed the blade at Kate’s jugular, time stood still as Subrand screamed and chanted over and over in a low melodic tone still to this day Jace remembered the words.

  “Darkness is eating soul, a darkness you cannot control. You have turned your back on what is right and doom will befall upon your inner light. He leads you down, down the pit of despair, by following his path you will have no way out from this decay and destruction that is festering through the air; heed my warning child, heed it now, because if not, then in the end death will be your only friend.”

  After her chant Subrand lifted the dagger and managed to cut a little line across Kate’s throat. Subrand’s eyes faded back to a normal color and she stopped as she sagged to the floor crying. Kate glared and scooted away as Subrand held out her hands allowing the Gargoyles to bind her wrist with magic. He remembers Subrand looking at Kate smiling a cold sad smile; she never stopped chanting and crying as the Gargoyles pulled her out of the room all the while she kept her eyes on Kate. It was the most wildly insane thing he had ever witnessed. When it was all over Subrand went willingly. They locked her in one of the worst supernatural prisons there is. The moving Island! It is known for its name because it’s never in one place. Centuries ago it was be-spelled so no one would or could escape. The only way to get out was if you were proven innocent. Or, if you are one of the elders and still it is difficult. Jace shuttered thinking of the place.

  Jace sighed, “Thank God you are one of the oldest elders, or we might have a little problem.”

  Eli chuckled and rubbed his chin, “Yes, well you do know that Subrand helped be-spell the Island, right?”

  Jace nodded, remembering that all the supernatural community was worried that she would be the first to escape. “Yeah,” Jace said, “But I also know that the Island moves inside the prison as well, so if Subrand tried to escape, let’s say through a door or window . . . Um, she’s more likely to end up back where she started or worse.” Eli nodded, a sad smile played over his lips. Jace knew why Eli
had that look, because the worst place you could end up in the moving Island was worse than your darkest nightmare. He had heard some of the stories when he was little to scare him from doing bad things, but Jace had a feeling that the unthinkable stories where true. Now Jace was heading there and soon he would see for himself if it was indeed true.

  Jace grimaced, wondering why she would do that. Subrand was the best at predicting what was to come. So why didn’t she see her on predicament? And if she did see it, why not stop the outcome? Now though, because of what she did the entire supernatural world has labeled her an outcast, a betrayer, someone that could not be trusted. Everyone; that is, except for Eli, Jace thought bitterly. Jace suspected that once upon a time, Eli and Subrand had a secret relationship. Jace knew on some level Eli still cared for Subrand.

  He wondered if Charlie was to try something like that: Would he still love her as Eli seems to still care for Subrand . . . The answer to that was a resounding: Yes! Without a shadow of a doubt, Jace would still love his Fox; he thought maybe nothing could stop him from loving her.

  Eli tapped Jace on the shoulder as they stepped out of the ley-line and onto the moving Island. Jace gazed up; whatever he was expecting was not what he saw. Jace had never been on the moving Island. Yellow stone cinder blocks covered the structure; it was a rich color, there was almost a golden glint to the color. Lush green grass was on the ground, with wonderful gardens surrounding the entire Island.

  Damn, this place could be considered a castle.

  Jace had a feeling that inside would not look happy and cheerful; inside this fortress there would be nothing that you could call happiness. No, inside there will only be an overwhelming depression.

  “What are you thinking, Jace?” Eli asked.

  “That this place look’s beautiful and how exactly can it be the worst prison in the supernatural realm!”

  Eli chuckled, “Oh, yes I see why you would wonder that. However, the Island moves all over the supernatural worlds,” Eli quirked an eyebrow. “So, let’s just say if it was to appear in your back yard. . .” Jace frowned. Eli rushed on, “Although, that would probably never happen mind you.” Jace nodded. “Answer me this Jace, would you rather look at this place or a spooky-rundown-place that your mind is telling you the Island should look like?”

  “Oh, yeah right. This place, definitely this place,” Jace laughed sheepishly.

  Eli ruffled his hair and said, “C’mon kid, we have a seer to interrogate and a chosen one to save.”

  Jace smiled and as they headed into the prison he thought: Yes, they had to save his Fox.

  Chapter Twenty Six

  Nikko & Tru

  It’s been two days and Nikko has not seen nor heard from Charlie. He’d been to her house and called her several times. He asked their now mutual friends if they had seen her, but nothing! He did; however, find his wallet though. It was under his car seat. It was funny, but Nikko looked under his seat before going to Charlie’s. He could have sworn it wasn’t there. Yet, as he was getting back into his car he notices it.

  “If it was a snake, it would’ve bit me.” He mumbled.

  Nevertheless, the mystery of Nikko’s wallet wasn’t what had him worried.

  No, that would be Charlie and where she was!

  Nikko got into his car and headed to Tru’s house. He knew if anyone knows where Charlie was it would be Tru. As he pulled into Tru’s yard, he saw him standing outside with P-J. It looked to him like they were just hanging out talking. He slowly got out of the car and approached Tru.

  “Hey man, how’s it going?” Tru asked with a big grin on his face.

  They all stopped talking to see what he had to say. Nikko has always been just a little shy, sure he can bring on the bravado with the best of them; but deep down he was just as insecure as the next guy.

  “Hey, it’s good. Um, I just came by to see if maybe you’ve seen or heard from Charlie?”

