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One Perfect Night

Page 4

by Rachael Johns

  “Hope this isn’t too boring for you.”

  Peppa jerked, her spine tingling as if someone had run a delicate feather down her back. Instead it was Cameron’s warm whisper in her ear as he perched on the arm of her chair. She hadn’t noticed him leave the room but now he proffered her another glass of something cold and bubbly. She took the glass, this time playing dangerously and making certain her fingers did brush against his.

  “Not at all,” she whispered, looking up into his eyes, his face so close she could see end-of-the-day stubble sprouting. Where most reports said he was always clean-shaven and immaculately dressed, she liked this version better—the skin on his jaw line rough and his tie slightly askew. “I get a kick out of watching people open presents.” She nodded toward the girls on the floor. “And, it looks like you’re a very insightful giver.”

  He shrugged her compliment off. “It’s not like they’re hard to please. Rose, now she’s a different matter.”

  Peppa took another sip of wine, following Cameron’s gaze through a doorway to where Rose was prepping food in the kitchen. It looked as if Rose had everything she needed right here. “Is she your mum or dad’s sister?”

  Cameron visibly flinched. She saw his grip tighten on his beer glass and the muscles in his neck constrict. Why hadn’t she thought to ask these kinds of basics in the car? Instead she’d been polishing her flirting skills asking innocuous but suggestive questions. Still, as his pretend “whatever,” these were things she really should know and she tilted her chin upward and met his gaze full-on, telling him she would wait for the answer.

  He sighed, yanked his tie and pulled it right off his collar. Fisting it in a ball, he shoved the dusty red garment in his pocket and spoke. “She was my mum’s sister. The poor woman already had three children of her own when she was landed with me.”

  So he’d lost his mum and his aunt had raised him. What could Peppa say to that? The obvious affection in Rose’s eyes when she’d pulled Cameron into her embrace told Peppa his aunt didn’t think him a burden at all, but she got the feeling Cameron wouldn’t appreciate this observation from a stranger. And, as at home as she felt in this room, as wonderful as she felt in his presence, that was all she was—a practical stranger doing a favor to repay a debt. She’d do well to remember that.

  Once the presents were all opened and Cameron’s family had chastised him for not telling them Peppa was coming so they could buy her presents too, they all moved into the dining room and crowded round the table.

  Cameron sat beside her and she tried to resist the urge to look sideways at him. Every time her eyes caught on his devil’s grin, her stomach flip-flopped and she lost her train of thought. Sometimes midconversation. She was certain his family thought her a silly airhead and were probably wondering what he saw in her.

  “Are you two spending Christmas with your family?” asked Lisa, one of the other cousins.

  Peppa opened her mouth to speak and, as she did so, she felt slight pressure of what felt like warm flesh against her stocking-covered calf. She looked up to catch a glint in Cameron’s eyes. So the collision hadn’t been an accident. “Um, yeah.” She hated lying, especially to his family when they’d been so welcoming and lovely. “I love Christmas and spend every one at my parents’ house in the Blue Mountains.”

  “Oooh, I love the Blue Mountains,” said Cameron’s Uncle Norm.

  Thankfully, discussion wandered to everyone’s tales of daytrips and school excursions to the popular tourist destination and, bar the odd well-placed smile and murmur of agreement, Peppa didn’t have to make much contribution to the conversation. It soon became apparent that Cameron’s fingers against her skin were definitely not accidental.

  As the meal and conversation progressed, so did the boldness of his hand. Her mind ordered her to resist the sensations that flooded her body at his touch. Her body didn’t listen. It was all she could do not to visibly swoon as his fingers trekked slowly up her leg trailing a hot path and shooting a delicious heat right to her core.

  “Can you pass the potatoes?” asked Cameron, his fist nudging between her knees.

  She really should squeeze them together tightly, but two could play at this game and she wondered how far he’d go. Smiling sweetly and lifting the serving dish of crisp roasted potatoes, she opened her legs a fraction.

  “Thanks.” He gave a dangerous grin as one hand took the bowl and the other slid up the inside of her thigh.

  She gulped, her heart threatening cardiac arrest and sweat pooling under her bra-line. If his fingers trespassed any higher, he’d feel her desire through her stockings and know how hot she was for him. Her cheeks at fever-pitch, she pushed back from the table. “Excuse me, Rose, can you tell me where the bathroom is?”

  Auntie Rose grinned and pointed down the hallway. “Second door on your left, sweet.”

  Inhale. Exhale. Peppa monitored her breathing as she walked briskly down the corridor. She almost fell into the bathroom, trying not to slam the door as she fled to the sink. What the hell was she doing encouraging Cameron when she knew all too well the fallout that could come about from an office romance? Turning the cold tap on full blast, she bent over and splashed water against her cheeks. Thank God for waterproof mascara.

  How was this happening? In three years with Tim she couldn’t once remember feeling so physically out of control. So bamboozled. Since their break-up she’d barely noticed anyone of the opposite sex, never mind this raging desire. She wanted Cameron more than she’d ever wanted anyone and if his little performance under the dinner table was any indication, he wanted her equally as much. His attention made her feel like a woman again. She closed her eyes and rubbed her temples, hoping to soothe some sense into her head. In no one’s planet was sleeping with the big boss a good idea. Not that the fantasy currently sending the blood rushing through her veins had much to do with sleeping.

  A knock at the door sent her head spinning toward it. She held her breath, staring at the handle, frozen. In her haste, she’d forgotten to lock it.

  “Penelope?” Cameron’s deep voice rumbled through the door. “Are you okay?”

  Before she could reply, the handle spun and he slipped into the room, closing the door behind him. Two steps into the tiny room and they were practically touching. His intoxicating presence threatened to make her lose her balance even before he reached out, tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and cupped her cheek, forcing her to meet his gaze.

  “Yes.” Her delayed answer came out far more breathy than intended.

  “I’m sorry if my actions out there made you uncomfortable.” His thumb stroked down her cheek and her breasts suddenly felt as if they were bursting out of their bra cups. She opened her mouth to reply, but he continued. “There’s something about you making me crazy. From the moment I saw you at the kids’ party, I wanted you. Sitting in there watching the presents being unwrapped, all I could think about was unwrapping you.”

  “Oh.” Under the penetrating stare of his hot eyes she was helpless to scrape together a sentence.

  His thumb trailed down her face, swiping across her lower lip. He left it there. “If you don’t feel the same…”

  “No,” she breathed, “I do.” There she’d said it, spat it out and to hell with the consequences. Now if he’d just lean forward slightly, put his mouth against hers and kiss her into oblivion, they could begin to slake some of this inappropriate lust.

  Chapter Three

  “Cameron.” Auntie Rose stood, concern evident in the lines at her brow. “Is Penelope alright?”

  Nodding, he strode into the room and took a much-needed gulp of his beer before replying. His pants felt tight, his throat dry and his self-control torn to shreds. How he’d managed to leave the bathroom without claiming Penelope’s lips and taking her right there against the vanity, he didn’t know. She’d been willing. He’d seen it in her eyes, in the way her lush lips had parted slightly for him as she looked up into his face. But he wasn’t about to make t
he first move in a bathroom with his family down the hall.

  “She’s fine. Just tired. She came here straight from work.”

  “Oh, is she some kind of entertainer?”

  He nodded.

  “That accounts for her outfit,” Rose said and the smile she got whenever she indulged in her favorite hobby—matchmaking—grew. “Poor lass.”

  “Is Penelope really a fairy?” piped up four-year old Scarlett.

  “That she is,” Cameron said with a knowing grin. “I’m sorry but we can’t stay much longer. I should get Penelope home to bed.”

  His hormones surged on his last word. Bed. Despite the obvious attraction, sleeping with her had merely been the seed of an idea earlier in the evening. Now it was a fully grown plant.

  He hadn’t had a relationship since Kristen—didn’t think he could ever love another woman, didn’t want to, didn’t need to—but neither had he been celibate. They were two grown people, hot for each other like he hadn’t been for anyone in a long time and he could see no reason why they shouldn’t scratch the itch.