  Tru narrowed his eyes. Shrugging he said, “No not since her birthday.”

  Nikko found this to be a little odd.

  If Tru cared about her as he professed, then wouldn’t two days be a long time to not check on her?

  “Why?’ Tru asked sounding a little miffed.

  “Well it’s just that I need to talk to her and she hasn’t been answering her phone. Plus, she’s not been home. I just thought you might know.” Nikko shrugged.

  “Nope sorry, can’t say I do.” Tru said firmly.

  Nikko was confused and he was starting to get mad. “Um, well do you care? I mean, she is gone and isn’t she your girlfriend?” Nikko said angrily.

  Tru gave the others a strange look.

  Did his eyes just turn yellow?

  Nikko shook his head.

  Tru stepped forward asking, “Do you have a thing for my girl, Nikko?” Tru growled.

  Nikko swallowed the sudden ball of fear in his throat. He held up one hand. “Whoa, look I’m just worried that’s all. She’s like my best friend.”

  P-J put their hands on Tru’s arms pulling him back while muttering something about a full moon and dumb shifters.

  That was all weird and didn’t make any sense.

  Tru shuttered. “Sorry,” he laughed nervously. “Look, I know you’re just friends and yes I care for her. I’ll see what’s going on, ok? She knew I was doing something and that’s why I wasn’t worried, but now I am. We’ll find her. Thanks man, I’ll find her now. Ok?”

  It was like Tru was saying leave it to me and you can go home. Nikko already had Tammin, Dee, Simon and Nolan looking for her, and he sure wasn’t going to stop looking just because Tru said so.

  “Right.” Nikko nodded getting into his car and leaving.

  Nikko wondered: What was going on with Tru?

  Tru watched Nikko drive away. He felt sick and frustrated. How could he have been so cruel and mean to Nikko? Tru spun around slamming his fist into the tree beside him. It trembled as pieces of tree bark fell to the ground. He was just so jealous and mad. Why didn’t he know Charlie was missing? He had told her at the party that he would be busy and she was ok with that, but she didn’t tell him she was going somewhere. Tru picked up his phone. With every ring, panic settled over him like a black cloud.

  “Pick up! Pick Up!” Tru chanted. “Answer the fucking phone.”

  He growled as he heard: “This is Charlie you know what to do.”

  Furiously Tru threw his phone as far as he could.

  “Man I hope you didn’t break it.” Paco grumbled.

  “Yeah, cause your mom will flip out.” Jolon Agreed.

  “Fuck the phone, we have to find Charlie. This is really bad guys.” Tru said feeling helpless and worried, so very worried.

  She had to be alright! She just had to!

  Tru just hoped it wasn’t that Max back again, he hoped the man didn’t break out of jail.

  Chapter Twenty Seven

  Asher’s Blood Bond

  I was in one of my many dreams again. “Hello,” I called peering out into this thick gray mass. This is not my normal dream.

  “L-o-v-e,” my dream guy-the Traveler called to me. However, instead of hearing his sexy voice clearly, it came to me distorted and choppy sounding. I could only make out every other word he said.

  The voice said: “Love, n-e-e-d-use-ring,”

  My reply was along these lines: “What? I don’t understand you.”

  The voice: “Love can you hear me?”

  The sound of his distorted voice started off loud and then it would fade away like the end of a movie does when it is rolling credits.

  I said: “What are you asking me . . . If you want to know if I can hear you, than that’s a no and a yes?”

  I was trying to see where the voice was coming from, normally when he visits me in one of my dreams; I’m back at my house on Earth. However, now it was as if even the dream itself was distorted. Everywhere I looked was like looking through a heavy fog, gray seemed to surround me from all corners; I started to feel a littl
e uneasy. Whatever he brought me here for, he better get on with it. Why was I even trying to hear him?

  My mind was screaming, he is the Traveler or have you forgotten? You know the one that you’re supposed to destroy, the one that killed Tru’s people. The reason why you are caged! Yeah, with my mind screaming at me how could I ever forget?

  The voice: “Use ring.”

  Picture this, someone on a big merry-go-round. Okay, now see said person talking to you the whole time the merry-go-round was moving. Yeah, so you see what I mean. That’s why I could only make out a hand full of words.

  I was a little frustrated: “The ring you gave me? What about it?”

  He sighed.

  Oh great, I can understand a sigh, but not what he is saying. That’s just great.

  The voice: “Use ring.”

  God enough with the use ring already!

  I sighed: “Wait, I am only getting every other word. Maybe if I tell you what I am hearing, then you can try to fill in the missing pieces. Got it?”


  I said, “Look, it would help if I could understand you.”

  But still there was nothing but utter silence. Then I started to feel this strange tugging sensation moving over my body. I guess I was waking up.

  I shouted: “Yeah, buddy your time is almost up. I am about to wake up, so if there is something you need to tell me then you better hurry. Tick tock!”

  The voice: “Love, use the ring; you must get out before it is too late.”

  That was the last thing I heard before getting shoved back into my body. Although, I might be exaggerating on the whole shoved back in to the body thing. But hey, who am I to know if I leave my body or not? Now here I am trying to understand whatever my dream guy was telling me. All I know is that he wants me to use the ring he gave me. Okay and how do I do that?

  “Charlie, are you ok?”

  I glanced over to see Sal looking down. I shook my head then nodded, “Yeah I am, but what happened?”


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