  “Good idea,” Rose replied. “Let’s move into the living room for dessert.” Barely before she’d said the d word, the children launched themselves out of their chairs and made a beeline for the front room. Chuckling, Rose continued, “Then you can take that beautiful girl of yours home. Give her a warm drink and a foot massage. That should do the trick.”

  Cameron leaned forward and pecked Rose on the cheek. “Thanks. Let me help you clear the table first.”

  “Nonsense. Chelsea and Lisa can help.” She glanced at her daughters and they nodded. The other men at the table—all too happy to be waited on—stood and fled.

  “Rose,” Cameron warned, “I’m happy to help.”

  She peered past his shoulder, glancing into the living room. He turned and followed her gaze. His nieces were huddled around his presents. He was happy they liked them but the last thing he wanted was to go in there and play happy families. He’d rather scrub dirty plates.

  “Go. Play with them,” Rose urged. “They don’t get to see you nearly as much as they’d like.”

  Pain shot to his temples, yet he tried not to wince. Anyone else and Cameron would flat out refuse. It wasn’t that he disliked children per se; it was what they reminded him of. As gorgeous as his nieces were, every time he looked at them, he thought about the family he and Kristen had wanted but never had. Every time he looked at them felt like a sucker punch to the gut.

  As the door clicked shut behind Cameron, Peppa glanced into the mirror, checking her appearance and fairy costume for any evidence of dishevelment. Not that anything had actually happened. They hadn’t even kissed, yet her body ached as if desperate to experience the pleasure again. Her mind whirled with erotic possibilities and her core pulsed with a delightful heat, making her wonder if she’d lost her mind.

  You’ve only just met the guy.

  And yet, she knew if he hadn’t walked out, she’d have totally lost herself to him.

  She pressed her lips together and sighed, trying to quell the disappointment before heading out to face his lovely family.

  Auntie Rose hijacked her as she passed the kitchen. “Penelope sweet, Cameron said you weren’t feeling very well. I hope it wasn’t too overwhelming meeting all of us at once?”

  “No, not at all,” Peppa replied, her eyes darting to the dining area. When she didn’t see him, her heart lurched. “Where is he?”

  “In the living room.” Rose nodded in that direction. “Go on through and sit. I’m about to serve the Christmas Pudding.”

  Peppa opened her mouth to offer assistance but Rose held up her index finger. “Don’t even think about it. Cameron told me how tired you are.”

  Tired wasn’t the word she would have used. And, right now, she could do with a diversion, anything to keep her mind and body away from Cameron. Yet, Rose looked like a matriarch not to be trifled with, so Peppa swallowed her anxiety.

  When she stepped into the room, her gaze skipped over the heads of the other men and her defenses crumbled a smidgeon more as she saw him sitting on the floor pretending to drink from a pink-and-green teacup. She stood back, watching a moment as the tiniest girl edged closer, almost pouring herself into Cameron’s lap. His broad shoulders visibly tensed and just before the girl landed, he distracted her by pointing to a fake piece of cake a few feet away. She spun round and tottered toward the item. Cameron closed his eyes briefly and expelled air as if he’d come too close to a calamity.

  Peppa frowned, wondering how anyone could be in these little girls’ presence and not be swept along by their enthusiasm and imagination, not to mention their off-the-radar “cute” factor.

  Her thoughts were sideswiped when Scarlett, one of the nieces, glanced up. All of them had been enamored by her fairy outfit and this one was no exception.

  “Nel-o-pee,” she shrieked.

  As Peppa started toward them, Cameron turned, that melt-your-insides smile almost knocking her sideways as his gaze met hers. He leaped up to greet her and her heart soared at the realization he hadn’t stopped the kiss because he wanted to. He’d stopped for propriety’s sake.

  “Don’t stop on my account,” she said. Before he had the chance to whisk her away, she perched on the edge of the sofa, next to the action. “What a fabulous tea set,” she said to Scarlett, also admiring the child’s bold, brown eyes. She looked to Cameron for reinforcement but he didn’t say a word. Just sat beside her, a slight scowl marring his striking features.

  Heartened by the thought he’d rather be alone with her, she squeezed his knee. His gaze flicked to her hand on his thigh. She felt his muscles clench beneath her touch, and then he shot her a smile that said she was playing with fire. She shot one back that said she’d never been the type to play it safe.

  Which was a lie.

  Bad boys had never been her style and if she was honest, she’d always found herself drawn to responsible men—pillars of the community. The type of guy who coached football on a Saturday morning. Father material. She bit her lip and sighed… And what did she have to show for all that noble responsibility? Absolutely nothing but an empty womb and a broken heart.

  Suddenly danger and fire seemed as appealing as a shooting star in a cloud-covered sky. She wanted to try new things, expand her horizons and what she had in mind with Cameron seemed as good a place as any to start.

  Before long the girls welcomed Peppa into their game. She held the teacup to her lips, grinning. Despite enjoying herself immensely, she couldn’t help noticing Cameron’s play was definitely forced and the only time he seemed to semi-relax was when he escaped for dessert.

  When everyone had scraped their bowls clean of pudding and ice cream, Tony, another one of Cameron’s cousins, stood and tapped his wineglass ceremoniously. “Attention, everyone.” His gaze switched to his stunning wife. “Ella and I have an exciting announcement to make.”

  Peppa’s heart pinched. One guess what he was about to say. Images of prams, cots and tiny little clothes flashed through her mind. An icy chill flooded her body and she dropped her eyes to the goose bumps suddenly littering her arms.

  When would this physical reaction subside?

  When would the pain stop?

  When would she be able to hear such a beautiful announcement and not feel overwhelming sadness, remembering her own announcement and the joy then snatched cruelly from her?

  Tony put a loving hand on Ella’s shoulder and gazed into her eyes “We’re going to have a baby.”

  The room spun as people leaped up and shrieked, rushing to congratulate the soon-to-be parents and offer big bear hugs. Peppa clenched her fingers so tightly around the stem of her wineglass that her nails dug into her hands. She wanted what they had, wanted it desperately. Growing up an only child had made her determined to build a big, loving family of her own but now her chances were as slim as her mother’s had been. History was repeating itself. Her heart squeezed in an almost unbearable clinch but she cou
ldn’t give up on her dreams.

  Forcing back the tears at her eyes, she finally looked up to see Cameron standing to the side of the couple, ready to offer his congratulations. His broad shoulders were visibly tense.

  Peppa frowned, wondering if she was reading into his body language. As his “whatever” she should probably stand and gush accordingly.

  “Happy news,” she said, trying to conquer a smile as she arrived next to Cameron. “Nice Christmas present for them.”

  “That it is,” he replied, before turning to shake Tony’s hand.

  She hung behind Cameron, stupidly hurt by his gruff tone. She knew why tension had ambushed her but it was as if the announcement had shaken him too. Even as he kissed Ella’s cheek and tried for an enthusiastic smile, a terse line cut between his brows. Reasoning she was probably imagining it all and feeling like a complete outsider, she waited her turn.

  What she actually said to Ella and Tony, she couldn’t remember, but when she’d finished, Cameron had disappeared.

  Rose came to Peppa’s rescue with a cheery smile and a pat on the forearm. “He’s phoned for your car and is waiting outside for the driver.” Her eyes smiling, she lowered her voice. “Come with me and grab some leftovers.

  “I’ve been waiting for an opportunity to speak to you all night,” confided Rose as they entered the kitchen. Locating a few containers, she continued speaking as she filled them with her homemade creations. “You don’t know how pleased I am that Cameron brought you along. He’s a charming man, has been since he was a little boy, but he doesn’t open his heart to many and I can see in the way he looks at you that you’re special. That’s he’s opened his heart to you.”

  Peppa’s ribcage constricted around her lungs. Rose’s eyes were deceiving her. She hated leading this poor woman on but she was in an awkward situation. She’d promised Cameron. Although she loved singing, she’d never been fond of acting or being too much the center of attention. But Cameron was obviously an old hand at drama. His actions had them all, including her, fooled.


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